Text of the book “Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Class notes"

Summary of an open lesson on drawing in a preparatory group using the scratch technique

Summary of an open lesson on drawing in a non-traditional scratch paper technique on the topic “Underwater World” for the regional methodological association.
Author: Nadezhda Viktorovna Vinogradova, teacher at GBDOU d/s No. 14, St. Petersburg. Description: I offer you a summary of an open lesson in a preparatory school group. This material will be useful to teachers and methodologists of preschool institutions. Goal: drawing on the theme “Underwater World” using the non-traditional technique “scratchboard” Objectives: To strengthen technical drawing skills in children. Continue to learn how to build a composition of a drawing, reflect your impressions and knowledge about the world around you in a drawing. Develop children's imagination and creativity. Methods and techniques: playful, verbal (conversation), visual, practical, unconventional drawing. Materials and equipment for the lesson: sheets of thick paper specially primed for making drawings using the scratch paper technique (first the entire surface of the cardboard is carefully painted with wax crayons of different colors, then the cardboard is covered with a layer of blue gouache, after complete drying the cardboard is ready for drawing), toothpicks, illustrations of sea inhabitants, puzzles (cut photographs of sea animals and fish in A4 format), audio recordings: A. Kanachyan - “In the blue sea, in white foam”, the sound of the surf.
Diving accessories: fins, masks, goggles, snorkels, “the gate of the sea Tsarstav”: a screen with blue drapery. For a relaxation corner: a bath with sand and pebbles and shells hidden in it. Course of the lesson
1. Introductory part: Conversation The song by A. Kanachyan “In the blue sea in white foam...” is played, the children enter the hall. The music stops. Educator: - Guys, today is an unusual day for us, guests have come to us, let's say hello to them (Hello!) - Now let's move on... Look, what is this lying here? What is this for? (Children look at the objects on the green “island” on the floor, offer possible answers: mask and snorkel for diving, fins, inflatable ring, etc.).

- Where is all this used, on land or in water? (in the water) - So, where will we travel today? (in the sea) - That's right, in the depths of the sea. We have already met some of the inhabitants of the underwater world. Let's remember them (the teacher takes the children to a stand with images of fish and sea animals).

Children list, pointing to pictures, those fish and animals they know, remember their habits and characteristics. The teacher draws attention to the shape and color of the sea inhabitants, as well as to the fact that there are plants in the sea - algae - and they are also all different in shape and color. The teacher asks about those who were not named: “Who do you think it is?” Who does he look like? (Children make assumptions, the teacher corrects, naming correctly) 2. Puzzles The teacher turns to the center of the hall, where there is a “lake” (blue fabric in the shape of a circle) on the floor, draws the children’s attention to it and what lies in it: - Guys , what do we have here? It looks like a pond, and there is sea mail in it, look - envelopes! Take an envelope each and let's see what's inside? - Oh, yes, there are photographs of someone, but they are not whole, but divided into parts... We need to make photographs from these pieces, then we can find out whose they are.

Children sit/lay down on the “lake”, put together puzzles, and discuss who has whose photo. Educator: - Thank you guys, now underwater inhabitants can easily find their photos.

3. Riddles Educator: - Do you know that we have an oceanarium in St. Petersburg? Have any of you been in it? If you haven’t been, I highly recommend visiting with your parents. It's so interesting there! You can meet amazing fish and sea animals, examine the seabed and various underwater plants. Guess who I met there? This fish is an evil predator It will swallow everyone headlong It yawned showing its teeth And went to the bottom... (shark) A pear with long legs Settled in the ocean As many as eight arms and legs This is a miracle -... (octopus) For himself at the bottom of the sea He builds a house with his claws A round shell , ten paws Did you guess it? This is... (crab) What kind of ball floats with spikes, Quietly waving its fins? You just can’t take this ball in your hands - ... (hedgehog fish) Both on land and in water Carries the house with it everywhere Travels without fear In this house ... (turtle) A transparent umbrella floats “I’ll burn you!” – threatens – Don’t touch! She has paws and a belly. What is her name? (jellyfish) She looks so much like a horse And she also lives in the sea That’s how the fish is! Jump and jump - The sea horse is jumping... (horse)

4. Physical education lesson Educator: Somehow, we guys stayed too long. Let's warm up a little. Waves splash in the ocean (alternately swing your right and left hands) What seems to be there in the fog? (raise your palm to your forehead, “peering”) These are the masts of ships (raise your straight arms up) Let them sail here quickly! (swing your arms left and right from the elbow) We walk along the shore, (step in place) We wait for sailors, We look for shells in the sand (bend over, reach the floor with our hands) And clench them in our fists (raise clenched fists) To collect more of them (squats) I need to squat more often

5. Main part: Educator: - Guys, would you like to meet underwater inhabitants and make a photo drawing of them? What do we need to do for this? (dive under the water) - Children, look what’s in the basket here? (masks for scuba diving). Why are they needed, remind me? (to see under water) - These are the ones that will be useful to us now. Let's put them on and dive in! Before diving, take a deep breath and hold your breath a little. Children put on masks and “dive” into the makeshift gates of the “Sea Kingdom”. The teacher invites them to sit down at the prepared workstations and take off their masks.

Educator: - Guys, we have now dived into the underwater world. Let's close our eyes and imagine the seabed and underwater inhabitants (turn on the audio recording “sound of the surf”). Look at them carefully: who you saw, what size, color, what surrounds them, remember them. Open your eyes and let's take a photo of what you just saw. We won’t tell you yet who we met, but when you draw, then we’ll try to guess. And today we will draw using the grattage technique. We are already familiar with this technique. What else can you call it, how do we apply the drawing? (scratch). The underwater world is a world of magical beauty, it is very colorful. Everything in it mysteriously shimmers with different colors, and some animals even know how to change their color themselves (octopus). Therefore, for today’s sketch for each of you, I made this small sea with a colored base, there is already water in it, you just need to populate it with inhabitants and plants. Choose the size of your future photo drawing (children choose the format of the blank). — Let's remember once again how to draw using the grattage technique (scratch a design with a toothpick on a workpiece). A toothpick is a tool, be very careful and attentive with it. Now imagine again what you want to draw and get started. If anyone needs help, call me quietly so as not to put water in your mouth and scare away the fish.

Children, under the supervision of a teacher, draw a composition on a marine theme.

The child with the finished work puts on a mask and “surfaces”, the teacher directs him to a relaxation corner (a bath filled with sand with “surprises” - the game “find a sea souvenir”). At the end of the lesson, children's works are filed in a common “photo album”.

6. Final part: Educator: - Guys, our album of “photo drawings” is ready, let’s look together, admire and try to guess who met whom under water. Children, together with the teacher, look at the album, discuss the work, and guess what is depicted. -Did you enjoy today’s trip to the Sea Kingdom? You are so great: you talked about swimming accessories, solved riddles, guessed the inhabitants from pictures and made a whole Sea Album! Let's leave it to our guests to watch, and we ourselves will go and refresh ourselves, a second breakfast awaits us. The children leave the hall to the continuation of A. Kanachyan’s song “In the blue sea, in the white foam...”.

Children's works

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Drawing lesson in the preparatory group “My favorite toy.”
Goals: to introduce children to toys and their history, to consolidate knowledge about toys. Develop imagination, memory, attention, accuracy. Learn the ability to draw and paint over a picture, and arrange it beautifully on a sheet of paper. Cultivate interest in artistic creativity. Equipment: a simple pencil, colored pencils, an eraser, a landscape sheet. Preliminary work: Reading A. Barto “Toys”. Conversations on the topic. Didactic games: “What has changed?
", "Wonderful bag." Course of the lesson
1. Organizational moment: Watching the cartoon “Living Toy” Educator: Guys, who guessed what we will talk about today? The children answer. Educator. Yes, guys, today we will draw your favorite toy. Guys, let's remember what toys are made of: plastic, fabric, thread, porcelain, clay, rubber, wood Educator: I suggest you guess the riddles: This is a children's playground. The ball is here, the bucket, the shovel. Both boys and girls brought with them... (toys) Look deep into the pipe: like in a fairy tale, the colors formed there into a pattern. A tube is not a microscope. And the colored one... (kaleidoscope) Let's take colored bricks, We'll build any kind of houses, Even a circus for the public. After all, we have... (cubes) I jump on the asphalt, I fly through the yard into the grass. Don’t hide me from your friends, Let’s play with them in... (ball) The girlfriends are different in height, But they look alike, They all sit next to each other, And there’s only one toy. (Matryoshka dolls) What does all this mean? Daughter, but not crying; If you put him to sleep, he will sleep for a day, or two, or even five. (Doll) Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles correctly. Why do we need toys at all and where do we get them? Children: Play, buy in the store. Educator: Let's listen to poems about toys. I made a truck for my sister Katyushka. Katyushka raised a cry: “Is this a truck?” Three empty spools. I made her a horse, Let him take it, don’t mind! Katya looks at me, doesn’t want to take the horse: “It’s just a stick!” I folded two flaps. “Oh,” said Katya, “Oh, what a beauty: a doll in a colorful dress.” The days go, go, go, But the toys don't grow. Even the plush watchdog has not grown at all in a year. I took vitamins from Aunt Nina for toys. I gave them chocolate, cake, jam, marshmallows! The elder brother ate everything for them. Well, what about me? I'm standing in the corner! 2. Fizkul Our horse gallops, clop-clop-clop. (they gallop like horses) The clatter of fast feet can be heard. Doll, doll, dance, (squats with a spring) Wave your hand. This is how a top spins - (spinning) It buzzed and lay down on the floor. The plane flies, flies, (arms to the sides) A ​​brave pilot sits in it. And now we are all nesting dolls, (clap our hands) Clap our hands loudly. 3. Educator: Guys, let's imagine that we are artists and we will draw our favorite toys. Children draw their favorite toys 4. Educator: You made very beautiful drawings. Now everyone will describe their favorite toy and tell why they love it. At the end of the lesson, an exhibition is set up for parents.

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