Calendar plan for every day “Week of Kindness” senior group

Kindness Week

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN MONDAY Topic of the week: Kindness Week Topic of the day: Friendship Day

Printed board games: “Find an object of the same shape” (1st option) (30)
Target. Clarify the idea of ​​the shape of objects.
Memorizing poems: Jokes “Where the jelly is, that’s where it sits.” Target. Develop memory and reading technique
Individual work on FEMP: “Sisters go mushroom hunting” (FEMP) Purpose. Strengthen your ability to build
row by size, establish correspondence between 2 rows, find the missing element of the row.
Didactic games: “Birds (animals, fish)” (89)
Target. Strengthen the ability to classify and name animals, birds, fish.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 5
Individual-subgroup work: drawing “My friends” Goal. Choose your own material
for drawing and methods of transferring the drawing.
Conversations on the topic of the day: “Who is your friend?” Target. Learn to express your opinion about a friend who can be considered
friend and why; develop social and moral qualities.
Observations Card No. 6 (August) Observation of the flight of birds Purpose. Learn to recognize birds: sparrow,
crow, tit, pigeon (in flight, on the ground); expand knowledge about the life of birds, their habits, and nutrition.
Role-playing games: “Rescue Service”
Target. Create conditions and encourage social creativity, develop the ability to distribute among
subgroups in accordance with the game plot and at the end of a given game action again.
unite into a single team. Expand children's understanding of the humane nature of work
rescue service, its necessity, mobility in emergency situations. Develop children's speech
Creative game: “Mysterious letters” Purpose. Develop imagination, ideas, ingenuity
children, to train the ability to compose sentences from individual words.
Physical exercises for balance and coordination of movements: Walking.
Spinning with eyes closed (with stopping and performing various figures).
Games for developing fine motor skills: “Make beads”
Target. Learn to make beads from cut felt-tip pen tubes; learn to make simple combinations
according to the instructions of the teacher and according to the scheme, develop fine motor skills of the hands, learn to concentrate on
one type of activity, develop and cultivate perseverance.
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Firemen in training”
Target. Strengthen the ability to climb walls; develop attention.
"Jump" Goal. Jumping on two legs while moving around the flower bed.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: Learn to wash and wipe your shoes.
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: sound of the sea
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 5
Construction games: “House for friends” Goal. Develop children's constructive qualities.
Reading fiction: L. Levin “Chest”. Target. Expand children's horizons; introduce
a new work; learn to express your opinion about the content of the work.
Different types of theater:
Outdoor games: “Flock” (70) Goal. Develop rhythmic and expressive speech; intensify
dictionary on the topic “Birds”; develop sports skills.
"Cat and Mice" Goal. Continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game; intensify physical activity.
Organization of independent play activities for children: Games in the sports area.
Target. Continue to develop independence when choosing equipment for games, play together
Working with parents: Folder “Cultivating independence in a child” (advice from a psychologist).

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN TUESDAY Topic of the week: Kindness Week Topic of the day: Day of Understanding

Word games: “Stop! Wand, stop” (82) Purpose. Continue to learn to listen to the sound of words;
practice independently naming words and clearly pronouncing the sounds in them.
Games and entertainment: “Shadow” Goal. Teach the “shadow” to act in the same rhythm as a person.
Creative games: “Right actions” Goal. To form in children ideas about positive and
negative human actions in everyday life.
Exercises to prevent visual impairment: “Pinocchio”, “Mirror”, “Water Circles”
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 5
Individual-subgroup work: “Gift for a friend” Purpose. Strengthen skills independently
Choose the material for work and additional accessories.
Conversations on the topic of the day: “Do you understand me” Purpose. A conversation to identify children’s knowledge of how
they understand what “Understanding” is, who needs to be understood and how to react to other people.
Target walk. Topic: Card No. 7 (August) Looking at the willow
Target. Contribute to the generalization of ideas about the structure, growth and development of plants; develop skills
generalize according to essential features; expand children's understanding of parts of plants; bring up
interest in plants; gain experience in attentive and caring attitude towards growing plants.
Games to develop the perception of size: “Unfinished Pictures”
Target. Introduce children to the varieties of geometric shapes of round shapes of different sizes.
Creative play (moral education, children’s speech): “We are all the same”
Target. Encourage your child to have a friendly attitude towards people of other nationalities.
Promote the development of coherent speech, creative thinking and imagination.
Poems, nursery rhymes, songs (Teach to memorize small folklore forms): Jokes “Stupid Ivan...”.
Target. Continue to introduce children to folklore
Observing the work of adults: “In the garden” Purpose. Activate cognitive activity,
maintain a strong interest in observations.
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Run to the named tree” (57)
Target. Train in quickly finding the named tree.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: Strengthen the ability to comply with hygiene rules
while eating (do not lean back in the chair, do not spread your elbows or place them on the table)
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: Sounds of nature
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 5
Didactic games: “Journey” (172)
Target. Find your way by the names of familiar plants and other natural objects.
Reading fiction: S. Marshak “Cat House” (excerpts).
Target. Develop the ability to read a work in dialogue; develop expressive speech.
Board and printed games: “What is this?” (49) Purpose. Develop logical thinking, memory, ingenuity.
Outdoor games: “Goalkeeper” (308)
Target. Strengthen the ability to navigate in space; develop reaction speed and movement accuracy.
Ball games: "Don't fall" Goal. Strengthen the ability to pass the ball back and forth with straight arms.
Organization of independent play activities for children:
Invite the children to make a funny toy “Hedgehog, no head or legs visible” from leaves.
Working with parents: Consultation “On the rules of a child’s life in the family”

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN WEDNESDAY Topic of the week: Kindness Week Topic of the day: Day of Caring

Games for speech development: “Invent it yourself”
Target. Learn to correctly form sentences with a given number of words.
Outdoor games with running and jumping: “Funny Centipede”
Target. Jumping on two legs while moving forward.
Fun games: “Recognize by sound” (11) Purpose. Develop observation skills.
Games to develop fine motor skills: “Make a pattern or picture from rubber bands”
Target. Teach children to make a pattern from bank rubber bands, develop fine motor skills, imagination,
hand-eye coordination, learn to work according to the scheme.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 5
Individual-subgroup work: drawing “How I take care of my pet.”
Target. Use unconventional drawing techniques in your work - using a poke and a hard brush.
Conversations on the topic of the day: “Caring” Purpose. Conversation to deepen knowledge about the family; about whom and how
take care; develop moral qualities.
Observations: Card No. 8 (August) Rain observation
Target. Continue to introduce children to natural phenomena.
Games with sand, water, natural materials: “Cook”
Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of wet and dry sand.
Games with physical education equipment: “Find where it’s hidden”
Target. Learn to navigate in space.
Games - travel: “Across the sea of ​​games” Goal. Development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the hands.
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Catch up with your partner”
Target. Perform movements at the teacher’s signal; clearly navigate when finding your match.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: Strengthen the ability to wash quickly and accurately
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: bird sounds
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 5
Leisure evening: “What is kindness” Purpose. Development of ethical ideas; consolidate the ability to demonstrate
A friendly attitude towards others.
Reading fiction: “Blue Bird”, Turkmenistan, arr. A. Alexandrova and M. Tuberovsky.
Target. Replenishing children's literary baggage; continue to introduce foreign literature.
Physical exercises to develop basic types of movements: Crawling, climbing.
Climbing through a hoop in different ways
Outdoor games with sports toys: “Keys” (rus n.i.) (92) Purpose. Develop attention and speed.
“Water the horse” (310) Purpose. Develop dexterity of movements.
Didactic games: “What is around us?” (68)
Target. Learn to divide two- or three-syllable words into parts and pronounce each part of the word.
Organization of independent play activities for children: Searching for beautiful flowers.
Target. Development of independence, the ability to use flowers in the game.
Working with parents: Joint activity “Involving parents in organizing a leisure evening
"What is kindness?"

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN THURSDAY Topic of the week: Kindness Week Topic of the day: Hug Day

FEMP games: “Find by touch”
Target. Teach children to compare the results of a visual-tactile examination of the shape of an object.
Games for the perception of correct sound pronunciation, clarification, consolidation, activation of the dictionary:
“Who can come up with the most words” (101) Purpose. Activate the dictionary; expand your horizons.
“How to say it differently” Purpose. Exercise children in naming one of the synonyms.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 5
Formation of KGN: Strengthen the ability to correctly use a napkin as needed.
Individual-subgroup work: A. Barto “Vovka is a kind soul” (reading passages)
Target. Learn to reason and analyze the actions of the hero.
Conversations on the topic of the day: “What it means to be kind” Goal. Communicate that hugs are important
role in human life and development.
Observations Card No. 9 Observing the weather (signs) Purpose. Develop the ability to install
cause-and-effect relationship between observed natural phenomena; consolidate knowledge about signs
season; remember proverbs and sayings on this topic.
Games with crawling and climbing: “Bears and Bees”
Target. Strengthen the ability to climb over obstacles.
Creative games: “My best friend” Goal. Develop creativity. Learn to display your own in a drawing
mood, features of another person’s appearance.
Physical exercises to develop basic types of movements: Jumping.
Jumping with a sandbag clamped between your legs.
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Hunters and Ducks” (209) Goal. Accuracy development.
“This is how our feet walk along the wide path”
Target. Practice walking with high knees.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: conversation “Let’s remember how to eat properly”
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: Music for relaxation
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 5
Examination of pictures, albums, illustrations: Examination of pictures depicting different
situations; be able to analyze and discuss the actions of characters
Reading fiction: “White and Rosette”, trans. with him. L. Kon.
Target. Replenishing children's literary baggage with fairy tales.
Outdoor games of low mobility: “Throw the ball to an adult and name the animals” (227)
Target. Expand your vocabulary through the use of generalizing words; develop attention and memory.
Games to develop attention: “Vegetables and fruits”
Target. Develop attention, consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.
Games using building materials: Build with sticks
Target. Develop children's imagination; make figures according to the idea.
Household work: Maintain the appearance of the dolls: select clothes, comb, tie
bow. Goal: to foster a sense of satisfaction from the work done.
Independent activity of children: Using pinwheels and plumes, check the strength of the wind.

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN FRIDAY Topic of the week: Kindness Week Topic of the day: Day of Good Wishes

Games for speech development: “Guessing riddles” (66)
Target. Expand the stock of nouns in the active dictionary.
Outdoor games with running and jumping: “From bump to bump” Goal. Develop long jump skills.
Fun games: “Hurry up to catch it” (19) Goal. Develop dexterity and precision of movement.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 5
Formation of KGN: Strengthen the ability to clean your clothes
Individual-subgroup work: “Gift for a friend” Purpose. Come up with your own gift
for a friend(s).
Conversations on the topic of the day: “Day of Good Wishes” Purpose. Develop the ability to say pleasant words to each other
Observations: Card No. 10 (August) Observation of butterflies Purpose. Expand knowledge and understanding about
features of the appearance and life manifestations of insects; learn to analyze, establish
simple cause-and-effect relationships; make generalizations; activate memory and attention;
enrich vocabulary; develop coherent speech and logical thinking.
Games with educational toys: “How many objects?” (131) Purpose. Teach subject counting; develop
quantitative representations; understand and name numerals.
Games with physical education equipment: “Touch the ball” Goal. Strengthen the ability to throw and catch a ball.
Travel games: “Through the woods.” Goal: to develop coordination and fine motor skills of the hands
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Blind Man's Bluff” (75) Purpose. Develop attention.
“Butterflies, Frogs and Herons” (312) Purpose. Develop imitative movements.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, KGN: Strengthen the ability to maintain order in the washroom.
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: Lullabies
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 5
Looking at pictures, albums, illustrations: “Who is my friend” Purpose. Looking at photos
Friends, the ability to talk about the positive (negative) qualities of comrades.
Conversation with children on the topic of the week: “What is kindness?!” Target. Generalizing children's knowledge on the topic;
develop the ability to generalize, reason, analyze, and draw conclusions.
Leisure evening: “Let's tell a fairy tale” Purpose. A theatrical performance for younger children;
development of dialogical speech, emotional state of children.
Physical exercises to develop basic types of movements: Throwing, catching, throwing.
Throwing the ball to each other from a sitting position with legs crossed.
Didactic games: “How many objects?” (131) Purpose. Teach subject counting; develop
quantitative representations; understand and name numerals.
Independent activity of children: With external materials.
Target. Develop independence when choosing attributes and games.
Working with parents: Consultations on requests

Calendar planning of the thematic week “Our good deeds” in the younger mixed-age group

Abdulova Dzhume Sirazhutdinovna

Calendar planning of the thematic week “Our good deeds” in the younger mixed-age group

Goals of the teacher:

to form in children value ideas about good and evil. Teach ways and forms of expressing kindness to each other; relatives; nature; improve communication skills; cultural communication skills with adults and peers; cultivate friendly relations with each other; desire and ability to work together; help each other.

July 22, Monday

Morning: receiving children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for GCD

1. Morning exercises complex No. 43

2. Formation of a general culture of children’s personality “How to behave at the table.”

Goals: to teach children to eat carefully, to hold a fork and spoon correctly.

3. Drawing “Sun” learn to draw according to the Indus model. slave. “Call it in one word”

Davyd and Roma

Goal: to develop the ability to name objects in one word, to enrich vocabulary.

Speech game “Say the other way around” repetition of the finger game “Family” Enrichment of play areas in the group Individual conversation with parents on the topic “Child Safety”

Direct educational activities

1. Physical development. "Relay game"

C. develop the motor activity of children, teach them to perform exercises in a team.

Preparing for a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education and recreational work

1. Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work. Invite children to collect toys after a walk

2. Observation of the birch tree.

Goal: continue to get acquainted with birch, highlighting characteristic features and changes.

3. D/i “Guess what kind of plant”

Goals: to develop the ability to describe an object and recognize it by description.

4. Drawing a fairy cloud for the mouse with sticks on the sand.

Goals: to develop the ability to understand the simplest relationships in nature; develop the ability to listen to new poems and follow the development of the action. Individual work on physical education with Klim, Yaroslav.

Learn to jump on two legs “Natural World”

C. repeat with the children the names of animals and their babies

Conversation “How to ride on a swing”, reinforce safety rules. Takeaway materials: shoulder blades, sports equipment

Returning from a walk, organizing lunch and bedtime for children

Reading the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Evening: games, leisure, communication and hobby activities

1. Awakening. Hardening procedures (Walking barefoot on a bridge, ribbed path)

2. D/and traffic rules “Our street, or traffic light”

Objectives: to consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights.

In conversation with Davyd, repeat the tongue twisters Theatrical game “The Wolf and the Little Goats”

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

Independent play activities of children.

Conversation “How to ride a carousel”, reinforce safety rules On the development of movements with Danis, teach how to jump from a standing place. Takeaway material

July 23, Tuesday

Morning: receiving children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for GCD

Morning exercises complex No. 43

Goal: teach children to perform movements correctly.

2. Conversation with children about the seasons “Summer”.

3. Reading poems about summer; looking at illustrations.

4. Didactic game “Which one, which one, which one.”

Goals: to coordinate adjectives and nouns, to be able to select the characteristics of fairy tale characters. Individual work with Yana (Show pets and their babies) Outdoor game with walking and running “Bears are walking along the path”; physical exercise (throwing) “Get into the circle.”

Goals: accumulate and enrich children’s motor experience; develop various types of movements. Reviewing books about animals and birds with children. Recommendations for parents on safe behavior on roads and near water bodies.

Direct educational activities

1. Artistic and aesthetic development. Music.

(according to the plan of the music director).

Preparing for a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education and recreational work

1. Reading A. Pushkin’s poem “Wind, wind!” You are powerful."

2. Conversation “How to ride roller coasters”, reinforce safety rules

3. Observation of the wind. Determining wind strength using turntables. Working on the strength of your voice - playing with turntables and ribbons: “A strong (weak) wind blew on the ribbons.

Objectives: to expand understanding of the characteristic features of spring nature and weather and the changes associated with these seasonal features; develop the ability to understand the simplest relationships in nature; cultivate the ability to listen to new poems Teaching children

grouping objects by shape, establishing similarities and differences between objects using the game “Who, who lives in the little house?”

Plotless outdoor games with the Bear: “Where does the bell ring?”, “Wind and breezes.” Goals: to teach children to run in a playful way in different directions, with different hand positions, with high knees. Clearing the area of ​​debris. Game-competition “Let Mishka see who can clean the area faster and cleaner?” Goal: fostering a desire to participate in work activities; teach to maintain cleanliness in the area.

Returning from a walk, organizing lunch and bedtime for children

A conversation about the need to adhere to a daily routine, about daytime sleep, which is necessary for health, on the questions: “Who will have a fairy tale or a magical dream? Why do you think so? Do they read fairy tales to you at home before bed? Which?".

Goal: to develop knowledge about the need to adhere to a daily routine, the idea that strength is restored with the help of sleep

Evening: games, leisure, communication and hobby activities

Artistic literature. Reading the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” Exercise with children

“Jump over the cord with the clumsy Teddy Bear” Drawing on the asphalt “Your favorite fairy-tale hero” or “Draw your own fairy tale.”

Goals: develop productive activities; develop the ability to create simple plot compositions.

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

Conversation “How to play in the sandbox”, reinforce safety rules

On the development of movements with Emilia and Yana, teaching children

running after each other Situational conversation “you can’t throw sand at friends”

July 24, Wednesday

Morning: receiving children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for GCD

1. Morning exercises complex No. 43

2 Morning of joyful meetings. "I give you a smile"

Goal: to form a friendly attitude towards each other.

3. Examination of illustrations on the topic: “Summer”

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the season “Summer”.

Modeling “My friends”, learn to sculpt the silhouette of a person Situational conversation with Styopa “Why you can’t throw garbage on the street” Household. domestic labor

"We help"

C. Involve children in work activities and assign them to carry out simple tasks. Independent artistic activity “Warm sunny day”

Goal: to develop creative imagination through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques. Individual conversations

Direct educational activities

1. Physical development. "Sports records"

C. develop motor activity of children, form a healthy lifestyle

Preparing for a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education and recreational work

1. Conversation: “There are clouds in the blue sky.”

3. Observation of the dog.

Goal: to consolidate the characteristics of the appearance, behavior of animals and living conditions.

4. Round dance game. "Mushroom pickers"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to dance in a circle and act at the end of words; develop attentiveness and dexterity.

5. Labor activity. We take care of outdoor plants (loosening, watering, weeding).

Goal: to continue to foster a sense of joy from working together. Teach Emilia to jump. Situational conversation “Why you can’t approach a spinning carousel” to reinforce safety rules Independent play activity (remote material).

Returning from a walk, organizing lunch and bedtime for children

Listening to a lullaby.

Evening: games, leisure, communication and hobby activities

1. Awakening. Hardening procedures (Walking barefoot on a bridge, ribbed path)

2. P/i “Frogs and Heron”

Goal: to improve children’s ability to act on a signal; practice standing high jumps.

Individual work on music. education. With Artem, “Guess the Melody”

Goal: to develop singing skills and hearing; practice the ability to start singing independently. D/i “Who has who?” animals

Goals: consolidate knowledge about animals, develop attention and memory.

Independent creativity in the iso center.

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

1. Outdoor game “Find your place.”

Goal: to teach how to navigate in space.

2. P/i “Traps”.

Goals: practice running in different directions.

Situational conversation “Why you shouldn’t approach a spinning carousel” to reinforce safety rules

Ind. slave. on the development of movements. “Who will throw next?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to throw an object at a distance D / and TRIZ “What can be said about an object if there is ...”

Goal: to learn to “disassemble” any object into its component parts Labor order

Clean up and arrange books in the library.

July 25, Thursday

Morning: receiving children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for GCD

Receiving children outdoors

1. Morning exercises

2. Application “Gift to a friend”, teach how to create a plot picture.

4. Outdoor game “Stream”

Goals: learn to play by the rules.

Individual work with Danis “Plants” Labor assignment for Sophia in a corner of nature to water flowers Construction games. "Garden"

Goal: to improve children’s building skills; fix geom names. figures.

Interaction with parents. Individual conversations “Tempering procedures in the summer”

Direct educational activities

1. Artistic and aesthetic development. Music

C. instill a love of music, teach them to perform their favorite songs.

Preparing for a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education and recreational work

1. Observing plants in the garden.

Goals: continue to monitor the growth and development of plants.

2. P/n “Take your place”

Goal: to develop interest in sports games and competitions; develop dexterity and accuracy.

Individual work on f - re with Sasha B, Sofia B, teach jumping from a place Situational conversation “Why you can’t approach a swing” reinforce safety rules Work activity: collect and wash toys after a walk

Returning from a walk, organizing lunch and bedtime for children

Watching educational films. "Little Raccoon"

Goal: the cartoon Little Raccoon will show children how to be friends correctly and where friendship begins.

Evening: games, leisure, communication and hobby activities

1. Awakening. Hardening procedures (Walking barefoot on a bridge, ribbed path)

2. Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

3. Role-playing game. "Construction"

Goals: to practice the ability to distribute roles and act according to the role assumed.

Individual work with Davyd in ecology notebooks

D/i “Who knows more polite words?”

Goal: to train children in the pronunciation of polite words, to activate the vocabulary on this topic.

Board and printed games. "Collect a picture"

Learn to assemble puzzles

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

1. Active game “One, two, three-run!”, sedentary game “Owl”

C. accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience

2. Situational conversation “Why you can’t go near a spinning carousel” to reinforce safety rules Individual task

, Artem

“Every toy has its place.” D/i “Guess the riddle”

Goal: development of thinking, ability to solve riddles, development of imagination.

Labor assignment “Let’s help set the table.” Goal: to teach children to carry out simple tasks, to observe precautions when performing work assignments.

July 26, Friday

Morning: receiving children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for GCD

Receiving children outdoors

1. Morning exercises complex No. 43

2. Conversation “Our good deeds in nature”,

Goals: to teach children to behave correctly in the surrounding reality

3. D/i REMP "Look and name"

Goal: to improve the ability to name geometric shapes and numbers.

Individual work on music education with Lisa and Zlata

Goal: to develop motor activity, ear for music and attention.

Games to develop fine motor skills. "FROGS"

Goal: to develop, form attention, mobility and flexibility of fingers and hands.

Independent artistic activity “Flowers”

Goal: to develop the ability to independently conceive the content of the work and bring the idea to completion, using a variety of modeling techniques.

Interaction with parents. Consultation for parents “Insect bites”.

Direct educational activities

1. Physical development. "Outdoor games"

C. develop motor activity, teach to play by the rules.

Preparing for a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education and recreational work

1. Games with sand and water. "Magic treasure"

Goal: improve the ability to work in the sand with your fingers and find hidden toys.

3. Conversation on the questions: “What kind of sand is there? Which sand is easier to build with? What about drawing? How about the touch?”

4. Drawing with sticks in the sand.

Situational conversation “Why you can’t eat berries” to reinforce safety rules Individual work on physical education with Vova, Klim.

Learn to jump on two legs. Labor activity. We collect toys, wash toys.

Goal: to develop a desire to work, the ability to perform basic labor processes.

Remote material: shoulder blades, sports equipment

Returning from a walk, organizing lunch and bedtime for children

Listening to a lullaby before bed

Evening: games, leisure, communication and hobby activities

Gradual rise, hardening procedures

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

1. Active game “One, two, three-run!”, sedentary game “Owl”

C. accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience

2. Situational conversation “Why you shouldn’t approach a spinning carousel” to reinforce safety rules

Individual task to Artem

“Every toy has its place.” D/i “Guess the riddle”

Goal: development of thinking, ability to solve riddles, development of imagination.

Labor assignment “Let’s help set the table.” Goal: to teach children to carry out simple tasks, to observe precautions when performing work assignments.

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