Methodological development of “Games for getting to know preschoolers”

Dating games in kindergarten, preparatory group

  1. Hurricane - children stand in a line. The teacher asks to change those who have something in common (you can start with hair color, T-shirt color). Later names are added: let the guys with the same name or whose name begins with the letter “M” change. At the word “Hurricane” everyone runs to their original places.
  2. When greeting , you need to shake each other’s hands within a certain amount of time and ask for their name. Then everyone remembers the names of those with whom they greeted.
  3. Three words about yourself - you need to say your name and describe yourself in three words.
  4. Squirrel - two parallel lines are drawn on the floor, near which the guys are standing. The teacher asks that those who listen to foreign music be on the right, and those in their native language on the left. Children need to run to the appropriate line without colliding.
  5. I love - the teacher lists dishes or products, and the child, if he loves him, must clap his hands. This way you can identify with whom children have similar tastes.

Dating games in kindergarten, junior group

  1. Whose voice? – the presenter stands with his back to the children sitting in a semicircle. One of the guys must pronounce any word, for example, an object that he sees in the room. The presenter guesses who the voice belongs to.
  2. Whose things? - The children’s things are put in the box: toys, hairpins, gloves. Then the teacher takes out the item, and the children must name whose it is.
  3. Find the toy – the toy is hidden in the crib or closet. The teacher prompts: “She is in Katya’s crib,” “The toy is in Lesha’s locker.”
  4. How to get there - the guys scatter around the group and sit in different places. The second part of the children one by one approaches the teacher and asks: “How to get to Dima? How to get to Polina? The teacher answers: “Take three steps” or “Dima for the flower.”
  5. Come to us - children are divided into two teams and stand opposite each other at a distance of several meters, holding hands. One team asks the second player, for example, Kolya. He must run between the guys of the opposing team to unclasp their hands. If successful, he takes one of the players to his team, if not, he stands between these players.

Summer camp dating games

  1. Animals - the player must gesture to show an animal, but with the condition that its name matches the first letter of the child’s name. The guys must guess not only the name of the animal, but also the name of the child.
  2. Snowball - the first child says his name. The second says the name of the first and his own, the third name of the first, second pupil and adds his own and so on in a circle until the names of all the children are listed.
  3. My favorite activity is that children are given lists of things to do: I like to snowboard, I break dance, I like to read. There are about ten positions in total. The guys need to write in front of these things the names of the guys who have the same hobbies as those on the list.

To make it easier for children to remember names, associate them with something, combine them with namesakes, play the name game several times. Children themselves may be embarrassed to ask each other’s names, so the task of the teacher and educator is to call children by name loudly and often.

Dating games for primary schoolchildren

  1. Magic brush - use a pen without paste to squeeze out the child’s name on a piece of paper. Then, together with the children, shade the paper with a simple pencil so that the name appears. Ask the guys with that name to stand up.
  2. Kaleidoscope of names - the teacher names the letters of the alphabet. If a student's name begins with that letter, they must stand up and introduce themselves.
  3. Parcel - the first participant says: “Clap - the owl’s name - top - the name of the one to whom he passes the baton (parcel).”
  4. Groups - the teacher invites the children to join groups with classmates with the same names. Those who have a rare name are united in the “Assorted” group.
  5. Fun tasks - the teacher calls the names of classmates and comes up with tasks for them. For example, Zhenya and Sonya hold hands and jump, Vanya and Lera dance a polka.

Dating games in kindergarten, middle group

  1. I give a toy - the children stand in a semicircle near the teacher with a bag of toys. Each child takes out a toy in turn and says to whom he will give it: “I give the toy to Alena.”
  2. Pie – children work together to bake a pie. Children say the child's name, and the teacher gives him a task: sift flour, roll out dough, wash fruit, etc.
  3. For those who are lost , the children stand in a circle. The teacher asks them to close their eyes and takes one child behind a tree, into a gazebo, or behind him. Then the guys open their eyes and guess who is lost.
  4. Name the name in motion - you need to add the name movement: running Alina, playing Senya.
  5. Repeat - the child says his name and shows the movement. The second must repeat both the name and the movement. For example, “I am Lyuda”, curtsies, the second child says: “You are Lyuda” and repeats the curtsey.

Dating games in kindergarten, senior group

  1. My name - the teacher thinks of an action, for example, jump like a hare. Then he asks: “Who is our Rita?” Upon hearing his name, the child stands up and performs the movement.
  2. Train - the first child rides like a train. Approaches any child from the group to attach the “carriage” to himself. The signal for the hitch will be the name of the sitting child. The game ends when all the trailers are attached to the locomotive.
  3. Stand up, everyone - the teacher says, and the guys do: “Stand up, everyone whose name is Pavel,” “Stand up, everyone who has the letter O in their name,” etc.
  4. Affectionate names - the teacher asks the child to name his neighbor on the right with an affectionate version of the name: Igor - Igorek, Marina - Marishka.
  5. Caterpillar - children, one after another, depict a caterpillar. The “head” turns to the body and asks: “What is your name?” The first part of the “torso” answers and asks further, turning back. Until the caterpillar finds out what names it consists of, the game does not stop.

Dating games for teens

  1. Born together - children should find out with whom they have the same or close dates of birth. Then they need to learn as much as possible about each other. At the signal, teenagers take their place and try to give a short story about their new friends.
  2. Symbol – assign a specific symbol to each teenager. For example, imagine that Olya is an animal. What animal is she associated with? Why? You can associate children with days of the week, products, fruits, months, lessons and so on.
  3. Guess the name - the presenter asks the participants to say their name so as not to say it directly. Everyone has the right to give two clues about their name, the rest guess. For example, the name is translated “chosen one” - Elena; This was the name of the hero of Pushkin’s novel – Evgeniy; my name is similar to a woman’s jewelry - Sergey (earring).
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