Road safety entertainment for the first junior group on the theme “Little pedestrians”

Consultation for parents on traffic rules in the nursery group.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 9 "Constellation"

Consultation for parents

according to traffic rules in the nursery group.

Prepared by: Datkhuzheva E.K., Chuts F.Ch.


Rules for parents

The child begins to become familiar with the rules of the road

long before entering kindergarten. He receives his first knowledge and experience from

observations of your loved ones, parents. Therefore it is very important that

the parents themselves not only knew, but also adhered to in everyday life

traffic rules. The kindergarten is actively working on

studying traffic rules with children. But only your parents

personal example, assessment of behavior will be able to translate these rules into norms

child's behavior. The recommendations below are considered

Typical traffic situations that need to be constantly monitored

children's attention.

The main danger is a standing car!

A stationary car is dangerous: it can block another

a car that is moving at high speed interferes with time

notice the danger. You cannot go out onto the road because of parked cars. IN

as a last resort, you need to carefully look out from behind a standing car,

make sure that there is no danger and only then cross the road.

Do not go around a stationary bus, either in front or behind!

A stationary bus covers a section of the road along which

the moment you decide to cross it, a car may be passing. Except

In addition, people near the bus stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. From

stop, you must move towards the nearest pedestrian crossing.

Know how to anticipate hidden dangers!

Due to a standing car, house, fence, bushes, etc.

a car suddenly leaves. To cross the road you need to choose this

a place where the road is visible in both directions. As a last resort,

you can carefully look out from behind the obstacle, make sure that there is no danger, and

only then cross the road.

The car is approaching slowly, but you still have to let it pass.

A slow moving car may be hiding a car behind it,

going at high speed. The child often does not suspect that behind one

another one may be hidden by the machine.

And at a traffic light you can meet danger.

Today on city roads we are constantly faced with the fact that

car drivers violate traffic rules: they rush

high speed, ignoring traffic lights and crossing signs. That's why

It is not enough to teach children how to navigate when a traffic light is green,

it is necessary to ensure that there is no danger. Children often reason

like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and will let me through.” They

are wrong.

Children often run across a “deserted” street without looking.

On a street where cars rarely appear, children run out onto the road

without first examining it, they end up under a car. Work out

It’s a child’s habit to always look around before going out on the road.

stop, listen - and only then cross the street.

Summary of GCD on traffic rules in the early age group

Summary of GCD on traffic rules in the early age group “Magic Lights”

I bring to your attention a summary of direct organized activities on traffic rules in the early age group “Magic Lights”.
This material can be used by teachers in preschool educational institutions. This summary is aimed at strengthening the skills of safe behavior of children on the street, instilling cultural behavior on the road, and studying the Rules of the Road. Goal: 1. Teach children to distinguish colors: red, yellow, green. 2. Introduce children to traffic lights and the rules for safely crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing. Educational task: to instill in children a sense of responsibility, instill cultural behavior on the road. Preliminary work: 1. Looking at illustrations about traffic rules 2. Reading poems and stories about traffic rules 3. Showing a toy traffic light and looking at it, talking about the purpose of the traffic light. 4. Familiarization with the road markings of a pedestrian crossing - “zebra” 5. Role-playing games Material: mugs of three colors (red, yellow, green), a basket, a traffic light toy, a pedestrian crossing sign, multi-colored cardboard steering wheels, four identical strips of white paper - pedestrian crossing, toys: dog and hedgehog.
Progress of the lesson:

The dog comes and brings red, yellow and green mugs in a basket.
The teacher offers to take the children one mug each. Children take one mug and name its color. The teacher asks the children who have red mugs in their hands to come out. Red color - no access!

The teacher asks the children who have yellow mugs in their hands to come out. Yellow - be ready for the journey,

The teacher asks the children who have green mugs in their hands to come out. And the green color - go!

(If the children make a mistake, the dog barks loudly, and the children correct the mistake) The teacher offers to play the game “Cars”. Children take the steering wheels in their hands and drive in a circle in one direction, reading a poem. We're driving, we're driving, we press the pedal.
We switch gears, We look intently into the distance. The windshield wipers clear the drops to the right, to the left. Purity! The wind ruffles my hair. We are drivers anywhere! The color lights up red (the teacher shows a red circle) - the children - the cars stop, the light turns green (the teacher shows a green circle) - the children - the cars drive on, reading the poem.

There is a knock on the door.
A hedgehog comes in, says hello, and tells the children how he was in a hurry to get home to his hedgehogs, but couldn’t cross the road because there were a lot of cars on the road. The hedgehog asks the teacher and the children to teach him how to cross the road correctly. Educator: Guys, let's show the hedgehog how pedestrians behave on the road? Children (in chorus): Yes. The teacher reads a riddle about a pedestrian crossing: The stripes are familiar to everyone. Children know, adults know. Leads to the other side (points to the crossing) Children: pedestrian crossing! (in unison) Let's show the hedgehog how to cross the road at the pedestrian crossing! Game "We are pedestrians." There are children standing at the pedestrian crossing and a hedgehog in the hands of one of the children. Waiting for the traffic light to cross the street. The teacher shows a red traffic light: “Can I cross the road?” Children: No. The teacher shows the green traffic light: “Can I cross the road?” Children: Yes. A hedgehog and children cross the road at a zebra crossing. The game is repeated several times.

After the game, the hedgehog turns to the children: “Thank you, guys! Now I know how to cross the road correctly. And you remember that you can only cross the road with adults at a pedestrian crossing and only when the traffic light is green! Goodbye, guys!" The guys say goodbye to the hedgehog and the dog. The lesson is over.

We recommend watching:

Summary of GCD in the first junior group on traffic rules From the experience of working as a kindergarten teacher. Game for children of primary preschool age Didactic game on traffic rules in an early age group Synopsis of an integrated lesson for an early age group “Sorceress - water”

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Summary of the traffic rules lesson in the first junior group “Our assistant traffic light”

Purpose of the lesson: Continue to develop safe behavior skills in children;


  • consolidate knowledge of the basic colors of traffic lights (red, yellow, green), the shape of a circle
  • consolidate children's understanding of traffic lights and their actions
  • develop attention and speech.

Materials for the lesson: 3 layout of a traffic light, glue, brushes and napkins according to the number of children, a bunny toy, circles of red, yellow, green colors (according to the number of children), an image of a zebra, a layout of a pedestrian crossing.

Individual work: consolidate knowledge of the location of traffic light colors, monitor the correct sequence of traffic light colors (red, yellow, green).

Progress of the lesson:

Surprise moment: A bunny comes to visit the children

Organizing time:

Educator: guys, a bunny came to visit us today, he came to us from his doll town, he is very interested in how our children play in kindergarten. Let's say hello to the bunny in unison.

Children: say hello

Educator: Leads the children to the traffic light and asks

Guys, look here, what is this worth here?

Children: traffic light

Educator: Why do we need it?

Children: A traffic light helps adults and children cross the road correctly

Educator: He stands on the streets of the city and with his eyes shows people and cars when they can drive or cross the road. Guys, let's count together how many eyes he has?

Children: Counting

Educator: Artem, what kind of eye does the traffic light have below?

Dasha, what kind of eye does the traffic light have at the top?

Sofia, what kind of eye does the traffic light have in the middle?

Educator: Now let's remember what we do if the light is red?

Children: standing

Educator: What do we do if the light is yellow?

Children: get ready to go

Educator: What if the green light turns on?

Children: go

Educator: Now let's go for a walk. Look how interesting the path is.

What's on the path?

Children: stripes.

Educator: What color are they?

Children: white, black.

Educator: Look what I have in my hands?

Children: zebra

Educator: This is such a horse. It has white and black stripes. This horse's name is zebra. Repeat, what is the horse's name?

Children: zebra.

Educator: Our track has the same stripes as the horses. That's why she is also called zebra. This is a pedestrian crossing. You can cross the road on it when the green eye at the traffic light is on. Look at the little eye on the traffic light?

Children: green.

Educator: that means you can cross the road. Guys, come in pairs and we will cross the road.

Children: crossing the road.

Teacher: reads a poem

If the light turns red, it means it is dangerous to move.

Yellow warning light, wait for signal to move.

The green light says: go ahead, the path is open.

Educator: guys, the bunny came to visit us and we shouldn’t let him go without a gift. We will make a traffic light for his doll town so that he also knows the rules of the road and is very attentive (children sit at tables on which there are traffic light models)

Practical part:

Each of you has eyes - these are circles made of colored paper.

First we take the red circle, this is the upper eye of the traffic light. And put it on top.

Then we take the yellow eye - this is the middle eye of the traffic light. We put it under red. And the last green circle is the bottom eye of the traffic light. Try to glue evenly and carefully so that the bear likes your traffic lights.

The teacher approaches the children and conducts individual work (monitors the sequence so that they are evenly positioned).

Educator: What does the color red mean?

Children: standing

Educator: What does the color yellow mean?

Children: ready to go

Educator: What does the color green mean?

Children: let's go

Educator: Well done, guys. Everyone did a very good job. I hope you all cross the road correctly. Always be attentive and careful.

The bunny thanks the children for the gifts.

The bunny says goodbye to the children.

Children: say goodbye to the bunny.

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