Pedagogical project to teach children of senior preschool age the rules of the road “Road ABC”


Project participants:

  • children of senior preschool age
  • parents of pupils
  • teachers of senior and preparatory groups
  • senior teacher
  • head of art studio
  • musical director
  • physical education instructor

Relevance of the project

. The project is dedicated to a current problem - teaching preschool children the skills to behave safely on the roadway. The relevance of the project is also due to the fact that children of this age do not have the protective psychological reaction that is characteristic of adults. Research in this area shows that all causes of accidents involving preschool children are largely related to their age and psychophysiological characteristics, such as immaturity, inability to correctly assess the situation, the rapid formation of conditioned reflexes and their rapid disappearance, the need for movement, which prevails over caution , the desire to imitate adults, overestimation of one’s capabilities, the specificity of the reaction to an approaching car, etc.

Being on the roadway or playing on it, preschoolers do not understand the dangers of transport and roads, and therefore are potential victims of road accidents.

The problem of teaching preschoolers to safely participate in road traffic is relevant and modern, its solution helps to develop in children a system of knowledge, conscious skills of safe participation in road traffic, and as a result, a reduction in road accidents involving children.

The formation of children's skills of conscious safe behavior on the street is realized through the active work of all project participants.

Project type

: educational and playful.

Objective of the project:

creating conditions for the assimilation and consolidation of the knowledge of children and their parents of traffic rules.


  • generalization and expansion of children’s knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street;
  • using a variety of methods and techniques, optimizing work with parents of children of senior preschool age to study and consolidate knowledge about traffic rules;
  • formation of a conscious attitude towards compliance with the rules of conduct near the roadway;
  • strengthening and development of the material and technical base for work in this area;
  • development of a system of educational work.

Expected result


  • creating sufficient conditions for organizing the activities of preschool educational institutions to teach children traffic rules;
  • development and testing of a long-term plan for working with children, parents, and teachers;

Project implementation timeframe

: two years.

Additional materials:

  • How to teach preschoolers traffic rules (memo to parents)
  • Questionnaire for parents on traffic rules
  • Traffic rules for children and adults (Parent meeting scenario)
  • Working with parents of preschool children (work plan)
  • Work on road safety in the senior group (work plan October-May)
  • Road signs are our friends (fun for older preschool children)
  • Visiting a traffic light (leisure activities for children of senior preschool age)
  • Drivers (didactic game for older preschool children)
  • Questionnaire “Road ABC”
  • Follow the traffic rules (Game - quiz for older preschool children)

Project on traffic rules in the senior group “Traffic Light”

Author: Belyaeva Tatyana Mikhailovna

Project on traffic rules in the senior group “Traffic Light”

Project type: information-practical-oriented.

Project duration: long-term

Project participants: children, parents, teachers of senior group No. 4 “Jolly guys”.

Relevance of the topic: According to statistics, most often the cause of road accidents is children themselves. Children are very excitable, dynamic and at the same time absent-minded, they do not know how to foresee danger, correctly assess the distance to an approaching car, its speed and their capabilities. Preschool children are a special category of pedestrians. Responsibility for raising competent and adequate road users rests with parents and educators. It is known that habits established in childhood remain for life, therefore one of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of children's road injuries in preschool institutions. Accordingly, the study of the Rules of the Road is one of the main tasks today, and work on a project dedicated to the study of the Rules of the Road will contribute to this.

Goal: to develop in children the skills of conscious safe behavior on the roads.


• Assimilation by preschoolers of initial knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street.

• Develop skills of a conscious attitude towards compliance with safe traffic rules and rules for passengers.

• To consolidate knowledge about the operation of traffic lights.

• Clarify and consolidate knowledge about various types of transport.

• Prepare for the correct actions in the current situation on the road or street.

• Intensify joint activities of parents and children.

Expected result:

 Children’s development of elementary knowledge and ideas on the topic “Road Rules” in accordance with their age.

 Development of skills for behavior on the street and in public transport;

 Enrichment of the subject-development environment according to traffic rules in the group;

 Increasing the interest of parents in the problem of teaching children road literacy and safe behavior on the road;

 Activation of joint activities of kindergarten and family in matters of safety.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage:

1. Study and analysis of children’s knowledge level on the topic.

2. Selection of methodological literature on the topic.

3. Selection of fiction and Internet resources.

4. Examination of drawings and photographs about road situations.

5. Making educational games based on traffic rules.

6. Production of travel folders according to traffic regulations, consultation “For parents about traffic rules.”

Main stage of work:

1. Observations: “What we saw on the street”

2. Conversations: “If you leave the house - be careful”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Family transport”, “My street”.

3. Lessons: “You need to obey the traffic light instructions without arguing,” “My favorite car,” “I draw the road,” “Zebra” sculpting.

4. Reading fiction: S. Mikhalkov “Traffic Light”, “Bad History”, M. Plyatskovsky “Traffic Light”, A. Severny “Three Wonderful Colors”, Y. Pishumov “ABC of the City”, “It’s just such a sign...”, “Sentryman”, “Grocery car”, O. Bedarev “If…”, N. Nosov “Car”, V. Golovko “Traffic rules”, etc.

5. Didactic games: “Guess the transport”, “Play and be smart!”, “Think - guess!”, “Merry rod!”, “Rush hour”, “Collect traffic situations”, “Teach Dunno the traffic rules”, “What will happen , If…"

6. Outdoor games: “Sparrows and a car”, “Colored cars”, “Dexterous pedestrian”, “Pedestrians and transport”, etc.

7. Game-dramatization “Traffic Controller”.

8. View and discuss the cartoon “Smeshariki teach traffic rules.”

The final stage:

• Entertainment “Everyone should know the rules of the road!”

Methodological literature:

• E. Ya. Stepanenkova, M. F. Filenko “For preschoolers about the rules of the road”;

• Poddubnaya L. “Road rules for the middle group.”

• Avdeeva, N. N. Safety on the streets / N. N. Avdeeva. M.: LLC Publishing House AST-LTD, 2003.

• Agafonova, K.V. Children and traffic / K.V. Agafonova. - M.: Education, 2001.

• Boguslavekaya Z. M. Educational games for children of primary preschool age / Z. M. Boguslavekaya, E. O. Smirnova. M.: Education, 2003.

• Dorokhov, A. A. Green, yellow, red / A. A. Dorokhov. - M.: Children's literature, 2002.

• Klimenko, V. R. Teach a preschooler the rules of movement / V. R. Klimenko. - M.: Education, 2007.

• Saulina T.F. Three traffic lights: Familiarization of preschoolers with the rules of the road: For working with children 3-7 years old.
– M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2010. – 112 p. : color on comments powered by HyperComments


1.1 Information note

The kindergarten opened after a major renovation on February 14, 2008, there are 7 groups: 4 general developmental, 2 compensatory, 1 short-term stay group.

The institution employs 15 teachers, of which: 5 have higher education, 10 have secondary specialized education, 2 teachers have the highest qualification category, 6 have the first qualification category.

To carry out the pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution there are: a music and sports hall, a sports ground, a winter garden, a room of Kuban life, a room of fairy tales, an art studio, a speech therapy room, a methodological room, a medical room, an ecological trail, a weather site, a health path, a road and transport site is equipped . There is a rhythmic gymnastics club “Hoop” for children of senior preschool age, and a fine arts club for children of senior preschool age “Rainbow”. We sew Kuban and other costumes for children and adults using our own resources.

Teachers and kindergarten students participate in all events and promotions held in the municipality: “Rules of conduct and protection of people’s lives on water bodies”, “Prevention of children’s road injuries”, “The child is the main passenger”, “International Family Day”, “ Antinarko", "Safe Kuban", "Parking", "Attention, Children!"

Teachers and kindergarten students annually participate in the regional competition “Rescue Service 01”:

  • 2011 - diploma for winning the regional competition in the category “Work of a teacher”;
  • 2012 - senior group student Tatyana Demchuk, winner of the municipal stage in the “Painting” nomination;
  • 2013 – diploma for winning the regional competition in the “Teacher’s Work” category.

Thanks to the efforts of the preschool educational institution team, a vegetable garden and an orchard were planted on the territory, flower beds and flower beds were decorated. There are playgrounds and shade shelters for children.


Berestova Evgenia Alekseevna, has a higher pedagogical education, the highest qualification category, teaching experience - 23 years, of which 9 years as a manager, 7 years as a manager in this institution.

Senior teacher:

Shcherbina Larisa Aleksandrovna
has a higher pedagogical education, the highest qualification category, teaching experience - 19 years, experience in this institution - 19 years, experience in this position - 6 years.

1.2. Programs implemented at the preschool educational institution:

  • OOP based on the Education and Training Program in Kindergarten, ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova
  • “Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood” S.N. Nikolaeva,
  • “Ladushki” by I.M. Kaplunova,
  • “Rhythmic mosaic” by A.I. Burenina,
  • “Colored palms” by I.A. Lykova.

The preschool educational institution uses proprietary technologies:

  • "School of Road Sciences" O.Yu. Startseva,
  • “Basics of safety for children 5-8 years old” T.A. Shorygina,
  • “Me and my safety” K.Yu. White,
  • “Road rules for preschoolers” S.N. Cherepanova,
  • “Three traffic lights” by T.F. Saulina,
  • “Road rules for preschool children” N.A. Izvekova,
  • “For preschoolers about the rules of the road” E.Ya. Stepanenkova,
  • “Road Rules” by T.G. Kobzeva,
  • “My friends are road signs” G.P. Shalaeva,
  • “Learning the road alphabet” F.S. Mayorova,
  • “Lifestyle for older preschoolers” N.S. Golitsyn.

Magazines and newspapers:

  • "Journey to the Green Light"
  • "Good Road of Childhood"


Safety is one of the mandatory components of the environment in which a child grows up and is raised. At the stage of preschool childhood, one of the most important tasks for a child is to learn the rules of life in the adult world. Main problems:

  • preschoolers’ ignorance of basic rules;
  • the desire for independence, but the inability to adequately assess one’s strengths and capabilities;
  • indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children.

In the modern world, there is a secret war between man and machine, and its main field is the road. Every year over 200 thousand accidents occur on Russian roads. More than 35 thousand people die in them, more than 250 thousand are injured. In our region, the situation with road accidents also occurs with the participation of preschool children.

Helping a child enter this world with maximum gains and minimal risk is the responsibility of adults. Educating preschoolers about safe behavior on the roads should be done in several ways. First of all, through direct perception of the surrounding world, during which children actively become familiar with various road situations, perceiving and naming objects, phenomena, actions of people, their relationships with each other, analyzing these relationships and drawing conclusions. The second way is to understand reality through the stories of parents, educators, reading fiction, watching television programs, filmstrips and videos, through outdoor games, with the help of various pictures, illustrations, attributes and the personal example of adults. And, finally, through special work to develop in children motor skills and perception attitudes that are significant for safe behavior.

Correct behavior on the road and in transport is the main condition for preserving life. Therefore, it is important not only to talk about road safety, but also to practice the rules of the road until they become automatic. Only specific, emotionally charged activities and play exercises can leave a mark on a child’s mind.

Success in ensuring the safety of children can only be expected if the teacher himself has sufficient information about traffic rules, and parents approach this problem with full responsibility and are convinced of the need for measures taken to comply with safety rules.

Along with preserving and strengthening the health of children, one of the tasks of the kindergarten team is to teach preschoolers the rules of the road. Caring for the safety of children's lives is the most important task of a preschool institution, family and state.

Most children do not know how to behave on the roadway in order to survive.

Only systematic, systematic work in collaboration with the family will help preschoolers develop a strong knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the road.

Long-term project on traffic rules for the senior group “Safe road for you and for me”

Svetlana Alexandrova

Long-term project on traffic rules for the senior group “Safe road for you and for me”

Project : Safe road for you and me

Project duration : long-term

Type of project : educational and research

Dates: September - May 2016-2017

Participants: senior , parents

Goal: Continue to familiarize children with the rules of the road ; to clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the elements of the road , about traffic, about safe behavior on the streets of their hometown; the formation of personal qualities: attention, responsibility for one’s behavior - confidence in one’s actions. Develop logical thinking, attention, imagination, observation; Systematize children's knowledge about traffic rules by playing out problem situations.


• Continue to become familiar with traffic rules, traffic rules for pedestrians and vehicle passengers;

• develop logical thinking;

•develop mental functions: analysis, comparison, observation, imagination, creativity;

• activate and enrich children's vocabulary on the topic;

• instill safe behavior skills on the roads of your hometown ;

• cultivate a culture of behavior on the roads ;

• improve the ability to navigate in the surrounding space;

• involve parents in joint activities with children.

Relevance of the project

The need to teach children traffic rules, since children often cause accidents. Teaching preschoolers traffic rules is an important task for an adult. After all, the situation with children’s road traffic injuries was and remains very alarming.

A child who finds himself on the street can automatically be considered in danger. Road traffic accidents are the most common cause of death among children

street, and traffic accident injuries are the most severe. Soon there will come a time in the life of the family when the child goes to school. This stage of his life will be associated with a number of problems, of which the most acute are the problems of child safety on the road . So the task of teachers and parents is to prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous situations on the road , to instill in the child the skills of correct behavior on the street. After all, only those who receive the necessary knowledge about existing dangers, learn to recognize them in a timely manner, and avoid them can help themselves in a difficult situation. The relevance of this problem is also due to the fact that preschool children do not have that protective psychological reaction to the environment that is characteristic of adults. Therefore, ensuring the safety of children on the streets and roads , preventing child road traffic injuries is one of the most pressing tasks that requires immediate solution .

Expected results for the project

For children:

• children’s ability to independently conduct basic research;

• use of vivid, figurative expressions in speech that characterize the safety of traffic rules ;

• understanding the cause-and-effect relationships of traffic rules;

• gaining in-depth knowledge of traffic rules.

For parents:

• expanding opportunities to influence the processes of raising children;

• become involved in the life of children within a preschool institution;

• build relationships with children

For the teacher:

• knows a variety of ways and methods of enriching children's knowledge about traffic rules;

• a card index of games, riddles, and poems about traffic rules has been prepared.

Project implementation stages

Organizational stage

Tasks of the first stage:

1. Determine the topic, purpose and objectives of the project ;

2. Determination of the necessary technical, information and methodological resources;

3. Theoretical justification of methods and forms of education according to traffic rules;

4. Formation of a strategy for the project .

5. Preparation of information for parents.

Activities of teachers Activities of children Activities of parents

Selection of games for children:




Logical tasks Get acquainted with new games, express your emotions (what you like)

Conducting conversations to obtain information about the level of awareness of preschoolers about traffic rules. Talk about their observations.

Selection of works of fiction, riddles, sayings, proverbs about the rules of behavior for children on the roads . Select illustrations for fairy tales about cars, roads , road signs ;

selection of cartoons on the topic

Conclusion: as a result of the joint work of all project , the goals and objectives of the project , the forms and methods of work were determined, and an information base was prepared on the topic “ A Safe Road for You and Me stage

Second stage tasks:

1. Develop skills to conduct targeted observation;

2. Develop the ability to conduct research, observations and establish cause-and-effect relationships;

3. Develop creative abilities by making illustrations for the stand, road signs in the process of productive activities;

4. Develop professional self-awareness of teachers;

5. Contribute to the optimization of relations between children and parents;

6. Expand the theoretical knowledge of parents within the framework of the issue of instilling a culture of behavior on the roads of their hometown .

Activities of teachers Activities of children Activities of parents

Conducting conversations about traffic rules, drawing up problem situations about road safety . Solving problematic problems, answering questions.

Organization of game activities on the problem Comprehend and establish cause-and-effect relationships about safety on the roads of their hometown , try on the roles of road , put forward their assumptions Organize joint games and discussion of situations on the roads , sidewalks in transport

Conducting an excursion to the road. They learn poems about traffic rules, road signs , demonstrate creativity when practicing the roles of characters. Prepare flags and vests.

Demonstration of paintings, illustrations on the topic

Examination of cars, traffic lights, roadways , compilation of descriptive stories Selection of demonstration material

Reading fiction, proverbs, sayings, riddles, traffic rules Consider the behavior and actions of characters in fairy tales, demonstrate their solutions to problem situations, express sympathy and antipathy for the heroes of works, use figurative expressions in speech, use terms on the topic in speech Consider the participants with children traffic

Making applications, drawings Make efforts, show creativity, imagination, display plots of works, observations Make games and attributes together with children

Creating a "base"

road signs Collecting vehicles, traffic lights, road signs Together with children, collecting attributes for games
Compiling a card index of games, observations of transport and roadways , riddles, poems, crosswords Observing transport, roadways , traffic lights, passers-by, drawing conclusions, conclusions , analysis Observe traffic rules participants with children, talk about what they saw

Replenishment of the corner for parents with questions:

— “Is it easy to teach a child to follow traffic

" safety is in our hands"


“Teaching children to be observant on the street”

Get acquainted with information, consult with a teacher

Organizing a corner about traffic rules Looking at illustrations, postcards, games Selection of material for a safety

Selection of fairy tales and poems about traffic rules Get acquainted with interesting facts on the roads through fairy tales

The final stage

Objectives of the third stage:

1. Summarize the results of the pedagogical project ;

2. Prepare and present a presentation to teachers and parents within the framework of the MBDOU on the results of the project ;

3. Prepare a file of observations of transport and pedestrians; riddles, poems, rules of behavior on the roads of your hometown .

4. Organize a corner according to traffic rules

Activities of teachers Activities of children Activities of parents

Self-assessment of the results of the pedagogical project

Presentation of the project Familiarization with the results of joint activities within the project

Making card files

- observations

- games

- riddles, poems

— media sounds of special vehicles

Presentation on the topic of the project Review the results of their work Involving children in activities within a preschool institution

Pedagogical project Safe road for you and me

allowed to generalize and deepen the knowledge of preschoolers about the rules
of safe behavior on the roads of their hometown . Children had the opportunity to actively participate in observations of the roadway , as a result of which they drew conclusions.
Causal relationships were established. In the process of productive activity, they showed creativity, imagination, and previously acquired skills. Parents, during the implementation of the project , took part in joint activities with their children.

It should be noted that the expected results were achieved:

For children:

• Became observant, enthusiastic, and take initiative in experimental activities;

• When describing transport, situations on the roads , composing creative stories, in speech they use synonyms, antonyms, definitions (public, safe , convenient, moving, transportation, etc., figurative expressions characterizing safety and traffic participants;

• Understand and can explain cause-and-effect relationships according to traffic rules;

• Gained in-depth knowledge about a safe road for themselves and their comrades.

For parents:

• Got the opportunity to show their creativity and imagination;

• Became involved in the life of children within the preschool;

• Established relationships with children, determined the direction of work for the future.

For the teacher:

• knows a variety of ways and methods of enriching children's knowledge about traffic rules;

• a card index of observations on traffic rules, games, a media library of sounds of special transport, a film library, works of art has been prepared, a subject-development environment on traffic rules has been created


Objective of the project:

creating the necessary conditions for the prevention of child injuries on the roads, assimilation and consolidation of the knowledge of children and their parents of traffic rules.


  • generalization and expansion of children’s knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street;
  • using a variety of methods and techniques, optimizing work with parents of children of senior preschool age to study and consolidate knowledge about traffic rules;
  • formation of a conscious attitude towards compliance with the rules of conduct near the roadway;
  • strengthening and development of the material and technical base for work in this area;
  • development of a system of educational work.

Project "Road town" life safety project

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten of a combined type No. 9 "Firefly"
143966, Moscow region, Reutov

Prospect Mira, building 6

Tel: 8 498 6619993/6619963

INN/KPP: 5012080056/504101001

OGRN: 1135012005446



"Road Town"

Prepared by:

teacher of the highest qualification category Didushchenko I.A.

Senior teacher Artemyeva E.A.

Reutov, 2021


Every year the number of road traffic accidents in which children become victims is inexorably growing. For the most part, such misfortunes occur not only due to the fault of vehicle drivers, but also of parents who did not keep an eye on their child or simply did not explain to their children the rules of behavior near the road, and certainly did not instill basic traffic rules.

In our city, in preschool institutions, a lot of work is being done in this direction, classes on traffic rules are planned and conducted throughout the school year, the city competition “Green Light” is being held, dedicated to organizing work to teach preschoolers the skills of safe behavior on city roads. In the 2017-2018 academic year, MADOU No. 9 “Firefly” took first place in this competition: teachers presented the institution’s system of work on traffic rules and the prevention of traffic accidents. In the 2018-2019 academic year, on the basis of MADOU No. 9 “Firefly”, as part of the pedagogical marathon “Kaleidoscope of Creative Initiatives”.

In pedagogical practice it is known that the best example for a child is the example of an adult, as well as the clarity of what is happening.

Modeling fragments of specific road situations and traffic on a specially equipped site will allow you to instill safe behavior skills in a playful, accessible form for children, form the foundations of correct and safe behavior on the street and roads and, most importantly, practice them in practice.

A modern, beautiful “Autotown” has been opened on the southern side of our city, but due to the fact that on the northern side of the city it is inconvenient and problematic to take children for long distance classes, the product of this project will be useful for use by other preschool institutions on the northern side of Reutov.

Information card

Main idea:

Creation of an experimental educational and methodological site on the territory of MADOU No. 9 for carrying out activities to study traffic rules by pupils of preschool institutions on the northern side of Reutov


Didushchenko I.A. teacher of MADOOU No. 9 “Firefly”

Artemyeva E.A. senior teacher


Collective of MADO No. 9 “Firefly”


  • parents
  • Society
  • Secondary school No. 7, Secondary school No. 3 (YuID units)
  • State Traffic Safety Inspectorate "Balshikhinskoye"


August 2018– June 2020

Objective of the project:

Creation of “Autotown”: a methodological platform for children, where practical classes will be carried out to practice safe behavior on the roads, traffic rules, to develop strong skills in children to behave safely on the roads.

Project objectives:

  • Equip the “Avtogorodok” with the necessary elements of traffic, technical means of organizing traffic
  • To create a developing subject-spatial environment on the territory of a preschool institution to acquire and systematize children’s knowledge about traffic rules in preschool institutions in Reutov.
  • Develop calendar and thematic planning for studying and practicing traffic rules with children in accordance with age characteristics.
  • To create a methodological basis for increasing the level of professional competence of teachers of MADOU No. 9 and providing methodological support to teachers of other preschool organizations in the city.
  • Involve parents and society in the problem of children's road traffic injuries and instilling in children the skills of correct behavior on the roads.

Material and technical base:

Territory of MADOU No. 9 at Mira Avenue, 6A

Project implementation stages

Stage 1 – preparatory

Planning, development of a rough layout.

1. Collection of the necessary information on specifying the equipment of the “Road Town” with the involvement of consultants from the Balashikhinskoye traffic police, the juvenile police departments of secondary school No. 7, secondary school No. 3, and parents.

2. Creation of an initiative group coordinating the project.

3. Review of the product market for the purchase of necessary equipment for the “Road Town”

Stage II - main

Directly technical work on the creation of “Avtogodka”.

1. Creation of an accurate layout of the “Autotown”

2. Preparing the territory for the placement of “Autotown”

  • Road marking, painting
  • Arrangement of attributes, signs, signs, traffic lights, etc.
  • Connecting equipment

3. Purchase of teaching materials on the topic of traffic rules, including suits, etc.

Stage III – final

Opening of "Avtogodka"

Carrying out an event with the participation of the Balashikhinskoe traffic police, parents, and representatives of the society “Attention, children on the road!”

Expected results:

1. Creation of a basic complex “Road Town” for the study of traffic rules by preschool children with the possibility of its use by other preschool institutions in the city of Reutov

2. Involving society and parents in the problem of child road traffic injuries and its prevention.

3. Creation of additional conditions to ensure continuity with the school.

4. Close cooperation with project partners on traffic rules.

3. Reducing the total number of accidents involving children.


All work preceding the creation of a project to familiarize preschool children with the rules of the road can be divided into several stages:

  1. Analysis of family education on this issue (individual conversations and questioning of parents).
  2. Clarifying children's ideas about traffic rules, i.e. their personal experience on which to rely (conducting primary diagnostics).
  3. Study of literary sources on the issues of familiarizing children with the rules of the road.

The project is being implemented in two directions:

  1. Joint activities with children.
  2. Interaction with parents.

Joint activities with children include:

  1. Educational conversations, games, activities.
  2. Observations, excursions and walks along the street.
  3. Reading fiction and educational literature.
  4. Riddle - guessing riddles on a topic.
  5. Quizzes, leisure, entertainment according to traffic rules.
  6. Meetings with the district traffic police inspector.
  7. Watching cartoons, videos, presentations on traffic rules.
  8. Competitions and exhibitions of drawings on this topic.

Children of the sixth year of life have a small amount of knowledge about the rules of behavior in road transport situations, so each point of work begins with conversations and educational cycle activities (“Visiting a traffic light”, “Road signs are our friends”, “Red, yellow, green "). To make the classes interesting and productive, various heroes of fairy tales and cartoons come to visit (Postman Pechkin, Baba Yaga, Matroskin the Cat, etc.), who introduce the children to the rules of the road, talk about situations on the roads and, together with the children, look for a way out from current situations, help consolidate children’s knowledge and skills.

Theoretical knowledge is supported by productive activities (drawing, appliqué, manual labor, spatial modeling), and then implemented in independent activities and everyday life outside the preschool educational institution.

Much attention is paid to gaming activities, which, in addition to didactic games, include construction, movement, role-playing and fantasy games. At the end of each specially organized lesson, children find themselves in a subject-developmental group environment, where they can apply the acquired skills in gaming activities: training games, didactic, outdoor and role-playing games.

To consolidate knowledge, excursions, targeted walks, observations, conversations, reading fiction are used, leisure evenings and performances of works of art, and role-playing road situations are organized.

Interaction with the students’ parents is important in the implementation of the project. The example of parents is one of the main factors in successfully developing children's skills for safe behavior on the street. One wrong action by parents in front of the child or together with him can negate all verbal warnings. Therefore, educational activities are carried out with parents, a number of events for parents and joint ones for parents and children have been developed.

Joint activities with parents:

  1. Memos and booklets.
  2. Conversations and consultations.
  3. Parent meetings.
  4. Participation in competitions, entertainment, exhibitions.
  5. Questioning.

Project on traffic regulations “Children and the Road”

Appendix 2

Conversation “Rules for pedestrians and passengers.”


familiarizing children with the rules for pedestrians and passengers.
- to reinforce with children the concepts of “driver” and “pedestrian”;
- develop children’s horizons and logical thinking, memory, reasoning, speech; - continue to develop a sense of responsibility for your life. Progress of the conversation:
Educator: Children, I want to start our conversation with the proverb: “Beware of troubles while they are not there.”
What do you think the proverb says? (children's answers) Children, what does the word “rules” mean? Can any of you explain to me? (children's answers) Educator: There are rules in the games that we play with you on a walk. There are rules of conduct in the theatre, cinema, and hospital. What other rules can you remember? (children's answers). Educator: I know that there are rules in every family. Maybe you can tell us about the rules in your family? (children's answers) Educator: Rules are a certain order. This means that the important thing for all these rules is that they must be followed. And today we will get acquainted with new rules for you. These rules will help you save life on the roads of our city. And these rules are called rules for pedestrians. There are also rules for drivers. And if drivers and pedestrians strictly follow their rules, then there will be no accidents. And when you grow up, you will learn the rules for drivers yourself in order to drive your own car or work as a driver. Pedestrian rules: Pedestrians must walk on the sidewalk or walkways. If they are absent - along the side of the road, towards moving traffic. When driving along the side of the road or the edge of a road in the dark, you must have objects with reflective elements with you. (the teacher shows children's clothes and objects with these effects). If there is no crossing or crossing in sight, you can cross the road at right angles to the side of the road where it is clearly visible. You cannot cross the road when entering it because of vehicles standing on it. You must cross the road quickly, without stopping on it. If you do not have time to cross a two-way road, you must stop at the dividing line and wait for a safe moment to cross further, if the traffic is not regulated by a traffic light or a traffic controller. Pedestrians are required to give way to special vehicles. (ambulance, police) It is necessary to cross the roadway using a pedestrian crossing (underground and overground). If they are absent, at intersections along the sidewalks or roadsides. Physical education
The guard stands stubborn (Walking in place).
He waves to people: Don't go! (Move your arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down) Here the cars drive straight (Hands in front of you) Pedestrian, you wait! (Hands to the sides) Look: he smiled, (Hands on his belt, smile) Invites us to go. (We walk in place) You cars, don’t rush, (Clapping hands) Let the pedestrian pass! (Jumping in place) Passenger rules
If there are seat belts in a vehicle, they must always be fastened.
When riding a motorcycle, you must wear a motorcycle helmet and fasten it. Wait for public transport at special stops. If they are not there, then on the sidewalk or curb. Passengers are prohibited from: Opening vehicle doors while driving. Drive a truck along with cargo. Talk to the driver while the vehicle is moving. Don't distract the driver! For an accident, a moment is enough. Remember, friends, you cannot distract the driver from driving. Educator: Now we’ll play with you. Game "Fast Drivers".
A typewriter is tied to a medium-length rope at one end and a pencil at the other. Team members need to wind a rope with a machine around a pencil as quickly as possible. Educator: Our journey to the country of traffic rules has ended. You have proven yourself to be competent, knowledgeable pedestrians. And I would like to remind you guys once again: Be careful all the time, And remember in advance: The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.



  • conscious attitude to issues of personal safety and the safety of others;
  • manifestation of discipline, self-control, independence in observing the rules of behavior;
  • the ability to anticipate possible danger and find ways to avoid it;
  • knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the streets.
  • the ability to take care of one’s physical health and follow safety rules;
  • the ability to choose an adequate model of behavior in various life situations;
  • the ability to organize activities in accordance with the rules of behavior that is safe for oneself and others in “typical” situations;
  • the ability to act in extreme situations in accordance with learned rules on the road;
  • ideas about possible negative consequences for other people by their careless actions.



  • conscious involvement in the education of a safe type of personality.



  • formed orientation towards the implementation of a competent approach to the development of healthy and safe lifestyle values.
  • strengthening and development of the material and technical base for work in this area.


The project was implemented on the basis of MBDOU DS KV No. 28 of the village of Novodonetskaya municipal formation Vyselkovsky district.

Project implementation timeframe

: 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 academic years.

Project implementation results


  • sufficient conditions have been created for organizing the activities of preschool educational institutions for the protection and safety of children’s lives;
  • a long-term plan for working with children and parents has been developed and tested;
  • A series of classes was conducted on the topics: “Do you know the safety rules?”, “School of Pedestrian Sciences”, “Remember the rules of the road!”, “Road signs are our friends!”, “Visiting a traffic light.”
  • Criteria for assessing children's knowledge and skills as part of their familiarization with traffic rules have been developed.

In the course of our work, we became convinced that such a system of teaching children traffic rules undoubtedly produces positive results; the most important thing in our project is that we were able to interest parents and children in this problem. Our project can be used in other preschool educational institutions, as well as in primary schools.

We believe that this area of ​​work should always be under the close attention of teachers and parents, which means that further search and improvement in organizing work to prevent road traffic injuries is necessary.

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