Summaries of non-traditional physical education classes by age

Summaries of non-traditional physical education classes by age

Notes of non-traditional physical education classes

by age

Summary of a non-traditional physical education lesson in the second junior group “The kids have become little frogs”


to form motor skills in children, to develop psychophysical qualities.


1) improve crawling under an arc, jumping into a hoop from a hoop, imitating the movements of frogs, walking like a snake;


box, frog toy, 2 arcs, 6 pins, 3 hoops, ribbons, frog hats according to the number of children in the group.

Progress of the lesson

Come closer to me. I'll show you something. You often meet an unusual animal. It is on the path, sometimes jumps out on the path, looks at you with its bulging little eyes and tries to hide again in the wet grass. And sometimes he jumps so fast that you can’t catch up. And when “kva-kva” starts talking, everyone recognizes him by his voice. Guess who's in my box! (toy) That's right, frog! Admire how smooth and slippery his suit is. And what color is it! That's right, green. Did everyone get a good look at it? I will put the open box on the ground, let the little frog jump in the grass and tell the mother frog how he visited us. This is how the little frog jumps quickly. Wave your arms at him.

Now put on your frog hats. Ready! Everything is fine! Let's start practicing, we will repeat the movements of the frog and do everything beautifully.

We walked one after another in a circle with our “paws” - we bent our arms at the elbows and spread them in different directions, we raised them up, lowered them down and even rotated them.

Slowly we ran after each other, moving our paws through the air. So we run, we look under our feet

We stopped. “Paws” - arms extended forward, turn them around, look at them on one side, on the other, clap your hands

They ran after each other again, faster, with their paws bent at the elbows and clapping their palms at the top.

They stopped, put their paws on my cheeks, turned their heads lightly to the side, and that’s it, everyone looked at me carefully

Open it wide, inhale, take in a lot of air and close your mouth. Now we calmly release it through the nose.

Warm-up with seaweed (bands).

Well done, “little frogs”! Everything was done well. Can I complete the next task? Of course yes! Then we’ll all say “kwa, kwa, kwa!”

We’ll crawl under the arches, and when we straighten up, we’ll say, “kwa, kwa.” And now to jump from hoop to hoop, we also say “kwa, kwa.” Walk in a “snake” between the pins.

Everyone walked the difficult path; They didn’t hit anything, they managed to do a lot, even more than the frog. For this you are entitled to a gift - a game. And it's called "Frogs"

Summary of a physical education lesson in the senior group

on the count of 4 – i.p. (5-6 times)

5. I.p. - lying on your back, gymnastics. stick behind the head.

on the count of 1 – lift the gymnast. stick and legs up, touch the gymnast. foot stick;

on the count of 2 - IP (5-6 times)

6. I.p - lying on your stomach, arms extended forward, gymnastic stick in hands.

on the count of 1, the gymnast raises the stick up, bends over; on the count of 2-4 - slowly lower the gymnastic stick and return to the initial position. (5 times).

7. I. p. – feet shoulder-width apart, gymnast. stick on the shoulders.

Jumping: legs together, legs apart (5-6 times)

8. Step in place (breathing restoration).

After the command: “To the right!”, “Close up!”, Children line up in two columns, then rebuild into a column one by one and perform the main types of movements one after another in a continuous manner.

The teacher invites each child to put the stick in place and take the ball (basketball No. 3) and stand in a line. After the teacher explains the task, the children move on to performing basic types of movements.

ATS with balls.

Obstacle course (performed in a continuous manner)

4 cones are placed along the hall (the distance between them is 1 meter), “ladders” are placed on the floor, basketball hoops are hung at a height of 1 m, then two gymnastic benches are placed (back to back) and climbing arcs “rainbow”.

Hitting the ball on the floor with both hands, moving forward between 4-5 objects (cubes, cones). The distance between objects is 1 m.

Walking on a smooth board (ball behind head).

3. Throwing the ball into a basketball hoop from the chest.

4. Rolling balls on a gymnastic bench.

5. Rolling the ball into rainbow climbing arcs and climbing.

Repeat 2 times.

Outdoor game "Planes".

Children are divided into three (four) units and placed in different corners of the hall. In front of each link is a cube of a certain color.

At the teacher’s command: “Get ready for flight!” “The “pilot” children make circular movements with their hands,” says the teacher. The “pilots” raise their arms to the sides and run in one direction throughout the hall. On command: “Landing!” - the children return, and each link takes its place near the cube. The teacher notes which link was built faster. When the game is repeated, other guys are appointed as flight commanders.

III Game of low mobility “Locomotive with stops”.

With the help of a rhyme, a locomotive driver is selected, behind whom all the guys line up. Everyone is given a hoop in their hands, and to the music they imitate the movements of a steam locomotive, following all the instructions at stops:

First stop: “Khlopotushkino!” They clap their hands. Then the locomotive continues on.


105. On preparatory part

Instructor-methodological classes are given 5-15 minutes. It sets tasks, announces training issues, checks the readiness of military personnel for classes and conducting methodological practice, determines the basic requirements for the quality of fulfillment of methodological tasks, and appoints lesson leaders from among the most trained military personnel.

The main part is carried out within 70-80 minutes. It includes educational issues related to the organization and methodology of conducting individual parts of forms of physical training, with the methodology of teaching exercises, techniques and actions.

Each training question is worked out in the following sequence: testing the theoretical knowledge of unit commanders, demonstrating the methodology for conducting it, followed by comments on the most important aspects of organizing methodological practice, and summing up. When conducting methodological practice, the study group is divided into several subgroups in order to maximize the involvement of students in completing the methodological task.

The analysis of the quality of implementation of the methodological task is carried out by military personnel, followed by the conclusion of the lesson leader.

For the final part

5-10 minutes are allotted. It sums up the results of methodological practice, assesses the level of theoretical and methodological preparedness of students, and gives tasks for independent work.

123. Additional physical training

is aimed at increasing the level of physical fitness, improving military-applied skills and field training of military personnel. It is organized and conducted when units move to places of training, as well as during practical training in other subjects of study.

The organization of associated physical training includes:

  • route selection, preparation,
  • determination of training methods and physical activity;
  • reflection in the summary plan of the brief content of the training
  • briefing of relevant officials.

The procedure for its implementation and content for each option are determined by the deputy commander of the military unit.

The content of incidental physical training includes: forced marches and skiing with incidental overcoming of artificial and natural obstacles; training in boarding and disembarking military equipment; towing on skis behind military equipment and other techniques and actions included in the content of combat training.

The means of physical training can be special techniques and actions provided for by the topic of the combat training lesson being conducted.

Incidental physical training is reflected in the lesson notes!

Options and content should be given by the deputy unit commander, who will entrust this to the head of physical education and sports. But, given that the documents do not define “Plans for incidental physical training,” the company commander draws them up independently in accordance with this article.

Physical training plans

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In the Literature section you can download the NFP.

Topic: GYMNASTICS AND ATHLETIC TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of exercises: No. 3 (pull-ups on the crossbar). Familiarization and learning of floor exercise complex No. 1.

Topic: GYMNASTICS AND ATHLETIC TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of exercise No. 4 (raising legs to the crossbar). Introducing and learning a set of floor exercises No. 2. Training exercise No. 3 (pull-ups on the crossbar). Floor exercise complex training No. 1.

Topic: GYMNASTICS AND ATHLETIC TRAINING. Training exercise No. 3 (pull-ups on the bar). Training exercise No. 4 (raising legs to the crossbar). Training of floor exercise complexes No. 1 and No. 2. Complex training on simulators and multi-span gymnastic apparatus.

Topic: GYMNASTICS AND ATHLETIC TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of exercise: No. 9 (flexion and extension of the arms in support on the uneven bars). Familiarization and learning of exercise No. 17 (complex strength exercise). Complex training on simulators and multi-span gymnastic equipment.

Topic: GYMNASTICS AND ATHLETIC TRAINING. Exercise training: No. 9 (flexion and extension of the arms in support on the uneven bars). Training exercise No. 17 (complex strength exercise). Complex training on simulators and multi-span gymnastic equipment.

Topic: GYMNASTICS AND ATHLETIC TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of exercise No. 18 (lifting a 24 kg weight). Complex training on simulators and multi-span gymnastic equipment.

Topic: GYMNASTICS AND ATHLETIC TRAINING. Training exercise No. 18 (lifting a 24 kg weight). Training of floor exercise complexes No. 1 and No. 2. Complex training on simulators and multi-span gymnastic apparatus.

Topic: GYMNASTICS AND ATHLETIC TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of exercise No. 5 (lifting with a coup). Complex training on simulators and multi-span gymnastic equipment.

Topic: GYMNASTICS AND ATHLETIC TRAINING. Training exercise No. 5 (inversion lifting). Complex training on simulators and multi-span gymnastic equipment.

Topic: GYMNASTICS AND ATHLETIC TRAINING. Improving exercise No. 5 (inversion lifting). Improving exercise No. 9 (flexion and extension of the arms in support on the uneven bars). Improving exercise No. 17 (complex strength exercise). Improving exercise No. 18 (lifting a 24 kg weight).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of support and unsupported jumps. Training exercise No. 46 (1 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of deep jumps with support on the hand, from sitting and hanging positions. Training exercise No. 45 (400 m run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of climbing with support on the hands, on the thigh, on the chest (stomach), “hook” and strength. Training exercise No. 45 (shuttle run 4x100 m).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of climbing, moving in narrow passages, along narrow supports and in the passages of the labyrinth. Training exercise No. 47 (3 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of operating on a destroyed bridge, moving along the beams of a destroyed bridge and overcoming a destroyed staircase. Training exercise No. 46 (1 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of throwing grenades for accuracy. Training exercise No. 43 (100 m run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of overcoming a destroyed staircase, façade wall, trench and communication route. Training exercise No. 46 (1 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of hitting with a butt from the side. Depth jump training with arm support.

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of protecting against impacts from a machine gun stand. Depth jump training from sitting and hanging positions. Training exercise No. 45 (400 m run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of stabbing with a knife (from above, from below, from the side, from the side backhand and straight). Climbing training using hands and hips.

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving techniques for releasing a machine gun from being captured by an enemy. Climbing training with support on the chest (stomach), “hook”.

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of thrusting with a bayonet with a lunge. Training of support and unsupported jumps.

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of straight punches. Training for climbing by force, climbing.

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of kicking from below. Training of movements on a narrow support and in narrow passages.

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of protection with a hand rest. Training of movements in the passages of the labyrinth.

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of strangulation from behind. Training of actions and movements along the beams of a destroyed bridge.

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of releasing the enemy from grabbing the neck from the back and front. Training for overcoming a ditch, a labyrinth and a destroyed bridge

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of disarming the enemy when thrusting with a bayonet and moving to the left. Training for overcoming destroyed stairs and walls.

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of disarming the enemy when thrusting with a bayonet and moving to the right. Training for throwing grenades into a ditch, wall openings or into a platform.

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving techniques for releasing a machine gun from being captured by an enemy. Knife stabbing training. Training exercise No. 3 (pull-ups on the bar). Training exercise No. 43 (100 m run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of straight hand strikes and techniques for freeing the machine from the enemy’s grip. Workout exercise No. 17 (complex strength exercise). Training exercise No. 44 (10x10 m).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of kicking from below and punching directly with your hand. Training exercise No. 46 (1 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of defense with the support of the hands and kicking from below. Training exercise No. 18 (lifting a 24 kg weight - snatch). Training exercise No. 47 (3 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of rear strangulation and arm support techniques. Workout exercise No. 17 (complex strength exercise). Training exercise No. 45 (400 m run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of releasing the opponent from grabbing the neck from the back and front, strangulation from behind. Training exercise No. 3 (pull-ups on the bar). Training exercise No. 44 (shuttle run 10x10 m).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of disarming the enemy when thrusting with a bayonet while moving to the left and freeing the enemy from grabbing the neck from behind and in front. Training exercise No. 18 (lifting a 24 kg weight - snatch). Training exercise No. 47 (3 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of disarming the enemy when thrusting with a bayonet and moving to the right and disarming the enemy when thrusting with a bayonet and moving to the left. Training exercise No. 3 (pull-ups on the bar). Training exercise No. 46 (1 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving techniques: a blow from the side with a butt, a thrust with a bayonet with a lunge, and protection with a machine gun stand. Exercise training: No. 17 (complex strength exercise). Training exercise No. 47 (3 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Training exercise No. 3 (pull-ups on the bar). Training exercise No. 44 (10x10 m). Training exercise No. 48 (5 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of protecting against blows (with a bayonet, butt, knife, infantry shoulder blade, foot and hand) with a machine gun stand and a blow from the side with a butt. Training exercise No. 45 (400 m run). Training exercise No. 4 (raising legs to the crossbar).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Training in the technique of stabbing with a knife (from above, below, from the side, from the side backhand and straight) and protection from blows with the stand of the machine gun. Training exercise No. 45 (shuttle run 4x100 m). Training exercise No. 18 (lifting a 24 kg weight - snatch).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the straight punch and low kick, and protection with the support of the arms. Training exercise No. 4 (raising legs to the crossbar). Workout exercise No. 17 (complex strength exercise). Training exercise No. 43 (100 m run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of disarming the enemy when thrusting with a bayonet. Workout exercise No. 17 (complex strength exercise). Training exercise No. 44 (shuttle run 10x10 m).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the technique of hitting with a butt from the side, thrusting with a bayonet with a lunge. Training exercise No. 3 (pull-ups on the bar). Workout exercise No. 17 (complex strength exercise). Training exercise No. 47 (3 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving the rear choke and releasing the opponent from the back and front of the neck. Training exercise No. 3 (pull-ups on the bar). Training for exercise No. 5 (inversion lifting on the crossbar).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving a thrust with a bayonet with a lunge and a blow with a butt from the side, protection from blows with the stand of a machine gun, piercing blows with a knife. Training exercise No. 3 (pull-ups on the bar). Training exercise No. 4 (raising legs to the crossbar). Training exercise No. 18 (lifting a 24 kg weight - snatch). Training exercise No. 46 (1 km run).

Topic: COMPLEX EDUCATIONAL TRAINING LESSONS. Improving straight hand strikes and low kicks. Training exercise No. 51 (5 km forced march).

Topic: SKI PREPARATION.. Familiarization and learning of drill techniques with and on skis. Familiarization and learning of skiing techniques without poles and at normal speed.

Topic: SKI TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of two-step skiing techniques. Training of drill techniques with and on skis Training of skiing techniques without poles and at normal speed.

Topic: SKI TRAINING. Familiarization and learning the technique of lifting with a normal step. Familiarization and learning of techniques and descent in a high stance. Two-step skiing technique training

Topic: SKI TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of the one-step move technique. Practice lifting technique with normal steps. Training of descent technique in a high stance.

Topic: SKI TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of stepless walking techniques. Herringbone lift technique training. Training the technique of descent in a middle stance.

Topic: SKI TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of the technique of the “toss” move. Stepless walking technique training.

Topic: SKI TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of “plough” and “half-plough” braking techniques. Training the technique of the “toss” move.

Topic: SKI TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of the technique of braking with poles between skis and a fall. Training in “plough” and “half-plough” braking techniques.

Topic: SKI TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of the technique of turns by stepping, turns by “plow” and “half-plow”. Training of pole braking techniques between skis and a fall.

Topic: SKI TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of the technique of throwing a grenade on skis while standing and in motion, from the knee and lying down. Training in the technique of turning by stepping, turning by “plow” and “half-plough”.

Topic: SKI TRAINING. Familiarization and learning of the technique of preparing for shooting on skis while standing, kneeling and lying down. Training in the technique of throwing a grenade on skis while standing, moving, kneeling and lying down.

Topic: MILITARY APPLIED SWIMMING. Testing military personnel's ability to swim and dividing personnel into two groups: first - those who cannot swim and weak swimmers; the second - swimmers who confidently master one of the swimming methods and swim at least 200 meters.

Topic: MILITARY APPLIED SWIMMING. Familiarization and learning of ways to assist a drowning person in water (freeing from hand grips, by the torso in front, by the neck from behind, transporting a drowning person). Providing first aid on land.

Topic: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. Familiarization and learning of support and unsupported jumps.

Topic: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. Introducing and learning depth jumps from sitting and hanging positions. Depth jump training with arm support.

Topic: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. Familiarization and learning of grenade throwing techniques for accuracy. Depth jump training from sitting and hanging positions.

Topic: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. Introducing and learning how to climb with support on your hands and hips. Training in grenade throwing techniques for accuracy.

Topic: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. Familiarization and learning of climbing with support on the chest (stomach), “hook”. Climbing training using your arms and hips.

Topic: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. Introducing and learning how to climb by force. Climbing training with support on the chest (stomach), “hook”.

Topic: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. Familiarization and learning of climbing methods. Strength climbing training

Topic: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. Familiarization and learning of movements in narrow passages, in the passages of the labyrinth. Training methods of movement on a narrow support.

Topic: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. Familiarization and learning how to overcome a destroyed staircase and facade wall. Training of movements in narrow passages, in the passages of the labyrinth.

Topic: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. Familiarization and learning how to overcome the well and the course of communication. Training in overcoming a destroyed staircase and facade wall.

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of preparation for battle, movements, self-insurance techniques.

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of exercise No. 28 (initial set of hand-to-hand combat techniques RB-N) - thrust with a bayonet with a lunge (without a lunge), strikes with a bayonet (barrel), butt from the side, magazine. Training in preparation for combat, movements, self-insurance techniques.

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of exercise No. 29 (a special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques RB-1) - attack techniques with weapons (strike with a butt from below, strike with the butt plate of the butt, stabbing blows with a knife from above and below, cutting and piercing blows with a knife from the side, straight, backhand, injections with a bayonet, blows with a shovel).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of techniques: protecting the machine with a stand, freeing the machine from being captured by the enemy. Training: thrust with a bayonet with a lunge (without a lunge), strikes with a bayonet (barrel), butt from the side, magazine.

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of weapon defense techniques (attacks with a machine gun). Training in attack techniques with weapons (strike with a butt from below, strike with the butt plate of a butt plate, stabbing blows with a knife from above and below, cutting and piercing blows with a knife from the side, straight, backhand, bayonet thrusts, blows with a shovel).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of attack techniques without weapons (strikes with a hand straight, from the side, from above; kicks from below, forward, straight, from above, from the side, back). Training in defense techniques with weapons (attacks with a machine gun).

Subject: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of techniques for disarming an enemy when striking with a knife from above, below or directly. Training in defense techniques without weapons.

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of techniques for releasing an opponent’s neck grips from behind and in front. Training in techniques to disarm an enemy when striking with a knife from above, below or directly.

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of exercise No. 30 (a special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques RB-2) - techniques for striking with an infantry shovel. Training in techniques for releasing an opponent's grip on the neck from behind and from the front.

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of defense techniques without weapons (defense against kicks by moving to the side). Training in defense techniques with weapons (picks with an infantry shovel).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of techniques for disarming the enemy when striking with an infantry shovel (from above or to the right, backhand or poke). Training in defense techniques without weapons (defense against kicks by moving to the side).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of exercise No. 31 (a special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques - RB-3) - painful techniques (bending the arm behind the back, arm lever outward). Training in techniques to disarm an enemy when striking with an infantry shovel (from above or to the right, backhand or poke).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of painful techniques (arm lever inward, arm knot at the top, rear strangulation). Training of painful techniques (bending the arm behind the back, levering the arm outward).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and practice of throws (back trip, throw over the back, throws with leg grabs and choke). Training of painful techniques (arm lever inward, arm knot at the top, rear choke).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of techniques for disarming an enemy when thrusting with a bayonet (with a move to the left, with a move to the right). Throwing training (back trip, back throw, leg lock throw and choke).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of techniques for disarming an enemy when striking with a knife (straight, from above, from below, backhand). Training in techniques for disarming an enemy when thrusting with a bayonet (with a move to the left, with a move to the right).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of techniques for disarming an enemy when threatened with a pistol (when trying to take a pistol out of a holster, from the waistband of trousers in front, point-blank in front, point-blank in the back). Training in techniques for disarming an enemy when striking with a knife (straight, from above, from below, backhand).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of techniques for disarming the enemy when striking from above with an infantry shovel. Training in techniques for disarming an enemy when threatened with a pistol (when trying to take a pistol out of a holster, from the waistband of trousers in front, point-blank in front, point-blank in the back).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of techniques for releasing the enemy's grips (neck in front, or clothes on the chest, neck behind, torso with arms behind, torso behind, torso in front, torso with arms in front, legs in front, legs in back). Training in techniques to disarm an enemy when striking from above with an infantry shovel

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of special techniques for tying an opponent (with a rope, trouser and waist belts, a trouser belt or rope, a stick). Training in techniques for releasing the enemy's grips (neck in front, or clothes on the chest, neck behind, torso with arms behind, torso behind, torso in front, torso with arms in front, legs in front, legs in back).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of special search techniques (standing up against a wall, bending down, lying on the ground). Training in special techniques for tying an opponent (with rope, trouser and waist belts, trouser belt or rope, stick).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of special convoy techniques (painful hold, at gunpoint). Training in special search techniques (standing against a wall, bending over, lying on the ground).

Topic: HAND-HAND COMBAT. Familiarization and learning of special actions when throwing a knife (throwing a knife with a grip on the blade, by the handle) and an infantry shovel. Training in special escort techniques (painful hold, at gunpoint).

Topic: THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORTS. The purpose and objectives of physical training. The influence of physical training on increasing the combat effectiveness of military personnel.

Topic: THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORTS. Contents of physical training. Exercises, standards and requirements of the Military Sports Complex, Unified Military Sports Classification.

Topic: ACCELERATED MOVEMENT AND ATHLETICS. Familiarization and learning of special jumping and running exercises. Familiarization and learning of the 100 m running technique (exercise No. 43). Training in accelerated movement up to 1 km.

Topic: ACCELERATED MOVEMENT AND ATHLETICS. Introducing and learning the technique of shuttle running 10x10 m (exercise No. 44). 100m running technique training (exercise No. 43).

Topic: ACCELERATED MOVEMENT AND ATHLETICS. Familiarization and learning of the 400 m running technique (exercise No. 45). Training of 10x10 m shuttle running technique (exercise No. 44).

Topic: ACCELERATED MOVEMENT AND ATHLETICS. Familiarization and learning of the 4x100 m shuttle running technique (exercise No. 45). 400 m running technique training (exercise No. 45).

Topic: ACCELERATED MOVEMENT AND ATHLETICS. Introducing and learning the technique of running 1 km (exercise No. 46). Training of 4x100m shuttle running technique (exercise No. 45).

Topic: ACCELERATED MOVEMENT AND ATHLETICS. Familiarization, learning and training of exercise No. 48 (5 km run).

Topic: ACCELERATED MOVEMENT AND ATHLETICS. Familiarization, learning and training of exercise No. 51 (5 km forced march).

Topic: ACCELERATED MOVEMENT AND ATHLETICS. Familiarization, learning and training of exercise No. 52 (10 km forced march).

Main stages

The course of the lesson must be included in the outline of a game physical education lesson in the senior group of a preschool institution. The main stages and their duration are considered.

  1. Organizational aspects (game motivation).
  2. Introductory part.
  3. Main.
  4. Final.
  5. Bottom line.

Reserve time is required.

We will describe in detail the course of the lesson, which must be included in the notes of a physical education lesson in the senior group. The table is shown below.

Content Techniques and methods
Participants enter the hall, line up, and say hello. Organizing time
Introductory part

The instructor begins to speak. Asks children questions: do they know the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”, who are the heroes in it. Shows slides.

Here the speech method is used, visual, interest and attention are activated. Conversation.
Main part.

According to the scenario of the fairy tale, the teacher selects exercises to perform. You can use walking, running, changing lanes, breathing exercises (“the forest is noisy”). A number of games are used (balls are used with “apples”, “Babaka-Yozhka”), relay races (“Let’s clean the stove”, “Who can catch up with the geese faster”), balance exercises (“Path in the forest” with gymnastic benches, “Walking” on the bridge", "Who will throw the pebble next"). The instructor enters a detailed scenario and description into his notes for a non-traditional physical education lesson in the senior group. Slides are shown.

Techniques: activation of attention, instructions, instructor assistance, reminder, command, learning new exercises, demonstrating movements, repetition, explanation, summarizing answers, evaluating activities.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

In the final part, the instructor finds out whether the children liked it, sums up the results, gives homework, and says goodbye to the children. Participants line up and leave for the group. An instruction or command is used.

Each game, relay race, exercise is described in great detail: what instrument was used, how many times, what needs to be done, the sequence, who follows whom, all names are taken into account. The same applies to dialogues. Everyone has their own words and lines, strictly according to the script.

Compilation example

How to make a summary of a physical education lesson in a senior group? Let's take a closer look at the example of a lesson in a preschool institution on the topic “An Unusual Adventure.”

The field of education is “Physical Education”, which integrates with cognitive development, social-communicative, artistic, aesthetic, speech.

Type of lesson – plot-thematic.

The goal is to teach children to find a way out of difficult situations using imagination and to deal with motor difficulties.

The lesson is held in the sports and music hall.

The total running time is 30 minutes and 2 minutes of reserve time.

Physical education “Big Races” for older preschoolers

  • January 26, 2012

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative - 2011”
Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

Scenario of physical education leisure for older preschoolers. A fun sports activity that can be used to develop and strengthen the physical health of children.

Program content: Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children. Consolidate the execution of basic types of movements consciously, quickly and deftly; teach to understand the purpose of relay races; bring children the joy of physical self-realization. To develop in children the ability to play together, coordinating their actions with the actions of others.

Equipment: hoops, balls, gymnastic sticks, balloons, sandbags, skittles, hats, flags.

Progress of the event:

Host: Hello, dear guests. We are glad to welcome you to our game “Big Race”. We start our game. So, let's meet the teams.

(Children enter the hall to the music, team captains have flags in their hands, children line up in a column one at a time)

Host: So, we welcome the Panther team.

Team Captain: Our motto:

We are panthers - just class, We will surprise you today, Smart and brave, Dexterous, skillful.

Host: And now we welcome the White Leopards team.

Team Captain: Our motto:

White leopards are very strong, White leopards are very smart, When we are united, We are invincible!

Host: And now I want to introduce the jury of our competition and the team coach.

(Introduces the jury, the coach, the children line up in two columns).

So, we begin our competition.

Relay races

Running with two balls

At the starting line, the first participant conveniently takes 2 balls. At the signal, he runs with them to the hoop and puts the balls into it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and places them on the floor in another hoop.

2. Eye of the needle

At the end of the relay line there is a hoop on the ground. When starting, the first participant must run to the hoop, pick it up and thread it through himself. The player then returns back.

3. Tunnel

The first player throws the ball back between the players' spread legs. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between his spread legs, etc.

Musical pause

4. Snipers

At a distance of 3m in front of each column there is a hoop. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hits, then his team gets 1 point. Result: whoever has the most points wins.

5. Air kangaroos

The first participant holds the balloon between his knees and, like a kangaroo, jumps with it until the end of the distance marker. Returning back in the same way, he passes the ball to the next player, etc.

6. Cowboys

The horse in this relay race will be replaced by a gymnastic stick. Each player, holding a stick between his legs and putting a hat on his head, will have to get to the turning point and back.

Musical pause

7. Roll the ball

The first player of each team has a ball in front of them. Players dribble the ball forward with their hands. In this case, the ball is allowed to be pushed at arm's length. Having rounded the turning point, the players return to their teams and pass the ball to the next player.

8. Bear trail

Children line up in two teams. The first player stands “on 4 legs” (on his arms and legs) and moves around like that. Having rounded the turning point, the players return to their teams and pass the baton.

9. Snake

Skittles are placed in front of the children at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Children run around the pins like a snake and come back, passing the baton to the next player.

The jury sums up the results and announces the winners. The winners are awarded "medals".

Presenter: Well done, guys. Today you were the bravest, most dexterous, fastest and very friendly. We wish you to grow up healthy, active, cheerful and never get sick.

The children leave the hall to the music.

Author: Batyrova Tatyana Mikhailovna, teacher of the ΙΙ qualification category of MDOU No. 28, Leninogorsk, Republic of Tatarstan, teaching experience 15 years.

Control over the assimilation of material

Before the lesson, an organizational moment is carried out, namely, the formation of children in a line. In the introductory and final parts, frontal organization is used, that is, tasks are completed by all participants. A subgroup is also added to the main one.

Control over assimilation consists in the fact that through gaming activities the instructor monitors the correct execution of running, walking, balance exercises, changing lanes, compliance with safety rules in outdoor games, and the quality of exercises. The summary “Physical training in the senior group” is ready.

Open lesson

Such a lesson is even more exciting for the teacher. Colleagues and management can attend. Here it is important for the instructor to show himself, his professionalism, his ability to organize children and convey information to them, since this is what will be assessed. In such a situation, it is simply necessary to draw up a detailed outline of an open physical education lesson in the senior group of a preschool educational institution and strictly follow it. Every step, movement, and dialogue is written down here.

Parents can also attend such a lesson, who, in turn, will appreciate the teacher’s attitude towards the children, as well as how interesting they were in the lesson, what new things they learned, and their skills in general.

Today it is fashionable to be healthy. Modern people take care of themselves, go in for sports and fitness. A child should be taught to be attentive to their health from an early age, which is what a preschool teacher should do, since this is where children spend the bulk of their time. This can only be achieved through games, fairy tales, and by getting the little person interested.

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