Abstract of the educational activity “Health” in the preparatory group “Journey to the Land of Health”
Abstract of the educational activity “Health” in the preparatory group “Journey to the Land of Health” Goal: To develop in preschoolers the need for a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: Cognitive To form in preschoolers an idea of health as a value that must be constantly taken care of. Expand students’ ideas about: - the structure of their body, internal organs; — about the role of teeth in human life, the rules of caring for them and the influence of food on their condition; -about personal hygiene items, the sequence of actions when washing hands; Developmental To develop cognitive interest, mental activity, coherent speech. Educational To foster the need to lead a healthy lifestyle from preschool age, to take care of your body. Preliminary work Conversations about healthy lifestyle, didactic games “A little bit of tooth”, “Kids are strong”, “Ascorbinka and her friends” Reading fiction by K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, “Moidodyr”, A. Barto “Grubby Girl”, poetry about healthy lifestyle Material: Demonstration: illustrations of Moidodyr, Microbe, Beaver - Sharptooth, illustration cards with the sequence of hand washing, a set of toothpastes and toothbrushes, vitamins, dummies or pictures of products useful and harmful for teeth, 2 baskets of red and green colors, layout (or poster) of the human body, model (or poster) of human internal organs, music for relaxation. Nameplates: Chistograd, Ostrozub, Manograd. Handout: cards with hygiene items, pencils, game “Fill in the Empty Cells” (2 sets of cards), images of airplanes on sticks, spiky balls according to the number of children. Activation of the dictionary: germs, hygiene, tooth enamel, dentist. GCD progress: Introducing a character (a toy or a flat image) Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us today? (Moidodyr). — Moidodyr invites you to the “Land of Health.” — Do you want to go on a trip? (yes) - Just don’t forget to take your wits and attention with you. -And in order to get to the “Land of Health” faster, what can you do to recover? (fly by plane). - Take the planes and go on an exciting journey (children are asked to take pictures of planes on a stick, carefully follow their movements with their eyes and repeat the words) Gymnastics for the eyes “Airplane”. An airplane flies by, They look up and point their fingers. I was about to fly with it. behind a passing plane. He took the right wing back and looked. They move their hands away alternately and withdrew the left wing and looked. follow with their gaze. I start the engine, make rotational movements and look carefully. in front of the chest and trace I rise up, I fly. look, stand on tiptoes and don’t want to go back. look up and perform a flying movement. - So we arrived in the land of health. - But this is the city of Chistograd. (sign with the name Chistograd) - Why do you think it is called that? (children's answers) - Our friend Moidodyr is the most important here, he monitors the cleanliness of the city. “However, only children who are friendly with soap and water and love cleanliness can get into Chistograd. — Are you friends with soap and water? (yes) - Then it will be easy for you to complete the task. It is necessary to lay out cards with the sequence of hand washing. Task “Place in order” (completing the task by all children) - Well done! Now we can go into the city. Look how clean it is here. City residents don't like dirt. Are you friends with dirt? (no) - Then you probably know why you need to wash your hands? (pupils’ answers) — When is it necessary to wash your hands? (before eating, after using the toilet, after going outside) - Who lives on their hands, but we can’t always see them? (germs) (the teacher reads a poem and shows illustrations of germs) Microbes are different: terrible and dangerous, Scary and dirty, clumsy, full of holes, Nasty, contagious, so ugly! These beeches - beeches - fall into our hands. — Where do microbes live and why is it better not to be friends with them? (answers) Educator (addressing Moidodyr) - Our guys are friends with cleanliness, they know how to wash themselves and do it correctly. Watch Moidodyr, and the children will now show you the Physical Minute “Washbasin”. We need, we need to wash ourselves. They clap their hands. Where is the clean water here? Hands either palms up or back. Let's open the tap - shhhh... They imitate the opening of a tap. Wash my hands - shhhh... They rub their palms against each other. We will rub the cheeks and neck. Stroking the cheeks and neck with movements from top to bottom. And pour some water on it. Gently stroke your face with your palms from the forehead to the chin. — To leave the city of Chistograd, you need to complete Moidodyr’s task. Task on cards “Find and circle hygiene items” (children complete the task at the tables) Moidodyr: Well done, you can continue your journey! Goodbye! (children say goodbye to Moidodyr) Educator: - What, guys, let's go further? It's getting cool, so we'll get a massage so we don't get sick. Self-massage complex “Slightly” So that your throat does not hurt, Stroke your neck with your palms. We will stroke it boldly. movements from top to bottom. To avoid coughing or sneezing, rub your index fingers. You need to rub your nose. wings of the nose. We will also rub the forehead. Place the palms of the palms on the forehead. Hold the palm with the visor. and rub it with sideways movements. Make a “fork” with your fingers, spread the corners. and Wed fingers and rub Massage your ears skillfully. points in front and behind the ears. We know, we know - yes, yes, yes! — They rub their palms against each other. We are not afraid of colds! Voss: Guess the riddle and you will find out where we will go on our journey next. To work, to work, twenty strong brothers! Get to work, get to work quickly! Brown bread, radishes, turnips are chewed tightly. Cucumber, carrots, cabbage are crushed with a crunch. (teeth) - Where do you think we ended up? (children's answers) (a sign with the name of the city Sharptooth, a beaver toy or a flat image of a Beaver) Educator: So you and I ended up in the city Sharptooth. _ And Beaver0 Sharptooth meets us, he is the main one in this city. Look how white and healthy his teeth are. — Sharptooth found out that not all children have healthy teeth and decided to tell you how to keep them strong and healthy. Sharptooth: - Tell me guys, why do we need teeth? (chew and crush food) - That's right, food is moistened in the mouth with saliva and crushed by the teeth. You have baby teeth now, but when you go to school, they will fall out and new permanent teeth will grow in their place. — Do you need to take care of such teeth, because they will fall out anyway? (yes) - You need to rinse your mouth with warm water after every meal, brush your teeth in the morning and before bed, visit a doctor and then you will have healthy teeth. —Who do you think often has toothache? (answers) - That's right, those who don't take care of their teeth often have pain. - Do you know which doctor treats teeth? (dentist) - Teeth have their own protector - tooth enamel, it is hard, white and we must try not to damage it. To prevent this from happening, you need to avoid gnawing hard objects with your teeth, avoid eating hot and cold food at the same time, brush your teeth with a special paste and brush, and know how to choose them correctly. — How to choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste? (answers) - The brush should have a small head and not too hard, the handle should be curved, and the toothpaste should only be for children. — Do you know how to care for a brush? (answers) - Well done, the brush must be thoroughly rinsed with water from the toothpaste and the old brush must be replaced with a new one once every 3 months. “And the most important thing is that everyone must have their own brush and cannot use someone else’s.” Educator: - Did Sharptooth give you useful advice? (yes) - Guys, let's repeat the basic rules of dental care?
- Rinse your mouth with warm water after every meal
- Brush your teeth in the morning and before bed
- Do not chew hard objects with your teeth
- Avoid eating hot and cold foods at the same time
- Choosing the right brush and toothpaste
- Brush your teeth only with your own brush
- Visit a dentist
Educator: - And to keep your teeth healthy, you need to eat right. - Now Sharptooth and I will see if you know healthy and harmful foods for teeth. — I suggest putting all the products in two baskets, in the green one you put healthy foods, in the red one you put unhealthy foods. The task “Find healthy and harmful products” (models or cards with products from the game “A Little Tooth” are placed in 2 baskets: green and red) - Well done! As a keepsake of our meeting, Sharptooth gives you vitamins to keep your teeth healthy and toothpaste and a brush, but you must choose them for yourself. Remember what kind of paste and brush is needed for children. Task “Choose a toothbrush and toothpaste” Educator: - Goodbye Sharptooth, our children remember everything and will make sure that their teeth are always healthy. - Guys, let's rest a little and go further on the road. - Take the prickly balls and remember our exercise. Children pronounce the words and accompany them with hand movements in accordance with the text). Exercise with a prickly ball “I roll the ball in circles” I roll the ball in circles I push it back and forth, I use it to stroke my palm. I'll squeeze it a little bit. How a cat squeezes its paw. I’ll press the ball with each finger, and then I’ll start again. And now the last trick, the ball flies between the hands. (Children put the balls in a box) (a sign with the name of the city Manograd is an image of a person) Educator: - Guys, look, there’s another city ahead. What do you think it's called? —What can you and I learn about in this city? (answers) - This is the city of Man City and we will talk to you about our body and organism - Let's look carefully at the model of a person and name the different parts of the body, and you show them on yourself. All people have one, it sits on the neck... (head) Turn your head harder, being idle is boring....(neck) The cool evening is breathing, you throw a scarf over your...shoulders) I’ll remind you, not for boredom, wash yours more often....(hands ) Five sons in the hand - all good boys, they are famous for their friendship and their name is .... (fingers) We squeezed our hands with our fingers - we got ... (fists) She caresses, comforts and will ward off troubles, any baby will always recognize his beloved mother ... (palm) Our children shouldn’t be slouches...(back) You put that food in your mouth, but it will quickly go into...(stomach) You guys on the threshold, wipe it more often...(legs) Lenka tripped again and hit...(knee) Starting in order, there is food on my leg ... (heel) And the heel has relatives, called ... (foot) These kids are no longer a secret, the bones together are called ... (skeleton) Educator: - So we have repeated with you the main parts of the body. They are all different and very important for a person. We can see all parts of the body. “And a person also has a lot of organs that we don’t see because they are inside our body. - Guys, who knows what organs we have inside? (answers) Find them in the picture and show them (answers) - Why do people need them? (children's answers) - Help me figure out what we see with our eyes, body parts or organs? (parts of the body) - What is inside us? (organs) - Now let’s see how you distinguish between body parts and organs. We will divide into two teams, each with cards. One team needs to cover the empty cells with only pictures of body parts, and the other needs to put pictures with different organs on the empty cells. Task “Fill in the empty cells” Educator: - Check with each other whether the task was completed correctly? Well done. -And now it’s time for us to return from our trip to kindergarten. - Let's sit on the airplane carpet, close our eyes and be transported to our favorite kindergarten. (the music turns on and the children sit down for a moment of relaxation) Educator: - Our journey has ended. -Where were we today? (in the country of health, in the cities of Chistograd, Sharptooth and Chelovekagrad) - What did you like today? (answers) - What new things did you learn during the trip? (answers) - Tell me, should a person take care of his health or not? (answers) - Do you want to be healthy? (yes) - What are you doing for this? (children's answers) - Thank you for the lesson