Topic “My Safety” lesson notes for children 4-5 years old on getting to know the environment, role-playing, didactic, outdoor play, routine moment, walk

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Summary of a lesson on life safety in the middle group “Beware of ice”

teacher Vakhitova N.A. G. Yugorsk 2021 MADOU “general developmental kindergarten “Guselki”

Program content:

  1. Give children an idea of ​​ice as a natural phenomenon.
  2. Introduce children to the concepts of “slippery road” and the peculiarities of transport on it; with a slippery road .
  3. To instill in children a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic safety rules.

Vocabulary work: ice.

Methodological techniques: artistic expression, conversation, questions of a cause-and-effect nature, creating a problem situation, conducting an experiment.

Preliminary work: excursion to the road, observing its changes depending on weather conditions; conversations about traffic rules, reading the poem “Ice” by I. Leshkevich.

Progress of the lesson.


-Guys, we live in the beautiful city of Yugorsk. Our city is especially beautiful in winter: there is a lot of snow all around, the trees are covered with silvery frost. Cars move along the wide snow-covered streets, buses drive, pedestrians walk along the sidewalk, and no one bothers anyone, because everyone follows the traffic rules.

Didactic game "Good-bad" .

-Guys, tell me good and bad - “winter” (good - a lot of snow, children make snow buildings; bad - traffic jams, drifts on the roads)

“Ice is good” (skating, playing hockey, winter fishing, ice for ice cream in the summer; bad – accidents on the roads, people falling).

(The teacher displays several pictures)

- Guys, what do these pictures have in common? (they depict road accidents).

-What do you think caused the accident? (children's answers).

-What is ice? Why does ice form? (children's answers)

Reading the poem "Ice"

It's frozen in the morning, there's no warmth from yesterday, there's ice on the roads, and everything is carrying cars.

The sidewalks are like a skating rink, I could take another step, but the soles let me down, they are very slippery.

How much trouble there is from ice! There is a job for the janitors - to pour salt and sand so that pedestrians can pass.

Educator: Winter is the most dangerous period for drivers and pedestrians. Why guys? (the number of accidents increases; if there is wind outside, the temperature is zero, ice appears on the roads; cars on a slippery road are much more difficult to brake than on dry asphalt)

-Guys, many of you have traveled with your dad by car more than once. How should dad drive the car to avoid skidding on the road? (move at a low speed, keep a distance between cars, avoid sharp braking when turning, turn the steering wheel smoothly, drive with headlights on).

Physical exercise.

It's snowing, it's snowing The janitor is sweeping the street, The janitor is sweeping the street, People are walking on the side.

Educator: Pedestrians in icy conditions should also be attentive and careful. When going outside, pay attention to your shoes: the soles should not be slippery)

-How should you move along the road? (you need to look at your feet, try to avoid dangerous places; in icy conditions you need to move like a skier with small sliding steps, since your legs move apart and if you lose your balance, a bruise, dislocation or fracture is guaranteed; to maintain balance, your hands must be free, do not keep them in your pockets).

Well, if a fall occurs, what should you do? crossing the road in front of nearby traffic is dangerous.

Reading a poem

There is ice on the road. Stop! Attention people! Dear pedestrians, Place your feet carefully!

And it is especially dangerous if there is transport nearby. A speeding car cannot brake quickly.

On ice the wheels are not obedient. You need to know and remember this. Attention and caution. They will help you in case of ice.

-How do road services help in icy conditions? (they clean the roads, sprinkle sand on slippery roads.

Educator: Today we got acquainted with the road sign “Slippery road” , and to better remember this sign, draw it on a piece of paper.

Children draw on their own.

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Summary of a lesson on life safety in the middle group

Summary of the lesson in the middle group “Safety at home”
Author: Iraida Vitalievna Startseva, teacher Place of work: FGKDOU “Kindergarten “Cherry”, Yoshkar-Ola This material is intended for teachers of the middle group, it can be used by physical education instructors. Goal: formation of conscious safe behavior. Objectives: - generalize children’s ideas about the rules of safe behavior; — consolidate knowledge about sources of danger in everyday life; - develop attention and intelligence; - foster a sense of camaraderie and empathy; - expand children's vocabulary. Preliminary work : Conversations, role-playing games, didactic games, didactic outdoor games, looking at illustrated material, reading works of art, watching cartoons. Material: illustrations “Safety at home”, pictures depicting dangerous (matches, nails, scissors, pins, needles, hammer, awl, hacksaw, knife, fork) and safe objects (toys), Tanya doll, planar images of trees “Safety” and “Danger”, diagrams, easels, hoop or basket, balls (old and new).
foam paths. Progress of the lesson .

Children sit in a semicircle.
Guys, look who came to visit us!
(shows a ball that is bandaged and sealed with a plaster). Do you want to know what happened to him? Then listen. Children were playing by the window - a girl and a boy. We played a lot of fun and threw the ball up. Their grandmother warned those children a long time ago that it was dangerous for them to play here - the ball would fly into the window. The guys did not listen and continued the game. The ball, like a kangaroo, suddenly jumped quickly in the direction of the window... Everything happened in seconds: the sound of glass and loud crying, and also a bright red new ball with holes. The children don't play anymore, they don't care anymore. In the holes the ball lies under the chair, and you can’t glue that window together! And you can’t glue back the finger that the boy cut. This is the story the ball told us. Do you think the children did the right thing? Why? Children's answers.
Educator: Well done, guys!
We have already talked about the fact that there are many dangers in every home. And our guest invites you to play with him and learn to behave in such a way that trouble does not happen. Didactic game “So and Wrong” The ball brought photographs of a girl and a boy doing the right or wrong thing. Let us lay out these photographs for you. (The teacher distributes photographs to the children and displays two trees - a beautiful, green “Safety” and a “dry” sad “Danger”) If you have a picture in which the children are doing wrong, then it should be placed under a diseased tree. And if the children do the right thing - under the “Safety” tree. Children complete the task, explaining their choice. Educator: Well done! And now we will go to visit Tanya. An outdoor didactic game “Pick up a toy for Tanya” (In front of the children there are two paths, straight and winding). But which path should we take? What is it? (Finds a letter and reads it.) “Guys, help me, please! I don’t know which objects I can use and play with, and which ones I can’t.” Well, can we help Tanya? This basket contains pictures of various objects. You must take any picture, look at it carefully and decide which path you will follow. If you have an object that does not pose a danger, then you need to follow a straight path, and if the object is dangerous, you need to follow a winding path. Children complete the task by answering the teacher’s questions. Educator: Well done, guys, you tried and helped Tanya, and she prepared a gift for you. (Takes out a new ball) The children thank Tanya. Educator: Do you want to play with this ball? How are we going to play ball in a group? What if the same story that the old ball told us about happens? Children express their guesses. Educator: Let's sit on the carpet in a circle and play. Game “Do's and Don'ts” I will roll the ball for you and ask you questions, and you will answer whether you can or not. 1. Can I play with matches? 2. Climb onto the windowsill? 3. Do you want to play with toys in the corner? 4. Read books at the table? 5. Maybe you can play with doors? Close and open? 6. Should you take sharp objects? 7.Knit together with your grandmother? 8. Should I bring some tasty tablets to the kindergarten and treat the kids? 9. Play quietly on the carpet if the soup is hot on the table? 10. Should you turn on the TV and iron? 11. Scream loudly in everyone’s ears? 12. Should you remove toys from the floor? Well, well done, you completed all the tasks. I think that now you will never find yourself in a dangerous situation. Suddenly, Owl appears in the play corner: Oh-oh-oh, how will the guys play here? Someone apparently doesn’t know at all how to store dangerous objects. The teacher and the children approach the play corner and notice that there are dangerous objects in both the kitchen and bedroom. Story game “Spring cleaning” Educator: You, Owl, don’t worry. Now our guys will quickly tidy everything up and find all the items that cannot be taken without adults. Guys, let's do some spring cleaning in our playhouse. The teacher distributes roles. Children tidy up and find objects that should not be played with and put them in a box for storing dangerous objects. At the end of the game, the teacher and Sovushka give the children medals.

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