Competitive life safety program for primary school students, grades 2-3
Competitive program for junior schoolchildren “Staying Alive”
Author : Olga Valentinovna Sheiko, methodologist of the State Educational Institution “Slutsk Central Children’s Theater” Description: The competitive program “Staying Alive” systematizes students’ knowledge of the basics of safe life in a playful way. Can be used in the work of a class teacher, additional education teacher, or children's camp teacher. Age of participants: 8-12 years, number of 20-30 people. The goal is to consolidate knowledge on the basics of safe life and develop skills of self-preservation behavior. Objectives: - remind students of the basic rules of safe behavior in various situations; - cultivate a responsible attitude towards your life, your safety; — practice skills of possible behavior in emergency situations. Equipment:
cards with emergency phone numbers, telephone set (toy or real), 6 empty medicine bottles.
Progress of the event: (Before the start of the game, participants are given red and yellow tokens) 1. Opening speech by the presenter: It was difficult for a person to live in ancient times: he was surrounded by wild nature, there were no telephones, cars, factories... But with the advent of all this, new dangers arose. Every day on radio, television, in newspapers, and on the Internet we see reports of accidents, catastrophes, and natural disasters in one or another corner of the globe. Emergency situations that arise in our time require emergency measures to eliminate their consequences. But it is better to prevent trouble than to fight it or reap its fruits. And today we will try to learn how to act correctly in such situations, we will learn to prevent them!
Now we will divide into teams (according to the color of the tokens): the yellow team and the red team. Teams come up with names and mottos within 5 minutes. For example: team “Ogonki”, motto: “Always shine, shine everywhere!” 2. Team presentations. 3. Quiz competition “Personal Security”.
Teams compete to see who can answer a quiz question correctly first. For each correct answer, the team receives a “light”. Answers to some questions are discussed with the presenter, since different options are possible, depending on the situation. The presenter also gives explanations regarding the children’s incorrect answers. Questions:
1.What will you do if you get lost in a big city, store, etc.?
- you will look for parents yourself; - seek help from adults; - advertise. 2.If a stranger treats you to candy on the street, what will you do? - refuse the treat; - take it and run away; - take it and eat it quickly. 3.If you see a package left by someone on a transport, what will you do? - take it for yourself; - give it to a friend - tell the inspector or driver. 4.If someone is following you on the street, what will you do? - stop and sing “We are not afraid of the gray wolf”; - run to a crowded place and ask an adult or police officer for help; - run towards him shouting “I’ll gore you.” 5. Continue the phrase “If you are invited to swim, appear on TV, promise to give you candy, answer firmly...” - yes; - No; - I'll think about it. 6.If someone is drowning before your eyes, what will you do? - wave your hand at him; - call adults for help; - try to save it yourself. 7.If a dog approaches you without a leash or muzzle, what will you do? - run quickly; - shout “Fas!”; - remain standing in place and command the dog to “Stop!” 8.What should you do if your nose starts bleeding? - lean forward a little, hold your nose and raise your other hand up; - shout “Mommy, help!” as loudly as possible; - Call an ambulance immediately. 9. A speck has gotten into your eye, you... - shake your head vigorously; - rinse with boiled water; - wait until it goes away on its own. 10.You spilled hot tea on yourself, what should you do first? - place the burned area under running cold water; - grease with oil; - grease with brilliant green. 11. While walking, your fingers stung from the cold, what will you do? - rub it with snow; - take a hot shower; - give a light massage. 12.What grave mistake did Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother make? — opened the door to a stranger; — they didn’t offer the Wolf tea; 4. Competition "Magic numbers"
Each team receives cards with special call phone numbers: 101, 102, 103, 104, the knowledge of which is necessary for everyone - adults and children. The guys must sign next to each number the name of the emergency service (fire service, police, ambulance, emergency gas service). 5. Competition “Don’t joke with fire!”
The teams, after consulting for one minute, name the possible causes of the fire: who is greater. 6 Competition “SOS!”
The teams take turns being given a toy phone, which they need to call and ask for help (for example, the fire department, police or gas service). In order for the service employees to get there faster, it is necessary to clearly and quickly state the address, last name, and reason for the call. 7. Competition “We stew it ourselves”
Host: We have already called the firefighters, but we ourselves cannot remain inactive. What to do next? Each team is asked one question: 1. How can you extinguish burning gasoline, kerosene and other organic oils? (Foam fire extinguisher, sand, earth, heavy wet cloth). 2.If your clothes caught fire, what should you do? (You need to wrap yourself in fabric to prevent oxygen from flowing in or roll on the ground trying to put out the flames). 3.What should you do if the room you are in begins to fill with thick, acrid smoke? (Cover your mouth and nose with a wet rag and, crouching, move towards the exit). 8. Competition “Beware of the bus!”
Host: You need to be careful on the street where there are a lot of vehicles. But you must behave no less carefully inside the vehicle itself. Teams need to prove why they can’t: — jump on a bus while it’s moving; - run along it while it is moving; - make noise, talk loudly on the bus; - lean out of the bus window. 9. Competition “Aibolit” Teams receive empty bottles with labels: - “internal”; - “external”; - “intramuscular”; - “intravenously”; — “do not spray near open flames”; - “Keep out of contact with eyes.” The labels need to be explained. 10. Competition “My home is my fortress”
Presenter: “My home is my fortress,” that’s what our ancestors said. But a burglar may break into the house. What if the child is alone at home, like the hero of a famous film? The task is to arrange the following actions in the required sequence: - I will try to better remember the signs of the criminal; - I will try to attract the attention of neighbors and passers-by by shouting through the window and knocking on the walls; — I’ll try to block the door with furniture; - I'll call the police. Host: We finish our game and wish our participants to act in life as amicably and thoughtfully as in the game. Remember: your safety is in your hands! 11. Rewarding participants.
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Game index
according to life safety and traffic rules
Goal: develop dexterity, stimulate attention.
Equipment: two arches, two benches, two fences, a ladder.
Game actions: at the leader’s signal, the first player from one team puts on a helmet, walks through the obstacle course, returns, and passes the helmet to the next player. The team that completes the task faster wins.
Goal: stimulate reaction speed, dexterity.
Equipment: two fire hoses.
Game actions: children are divided into two teams and, at a signal, first unroll the hoses, then roll them back to their original state. The team that completed the task faster wins.
Word game
Goal: stimulate the development of coherent speech.
Game rules: compose a short story according to the plan (sample): correctly and clearly state your name, surname, location, briefly describe the problem.
Game actions: compose a short story as the slides appear on behalf of one of the heroes of the situation or an outside observer.
Frames change on the PC screen, children talk into a toy phone about the situation.
Didactic game
Goal: develop the ability to recognize familiar objects through glasses; stimulate the development of visual perception; develop the ability to correlate a schematic image with an object.
Game rules: find, remember and select the ones you need from a set of pictures.
Game actions: look at images of familiar objects through the “smoke” (curtain), remember them, then select the ones you need from a set of pictures.
Next task: sometimes rescuers have to work in special equipment - for example, safety glasses. Wear special glasses. Everyone will receive a card with a schematic image of a toy, according to which they need to find and save the toy in a “smoky room.”
Didactic game
Goal: to develop the ability to correlate a schematic image with a natural object; stimulate the development of visual perception.
Game rules: find an object based on its schematic image.
Game actions: look at the schematic image, find the corresponding toy in the play area.
Didactic game
Goal: to develop the ability to recognize familiar objects from images; stimulate the development of visual perception and memory.
Game actions: look at images of familiar objects through a “noisy” file, recognize and name the objects.
Game rules: name the object you recognize in the picture, explain how you recognized it.
Q. Imagine that we are on a fire tower. Using binoculars, try to identify objects below that are in the smoke and fire.
Well done guys, and well done Carlson! Next training task: I will name the words, and you listen carefully. If you hear the name of an item that could cause a fire, say “oops.”
Didactic game
Goal: stimulate the development of reaction speed and attention.
Game actions: name objects in order, clap your hands.
Game rules: learn words denoting fire hazardous objects.
A set of words for the game: iron, magazine, TV, pen, toaster, chewing gum, cracker, diaper, pacifier, cutlet, compote, fireman, cake, cuts, fire extinguisher, bag, brush, helmet, sleeve, notes, paint, matches, bandage , drill, mask, etc.
Didactic game
Goal: to develop the ability to recognize images by their parts, details.
Game actions: examine the details of the image, recognize and name the object.
Game rules: quickly recognize an object by the details of the image.
Relay game
Goal: to develop coordination, reaction speed, and the ability to quickly navigate in space.
Game rules: complete the task one by one, take only one piece of fabric (fire).
Game actions: players are divided into two teams, line up in columns; Using “stilts”, children take turns collecting pieces of red fabric scattered around the hall, symbolizing fire, putting them in a bucket (located on the opposite side of the hall from the teams).
Relay game
Goal: develop speed, agility; develop the ability to work in a team.
Game rules: try not to spill water, act on the signal.
Game actions: teams stand in a line facing each other, near the last participants there are 4-5 plastic buckets of water; at the signal, the last player passes the buckets one by one to the children (one after the other) standing to his right (left); the first player pours the buckets into a large bucket “with fire” (with collected pieces of fabric) - “put out the fire.”
Relay game
Goal: to improve in a competitive form the skills of basic types of movements (walking on an inclined board, climbing a gymnastic wall); develop speed-strength abilities, agility; cultivate courage and the desire to come to the aid of the “victim.”
Game rules: complete the task one by one, do not drop the toy.
Game actions: using a rope, climb an inclined board to the upper slats of the gymnastic wall; take the toy located on the top crossbar; with an additional step, move to the adjacent span of the gymnastic wall; go down the gymnastics board (“roll down the slide”); move the toy to a safe place.
Relay game
Goal: develop coordination abilities, dexterity; build confidence in your actions; stimulate intelligence, speed of reaction, consolidate knowledge about the purpose of the presented objects.
Game rules: ride the exercise bikes strictly in a straight line, select only the necessary items.
Game actions: players are divided into two teams; ride the exercise bike one by one to the opposite side; select items laid out on the bench that may be useful to rescuers; go back, put the item in the backpack.
Medley relay
Goal: develop strength, agility, coordination of movements.
Game rules: overcome obstacles one by one.
Game actions: climb the stairs of the sports complex; Grasping the crossbar of the sports complex with your hands, without touching the floor with your feet, move to the opposite edge; go down the pole to the bench; walk along it, stepping over objects; overcome the tunnel and dry pool. The phone rings (alarm signal).
B. The assistant teacher in the younger group discovered many objects that were dangerous for the kids. Help is needed! Children come to the group.
Q. Our task?
Children. Find and neutralize.
B. In order to find objects, everyone receives a diagram card that shows where to look for the object (on, under, behind, in). Found items are placed into boxes according to the type of danger (stabbing, cutting, flammable, etc.).
Didactic game
Goal: develop the ability to navigate in space; exercise children in correlating the image of the location of an object with a symbol; develop the ability to classify objects according to different types of danger.
Game actions: searching for objects in different places, putting them into appropriate boxes.
Game rules: find the toy according to the symbol.
Q. Where could they have come from? Maybe strangers came to our garden? What should we do now with these items? (We'll take it with us to give it away)
Training game
Goal: to exercise the ability to behave correctly in situations with a stranger, to form a model of behavior in such situations.
Game actions: children teach Carlson how to behave in a situation with a stranger.
Stranger. Hello guys. How wonderful you are! Help yourself to some sweets.
Carlson is the first to help himself. The children take (do not take) the treat. If someone takes candy (tangerines), the teacher asks the children if they did the right thing.
Stranger. I still have a lot of tasty things in my car! There is also a cat and interesting toys... Come with me!
Carlson is going to go with the Stranger.
Q. Is Carlson doing the right thing? (Addressing a stranger.) Who are you? Who have you come to?
Stranger (does not answer, grabs Carlson by the hand and pulls him towards the exit). I see you are good! Do not listen to them! I'll take you to your mom, she asked me to pick you up!
Carlson cries and obediently follows the Stranger.
Q. Guys, what should you do if a stranger drags you along? (Break out, scream loudly, call for help.) Woman, leave Carlson alone! (Pushes the Stranger away, takes Carlson’s hand.) We have a manager, go to her.
The children see the Stranger off and give them boxes with dangerous objects. Carlson's phone rings.
Carlson. Baby is calling me! Hello! Where are you? Guys, he's lost! Baby, tell me where are you?
Baby (on speaker phone). I'm lost. Playing with friends...
Carlson. Where can I find you?
Baby. My photos will help you. I will transmit them over the Internet.
Q. We haven't received any email?
V. Yes, I just arrived. Receive your message.
Q. Guys, we received photographs that will help us find the Kid. The Kid took photographs of objects encountered on his way, places where he played: a sandbox, a tree, a flower bed, a broom, a first aid station, etc. Using these landmarks, the children find the Kid, explain to him in which places he should not play, and invite him to the service "Young Rescuer"
Didactic game
Goal: to develop the ability to classify and explain dangerous and safe situations depicted in the pictures.
Game actions: briefly explain the plot of the picture, its consequences.
Game rules: briefly and clearly describe the plot picture in accordance with its image.
Goal: to teach children to distinguish dangerous life situations from non-dangerous ones; be able to foresee the result of a possible development of the situation; consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance.
Equipment: a set of didactic pictures depicting situations that are dangerous and non-hazardous to life and health; cards of different colors (red, white and yellow) depending on the game options. Contents of the pictures: a child climbing stairs, reading a book, jumping from a height, dressed inappropriately for the weather, coughing on others, etc.
Children are asked to determine the degree of threat of the proposed (visual or verbal) situation to life and health, pick up a certain card, depending on the danger, and correctly arrange didactic pictures.
After carefully listening to the teacher’s story, the children raise a red card if there is danger, yellow if danger may arise from certain behavior, and white if there is no danger. Children should not interfere with each other, if necessary, supplement the answers of their comrades, not give hints or use hints.
Goal: to draw children’s attention to the fact that in every situation there can be two ways out: one is dangerous to health, the other is not threatening; cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself and other people, protect others, and not cause pain; develop thinking and intelligence.
Equipment: a set of incentive items: chips, stars.
Children are given the task to find two ways out of the proposed situation (threatening and non-threatening to life and health) or to offer two options for the development of this situation. After listening to the teacher’s story, the children continue it after the words: “Danger arises if I do...”, or “There will be no danger if I do...” Children raise a red card if there is danger, yellow - if danger may arise from certain behavior, white - if there is no danger. Children need to listen
comrade's answers, do not interrupt each other, express the desire to answer by raising your hand. Complete answers and significant additions are rewarded with a chip or an asterisk.
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge and practical skills in first aid.
Equipment: pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).
The teacher plays out with the children the situation when a person cut his arm, leg, broke his knee, elbow, then got a fever, a sore throat, a speck of dirt got into his eye, and his nose began to bleed. For each situation, a sequence of actions is worked out.
Goal: to strengthen children's ideas about how to help themselves and others always stay healthy.
Equipment: subject pictures depicting medicinal plants.
The game is played on the lotto principle. Children have cards with images of medicinal plants. The teacher shows pictures with similar drawings. A child who has this plant talks about its use for healing. If he said it correctly, he gets a picture. The one who closes his card first wins.
Goal: to strengthen children's ideas about how to help themselves and others always stay healthy.
Equipment: playing field with pasted illustrations; cube, colored chips or buttons.
The players take turns throwing a die, on the sides of which there are 1 to 3 circles depicted, and move their chip forward as many moves as the circles appear on the die. If the chip is on the red circle, then the child, before making the next move, must answer how to behave with a runny nose, cough, high temperature, or toothache. If the answer is incorrect, the child skips a move, but if the answer is correct, he makes the next move. When the chip ends up on the green circle, the player tells how movement, daily routine, vitamins, and water procedures are beneficial for a person. If the answer is incorrect, the child skips a move; if the answer is correct, the child moves the chip forward three moves. The first one to reach the land of health wins.
My choice
Children are offered story pictures and corresponding texts for them. The teacher reads out the text, and the children prove the correctness or inadmissibility of this action and explain what rules were violated. If the child explains the action correctly, he receives a red chip; if not, he receives a blue chip.
Objectives: to consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights, concepts: street, road, sidewalk, trees, houses; remember the traffic rules.
Children are taught not to rush when crossing the road, to be attentive, to know and find the place of a pedestrian crossing, to understand traffic lights and road signs.
Goal: consolidate knowledge of traffic rules; practice proper communication skills, speech, social behavior.
Equipment: small chairs; steering wheel.
Using a counting rhyme, a driver is selected. Modeling situations: a woman with a child, a grandmother, a blind man.
Reinforcement of traffic regulations. There are stripes on the floor marking the crossing, and the traffic light is red. Children are standing at the crossing. The traffic light is yellow. When the signal turns green, children walk along the crossing, first looking left, then right.
Didactic game
Goal: to familiarize children with traffic signals, to consolidate knowledge of the rules of driving according to traffic signals.
Children and an adult examine the traffic light, fix the meaning of the colors. Then the adult invites one of the children to take on the role of a traffic light and put on a “traffic light” badge. The rest of the Children represent cars and pedestrians who must move according to traffic lights.
Didactic game
Goal: to familiarize children with prohibitive, prescriptive and some warning signs.
Game options
“Different among the common” Children are asked to sort the signs into groups and tell what they mean.
“We play ourselves” Children are offered cards with different road situations. The guys must choose the right road signs for the pictures, then justify their choice.
“City Street” Children are invited to act as traffic police inspectors in a new city, where they need to place road signs to avoid traffic accidents.
Didactic game
Goal: to familiarize children with the rules of behavior on the street and on the road; consolidate knowledge about road signs.
Children are offered a model of a street with various types of signs and traffic lights, toys for role-playing situations (crossing the street, driving a car, walking around the city, cycling).
Didactic game
Goal: to familiarize children with such a place on the street as an intersection, with the rules of crossing at an intersection (regulated and unregulated); consolidate knowledge of road signs.
Children are presented with a mock-up of an intersection with various signs and a traffic light. An adult explains how to cross the street at a controlled and unregulated intersection.
Do-it-yourself didactic safety game
Multifunctional didactic game “Your Safety”.
The goal of the game is to systematize children’s ideas about the rules of safe behavior in the environment, and to develop the ability to be attentive to their health.
Age target : for children from 4 to 7 years old.
"Your safety"
is a set of various games that are placed on a folder. Before starting the game, children choose the game they like. Games can be accompanied by poems and riddles corresponding to the theme.
Didactic game “Name the traffic rule”
Goal: strengthening the rules of the road, developing skills for safe behavior on the road .
Didactic material : cards with illustrations of traffic rules and poems.
Game actions:
• Select a card,
• Look at the illustration,
• Talk about the situation depicted,
• Formulate an appropriate traffic rule.
Didactic game - puzzle “Assemble a road sign”
Goal: to consolidate ideas about road signs. Be able to correctly name a road sign.
From the proposed parts you need to assemble a road sign and explain its meaning.
Game "Dangerous Objects"
Goal: to consolidate ideas about subjects dangerous to life and health, the ability to reason on this topic, and draw logical conclusions.
Didactic material : story pictures with images depicting dangerous objects.
Game actions:
• Select a card,
• Look at the illustration,
• Tell what is shown on the card,
• Formulate a safety .
Didactic game “Emergency phone numbers”.
Goal: developing knowledge about emergency numbers 101, 112, 102, 103, 104, about the appearance of ambulances
“Fire truck”
“Road patrol car”
“Gas service car”
Didactic material : cards with emergency phone numbers and images of special purpose vehicles.
Didactic game “Safety in nature”
Goal: consolidating the rules of behavior in nature, the idea that nature is our common home, developing the ability to independently draw up rules of human behavior in nature, the desire to protect and protect nature.
Didactic material : pictures with situations of behavior in nature.
Game "Fire is friend, fire is enemy."
Purpose: To give an idea of the benefits and harms of fire. children’s ideas about the benefits and dangers of fire, to consolidate children’s about fire-hazardous objects, about the rules of behavior in case of fire;
Didactic material : Pictures depicting fire that is harmful and fire that is beneficial.
Using images, explain in which cases fire is beneficial and in which it is harmful.
Using this game, you can teach children in a playful way how to behave safely at home, while walking, in the forest, or on the road.
Multifunctional didactic game “Your Safety”
was presented to the teaching staff of the preschool institution at the pedagogical council.
Quest “Secrets of safety in the forest”
- Right. In the forest, it is very important to know which direction you are going. The first security secret is hidden somewhere here. Look where the arrow points.
Children walk in place to the sounds of the forest. They stop at a “clearing” and sit on the carpet.
— How should one behave in the forest so as not to disturb the fairy tale and the silence of the forest? (Quietly, carefully)
— The forest has its own rules that everyone must strictly follow. (Children guess the rules from the signs-symbols. They answer one by one, explaining the essence of the rule. The teacher gradually arranges the signs in the form of a flower)
- Well done boys! You guessed all the rules. What do these signs tell us? (We need to find a flower.)
“That means the second security secret is hidden somewhere near the flower.” Search.
Children walk in place to the sounds of the forest. They stop at a “clearing” and sit on the carpet.
Educator: Guys, here is a forest clearing, somewhere here the third secret is hidden. And to find him, you need to unravel the dangers in this clearing. Tell me what you see? (Berries and mushrooms). What kind of danger is this? You just have to tear everything up and eat it. Right? (No. The children explain why you can’t pick everything and eat it in the forest.)
Educator: Where do you think the clue is in this clearing? What to do? (If the children don’t guess, the teacher asks whether edible berries and mushrooms will tell us the secret or inedible ones? Of course, edible.)
Children look for cards with edible berries and mushrooms, name them, and lay them out in one row on the easel. On the back of the cards are letters and numbers from 1 to 7.
Educator: You also need to know about inedible berries and mushrooms so as not to touch them. Name what is left in the clearing. (Children call).
- Or maybe they should be picked, trampled and thrown away? (No. Children's explanations)
- Let's leave them in the clearing, let them grow. Let's look at what we took.
Pick up one picture at a time. Whoever lacked the picture becomes the controller, he must check whether the children completed the task correctly.
- Have you guessed where the clue is? (If you haven’t guessed, the teacher suggests making a word from letters - the word “birch” is obtained. The word is read by the examiner.)
— Do you understand where the next secret is hidden? Look for a birch tree. Let's move on.
Children walk in place to the sounds of the forest. They stop at a “clearing” and sit on the carpet.
Educator: Guys, is it possible to get lost in the forest? What then should be done?
(Children offer their solutions)
Guys, you probably noticed how loud the echo is in the forest. As soon as you say something, it immediately repeats it. Let’s try to play the game “Echo”. It’s possible, I will - Echo, and you guess what the word was that the echo repeats.