Lesson summary “Automation of the sound [w] in syllables and words”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson for children of senior preschool age on the topic “Winter”, automation of the sound “W”.

Compiled by: teacher - speech therapist Dolganova O. A. Ozyory 2021 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 14 “Jolly Bells” address: Russian Federation, 140563, Moscow region, Ozyory, microdistrict named after Marshal Katukov, d 20.


Correctional and educational goals:

  • Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound [w] in syllables and words.
  • Improve the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis. Improve the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender and number, formation of adjectives and nouns with diminutive suffixes).

Corrective and developmental goals:

  • Develop the syntactic aspects of speech (consolidating the concept of a sentence). Develop speech breathing, phonemic awareness, phonemic analysis skills, visual attention and perception, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills. Improve the syllabic structure of words.

Correctional and educational goals:

  • To form mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Fostering love and respect for nature.


  • consolidation in the minds of children the signs of winter, seasonal changes in nature associated with the winter period
  • development of coherent speech (composing sentences)
  • improving the grammatical structure of speech, developing the skill of inflection and word formation
  • formation, the ability to correctly and completely answer questions from the teacher - speech therapist
  • improving motor skills and coordinating your actions


White cardboard bunny, pictures with articulation gymnastics, snowflakes for breathing exercises, syllabic path, paper Christmas tree, 6 magnets, 6 pictures with the sound “Ш” , recording of audio text.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher speech therapist:

Today an unusual guest came to our class. I'll tell you a riddle about him, and you try to guess who it is? Listen carefully.

He loves red carrots, he gnaws cabbage very deftly, he jumps here and there, through forests and fields,

Gray, white and oblique, Who do you think he is -... Teacher - speech therapist: Who is this? Child: Bunny.

Teacher - speech therapist: That's right, it's a bunny. And here he is, his name is Fluff. Fluff came to our lesson so that we could teach. He can't pronounce his name correctly. And all the bunnies in the forest laugh at him. And the little bunny asks to teach him.

Well, let's help the little bunny and teach him?

Child: Yes.

Teacher - speech therapist: Little bunny, sit down next to us and repeat after us.

You have already learned how to pronounce the sound “SH” . What does our tongue do when we pronounce the sound "Ш" .

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Teacher - speech therapist: Now show the bunny how we do exercises and play with the tongue.

1) "Frog"

  • We imitate frogs, we pull our lips straight to our ears, I pull and stop, and I don’t get tired at all

2) "Window"

  • We open the window, the teeth are a little visible there

3) "Sail"

  • I smile, my mouth is open: “Sail” is already there. I'll hold my tongue and look

to the upper teeth from the inside;

4) — "Watch"

- left - right, the tip moves as if it can’t find room.

Teacher-speech therapist: Well done. You did great!

3. Breathing exercises.

Teacher - speech therapist: Nastya, look at Pushka. What color is his coat?

Child: White.

Teacher - speech therapist: Why do you think the little bunny changed his fur coat?

Child: Because winter has come.

Teacher-speech therapist: Well done. How do you determine that winter has come outside?

Child: It’s getting cold, there’s snow, we put on warm clothes.

Teacher - speech therapist: That's right.

While we were talking, it started snowing outside, and magical snowflakes flew to us.

Teacher-speech therapist: How can you make them spin?

Child: You need to blow on them.

Teacher-speech therapist: Correct. You already know how to do this, so let's teach the bunny.

(The back is flat. Slowly draw air through your nose. Do not puff out your cheeks, stretch out your lips with a tube and blow on the snowflakes.

The speech therapist gives each child a snowflake on a string.

The speech therapist accompanies the reading of the poem and makes sure that the children do not raise their shoulders

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Snowflakes flew to visit us like feathers. We blew lightly on them, and the snowflakes flew away.

Teacher-speech therapist: Well done! You did everything right.

5. Automation of the sound [ш] in syllables.

Teacher - speech therapist: Nastya, now let's take a walk through the winter forest with our little bunny, he will jump on the hillocks, and we will teach him to pronounce the syllables correctly.


6. Automation of the sound [sh] in words.

Teacher-speech therapist: Oh Nastya, look. Our little bunny came to the Christmas tree. What holiday will we have soon?

Child: New Year.

Teacher - speech therapist: Do you know that we have such a tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year.

Child: Yes.

Teacher - speech therapist: I have toys and I suggest you and your little bunny decorate our Christmas tree with them. But before you hang them, you will need to tell the name of this toy.

Well done. You named everything correctly. And look what a beautiful Christmas tree we got.

Speech therapist teacher: What kind of toys are on our Christmas tree?

Child: Beautiful.

Teacher - speech therapist: And they are also small. Let's call them affectionately.

7. Physical exercise.

Teacher - speech therapist: Aren't you tired?

Child: No.

Teacher - speech therapist: Then let's have some fun. Do you agree?

Child: Yes.

Teacher - speech therapist: Listen to the poem and repeat the movements after me.

One two three four,

You and I made a snowball.

Round, strong, very smooth,

And not at all sweet.

One - we'll throw it, Two - we'll catch it. Three – we’ll drop it and… break it!

8. ICT.

Teacher - speech therapist: And now I invite you and your little bunny to play a game called: “Listen and repeat . (The teacher is a speech therapist, turns on the recording of spoken words on the computer. The child listens, remembers and repeats).

9. Reflection.

Teacher - speech therapist: Nastya, what do you think, have we taught our guest bunny to say his name correctly?

Child: Yes.

Teacher - speech therapist: Let him tell us himself.

(teacher-speech therapist plays a recording of a bunny talking)

-Thank you Nastya very much for teaching me. Now I can safely return to the forest and surprise everyone. I used to say that my name is Pusok, but with your help. I can now say correctly. Fluff. Goodbye.

Teacher - speech therapist: Nastya, you are very smart. You completed the task and taught the little bunny to pronounce his name correctly. I suggest we give the bunny toys so that he can decorate his Christmas tree in the forest with them.

Look, I have New Year's balls here, these balls have magical pictures on them, with exercises that we did. Give Fluffy the bunny the balls with the exercises that you liked the most.

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