You need to teach something when a question arises. Children are sent to kindergarten at the age of three. By this time, it is useful to teach your child the names of the days of the week. If the baby distinguishes Monday from Friday, it will be easier for him to get used to it. He will know when the long-awaited weekend comes. The very concept of a weekend arises only after entering kindergarten. It is easier for a child to integrate into the seven-day rhythm of adults and socialize. So by this time, parents need to know how to teach their child the days of the week.
If a preschooler is raised at home, the problem of learning is not so acute. You can wait until the baby himself asks: “Why was daddy at home yesterday and left today?” Such a question will not arise later than 4-5 years, the age of why. But by the age of 5-6, a preschooler should know the names of the days of the week, relate them to life, that is, understand that today is Wednesday.
What you need to know to learn the days of the week
- The child must be able to count to 10.
- The baby must understand what “day” and “night” are, that after night comes the next day.
- Abstract thinking must develop so much that the child can separate yesterday, today and tomorrow. Usually every adult's memories contain the moment of this realization. If a baby wakes up on a dark winter evening and says “yesterday” about morning time, then parents should think about how to teach their child the days of the week.
Creative tasks for remembering the days of the week
For creative parents who like to make things with their children, the following ideas are suitable:
We cut out a steam locomotive and carriages from paper, there should be seven carriages. Each carriage is a day of the week. You will also need a figurine of your child's favorite hero. Move the figurine from carriage to carriage depending on the day of the week.
"Drawn Stories"
Take whatman paper and glue seven pockets of different colors, which will indicate the days of the week. You can cut out pictures of children’s actions from magazines, or draw them yourself and distribute them into pockets. The child will check the contents of his pockets every morning and know what he will do today.
"Seven-flowered flower"
You can make a flower with tear-off petals, or ones that can be detached and reattached. It is important to discuss with your child what day of the week it is and what you have planned for today.
Make a dial (clock base) from cardboard or a disposable plate, divide the base into seven parts. You can color each part with a certain color and write the day of the week. Cut out an arrow from cardboard and attach it with a button. The clock for determining the day of the week is ready!
You can buy a tear-off or wall calendar and invite your child to move the slider himself.
Where to begin
- Reinforce the concepts of day, night, yesterday, today, tomorrow . To do this, start asking questions before going to bed: “What interesting happened today? What discoveries will we make tomorrow? And in the morning, on the contrary, ask: “What did you eat before going to bed yesterday?” Focus on pleasant events that happened yesterday or will happen tomorrow.
- Enter the concepts of the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow . The child must realize that he needs to jump over the day. Use new words only together with familiar ones: tomorrow and yesterday, day and night. Say: “Tomorrow it will be cold, and the day after tomorrow it will be warm again.”
- Some advanced parents use such rarely used words as the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow. But the majority will still say “in three days.”
How to explain to a child what a week is?
So, your child counts to 10, doesn’t confuse tomorrow and yesterday, and knows what a day is. We can get to the heart of the matter.
To form the concept of “week” in your child, invite him to choose a different color for each day. You can cut circles out of colored paper. Put aside a circle every day, and when 7 circles have accumulated, tell your child that 7 days is a week.
It is better to study the names of the days of the week by linking them to events that happen to the child on a weekly basis. For example, “on Tuesday and Thursday you go to a dance club,” “on Saturday we visit your grandmother,” etc. It will be good if you select similar associations for each day of the week.
You can also continue to study the days of the week using multi-colored circles, assigning each day a different color.
Usually children quickly understand that when they are not in kindergarten and their parents are at home, this is the weekend. For clarity, you can use your fingers: 5 fingers of one hand - 5 working days, two fingers of the other hand - 2 weekends.
How to teach your child the days of the week
- Divide your days into weekdays and weekends. Wait for the question and identify the problem. For example, you send your child to kindergarten, and he asks how many days he needs to go. It is necessary to explain that there are seven days in a week: 5 working days, 2 days off. Just don't be too categorical. There are children who believe that a day off is a law of nature, no one goes to work, and salespeople, teachers, and other working adults are very similar robots. It would be correct to explain that Saturday and Sunday are days off for many, but doctors and firefighters work.
- Learn names in a playful way, as described below.
- You can tell a sensible child about the meanings of the days of the week. After the week (Sunday in Old Russian), Monday began. That is, during the week (Sunday) we didn’t do any work and rested. Second in line is Tuesday. The next day is in the middle. Thursday and Friday from the numbers. Saturday - in the language of the Bible, rest, rest. The child does not need to know the details. If children go to the Orthodox Church, tell them that in Rus' the week (or week in the church) began on Sunday, which, in turn, began to be celebrated on Saturday evening. That is, Saturday was the seventh, holiday day.
- An educational cartoon is suitable for busy (uncreative) parents. For example, “Tralik and Roller”, “Locomotive Chukh-Chukh”. But parents are not involved in teaching, which is bad. Therefore, it is better to watch cartoons with your child, comment on it, and then discuss the plot.
- Even if you don’t make any special efforts, but just name the day of the week every morning, your baby will be able to quickly remember everything.
Exercises to remember the days of the week
Exercises also promote good memory. True, these tasks are designed more for children of older preschool age.
1. Crossword. You can find a crossword with answers to the question, or you can find a graphic one.
2. The association number = day helps well to remember, respectively: 1 - Monday; 2 - Tuesday, etc. Once the association is formed, you can perform similar matching exercises.
3. Exercise “I believe - I don’t believe.” An adult says some fact, for example, “Tuesday comes after Sunday.” If the child does not agree with this fact, he must name the correct answer.
4. Solving puzzles, puzzles and riddles.
For example:
The slacker put things off from Wednesday to... (Monday)
5. Ask casually what day of the week it is, how many days until the weekend.
6. List the days of the week in correct and reverse order.
Visual aids and games for learning the days of the week
- Regular wall calendar. Names must be written in full and in capital letters. This way, even the smallest child will remember how to write such complex words. This is also suitable for a child who does not know letters (there is a way to teach reading whole words).
- A seven-flowered flower that you can draw, decorate and name each petal a day of the week.
- Seven dwarves or seven heroes (depending on which fairy tale you are raising your child on). You can take a picture from a book or a coloring book and sign the day of the week for each gnome or hero.
- Toys consisting of segments. Methodists recommend taking a train with seven carriages of different colors, each named: Monday, Tuesday…. A train can play the role of a calendar: in the morning, move your favorite toy to another carriage. Ask questions: “Show everyday life; find Saturday; What color is Thursday?
- The role of a homemade weekly calendar can be played by anything, for example, seven vases or seven dolls. It is better if there are girl dolls and boy dolls, because there are men's and women's days, and Sunday is neuter, it can be designated by a doll. Think about how you will depict the days of the week. For example, you can put a red riding hood on the doll whose day it is, put a toy pie in front of it, etc.
- Make a clock that shows the day of the week. Make a cardboard clock, divide it into 7 segments and attach a movable hand. This design will help you learn to use the clock more easily in the future, just write the words clockwise.
- Together with your child, make colorful drawings that symbolize the seven days of the week, for example, a rainbow, a flower, pencils in a box, trailers, houses. Each day has its own color.
- Read or learn poems about the days of the week by Mikhalkov, Stepanov, Usachev and other children's authors, proverbs and sayings. Use poetry at the stage of consolidating the material. For example, this poem.
One two three four five. Let's call it weekdays. Monday is the first day, It is the beginning of all weeks. Tuesday is the second day, it is always before Wednesday. In the middle is Wednesday, always smiling. And the fourth day is Thursday, there is a lot to do, right up to the top. The fifth Friday is coming, it leads to the weekend. Day six is Saturday – We don’t go to work. Sunday - the seventh day - Either lie down or sing a song. Count the days of the week and start over.
- Rhyme the days of the week with other words to create a vivid image: Monday - slacker, Sunday - salvation, Saturday - care...
- Associate the day of the week with an activity or omen that is different from the activities and omen on other days. For example, on Monday we buy groceries for the week, on Tuesday we play the piano, on Saturday we can go to bed after 9 o’clock, on Sunday we watch cartoons.
The days of the week can be learned easily and with pleasure by communicating, imagining and playing. Do not cultivate prejudices in children, then they will grow up happy. Don't tell them that Monday is hard and Sunday goes by very quickly. Teach your children to enjoy every day.
Games to help you remember the days of the week
You can remember difficult things through games. And the child will have fun, and you will be able to pass on useful knowledge to him, and you will spend time together, which is important for the baby.
"Catch the Ball"
You throw a ball to your child and name the objects (table, apple, sock), and he must return the ball back to you. But when the child hears the name of the day of the week, his task is to raise the ball above his head with the words “I caught Tuesday.” To win you need to collect the entire week.
"Guess it"
An adult describes the day of the week in all sorts of ways, for example: “this day comes after Wednesday,” “on this day we go to the pool,” etc. The child’s task is to correctly name the hidden day.
"Nimble Palms"
The child should clap when he hears the name of the day of the week. An adult can be cunning by pronouncing similar-sounding words wind, second, echo, Tuesday...
The adult reads out the actions, and the child shows how it happened.
For example, “on Monday I played football” (the child depicts playing football), “and on Tuesday I wiped the floor” (the child shows), “on Wednesday I gnawed an apple,” etc.
It will be more fun to perform movements to rhythmic music, speeding up the tempo.
Summary of the project “Studying the days of the week”
Project of a speech therapist teacher for a preparatory group
"Learning the days of the week"
Relevance: for a preschool child, such concepts as days of the week are not easy, because they are abstracts (you cannot touch them, you cannot name their color, they have no smell). But it is very convenient to use and be able to operate with such simple (for adults) concepts.
Project type: educational - research
Project duration: short-term (1 week)
Final event: Creating a tear-off calendar for the week
Studying the days of the week with children.
Objectives: - develop interest in mathematics; - develop skills in using words in speech that denote temporary categories, develop search activity, creative activity; — introduce children to the history of the names of the days of the week. - consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week. - to form and consolidate the concept of the movement of time, its periodicity, turnover and at the same time irreversibility. - nurturing in children personality traits such as organization, composure, focus, interest in the world around them.
Project participants: children of the preparatory group, teachers.
Project support Material, technical, educational and methodological: • Sets for work: cardboard, colored paper, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue, etc. • Children's fiction • Poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings about the days of the week • Visual models “Week” • Didactic games to reinforce the sequence of days of the week
Expected result: based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge, children will learn to navigate temporal relationships (parts of the day, days of the week), learn to reflect abstract concepts about the days of the week in specific actions with models. Creating a tear-off calendar and model will contribute to the development of children's creative thinking, constructive abilities, and imagination.
Project stages:
Stage 1. Preparatory • Discussion of the project topic • Selection of materials for the implementation of the project • Making didactic games • Working with methodological material, literature on this topic
Stage 2. Implementation of the project • Enrichment and systematization of knowledge about time relations • Production of a calendar and “Week” model
Stage 3. Results • Summing up and analyzing the work
Methods and forms:
1. Drawing up a handwritten version of the calendar for a week only, adding a piece of paper every day (so the child can “touch” the days of the week). You can write down or paste photographs of your day or memorable events. 2. Memorizing poems, which makes it possible not only to once again strengthen the developing memory, but also to record the sequence of days in a playful way. Regular repetition of these rhymes will eventually establish the order of days in children's minds. Don't worry if children confuse the days of the week. 3. Guessing riddles about the days of the week. 4. Explanation and memorization of proverbs about the days of the week. 5. Verbal and didactic games. 6. Joint production of a “week” model; with the help of the prepared manuals, we not only state the name of the coming day, but also play out and discuss various situations. 7. Physical education minute in class. 8. Reading a fairy tale about the days of the week.
Project implementation plan:
Monday “Acquaintance with the history of the names of the days of the week.” Story Guessing riddles about the week Learning one riddle Examining the finished model “Week”
Tuesday “Learn the sequence of days of the week.” Acquaintance with folklore. Reading a poem about the week. Explanation and learning of proverbs about the days of the week.
Wednesday - We continue to learn the sequence of days of the week. Outdoor games
Thursday - develop ideas about time. - consolidate knowledge about the day, week - encourage the desire to play mathematical games. -improve memory, attention. - develop fine motor skills of the hands. Kaleidoscope of mathematical games “Orientation in time”
Friday - teach how to reflect abstract concepts in concrete actions. - strengthen the ability to use cutting and piercing instruments. -develop creative imagination. Creative workshop “Creating a model “Days of the week”
1st day
Topic: “Why are the days of the week named like that?” Purpose: - to clarify children’s ideas about the parts of the day - to introduce them to the history of the names of the days of the week - to arouse interest in the study of time; -develop attention, memory, imagination, associative thinking. Have you ever asked yourself an interesting question: why are the days of the week named this way? Why is it customary to use these particular names, and not some completely different names? What could have influenced their appearance? We get so used to some things that we express absolutely no interest in them. In the meantime, various things can tell quite a lot of interesting things. The very concept of a seven-day week migrated from Ancient Babylon, receiving the name “week”. The inhabitants of Ancient Babylon gave the number “seven” a special magical meaning, believing that it was “sacred.” This veneration was closely related to the number of planets discovered at that time (these also included the Sun and Moon). Saturday. The name is derived from the Hebrew word “sabbath”, which means peace, rest from work. Indeed, the Jewish religion has always considered the Sabbath a day of rest. In 321, Emperor Constantine of Rome ordered the day of rest to be moved to the day following Saturday. Nothing was “done” that day. This is where its name comes from - “week”. Initially, the concept of “Sunday” meant the first day of the celebration of Holy Easter - associated with the legendary resurrection of Christ. However, in the 16th century, under the influence of the Christian religion, they decided to call a day off Sunday. “Week” disappeared, “Sunday” appeared. So the feeling of a day off, which the very name “week” created, disappeared. Since then, the word “week” began to be used in a completely different semantic meaning, implying a time period that includes seven days, thus replacing the Old Russian week.
The day coming after the week (Sunday) began to be called Monday. Perhaps Monday is such a difficult day because it follows “Resurrection”? But after the “Week” it would have been much easier. Second day. Already in the very name of Tuesday the numeral “second” is clearly visible, which is completely logical. The second day after the week or the second day of the week - both of these meanings are equivalent and correct. Wednesday. The environment got its name from the word “middle”. In the Old Russian language there is a variant of the name for Wednesday - “tertiynik”, which meant the third day of the week. At first glance this may seem absurd - after all, the fourth should be considered “average”, and not the third, but there is an explanation for this. The thing is that, based on religious customs, the very first day of the week is Sunday (many countries keep this tradition even today, think America and England). And even despite the fact that international standards define Monday as the first day of the week, there is a clear biblical imprint in the name of the third day of the week. Thanks to this, Wednesday is actually “in the middle” of the week. Thursday. Here, too, the ordinal position of the day relative to the beginning of the week itself is clearly visible. The fourth day got its name - Thursday. Friday. And again everything is clear - the name comes from the word “five”, the fifth day of the week. Is a seven-day week even necessary? An analysis of the history of the “evolution” of calendar systems allows us to conclude that the “week” is not a very good unit of time measurement, since it cannot be consistent with either the length of the month or the length of the year. If in lunar calendars it was given some significance, as approximately a quarter of the lunar month, then in solar calendars such time calculation has lost its meaning altogether. The very first solar calendars that appeared in Ancient Egypt did not have a seven-day week.
1) There are seven brothers: equal in years, different in names. (Days of the week) 2) There are exactly seven of these brothers. You all know them. Every week the brothers walk around each other. The last one says goodbye - the one in front appears. (Days of the week) 3) There are exactly seven of these brothers. You all know them. Every week the brothers walk around each other. The last one says goodbye - the one in front appears. (Days of the week) 4) What kind of birds are flying? Seven in each pack. They fly in a line, They don’t turn back. (Days of the week) 5) The bridge stretches for seven miles, And at the end of the bridge is the Golden Mile. (A week)
2nd day
Poems about the days of the week
Seven days of the week It’s a pity, there are only seven days in the week - Emelya has a lot to do: ON MONDAY on the stove, wiping the bricks. He doesn’t get bored on TUESDAY either - He weaves a muzzle for an elephant. He flails his tongue on WEDNESDAY and hits his neighbor's ass. After the rain on THURSDAY He sets off fireworks. FRIDAY is a hard day: A shadow casts itself over the fence. And SATURDAY is not Saturday: He is hunting for flies. But the seventh day will come - He will move his hat to one side... Because SUNDAY is a holiday and fun: And, lying down on the stove, Emelya eats rolls! In general, life is difficult for Emelya... If only there were eight days a week - Then he would have time to do many important things!
A. Usachev Mishka on Monday morning looked into the fragrant spruce forest. This day He helped the ant build a house. And on Tuesday it was raining, Bear came to the wolf, We haven’t seen him for a long time, And we played dominoes. On Wednesday, Bear visited the red squirrel, Dropped in for a get-together. We read a book together and cracked nuts. And on Thursday the bear woke up and went to the beaver for a haircut. I got a fashionable hairstyle and bought myself a comb. On Friday, Mishka went into the pine forest with a new hairstyle. He was glad to be with the hare, there to collect a bucket of butter. And on a fine Saturday, our Bear went to the swamp, met a little frog, and treated him to an oil can. On the last day - Sunday, Mishka made jam - Invited all his friends to a feast, and didn’t even forget the birds. Seven cheerful days of the week flew by one after another, the bear managed to do everything, managed to help all his friends!
Big brother MONDAY - Hard worker, not a slacker. He opens for a week and forces everyone to work. TUESDAY follows his brother. He has a wealth of ideas, He takes on everything boldly, and the work is in full swing. Here comes the middle sister. She shouldn’t be lazy, but her name is WEDNESDAY, a craftswoman of all kinds. Brother THURSDAY this way and that, He is a dreamy eccentric Turned towards the end of the week And barely lasted. FRIDAY - the sister managed to quickly finish the job. If you make progress, there is time for fun. The penultimate brother SATURDAY does not go to work. He's a mischief maker and a mischief maker. He's not used to working. He has a different talent - He is a poet and a musician, But not a joiner or a carpenter, A traveler, a hunter. SUNDAY comes to visit and loves treats very much. This is the youngest brother, he will be glad to come to you. Look at seven of them exactly. Do you remember everyone? Repeat. T. Marshalova
ON MONDAY Turtle bought fabric for a shirt. TUESDAY - cutting, cutting. ON WEDNESDAY she sewed, sewed, sewed... BY THURSDAY she was tired, so on FRIDAY she dozed off. I woke up only on SATURDAY. After examining her work, Day ironed her creation. Tried it on on SUNDAY.
How many days are there in a week? - Seven! This, brothers, everyone knows. Even children know: There are seven days in a week! Hooray! On Monday, here and there, everyone is running somewhere. Only the ponies are in no hurry, There are no kids in the parks! Clearing snow on Tuesday There is a mustachioed janitor in the yard. And his mongrel Korzhik is chasing cats on this day! On Wednesday in the middle of the week, our cats ate the anti-mice remedy, in broad daylight... They'll wait for me! On Thursday, four turtles washed the cups four times. And after the rain on Thursday, we decided to make fireworks! Piglet doesn't want porridge, he wants to play tag. He actually has all seven Fridays in a week! On Saturdays they call a hippopotamus for cleanup. On Saturdays in the swamp, everyone rides a hippopotamus! On Sunday, as best they could, the Hares sang songs loudly. We didn’t go to kindergarten, we were kicking ass all day!
The days of the week have flown by, What have we managed to remember? The first day of the week is... (Monday). Is the janitor sweeping? So this is... (Tuesday). We will have a conversation with cats on... (Wednesday). Turtle fireworks After the rain on... (Thursday). Nothing's going well? This, brothers, is... (Friday). Harnessing a hippopotamus? This is apparently... (Saturday). Lots of jokes and fun? Last day... (Sunday). We will now tell everyone: There are exactly seven days in a week!
Proverbs and sayings If you sneeze on Monday, it’s a gift for the week. Tuesdays and Saturdays are easy. Leave on the road on Tuesday or Saturday. What God will not give, and do not spin on Wednesday. Anyone who starts a business on Friday will back off. Don't start anything on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Whoever washes his silver and eggs on Thursday before sunrise will be healthy and clean. Don't bother, Friday, before Thursday. Don't bother, Wednesday, ahead of Thursday.
3rd day
Outdoor games “Catch, throw, name the days of the week” Number of players: any Additional: ball Purpose: consolidation of temporary concepts in the child’s active vocabulary. Children stand in a circle. The presenter, throwing the ball to one of the children, can start on any day of the week: “I’ll start, you continue, name the days of the week!” Wednesday... Children take turns throwing the ball to each other and sequentially calling out the days of the week. Complication. Children and speech therapist stand in a circle. The speech therapist names the days of the week, slamming the ball on the floor for each word: - Monday. Tuesday... Instead of the next day of the week, the speech therapist calls the child's name: - Sasha! The child picks up the ball and continues, throwing the ball on the floor. You can call the days of the week in reverse order.
“Day and Night” Number of players from 5 or more. The game requires a flat area approximately 30x10 meters in size. Two teams stand with their backs to each other at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m in the middle of the court. In front of each team, 10-15 m behind the line is its House. One team is “Day”, the other is “Night”. If the leader says the word “day”, the team with this name runs away to their house, and the other one catches up with it. When the word “night” is said, the teams change roles. The team whose players defeat the most opponents wins. To maintain equal conditions, it is important that both teams participate in catching players the same number of times.
“Owl-owl” Purpose: formation of attention, cultivation of endurance. Age: children of preschool and school age Materials: a pre-designated “nest” circle, a cap or an owl mask. Conditions of the game: in accordance with the commands of an adult, children must either move or freeze. A player who fails to carry out commands on time is removed from the game (the owl takes him to the “nest”). Progress of the game: “Now we are going to play an interesting game. Whoever we choose to be the owl will live in the “nest” - in a circle. The rest will be called bugs, frogs, butterflies and fly or jump like them. At my signal “Night is coming!” everyone stops and freezes. At this time, the owl flies out to hunt. Noticing the player moving, the owl takes him by the hand and leads him to the “nest”. When you hear the “Day!” signal, start moving again. In this game there are rules that must be followed: 1) the owl does not have the right to watch the same player for a long time; 2) you can’t escape from the owl; 3) if the owl does not notice the players moving, and the “Day!” signal sounds, then it flies to the nest without prey.” Note. An adult can take on the role of the “owl” at the beginning of the game. To increase interest in the game, you can use an owl mask and costume.
4th day
Kaleidoscope of mathematical games 1. “What comes first, what comes next?” 2. “Name the days of the week” 3. “Correct the mistake” - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, etc. 4. “Name your neighbors” day Wednesday (Tuesday and Thursday), etc. 5. “Name it in one word, or better yet two” - Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday - days of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - working days (weekdays) - Saturday, Sunday - weekends 6. “On Wednesday We don’t clap.” You name any days of the week, the child claps his hands (1 time). But you can't clap your hands on Wednesday! 7. "Be careful." You name different words, including days of the week. If the baby hears the name of the days of the week, then he should clap his hands: fox, bread, Tuesday, Wednesday, book, Sunday, shorts, bicycle, etc. 8. “Throw the ball.” Stand opposite each other, throw the ball to each other and take turns calling out the days of the week. You can make the game more difficult by calling the days of the week in reverse order. 9. “Matryoshka dolls - days of the week.” Together with your child, line up 7 nesting dolls according to height and ask him to name each matryoshka a certain day of the week. All seven nesting dolls represent a week. 10. “Cards with numbers.” The child has cards with numbers from 1 to 7. You name the day of the week, the child shows the corresponding card, Monday - 1, Tuesday - 2, etc. Cards with numbers can be replaced with cards with dots (from 1 dot to 7). If there are no cards, you can show them on counting sticks - 1 stick, 2 sticks, etc. or clap your hands the required number of times.
Didactic games Circle with an arrow. A circle cut out of cardboard is divided into 7 parts. We number each part (or draw 1 - 7 dots), sign it, you can draw some special thing that you usually do on this day (Monday - we go to the store - we draw a store, on Tuesday - we go to the pool, etc.). In the middle of the circle we make a rotating arrow so that you can move it by day of the week. Train with windows. Each carriage is numbered, signed, and painted in its own color. Various animals are glued to the windows. The shutters at the windows are opening and closing. What day of the week - those shutters are open. Poster with Velcro and pockets. Sew seven (according to the colors of the rainbow) multi-colored pieces of fabric or fleece one after another, making pockets from thick polyethylene or Velcro. Every day, a sun or a cloud is attached to pockets or Velcro and, depending on the day, a card with one dot, two, three, etc. Flower - seven flowers. This flower can be made from cardboard or fleece. It is advisable that the petals be removed and reattached (with Velcro, buttons, zippers, paper clips, etc.). The child needs to attach a petal every day, and the next week, on the contrary, “open it”. At the same time, the days of the week and concepts such as yesterday, today, tomorrow are spoken out. Assignment for didactic games: • Place the cards in order, from Monday to Sunday, listing the days of the week. • What day of the week are we red, blue, yellow? • List the days of the week in reverse order from Sunday to Monday. • Name and show working days and weekends. • Name and show the days of the week, starting from Monday, Wednesday, Friday, etc. • Name and show 1st, 4th, etc. day of the week starting from Monday. • Name and show what day it is today, what it was like yesterday (the day before yesterday), what day it will be tomorrow (the day after tomorrow). • What day is to the right of the blue card? To the right of blue? Is this day a day off? Is this day after Tuesday?
Ladder. We cut out a seven-step staircase from cardboard, number it, and sign it. Every day some fairy-tale hero or the child himself (cut out from a photograph and pasted on cardboard) will “climb” the ladder. If there is some interesting event coming up this week, for example, a Sunday trip to the circus, then on the very top step you can place a picture of a clown or a performing lion. Tear-off calendar. Prepare a pack of leaves of different colors and the same size, number them, sign them, and staple them at the top. Every day the child will need to tear off a leaf and put it in a box. When there are 7 leaves, explain that this is a week. This tear-off calendar can be made from a notebook on springs.
5th day
Creative workshop “Creating a model “Days of the week” The physical exercise “Days of the week” helps you quickly remember the names of the days of the week. Tell your child the poem and, together with him, depict the movements corresponding to the text: On Monday we washed, on Tuesday we swept the floor. On Wednesday we baked kalach. We played ball all Thursday. On Friday we washed the cups, and on Saturday we bought a cake. And, of course, on Sunday they invited everyone to their birthday. They sang, jumped, danced, counted the days of the week.”
Making the “Days of the Week” model Depending on what day of the week, a ball or animal is attached above the locomotive (see photo) or above one of the cars. Children can move the ball themselves and name the days of the week.
A steam locomotive and six carriages: There are exactly seven days in a week... Through fields, hills, slopes The train is not too lazy to travel. Monday is a locomotive, He is the beginning, as always, Proudly carries the days of the week! Afterwards - Tuesday and Wednesday. And Thursday rushes behind them. With Friday, of course... Time will not slow down: The train is moving quickly. This is joy and fun: Here is Saturday and Sunday! We want to tell you a secret: Children are happy about the weekend! In the morning you can sleep longer, walk and play all day. Just jumping around uselessly. Only a slacker loves. After the weekend it will be Monday again. Our cheerful train is moving forward, - A new week is already coming. The knock of a clock is like the knock of wheels: Once again the balls are on the locomotive! The locomotive and carriages are taking us into the unknown, The train is rushing steadily - Our route to the future
Model "Days of the week"
To consolidate memorization of the sequence of days of the week and develop creative imagination, children can be asked to listen to fairy tales
Hans Christian Andersen “Days of the Week” The days of the week also wanted to get together and feast at least once. But each of them counted, they were so busy all year round that they could not manage it. They had to wait an extra day, and this is given only once every four years - in February of a leap year; they throw it in to even out the accounts. So, on this day they decided to gather and feast, and since Maslenitsa is celebrated in February, they decided to appear as mummers, in accordance with the taste and significance of each. It was decided to eat a hearty meal, drink well, make speeches and, without ceremony, express pleasant and unpleasant truths to each other, as befits a friendly circle. The heroes of antiquity were throwing gnawed bones at the table, and the days of the week were preparing to exchange bad puns and various malicious witticisms that could only come to mind during innocent Maslenitsa fun. So the day came and they gathered. Mr. Sunday, the head of the days of the week, appeared in a black silk cloak. Pious people would have thought that he had put on a pastor's vestment and was going to church, but the children of worldly vanity would have seen that he had simply thrown dominoes over himself and was going to have fun, and the bright carnation emblazoned in his buttonhole meant a red lantern, which is displayed at the theater box office and reads: “All tickets are sold, have fun!” Monday, a young man, a close relative of Sunday, a great lover of pleasure, followed the first. He abandoned - as he himself said - the workshop every time there was a changing of the guard at the palace, accompanied by music. - I like to freshen up and listen to music - especially Offenbach's! It doesn’t burden the brain, doesn’t affect the heart, but only slightly tickles under the knees - it’s tempting to start dancing, carousing, fighting and lighting your way home with a flashlight under your eye, and then snoring thoroughly! The next day - with God and to work, perhaps I’m the firstborn of the week! Tuesday, as you know, was dedicated among the ancient northerners to Tyr, the god of strength. - Yes, this suits me! - he said. “I am a zealous worker, I tie the wings of Mercury to the boots of merchants, I inspect whether the wheels in the factories are well greased and spinning properly, I make sure that the tailor is sitting on the workbench, and the mason on the pavement, so that everyone does their job!” I keep order, that's why I'm in a police uniform! If this is not witty, then try to come up with something wittier! - Here I am! - said Wednesday. “I’m standing in the middle of the week, that’s what they call me: the middle.” I, like a clerk in the middle of a store, like a flower in the middle of a bouquet, stand surrounded by other venerable days of the week. If we all march in a row, one after the other, then I have three days in the vanguard and three in the rearguard. I dare to think that I am the very first person of the week! Thursday, a day dedicated to the god of thunder and lightning, Thor was dressed as a blacksmith and held in his hands the attributes of this god: a hammer and a copper cauldron. - I am of the most noble origin! - he said. - I am from a pagan divine family! In the northern countries I was dedicated to the Torah, in the southern countries - to Jupiter, and they are both masters of thunder and flashing lightning. This is our family trait! And he hit the cauldron with a hammer to prove his high origin. Friday was dressed as befits a young girl, a priestess of Freya in the northern countries and of Venus in the southern ones. She, in her own words, was distinguished by a quiet, gentle disposition and only today she turned around: today was February 29, and this day, according to customs, in the old days was a day of freedom for women: they could woo themselves, without waiting for someone to marry them ! Saturday appeared as an old housekeeper, with a broom and other cleaning attributes. Her favorite dish was stale bread boiled in beer, but she still did not demand that this dish be served to everyone on this solemn occasion: she was ready to eat it alone and ate it. And then the days settled into place. So they are all outlined here, and can serve as models for live paintings in home performances! There they can portray them in as funny a way as they can. In depicting them, we only had in mind a carnival joke - February is the only month of the year that has an extra day - the month of carnival!
A TALE ABOUT THE DAYS OF THE WEEK For two days in a row, on the way home from kindergarten, in the car, Zhenya told me a fairy tale. On the third day, Zhenya experienced a creative crisis. “I have the beginning and the end of the fairy tale,” said my daughter, “but the middle is scattered.” -Can you tell me again from the beginning? - I asked. “Okay,” Zhenya agreed. And she told a fairy tale. I present it without the slightest editing, exactly as it was told. Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was actually Lily. She couldn't remember the days of the week. And once, on Sunday, she lost all the days of the week. But Sunday remained with her. Because the day she lost the days of the week was just Sunday. She called the days of the week, but could not find them. But one time she loudly called for Sunday, and Sunday was right there - they were left alone with Resurrection, but without the other days of the week. Lily and Sunday jumped into the book of days of the week; they took a map from the book and jumped. The friends went in search of the days of the week: the days of the week somehow didn’t hold up well, but they collected them. The days of the week were divided into letters. For some reason, the first day of the week they found was Friday! It crumbled into the letter “P”, the letter “I”, the letter “S”... “I’m not sure there’s a letter “S” in the word “Friday,” I noted. - Pyatnitsa? - Zhenya asked. - Friday is like a heron. “The letter “C,” the narrator easily agreed. And he continued: Friday actually came to visit Sunday, but he was not at home. And Friday was so ape, so ape, that she herself crumbled into letters. And now go after her, collect Friday back. But she still acts like an ape. Sunday had already put it back together ten times, and once again it fell apart, and again. Resurrection has already told her ten times: don’t be an ape, don’t be an ape - he’s still an ape. There's no way to stop it. The girl and Sunday found the letter “P” first. Then - the letter “I” - in the house near Resurrection. The girl remembered that Friday couldn’t get ready. “Dad,” the narrator was indignant, “why did you go under the bridge when I wanted to go to the bridge?” - You said this too late. Tell me further: as I understand it, they found the letters of Friday near Sunday in the house and put it back together. What about the other days of the week? - Yes, we collected all the letters, only a few letters were missing. “A” was hidden deep somewhere... - What about the rest of the days of the week? — Monday was fine, of course. He managed to return to his house and told the girl Lilia, Friday and Sunday why they hid: a thunderstorm began, and the days of the week were afraid. But Sunday is brave; he had an umbrella. But it is too small for everyone, and it hid under the umbrella and boldly went out for a walk. Although for two, Sunday's umbrella was much more convenient; Lily walked under the umbrella of Sunday. So they reached the alley. Here, under the bush, Tuesday and Wednesday were trembling: “U-oo-oo-oo!” They were cold: the cold still made its way through the bush, but for some reason they were running around inside the bush! Lily found them, but only two letters remained from them. They searched the entire garden of the house where Monday lived and found the remaining letters. And Tuesday, as if restless, rushed under the tree. The tree had a thick crown - Tuesday was lucky. He was safe, as was Monday, his neighbor. But for some reason Tuesday forgot that he had a house with a red roof and went to visit Monday. “Dz-dz-dz-dz!” Tuesday got scared and hid under a tree, but it turned out that it was from a hive. But Tuesday still didn’t come out: “H-h-h-h!” - he trembled with fear. - What are you doing over there? - shouted Sunday, Friday and Monday, together with the girl Lily. - I'm hiding! - Tuesday answered, - these are bees! Again it was heard: “Dz-dz-dz-dz.” - What, bees? - Lily shouted. “Dz-dz-dz-dz,” May the bee crawled out of the hive. “Dz-dz-dz-dz,” she did again. - What is “dz-dz-dz-dz”? - There is no honey! “Dz-dz-dz-dz,” bees climbed out of the hive. “Dz-dz-dz,” they did and shouted: “There is no honey!” - So where did our honey go? “It’s Willie’s fault,” Maya the bee answered, “he spilled the honey and got into it himself.” -Who is Willie? - I asked. - Willie is also a bee from their hive - Maya’s friend. - Understood. I wanted to ask: Tuesday was sitting under a bush because he was scared of the bees from the hive. How did Wednesday end up there? — Actually, Tuesday was sitting under a huge tree. And Wednesday climbed into the bush with Saturday because they were very tired. They had a rest, and how they run away! Wednesday finished first, then Saturday won. And so they rushed about, with either Wednesday or Saturday winning all the time. You’ll never understand who runs faster, Wednesday or Saturday. — You told about all the days of the week except Thursday. The narrator thought: “Thursday lived outside this garden and far from Sunday’s house.” For some reason Sunday's house is all blue! Only the windows are not blue. Sunday's closest friend is Monday - the first day of the week. And Thursday fell into the water, but he did not know how to swim and swam into a large pyramid. Thursday's friends and the girl Lilia rushed to help Thursday and found a way to get to the door at such a height. They climbed the stairs and explored. As soon as Lily took out a flashlight and they went into the pyramid, the days of the week quickly closed their umbrellas. They followed Thursday, shone on the river, and illuminated Thursday’s eyes. Thursday's eyes are bluish. They found the bluish eyes and saved Thursday. But the letter "C" drowned. We had already arrived at this dramatic moment, the car was parked in the parking lot, it seemed to me that it was time to somehow wrap up the story. - So all the days of the week were fine, only Thursday lost the letter “H”? - Yes. But then Lilia found her transforming backpack: “My backpack turns into anything,” she said. “We can swim in wetsuits if he can turn into a wetsuit.” Lily rather asked politely: “Thursday needs help, please change into a wetsuit if you can.” Monday has wetsuits in his backpack. Or should we swim in the wetsuits you'll turn into? “I can turn into a wetsuit,” the backpack agreed, and immediately turned into a wetsuit. So they swam. - What about me, Thursday? “Here, grab your wetsuit,” Monday shouted. - But I can’t swim! “Get onto the rope,” Wednesday shouted. She threw the rope to Thursday, and Thursday grabbed the end of the rope. Wednesday was rowing with one hand and holding the rope tightly in the other. They found the letter "C" at the very bottom. Cancer held the letter "C". - Ra-a-ak! Ra-a-ak! - Lilia shouted, - this is my friend, cancer Eldur. “Hello, Eldur,” said the days of the week, “We are looking for the letter “C.” “Yes,” the cancer answered, “I found it under the coral.” The hermit crab gave it to me. Thursday added the letter "C". - Thursday! - the letter “C” was happy. All that remains is to return the days of the week to their places. Then the school days of the week shouted from under the coral: “Save, help!” — What school days of the week are they? — These are the days of the week that are from school. - What days of the week are these exactly? - I was at a dead end. - Which are made of white cardboard. “Save, help,” they shouted in a thin voice. - This is my brother, school Monday! “I’m already coming to your aid,” Monday shouted from the book. Monday picked up his friend. All other school days of the week were also saved. - My Thursday, my Thursday! - Book Thursday began to shout. “Ugh,” said school Thursday, “this jellyfish got caught on me.” “Why did this squid attach itself to me?” the school Wednesday wondered. It’s good that the book Wednesday pulled it out, hooking it on the letter “C”. “Mom, mommy,” Sunday screamed and pulled out the school one. — A cuttlefish clung to me, but I forbade it to release ink. All the book days of the week saved the school days of the week and ended up on the surface. Then they got out of this book and out of this garden. “Ugh,” the days of the week shook themselves off. They could barely row with their hands. The current increased and the days of the week felt like they were sinking. It was obvious that another dive of the entire team could cost us a cold dinner. “Chizhik,” I asked, “I think we need to end the fairy tale somehow.” - OK. And so: school days are back home. The teacher was very happy about the return of school days of the week. The student told her how it all happened. And the book days of the week went to their houses. “Ugh, that’s it, no more water for me,” thought Thursday. And the girl Lilia went to her home and told everything to her mother. - Wow! - Mom was surprised, “Did you save all the days of the week, all the days of the week together on Sunday?” But you saved them for a long time. Enjoy your Sunday here. “Tomorrow my friend will still come to visit,” Sunday thought. The narrator fell silent. - Is this all a fairy tale? - Yes. “It’s over,” Zhenya answered. And I turned off the recorder.