All about outdoor gamesmethodological development for physical education


Currently, in the modern changing world around us, in the world of information and communication technologies, the task of introducing the younger generation to various sports comes to the fore.

A large role in introducing young people to sports, who are increasingly tied to computers and mobile phones, is given to outdoor mass sports games.

I consider the purpose of working on the abstract to be to consider the concept of an educational task, to consider the concept of outdoor play, types of outdoor games, as well as the educational significance of outdoor games.

After all, as you know, it is the game that has a great influence on mental development. Acting with objects, a person begins to operate in a conceivable, conventional space. Gradually, play activities are reduced, and we begin to act internally, mentally.

General rules for selecting and organizing games

The correct choice of game is of great importance. It depends on the age of the children, their development, preparedness, and the number of students involved. The form of classes must be taken into account (for example, recess, lesson or holiday). During recess, short games are played to take a break from mental activity. In physical education lessons, they are already offered for longer periods, promoting the development of strength, agility, speed and other qualities. Mass games are in demand at festive events.

Participation in various types of sports and outdoor games causes slight fatigue. This feeling is useful. It, occurring systematically, helps the body adapt to increased physical activity and increase performance. But sometimes children still become overtired due to individual characteristics or because they are very interested in games and react too emotionally to everything that happens. It is very important to dose physical activity so that it does not cause overwork, because it causes lethargy, decreased appetite, and disturbed sleep.

External signs of fatigue include excessive shortness of breath, sudden redness of the face, increased sweating, and deterioration in coordination of movements. Children's interest in playing decreases. They sometimes begin to complain of fatigue and slight dizziness. If these signs occur, you should stop playing. It is worth noting that there are cases when signs of overwork are not observed. Children who are very interested and carried away by the game begin to ask the teacher, teacher or parents to continue. However, in such cases, you should not follow the children’s lead. It is important to complete the game on time.

Of course, many children participate in outdoor and sports games. In a large group, it is difficult to take into account the level of preparedness and individual capabilities of each child, so optimal loads should be planned. At the very beginning of the lesson, games that require the manifestation of significant strength, speed, and dexterity are never offered, because a warm-up is required first. If the children had a rather busy day (with a lot of mental and physical stress), then it is worth offering sedentary play. If the day was not stressful, then it is recommended to alternate intense games with low-intensity ones.

The importance of outdoor games for health.

In addition to educational tasks, outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the health of the body as a whole. After all, the main task of outdoor games is to strengthen the health of those involved and promote their proper physical development; promote the acquisition of vital motor skills and abilities and improvement in them; development of reaction, development of dexterity, knowledge of movement and new capabilities of the body.

All the variety of outdoor games and their various movements and actions, usually performed in the fresh air, i.e. in favorable hygienic conditions, they have a healing effect on the players.

It has been proven that outdoor games help strengthen the nervous system, motor system, improve overall metabolism, increase the activity of all organs and systems of the human body and serve as a useful means of active recreation for many workers, especially for those who are engaged in intense mental activity.

The more varied and intense the movements, the more significant and active the changes they cause in the functions of the organs and systems of the body. This multifaceted influence of sports games on the human body is very significant. For those involved, depending on the intensity of gaming activity, oxygen consumption by tissues increases approximately 8-10 times compared to the resting state. At the same time, in trained players, the work of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs becomes more economical, and the body’s demand for oxygen and nutrients is better provided.

Playing outdoor games has a positive effect on the development of visual, vestibular, muscular and other analyzers. Under the influence of systematic games, the field of vision of the players increases, their body better tolerates rapid changes in body position, and they develop precision of movements.

Outdoor games are a good active rest after long-term mental activity, so they are appropriate during school breaks, after classes in extended day groups or at home, after coming from school. Outdoor games are also used for special therapeutic purposes in restoring the health of sick children, since the functional and emotional uplift that occurs in children during the game has a healing effect on them.

All about outdoor gamesmethodological development for physical education

Methodical development “ALL ABOUT ACTIVE GAMES”

1. Problems solved during outdoor games

In the formation of a child’s diversified personality, outdoor games are given the most important place. Based on the general goals of physical education of preschoolers, we will highlight the main tasks that are solved when conducting outdoor games. These include: health, educational, educational.

Health-improving tasks of outdoor games. With proper organization of classes, taking into account the age characteristics and physical fitness of those involved, outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the growth, development and strengthening of the osseous-ligamentous apparatus, muscular system, on the formation of correct posture in children, and also increase the functional activity of the body.

Educational tasks of outdoor games. Outdoor games greatly contribute to the development of physical qualities: speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility, and, importantly, these physical qualities develop in a complex.

Most outdoor games require participants to be quick. These are games built on the need for instant responses to sound, visual, tactile signals, games with sudden stops, delays and resumption of movements, with overcoming short distances in the shortest possible time.

The constantly changing situation in the game, the rapid transition of participants from one movement to another contribute to the development of dexterity.

To develop strength, it is good to use games that require moderate-intensity, short-term speed-strength stress.

Games with repeated repetitions of intense movements, with constant motor activity, which causes significant expenditure of strength and energy, contribute to the development of endurance.

Improvement of flexibility occurs in games associated with frequent changes in direction of movement.

An exciting game plot evokes positive emotions in the participants and encourages them to repeatedly perform certain techniques with unrelenting activity, demonstrating the necessary volitional qualities and physical abilities. For the emergence of interest in the game, the path to achieving the game goal is of great importance - the nature and degree of difficulty of the obstacles that must be overcome to obtain a specific result, to satisfy the game.

The competitive nature of collective outdoor games can also intensify the actions of the players, causing determination, courage and perseverance to achieve the goal. However, it must be taken into account that the severity of the competition should not separate the players. In a collective outdoor game, each participant is clearly convinced of the benefits of common, friendly efforts aimed at overcoming obstacles and achieving a common goal. Voluntary acceptance of restrictions on actions by the rules adopted in a collective outdoor game, while simultaneously being passionate about the game, disciplines the playing children

Outdoor play is collective in nature. The opinion of peers is known to have a great influence on the behavior of each player. Depending on the quality of the role, one or another participant in an outdoor game may deserve encouragement or, conversely, disapproval from his comrades; This is how children get used to working in a team.

The game is characterized by opposition from one player to another, from one team to another, when the player faces a wide variety of tasks that require instant resolution. To do this, it is necessary to assess the surrounding situation as soon as possible, choose the most correct action and perform it, so outdoor games contribute to self-knowledge.

In addition, playing games develop coordinated, economical and coordinated movements; players acquire the ability to quickly enter the desired pace and rhythm of work, deftly and quickly perform various motor tasks, while showing the necessary effort and perseverance, which is important in life.

Educational objectives of outdoor games:

- the game has a great impact on the formation of personality: it is such a conscious activity in which the ability to analyze, compare, generalize and draw conclusions is manifested and developed. Playing games contributes to the development in children of abilities to act, which are important in everyday practical activities, in the games themselves, as well as in gymnastics, sports and tourism;

- the rules and motor actions of an outdoor game create in the players the correct ideas about behavior in real life, consolidate in their minds the ideas about the relationships between people existing in society.

Outdoor games played on the ground in summer and winter conditions are of great educational importance: in camps, at recreation centers, on hikes and excursions. Games on the ground contribute to the formation of skills necessary for tourists, scouts, and pathfinders.

Health, educational and educational tasks must be solved in a complex manner, only in this case each outdoor game will be an effective means of versatile physical education of children. Thus, outdoor play is an indispensable means of replenishing a child’s knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, and valuable moral-volitional and physical qualities. However, it should be remembered that when conducting outdoor games, due to their specificity, first of all, the problems of physical education proper are solved.

The main task of outdoor games is to strengthen the health of those involved and promote their proper physical development; promote the acquisition of vital motor skills and abilities and improvement in them; development of reaction, development of dexterity, knowledge of movement and new capabilities of the body.

2 Meaning, characteristics of outdoor games

Outdoor games originate in folk pedagogy and have national characteristics. The theory and methodology of outdoor games were developed by K.D. Ushinsky, N.I. Pirogov, E.A. Pokrovsky, P.F. Lesgaft, V.V. Gorinevsky, E.N. Vodovozova, T.I. Osokina, A. V. Keneman and others. P.F. Lesgaft defined outdoor play as an exercise with which a child prepares for life.

A characteristic feature of outdoor play is the complexity of its impact on the body and on all aspects of the child’s personality: physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education is simultaneously carried out in the game.

The development of independence and creativity in outdoor games is predetermined by their creative nature. The initial stage of the formation of creativity begins with imitation. The child’s motor creativity is helped by imagination, an elevated emotional state, the manifestation of motor independence, and the inventing, first together with the teacher, and then independently, of new versions of games. The highest level of independence and creativity is manifested in the child’s ability to independently organize and conduct familiar outdoor games.

During games, preschoolers develop and improve various skills in basic movements (running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.). A quick change of environment during the game teaches the child to expediently use the movements known to him in accordance with a particular situation, ensuring their improvement. Physical qualities naturally appear - reaction speed, dexterity, eye, balance, spatial orientation skills, etc. All this has a positive effect on improving motor skills.

The importance of outdoor games in developing physical qualities: speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination of movements is great. For example, in order to dodge a “trap”, you need to show dexterity, and when escaping from it, run as quickly as possible. Captivated by the plot of the game, children can perform the same movements with interest and many times without noticing fatigue. And this leads to the development of endurance.

Active motor activity of a playful nature and the positive emotions it evokes enhance all physiological processes in the body, improve the functioning of all organs and systems. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This in turn has a beneficial effect on mental activity. It has been proven that they improve the physical development of children, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improve health. Almost every game involves running, jumping, throwing, balance exercises, etc.

The game plays a big role in the formation of personality. During the game, memory and ideas are activated, thinking and imagination are developed. During the game, children act in accordance with the rules, which are mandatory for all participants. The rules regulate the behavior of the players and contribute to the development of mutual assistance, collectivism, honesty, and discipline. At the same time, the need to follow the rules, as well as overcome obstacles inevitable in the game, contributes to the development of strong-willed qualities - endurance, courage, determination, and the ability to cope with negative emotions. Children learn the meaning of the game, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively use existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and the actions of their comrades.

Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, and game starters. Such games replenish vocabulary and enrich children's speech.

In outdoor games, the child has to decide for himself how to act in order to achieve the goal. Rapid and sometimes unexpected changes in conditions force us to look for more and more new ways to solve emerging problems. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, and intelligence.

Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team and obey common requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and conscious implementation of them forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, and the ability to control one’s actions and behavior. The game develops honesty, discipline, and justice. Outdoor play teaches sincerity and camaraderie.

In games, children reflect their accumulated experience, deepen and consolidate their understanding of the events depicted, of life. Games expand the range of ideas, develop observation, intelligence, the ability to analyze, compare and generalize what is seen, on the basis of which to draw conclusions from observed phenomena in the environment. Performing various roles, depicting various actions, children practically use their knowledge about the habits of animals, birds, insects, natural phenomena, means of transportation, and modern technology. During the games, opportunities are created for the development of speech, counting exercises, etc.

The hygienic importance of games is enhanced by the possibility of their widespread use in natural conditions. Games in ponds, in the forest, on the water, etc. – an incomparable means of hardening and strengthening health. Making full use of natural factors is especially important during the period of growth and development of a young body.

Outdoor games create an atmosphere of joy and therefore make the most effective complex solution to health, educational and educational problems. Active movements, determined by the content of the game, evoke positive emotions in children and enhance all physiological processes. Thus, outdoor games are an effective means of diversified development.

3.Characteristics of outdoor games

The content of an outdoor game consists of its plot (theme, idea), rules and motor actions. The content comes from human experience, passed down from generation to generation.

The plot of the game determines the purpose of the players’ actions and the nature of the development of the game conflict. It is borrowed from the surrounding reality and figuratively reflects its actions (for example, hunting, labor, military, household) or is created specifically, based on the tasks of physical education, in the form of a scheme of confrontation during various interactions of the players. The plot of the game not only enlivens the holistic actions of the players, but also gives individual techniques and tactical elements purposefulness, making the game exciting.

Rules are mandatory requirements for game participants. They determine the location and movement of players, clarify the nature of behavior, the rights and responsibilities of the players, determine the methods of playing the game, methods and conditions for recording its results. At the same time, the manifestation of creative activity, as well as the initiative of those playing within the framework of the rules of the game, are not excluded.

For ease of practical use, games are classified into elementary outdoor games and sports games - basketball, hockey, football, etc., and outdoor games - games with rules. In kindergarten, mainly elementary outdoor games are used.

Outdoor games are classified according to the following criteria:

-by age (for children of primary, middle and senior preschool age or in accordance with the age group of kindergarten);

— by content (from the simplest, most elementary to complex games with rules and semi-sports games);

-according to the predominant type of movements (games with running, jumping, climbing and crawling, rolling, throwing and catching, throwing);

- on physical qualities (games to develop dexterity, speed, strength, endurance, flexibility);

-by type of sport (games leading up to basketball, badminton, football, hockey; games with and on skis, in water, on sleds and with sleds, on terrain);

-based on the relationship between the players (games with contact with the enemy and games without contact);

— according to the plot (plot and non-plot);

— according to the organizational form (for physical education, active recreation, physical education and recreational work);

- by mobility (low, medium and high mobility - intensity);

— by season (summer and winter);

-at the place of training (for a gym, sports ground; for terrain, premises);

-according to the method of organizing the players: team and non-team (divided into teams, relay games; the conditions of the games involve motor tasks that are the same for the team, the results of the game are summed up by the general participation of all team members; games without dividing the team - each player acts independently in accordance with with the rules of the games).

4. Outdoor play as a means of developing psychophysical qualities

The importance of outdoor games for the versatile education of a child is great: they are both a means and a method of raising a child.

Outdoor play as a means and as a method is characterized by a variety of effects on the child due to physical exercises included in the game in the form of motor tasks.

In outdoor games, various movements are developed and improved in accordance with all their characteristics, the characteristics of children’s behavior and the manifestation of the necessary physical and moral qualities are directed.

Motor actions in outdoor games are very diverse. They can be, for example, imitative, figurative, creative, rhythmic; performed in the form of motor tasks requiring the manifestation of dexterity, speed, strength and other physical qualities. All motor actions can be performed in a wide variety of combinations and combinations. Outdoor games of various types are presented in Appendix 2.

As a method of physical education, outdoor play is characterized by a variety of methods used, selected in accordance with the motor content of the game and its rules. To the greatest extent, it allows you to improve such qualities as dexterity, quickness of orientation, independence, initiative, without which sports activity is impossible.

5. Methodology for organizing and conducting outdoor games

The methodology for conducting outdoor play includes unlimited possibilities for the integrated use of various techniques aimed at shaping the child’s personality and skillful pedagogical guidance of it. Of particular importance is the professional training of the teacher, pedagogical observation and foresight.

The methodology for conducting the game includes preparation for its implementation, i.e. choosing a game and a place for it, marking the site, preparing equipment, preliminary analysis of the game.

The next stage is the organization of the players, including their location and the location of the game leader, explanation of the game, selection of drivers, distribution into teams and selection of captains, selection of assistants. Management of the game process includes monitoring the progress of the game and the behavior of the players, refereeing, load dosage, and ending the game.

Summing up as a methodological stage: announcing the results, relaxation, summing up the game and its evaluation.

The methodology for conducting an outdoor game includes: gathering children for a game, creating interest, explaining the rules of the game, distributing roles, guiding the course of the game, summing up.

When conducting an outdoor game, you should remember that it is necessary to gather children in the place on the site where the game actions will begin; the gathering should be quick and interesting. An explanation of the game is an instruction; it should be short, understandable, interesting and emotional. Roles determine children's behavior in the game; choice for the main role should be perceived as encouragement, as trust.

In outdoor games for children of senior preschool age, more complex movements are used. Children are given the task of instantly reacting to changes in the game situation, showing courage, intelligence, endurance, dexterity, and ingenuity. Outdoor games become more complex in content, rules, number of roles (up to 3-4), roles are distributed among all children; relay games are used.

Gathering children for a game. Older preschoolers love and know how to play. To gather children for the game and create interest, you can agree on a place and a signal for gathering long before the start of the game, gather with the help of barkers (“One, two, three, four, five - I invite everyone to play); instruct individual children to gather the rest within a specified limited time (for example, while the melody is playing); use sound and visual cues; use surprise tasks: for example, the one who can run under a rotating jump rope will play.

Game selection. When choosing a game, the teacher turns, first of all, to the Education and Training Program in kindergarten. The program list of games is compiled taking into account the general and motor readiness of children of a particular age and is aimed at solving relevant educational problems. Program requirements are also a criterion for the selection of folk and traditional outdoor games for a given region, and for varying motor tasks in familiar games.

Each game should give the greatest motor and emotional effect. Therefore, you should not select games with movements unfamiliar to children, so as not to slow down game actions. The motor content of the games must be consistent with the conditions of the game. Games involving running at speed, throwing at a moving target or into the distance have no effect indoors. It is also important to consider the time of year and weather conditions. For a winter walk, for example, more dynamic games are logical. But sometimes a slippery surface makes it difficult to run and dodge. In summer it is convenient to compete in fast running, but in very hot weather it is better not to hold such competitions.

Regulates the choice of game and its place in the daily routine. More dynamic games are advisable on the first walk, especially if it was preceded by activities with significant mental stress and monotonous body position.

On the second walk, you can play games with different motor characteristics. But, given the general fatigue of children at the end of the day, they should not learn new games.

Creating interest in the game. Throughout the game, it is necessary to maintain children's interest in it through various means in all age groups. But it is especially important to create it at the beginning of the game to give purpose to the game's actions. Techniques for creating interest are closely related to techniques for collecting children. Sometimes it's the same thing. For example, an intriguing question for kids: “Do you want to be a pilot? Run to the airfield!” Playing with attributes has a huge effect. For example, the teacher puts on a mask-cap: “Look, children, what a big clumsy bear has come to play with you...”, or: “Now I’ll put a cap on someone, and we’ll have a bunny... Catch him!” Or: “Guess who’s hiding behind me?” - says the teacher, manipulating the sounding toy.

In older groups, techniques for creating interest are used mainly when the game is being learned. These are most often poems, songs, riddles (including motor ones) on the theme of the game, looking at footprints in the snow or signs on the grass by which you need to find those hiding, changing clothes, etc.

Explanation of the rules. The explanation of the game should be short and clear, interesting and emotional. All means of expressiveness - voice intonation, facial expressions, gestures, and in story games, imitation - must find appropriate use in explanations in order to highlight the main thing, create an atmosphere of joy and give purposefulness to game actions. Thus, the explanation of the game is both an instruction and a moment of creating a game situation.

A preliminary explanation of the rules of the game takes into account the age-related psychological capabilities of the children. This teaches them to plan their actions. The sequence of explanations is fundamentally important: name the game and its concept, briefly outline its content, emphasize the rules, recall the movements (if necessary), distribute roles, distribute attributes, place the players on the court, begin game actions. If the game is familiar to children, then instead of explaining, you need to remember the rules with the children. If the game is complex, then it is not recommended to immediately give a detailed explanation, but it is better to first explain the main thing, and then all the details as the game progresses.

Distribution of roles. Roles determine children's behavior in the game. Children 6 years old are very active, and everyone basically wants to be a driver, so the leader must appoint them himself in accordance with their abilities. Children should perceive their choice for the main role as encouragement. You can also appoint the player who won the previous game as the driver, rewarding him for not being caught, completing the task better than others, taking the most beautiful pose in the game, etc.

There are several ways to choose a driver: the teacher appoints him, always giving reasons for his choice; using a counting rhyme (conflicts are prevented); using a “magic wand”; by drawing lots; the driver can choose a replacement. All of these techniques are used, as a rule, at the beginning of the game. To appoint a new driver, the main criterion is the quality of execution of movements and rules. The choice of driver should contribute to the development in children of the ability to correctly assess their own strengths and the strengths of their comrades. It is recommended to change the driver more often so that as many children as possible can play this role.

Game management. The teacher leads the game, watching it from the side. In general, control over the progress of the game is aimed at fulfilling its program content. This determines the choice of specific methods and techniques. But sometimes the teacher participates in the game if, for example, the conditions of the game require the appropriate number of players. Makes comments to those who have broken the rules, suggests actions to those who are confused, gives signals, helps to change drivers, encourages children, monitors the actions of children and does not allow static poses (squatting, standing on one leg), regulates physical activity, which should increase gradually. Comments about incorrect implementation of the rules negatively affect the mood of children, so comments must be made in a friendly manner.

Summing up. When summing up the game, the teacher notes those who showed dexterity, speed, and followed the rules. Names those who broke the rules. The teacher analyzes how success was achieved in the game. Summing up the game should be done in an interesting and entertaining way. All children must be involved in the discussion of the game, this teaches them to analyze their actions and causes a more conscious attitude towards following the rules of the game. The outcome of the game should be optimistic, short and specific. Children must be praised.

Variation and complication of outdoor games. Outdoor games are a school of movements. Therefore, as children gain motor experience, games need to be made more complex, but the sequence of actions and episodes remains constant. In addition, increasing complexity makes familiar games interesting for children. When varying the game, you cannot change the design and composition of the game, but you can:

– increase the dosage (repetition and total duration of the game);

– complicate motor content (sparrows do not run out of the house, but jump out);

– change the placement of players on the court (the trap is not on the side, but in the middle of the court);

– change the signal (instead of verbal, audio or visual);

– play the game in non-standard conditions (it’s more difficult to run on sand; in the forest, running away from a trap, you can hang, clasping a tree trunk with your arms and legs);

– complicate the rules (in the older group, those caught can be rescued; increase the number of traps, etc.)

Changes must always be justified. Children themselves can be involved in creating game options, especially in older groups.

6. Methodology for conducting outdoor games

A child of the senior preschool group should already be able to master the basic movements, although not yet completely, so games related to running, jumping, throwing are interesting to them. In addition, all these movements are best developed in games. The muscles are relatively weak, the strength of the supporting apparatus is also still low. Therefore, outdoor games with a variety of movements, without prolonged muscle tension, become of great importance.

Children show greater physical activity in games, especially in cases where jumping, running and other actions that require a lot of effort and energy are interspersed with at least short breaks and active rest. However, they get tired quite quickly, especially when performing monotonous actions. Considering the above, physical activity when playing outdoor games must be strictly regulated and limited. The game should not be too long.

The attention function of preschoolers is not yet sufficiently developed; they are often absent-minded and switch from one subject to another. In this regard, it is advisable to offer them short-term outdoor games, in which greater mobility alternates with short breaks. The games consist of a variety of free, simple movements, and large muscle groups are involved in the work.

The leader should state the rules of the game briefly, since children strive to reproduce everything stated in the actions as quickly as possible. Often, without listening to the explanation, children express a desire to play one or another role in the game. It’s not bad if the leader talks about the game in the form of a fairy tale, which is perceived by children with great interest and contributes to the creative performance of roles in it. This method can be used to better assimilate the game when they need rest after physical activity.

It is better to give signals in games for preschool children not with a whistle, but with verbal commands, which contributes to the development of the second signaling system, which is still very imperfect at this age. Recitatives are also good. Rhymed words spoken by the choir develop children's speech and at the same time allow them to prepare for performing an action on the last word of the recitative. Children's desire for invention and creativity is realized in outdoor games, which often have a plot-based character. Imaginative plots are becoming more complex, so for children of this age games with elements of mystery and surprise can be very attractive.

It is recommended to distribute outdoor games as follows:

in the preparatory (final) part, you can include games with rhythmic walking and additional gymnastic movements that require organization, attention, and coordination of movements from the players, promoting general physical development (for example, the game “Who Came Up”);

in the main part, after performing the main movement, for example running, in order to develop speed and dexterity, it is better to play running games (“Two Frosts”, “Wolves in the Moat”, “Geese-Swans”), in which children, after running quickly and dodging, they can rest by jumping and jumping.

In older preschool age, it is not advisable to play team games. Gradually, with the acquisition of motor experience and with an increase in children’s interest in collective activities, games with elements of competition in pairs (running, hoop racing, jumping rope, ball rolling) can be included in the lesson. In the future, children should be divided into several groups and played with them in competitive games such as relay races with simple tasks.

When dividing players into competing groups, the leader must take into account the correspondence of the nature of the game actions to the physical fitness of the children, and immediately identify the results of the actions of each player for his team. The predominant place is occupied by games with short dashes in all directions, in a straight line, in a circle, with changes in directions, games with running such as “catch up and run away” and with dodging; games with bouncing on one or two legs, with jumping over conditional obstacles (a drawn “ditch”) and over objects (a low bench); games with passing, throwing, catching and throwing balls, cones, pebbles at a distance and at a target, games with various movements of an imitative or creative nature. Each game consists mainly of one or two of the above types of movements, and usually they are used separately or alternately and only occasionally in combinations.


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  2. Byleeva L.V., Korotkov I.M. "Physical education and sports." – Moscow 2002
  3. Zhukov M.N. Outdoor games. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities. — M. 2000
  4. Lomeiko V.F. Development of motor qualities in physical education lessons in grades IX. - Mn.: People's Asveta, 2005.
  5. Lyakh, V.I. My friend - physical education. 1st – 4th grades, 2005
  6. Maxson, G.B., Lyubomirsky, L.E. Methods of physical education. – Moscow: Enlightenment, 1998.
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Sports games and exercises for preschoolers

In the physical education of preschoolers, sports games are very important. They strengthen large muscle groups, develop psychophysical qualities (strength, agility, endurance, intelligence), cultivate responsibility, will, determination, help relieve nervous tension, and release emotions. However, it is not recommended to introduce children to sports games without initial preparation. At first, it is best to conduct outdoor games with elements of sports games.

One suitable sport game for preschoolers is badminton. It uses a shuttlecock and a racket. The goal is to prevent the shuttlecock from hitting your court and land it on the opponent's side. In kindergartens, before introducing children to badminton, teachers carry out preparatory work. With the help of sports exercises and outdoor games with sports elements, specialists:

  • develop in children the ability to play with the ball;
  • develop appropriate posture in students;
  • develop throwing skill;
  • develop mobility of the hand;
  • form the necessary physical qualities (reaction speed, impact force);
  • introduce the rules;
  • practice the basic techniques of playing badminton.

Basketball is another game that can be introduced to preschoolers. She is quite complex and emotional. It includes jumping, fast running, and throwing a ball. Some children cannot quickly master the techniques of the game. It is successfully mastered by those students who already have the skills of various ball manipulations. Before a basketball game, preparatory work is also carried out. With children, teachers master outdoor games before playing sports, perform exercises that help them learn the technique of moving and holding the ball, passing it, dribbling it, and throwing it into the basket.

Badminton and basketball are not the only games that can be introduced to preschoolers. It will be interesting and useful for children to learn about tennis and table hockey. Along with sports games, it is worth carrying out ordinary sports exercises - skating, skiing, swimming, etc. They are performed in the fresh air. In children, thanks to them, the body's defenses are increased and metabolic processes are accelerated. An additional benefit is that girls and boys gain knowledge about natural phenomena and acquire concepts about the properties of snow, ice, and water.

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