"Little Wizards" GCD for experimentation in the middle group

Kazan educational portal

Summary of educational activities for experimental activities in the middle group “Journey to the world of magic soap” Program content:  To introduce children to the properties of soap and its varieties (toilet, household, liquid).  Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge of why soap is used in everyday life; clarify knowledge about geometric shapes (oval, rectangular).  In the process of experimental activities, introduce children to the properties of liquid soap: it dissolves in water, foams, forming many bubbles.  Continue to teach how to work according to the algorithm.  Develop memory, attention, thinking.  To cultivate cultural and hygienic skills, interest in experimental activities. Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development. Preliminary work: Reading the work of K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”. Acquaintance with the properties of soap while washing; exercises in determining the color of surrounding objects; conducting experiments “Sinking - floating”, “Light - heavy”, didactic game “Recognize by smell”. Equipment: Toy clown Klepa, a “wonderful bag” with pieces of soap of different shapes, colors and smells; a bottle of liquid soap; an envelope with an algorithm depicting the washing sequence; three colored narrow paths; cups of water, straws, plastic plates and spoons, an audio recording of the song “Circus”. Progress of OOD: An audio recording of the song “Circus” is played. Educator: Guys, the clown Klepa came to visit us. He says that Moidodyr sent him to us. Look, he has some kind of bag in his hands. Children: I wonder what's in it? Educator: Think about what Moidodyr could have sent us? (Children's answers). Here is a letter, and there is a riddle in it. I suggest you guess it: This good friend of ours can’t stand dirty hands. It gets angry at the dirt, It spins in its hands. Out of fear, the dirt will begin to turn pale, and will run and flow, and will disappear without a trace. And your hands will become clean, clean, fragrant. Did you find out easily?” Children's answers. Educator: That's right, it's soap. Now you can take a look, take a piece and see which soap you like. There is a lot of it here, enough for everyone. What a surprise from Moidodyr! - Guys, why do you need soap? (children's answers) (Wash your face, wash your hands). - Isn’t it possible to wash your hands and face with just water? They too will become clean. (Hands will be cleaner with soap). - Let's see what soap Moidodyr sent us. What color is it? — Does the soap have a smell? (children's answers). Do all bars of soap smell the same? (children's answers) Smell two different pieces. Yes, soap has different smells. They say about it that it is fragrant, aromatic. - Stroke a piece of soap. How does it feel to the touch, smooth or rough? (children's answers) - Place all the pieces of soap on the tray. Look and say: “What shape are these bars of soap?” (Rectangular and oval shapes). Let's put oval-shaped soap on a blue tray, and rectangular-shaped pieces on a red tray. Conclusion: the soap we use to wash our hands is called toilet soap. It can be of different colors, shapes and have different smells. — Why do you think there are such different soaps? (Because people like different smells, colors). The teacher puts several pieces of colored soap of different shapes from a bag onto the table (in the form of a cone, a bear, a Christmas tree, a monkey, etc.) - What kind of soap would you like to wash your hands with? Yes, this soap is made for children, which is why you liked it so much. - Look, there’s something else in the bag. I guessed. Moidodyr wants to know if you know how to wash your hands properly? He sent pictures and asks you to put them in order. The algorithm shown in the pictures: roll up your sleeves, open the tap, wash your hands with soap, close the tap, dry your hands with a towel, lower your sleeves. — We’ll put the pictures in order and send them to Moidodyr. Look, guys, the clown Klepa invites you to take a trip along the “magic” paths. - If you follow them, you will find something new. Let's go to? Here is the first track. We will walk along it with our hands on our belts and our knees raised high. Here we are, opening the box. Let's see what's in it? (Children smell, touch, determine that this is also soap). — This soap is not so fragrant, and the piece is much larger than a piece of toilet soap. How many of you have seen such soap? What is it for? What is it called? (Household). - Let's move on. On the second path we will jump like bunnies. There is something lying on the stump. Bottle. And on it it says: “Liquid soap.” I wonder why it is called liquid? (Because it flows). Why is it necessary? (The guys determine from the label that it is intended for bathing small children). Let's go further. We will walk along this path on our toes. They walked and walked and arrived at the laboratory. (On the tables there are cups of water on a plastic plate, plastic spoons.) - Guys, what do you think is in the cups? (Water). How did you determine this? (Looked, smelled). That's right, pure water has no color and does not smell of anything. - And if we pour liquid soap into glasses, what will happen to the water? (Foam will appear). The teacher pours a little soap into each glass, the children stir with a spoon and watch how it dissolves in the water and foams. — Klepa the Clown suggests conducting the experiment “Who has the taller and more voluminous foam?” To conduct this experiment, we must practice how to blow into a tube correctly. Inhale air through your nose, and now blow on your palms. Exhale air through the mouth. Do the exercise 2-3 times. Then the children exhale air into the tube 2-3 times. - Now put the end of the tube in a jar of water and blow into the soapy water. (Children do). What happened to the water? (Bubbles and foam appeared.) Where did the bubbles come from? (We blew them out with soapy water). Educator: soap dissolves in water, foams, and forms a lot of bubbles. — Did you guys like the bubbles you blew? This is such a magical soap: it kills germs, and you can conduct experiments with it. Now let’s add a little bright-colored gouache and use a straw to make airy foam. The teacher suggests saying the magic words: “One, two, three - appear, colorful bubbles!” Now the foam is colored! -Let's draw using soap foam and cups! (the teacher shows a drawing method: colored soap foam is whipped in a glass and a sheet of paper is applied to it on top, on which a very interesting colored spot is imprinted). -What does this spot look like? (children's answers) Now everyone will try to “draw” with soap, and we will see what happens. Independent activity of children in making prints. At the end, children look at their drawings and fantasize about what the images look like. -What interesting drawings they turned out to be! Lisa, Sasha...Let's give drawings to the clown Klepa. Did you like the magic soap? Did we make an interesting journey with the clown Klyopa? Let's say thank you to him and say goodbye to him. An audio recording of the song “Circus” is played.

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