Abstract of the educational activity “Cognitive development” using health-saving technologies in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

GCD move.

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

- You know, I gathered you here to invite you on a journey . But first I want to say hello . Hello my good children. (Hello)

But I didn’t just say hello to you , I wished you something. What did I wish for you? ( health , so that we are healthy , so that we don’t get sick ). Yes, I wished you health and you wished me to be healthy . And now I want you to wish each other health while passing this ball.
Children pass the ball and say “Hello”


Well done! wish our guests ? How to do it? ( Say hello )

say hello - Hello! - we said

Hello - You smiled back...

And now you won’t go to the pharmacy

And you will be healthy for many years .

- And now you and I will hit the road, today we will visit the country of Boleyka . The people of this country are getting sick and getting sick . They know nothing about a healthy lifestyle . Maybe we can help them? Let's tell you what you need to do to be healthy ? (Children's answers)

“And we’ll go there on a magic bicycle.” Now we will instantly find ourselves in this fabulous country . Get on your bikes. Ready?

Children lie down on the carpet and perform the “bicycle”

“We’ve arrived, get off your bikes and sit in the clearing.”

Children get up and sit on the carpet. A picture appears on the screen with sick residents of the country Boleyki . Crying is heard (phonogram)


- Well, that's what I told you. That's right, their stomachs hurt. Let's see what they eat. You will come up one by one, take some product and say whether it is useful or not. You will put healthy food in a basket, not healthy food in a bucket. We'll throw it away later.

There are food items on the table. Children come up one at a time, take the product and put it in the right place, and sit back down.

- Well done, guys. So you have divided foods into harmful and healthy.

- Now tell me what is contained in products that are good for us, why are they healthy? (Contains vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to them, our eyes see better, our teeth and bones are healthy , our heart works better, we become strong and don’t get sick ).

- Why are these products harmful? (Show products in bucket)

(They can make your stomach and teeth hurt your health can deteriorate )

— Guys, in order for food to be well absorbed, you need to follow the rules of a healthy diet . I will read the rules, if you agree with me, then clap your hands. If not, then do nothing, sit quietly:

1. You need to eat a variety of foods.

2. When we eat, we will talk and listen.

3 You need to eat foods that are good for your health .

4 You need to eat more fatty and fried foods.

5 You must eat in moderation and not overeat.

6 To prevent toothache , eat caramel candies.

7 Before eating, wash fruits and vegetables very carefully.

8 You need to eat quickly and swallow food without chewing.

9 It is very important to eat oatmeal for breakfast early in the morning.

10 If you want to be healthy , eat right,

Eat more vitamins, don’t worry about diseases .

- So, dear patients, remember, for health you need vitamin-rich food. (Referring to the picture)

The following picture appears on the screen. The child is lying in bed, crying is heard.

- Why are they all crying and crying, and lying in bed with thermometers. Come on, get up. Now we will do exercises. And Masha and the Bear will help us.

Clip “Car charging”

- Well done! Sit down in the clearing

You all know that in order to be healthy , you need not only to eat right, but also to observe the rules of personal hygiene.
Tell us what you know about personal hygiene rules. As a hint, a picture of personal hygiene items appears on the screen.

of the country of Boleyki appear on the screen .

- Well, it seems our friends are happier. Perhaps charging helped. Well, proper nutrition too. Well, it's time to go back to kindergarten. Oh, and the evil sorceress Bolyachka stole the magic bicycles. He's angry at us for curing everyone here. And for this we will remain here forever. Well, it’s okay, I know one loophole. But someone who knows what needs to be done to always be healthy . Come here.

Children approach the climbing arc. Everyone says the rule of a healthy lifestyle and crawls under the arch and sits on a chair.

- Well, we have returned from our trip . Did you like helping the fairy tale people?

— I saw how much you know about being healthy . But to maintain our health and the health of others , we all need kindness. Let's say goodbye to everyone : “Be healthy !”

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