Work program “The world around us” for children 5-7 years old

What should a preschooler know about the world around him?

During preschool age, children actively explore the world around them. A child’s natural need to learn new things is extremely strong, and it is very important to give the baby the opportunity to fully realize it. In this article we will tell you in what ways preschoolers learn about the surrounding reality, what exactly a child should know and what is interesting to him, as well as what games will help develop knowledge about the world.

How do preschoolers learn about the world around them?

Preschool childhood is a period during which the baby develops his first ideas about the world around him, its patterns and relationships. Children apply the acquired knowledge in practice, using it in their games and when completing educational tasks. Love for nature, careful attitude to the result of human labor, understanding of relationships between people - the foundation for this is laid precisely in preschool age. In general, methods for generating knowledge about the world can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Visual methods (observation, watching cartoons, looking at paintings);
  2. Verbal methods (conversations, reading books);
  3. Practical methods (games, experiments, experiments).

To help your child learn as much as possible about the world (within the child’s interests and abilities), you need to use various methods and combine them with each other. Many experts believe that observing nature is the most important means of educating preschoolers. When faced with an unfamiliar object or phenomenon, the baby is sure to ask questions: “How did this appear here? What is this? What is it for?". The child’s activity is most fully manifested in experimental activities. In this case, adults do not provide ready-made information to the child, but form a problem situation that needs to be solved using their experience. Children love to experiment and take on the role of real scientists for a while.

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