Entertainment "Maslenitsa" for children of the middle group in kindergarten. Scenario
Entertainment script “Maslenitsa, come to us, bring Spring!”
for children of middle preschool age Author: Chalova Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher of the MADOU kindergarten “Solnyshko”, town. Kamensk, Republic of Buryatia. Description: Maslenitsa has long been loved in Russia - a cheerful, mischievous holiday. At this time, they said goodbye to winter, burned an effigy of Winter and glorified Spring. This holiday symbolized people's hopes for a fruitful and fruitful year, so Maslenitsa was always very satisfying. At the center of the holiday was Maslenitsa - a figure, a doll made of straw, which was dressed up in a caftan, a hat, put on bast shoes, rode on a sleigh, and sang songs. People referred to her as a long-awaited and dear guest - “honest, broad, cheerful; noblewoman Maslenitsa, Mrs. Maslenitsa."
Purpose of the material: I bring to your attention a scenario for entertaining children of middle preschool age “Maslenitsa”. This material may be useful to educators, additional education teachers, and music directors. Goal: increasing children's cognitive interest in national holidays and traditions of their people. Objectives: to form in children an understanding of the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa; instill in children an interest in folk games and entertainment; to cultivate in children love and respect for the traditions and customs of the Russian people. Preliminary work: conversation, guessing riddles, memorizing sayings, chants about Maslenitsa, watching the presentation “Hello Maslenitsa”, playing folk games “Rucheyok”, “Lady”, etc. Equipment : easels, whatman paper, felt-tip pens, stand with ribbons, handkerchiefs Characters : children, presenter - Matryoshka, brownie Kuzya. Progress of the entertainment: A Russian folk melody sounds, children (in Russian costumes) enter the hall in pairs, where they are met by Matryoshka and play the folk game “Stream”.
The round dance game “Stream” is an ancient ritual game that symbolized the melting of snow. The sun warmed the earth, the snow melted, and babbling brooks ran everywhere. You need to stand in pairs, hold hands and raise them up to form a stream. To the music, Matryoshka enters the stream and takes a mate. The one who is left alone is the one who drives, choosing whoever he wants. So the stream runs on and on. And along with this running, spring is approaching. (Children after the game stand in a semicircle) Matryoshka:
Hello, hello, have fun and joy! Today we are saying goodbye to winter, serving pancakes, inviting spring to us! Who can say what we call this holiday? Children: Maslenitsa!
Matryoshka: that's right guys, this is Maslenitsa - a fun, mischievous holiday. At this time, they say goodbye to winter, burn an effigy of Winter and glorify Spring. Since ancient times, Maslenitsa has been called by affectionate names: wide, cheerful, honest, Yasochka, killer whale, gourmet. Matryoshka: and back in the old days, they called for Maslenitsa and Spring with chants so that the warmth would come faster. Let's do this too, let's shout out chants
Calls: 1.child: Spring! Spring is red! Warm sunshine! Come quickly, warm the children! 2.child: Little sun, shine it, look out! The sparrows are chirping, the red spring is calling, drops are falling from the roof, the sandpipers have arrived! 3.child: Larks, quails, swallows! Come and visit us! Bring us a clear spring, a red spring! 4.child: “Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa came to visit us, Maslenitsa brought happiness! Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, take away the winter, Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, Spring come to us!” Matryoshka: and now I would like to clarify with you. What do they bake on Maslenitsa?
That's right, pancakes! Let's get into a round dance and sing about pancakes! (children and Matryoshka dance in a circle)
Song: “We haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time” 1. We haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time, We wanted pancakes. Chorus: Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, Gilded circles! 2. Here we are meeting Maslyana, making cheese and butter. Chorus: 3. As we started the dough, we baked a whole mountain. Chorus: 4. Spread the pancakes with more oil to make them tastier. Chorus: 5. As clear as oil in the house, Hello, Maslenitsa is red. Chorus: (children sit down) Matryoshka: well, now, my little friends, we will play together and bake pancakes! Whichever team bakes the most wins! Competition “Who can bake the most pancakes?” Children form two teams of 5 people, when given a signal, run in line to the easel and draw pancakes with a marker. Matryoshka: now let’s play chant Shout with movements “Like Maslenitsa” Children share. The girls, at a signal from Matryoshka’s right hand, shouts: “Pancakes!” boys at the left hand signal: “Have fun!” After these words, movements are performed that are specified in the chant. Like a week of oil Every day in the morning we ate... What? Pancakes! Enjoy! Around yourself with a jump! At lunch they drank tea, threw handfuls into our mouths... What? Enjoy! Pancakes! Bow for Winter! Well, at dinner, as always, the best food for us... What? Pancakes! Enjoy! Stand with your right side to the stage! We visited our mother-in-law and chewed all day... What? Enjoy! Pancakes! Bow for Spring! All insults were forgiven and oil was poured on... What? Pancakes! Enjoy! Around yourself with a jump! Matryoshka: One, two, three, four, five, I really want to dance. I invite my matryoshka girlfriends. Let's glorify Maslenitsa and dance merrily. The girls are dancing the “Matryoshka” dance. The music is playing, Kuzya the brownie flies into the hall on a broom.
Kuzya: dear little broom, stop, that’s enough, I’ve already swooped in! (gets off the broom).
-Where did this broom take me?
Oh! Oh! Oh! There are so many of you! Yes, everyone is rosy, cheerful, smart, Hello! To all of you. And chavoy, are you all gathered here? Did you recognize me? (children answer) Matryoshka: we celebrate Maslenitsa, we welcome Spring. Where are you from, Kuzya? And where did you lose your mommy Yagulechka? Kuzya: I ran away from Baba Yaga. She froze me, I can’t wait for spring. I completely exhausted her; there was no cleaning or appliances in her hut on chicken legs. The stove won’t heat, the porridge won’t cook, oh, bad, bad. But I respect order, I love to eat delicious food. And how I like to celebrate Maslenitsa. Can I stay with you in your kindergarten, I will keep order, I will help your cooks, cook porridge, bake pancakes for the children. Matryoshka: well, don’t we mind, stay and celebrate Maslenitsa with us. Kuzya: but you probably don’t know how to bake pancakes, what you need to add to the dough so that they become tasty, sweet, rosy. Matryoshka: and now we’re learning this from our guys Word game “Pancakes”
Those who know the ingredients of the pancakes quickly answer me yes or no. Fresh milk - yes! Head cabbage - no! Chicken egg - yes! Pickled cucumber - no! Jellied meat - no! Sugar and salt - yes! White beans - no! Flour, yes soda - yes! Salted fish - no! Bay leaf - no! Ghee - yes! Kuzya: Well done guys, you made me happy. Matryoshka: Kuzya, listen to what poems our guys know about pancakes. Poems: 1.child: Hello, Maslenitsa! Give us butter! We'll bake ourselves some hot pancakes - We don't care about snowstorms and frosts! If there is a frying pan, We are not afraid of the cold, Because the pancake is hot - This is the best food! 2.child: Five eggs, a glass of flour Butter, a cup, two hands. Soda, salt and milk - The mixer turns easily. He spun and spun - the pancake turned out thin. In the heat, in the heat, and with honey - We are waiting for you to visit in the evening. 3. child: We have pancakes with potatoes, and we have pancakes with cloudberries, sour cream and jam - they’re just delicious! Place the pancake in your mouth and wash it down with sweet tea. We have to eat golden brown pancakes all week! And our grandmothers will bake us pancakes! 4. child: Early one morning Kuzya took a frying pan, kneaded the dough in a bowl, and poured milk into it. And then I baked pancakes, both fragrant and delicious. Round, ruddy, honey and spicy, rich, pretty, like the sun. Kuzya: thank you guys, you even know poems about me. I like it so much! Matryoshka: Maslenitsa has come to us, And we are saying goodbye to winter, We are welcoming Spring.
Let's start a round dance and sing about spring.
Song “Hello, Spring is red” Matryoshka: we will continue to glorify Maslenitsa and have fun playing. And you, Kuzya, play with us. Musical game "Lady" with handkerchiefs. Children pass several handkerchiefs in a circle to the music. After the music stops, those with handkerchiefs in their hands go to the center of the circle and perform dance movements based on the Matryoshka display. Children standing in a circle clap. Matryoshka: on Maslenitsa people not only dance and sing, but also organize competitions and ride on carousels and sleighs.
Kuzya: Who wants to ride a horse? Competition "Horse Racing"
Matryoshka: The glorious month of March is walking across the earth. Today we are opening the solar carousel. Game "Carousel" (to Russian folk melody)
Grab your ribbons, We've had a ride - stop, It's time to rest, The game is over! Kuzya: we guys celebrated Maslenitsa well, but it’s time to recognize the honor! Matryoshka: it’s time to say goodbye and treat yourself to pancakes. And the guys in the group were waiting for pancakes. Come with us, Kuzya, to drink tea and pancakes. Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again! In a year we will meet Beauty again. Let's celebrate again and serve pancakes! Kuzya: thank you guys for the invitation, for the fun Maslenitsa, but I just felt sorry for my grandmother Yagusya, how she was there alone, she probably lost me. I’ll fly to her, ask for forgiveness, bake pancakes, we’ll continue to live with her, and make good money! Kuzya flies out of the hall. Matryoshka and the children go into a group to drink tea and pancakes.
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Leisure summary “Maslenitsa” for middle group children.
-Introduce children to the traditions of Maslenitsa festivities.
-To introduce children to the culture of our ancestors through active musical and gaming activities.
-To educate the basics of spirituality and morality in children.
Preliminary work:
watching a fairy tale about Maslenitsa prepared by music workers.
Hey, well done guys, daring daredevils! Today Maslenitsa has come to us - one of the most joyful holidays in Rus'. There will also be delicious pancakes, hot, golden brown, and buttery! Happy Maslenitsa to you! Let's sing and joke, see off Winter and welcome Spring! Come on, let's have some fun and spin around in a quick dance!
The Russian folk song “And we are waiting for Maslenitsa, we will see the beautiful spring...” sounds. Children dance with the teacher.
Does anyone know why the holiday is called Maslenitsa?
(Children's answers)
Because on Maslenitsa, the consumption of butter and dairy products is allowed all week, and then Great Lent begins, when Orthodox people do not consume these products.
What do people celebrate on Maslenitsa? If you want to know, then you have to solve the riddles!
The beauty walks, touches the ground lightly, goes to the field, to the river, and over the snow and over the flower. (Spring)
The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life. The day is coming. When does this happen? (Spring)
She comes with affection and with her fairy tale. He waves his magic wand and the snowdrop blooms in the forest. (Spring)
Yes, guys, on Maslenitsa people say goodbye to winter and welcome spring! Fun, amusements, fist fights, sleigh rides, snow barricades, festivities - they definitely happen on Maslenitsa. All the people are having fun! And we will play with you, and whoever is sad will definitely have fun!
Outdoor game “Bunny”
Children stand in a circle, holding hands.
There is a sad bunny in the center of the circle. Children sing: Bunny, bunny!
What happened to you? You're sitting there completely sick. Get up, get up, jump! Here's a carrot! (2 times) Get it and dance! All the children come up to the bunny and give him an imaginary carrot.
The bunny takes the carrot, becomes cheerful and begins to dance. And the children clap their hands. Then another bunny is chosen. Educator:
Now we're all happy! And so we will have fun, welcome spring, celebrate Maslenitsa all week.
In Rus', snow towns were built everywhere on Maslenitsa. These towns were supposedly the haven of the “winter monster” and on Saturday during Holy Week they were demonstratively destroyed. To accomplish this important mission, the people were divided into two teams. At first, the teams waged a “war” among themselves, at the end of which they stormed the snowy town and destroyed it. And on Maslenitsa they put carousels everywhere.
Oh, cheerful Maslenitsa!
Drive away the snowstorms from us, Take us on a carousel. Melt the cold ice, Let spring come soon!
Round dance game “Carousel”
The players stand in a circle.
There is a hoop with ribbons on the ground. The teacher lifts him from the ground, and the children, holding the ribbons with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle with the words: Barely, barely, barely The carousel spun, and then around, And then around and around, All running and running- run.
Children move slowly at first, and after the words “run” they run.
At the teacher’s command “Turn!” they quickly take the tape with their other hand and run in the opposite direction. Hush, hush, don't write it off!
Stop the carousel. One and two, one and two, The game is over! The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words.
The players let go of the ribbons and run away. Educator:
That's how the carousel spun us! We'll have fun all week, and on Sunday we won't forget to make peace! Sunday during Maslenitsa week is “forgiveness day.” It is customary for Orthodox people to ask each other for forgiveness on this day, so that no old grievances or omissions interfere with the celebration of Easter. Guys, come on, remember, have you offended anyone? Let's make peace with each other, hug each other tighter!
Children ask each other for forgiveness and hug.
Maslenitsa brings spring to us, with warm sun, flowers, birds, and fun games. Let's play with you some more!
Outdoor game "Burners"
Children stand in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. According to the counting, a Trap is selected. He stands on the line with his back to the other children. Everyone standing in pairs says:
"Burn, burn clearly,
so that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky - the birds are flying,
The bells are ringing.
One, two, three – run!”
With the end of the words, the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left), trying to grab hands. The trap tries to catch one of the pair and connect hands with him.
If the catcher managed to do this, he forms a new pair with the caught one and stands in front of the column, and the one left without a pair becomes a trap. If the Trap is not caught, he remains in the same role.
While pronouncing the words, the Trap does not look back; you can catch before the players hold hands.
Well, you and I played, danced, and rode on the carousel! And while we were having fun, Maslenitsa left us a gift!
The teacher brings out a plate of pancakes covered with a napkin.
Let's guess what's there?
Yellow, round, aromatic, and tastes so good, with jam, honey, and condensed milk!
The teacher opens a plate of pancakes.
Like during the oil week, pancakes flew to the ceiling. Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes. You are my pancakes! We had fun! We had fun! Butter pancakes, buttered Shangi Eat to your health!
The Russian folk song “Pancakes” sounds, the children sit down at the table.
Maslenitsa walked and sang for seven days, time passed - it was time and honor to know. Maslenitsa was celebrated and a huge effigy of Winter was burned in a bright fire accompanied by the songs of those present and the people went home.
The song “Farewell, Maslenitsa!”