Card file of outdoor games for safety card file for physical education

Card index of games on life safety in the middle group

Nina Anatolyevna

Card index of games on life safety in the middle group

At the age of 4–5 years, children strive to imitate the actions of adults in everything, often overestimating their capabilities. In the middle group you should :

continue to get acquainted with the varieties of animals and plants, expand knowledge about possible threats in nature: dangerous insects, poisonous mushrooms and berries, as well as the fact that there are medicinal, beneficial plants that will not cause harm;

continue to study the rules of behavior on the roadway, introduce new road signs and markings, study service modes of transport (ambulance, police, fire, Ministry of Emergency Situations)


teach you to monitor your health (introduce personal hygiene items)


continue to familiarize yourself with objects and the rules for their safe use (fan, washing machine, fork, knife, electric kettle)


teach vigilance when meeting strangers;

develop ideas about the causes of a fire and the rules of behavior when it occurs.

Children in the middle group are actively improving their motor skills. Therefore, it is important to create conditions that will provide children with physical activity. For example, in a group , model a roadway, mark a sidewalk, a pedestrian crossing, a traffic light. Children take turns waiting for the traffic light signal (this can be a green circle raised up by the teacher or any other structure), go to the edge of the sidewalk, look first to the left, then to the right, make sure that no cars are coming and then cross the road. Such actions in the game should create in children the habit of correct behavior. Also at this age, the first social contacts are established. Children love to play in groups of 2-4 people .

Table: fragment of a summary of a didactic game in the middle group


Ulanova O. N.,

“Let’s introduce Dunno to the rules of the road”

Reinforce traffic rules;

develop social and communication skills;

to form a positive attitude towards road safety rules and awareness of the need to comply with them.

Examination of illustrations on the topic of traffic rules;

solving riddles.

Educator: “Children, let's welcome Dunno! He was in a hurry to meet us, but an unpleasant situation happened to him on the way. Dunno, tell us what happened to you?”

Dunno: “I was walking along a path near the road and playing with a ball, and he took it and rolled onto the road. I immediately ran after him. And I was almost run over by a car, and the driver began to scold me.”

The teacher invites the children to help Dunno and repeat the traffic rules with him.

The children explain to Dunno that playing with a ball near the road is prohibited, but should be done in the yard or on the playground.

Then the teacher invites Dunno to talk about how to cross the road correctly.

Children answer that the road needs to be crossed at the zebra crossing.

and at a green traffic light.

Dunno thanks the guys for helping him a lot and promises not to break any more traffic rules. Children and Dunno dance to the music.

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