Pedagogical project at the preschool educational institution “By playing we learn, by playing we learn!”

Interesting topics of creative projects in preschool educational institutions are now very relevant in kindergarten, since creative activities are aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive, artistic, musical and other creative abilities, at forming ideas and acquiring knowledge about the world around him, objects and phenomena.

Also, see:

  • Topics for creative projects for young children
  • Topics of creative projects for children with disabilities

It is very important to choose a simple and interesting topic for a creative project for a child, since projects in preschool educational institutions are one of the methods for organizing the creative process according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which in turn is based on the interaction of the teacher, parents and kindergarten students, step-by-step practical activities of children aimed at achieving set goal.
Creative projects in preschool educational institutions develop activity and independence in children, expand their creative capabilities, teach them to plan their actions and evaluate the results obtained.

On selected topics, creative projects in preschool educational institutions are practical work on creating drawings, applications from natural and artificial materials, modeling from clay, plasticine or dough, and artistic crafts. In a playful way, children of the junior, middle, senior and preparatory kindergarten groups realize their fantasies, develop creative thinking and learn to interact with each other and with adults.

For ease of selection, we have divided the topics of creative projects in preschool educational institutions into blocks according to the nature of the work: drawing, modeling, appliqué and technology. The proposed project topics can be used by children of the primary, secondary and preparatory groups of kindergarten, and can be used to implement short-term and long-term projects together with teachers of a preschool educational institution.

Topics of projects in preschool educational institutions on drawing

Topics of creative projects and works on subject and subject drawing (IZO) for kindergarten children:

Polar bear and northern lights. Bouquet of flowers Vase with branches Merry summer Funny nesting dolls Spring thunderstorm Spring Rowan branch Magic bird Blue saucer City (village) in the evening. Sad autumn Decorative drawing based on Gorodets painting. We are building a kindergarten ourselves... Pets Houses of the Three Little Pigs The forest is dozing under the fairy tale of sleep A spruce branch with New Year's toys. Residents of other planets The scarlet dawn is spreading. Starry sky Image of summer Frost covered the trees How we play in kindergarten. Carpet Horses grazing Horse Doll in national costume. Migratory birds are flying. The world is under our feet. My home. My favorite fairy-tale hero. Frosty patterns Fur seal Seascape My favorite toy. Fire trucks are rushing We are going to the holiday with flags and flowers. At the New Year's holiday Still life of autumn fruits Our blooming kindergarten Our dear army Our favorite outdoor game New Year's carnival New Year's holiday in kindergarten. Cover for a book of fairy tales Along the roads of Pushkin's fairy tales Late autumn Greeting card. Portrait of a friend Homeland Where does the Homeland begin? Traffic light is my friend Fairytale kingdom Fairytale palace Subbotnik Tank Khokhloma plate. Blooming garden Wonderful mosaic Me and mom Me and dad on a walk

Project for senior preschool children “World of Game”

Project "Game World"

Project type:

educational - playful.

Project participants:

Children, parents and teachers of the senior group “Zateiniki”. MDOU "Kindergarten No. 102 of a general developmental type."


mid-term (from April 1, 2021 to April 30, 2021)


Play is important for every child! In play, children learn to see, understand, think, fantasize, and even without noticing it, be creative in the current situation. Children convey the adults themselves in the game, that is, they transfer what they saw into their personal experience and this makes the plot more interesting for them, and we adults can help and observe further actions.

After all, childhood is a time of miracles, and there are a lot of interesting things where children learn, discover and expand their horizons.

Role-playing games allow children to develop their creative abilities, their imagination and artistry, and teach them to get used to the image of a particular character and play a certain role. They are of great importance in the social adaptation of the child and the realization of his potential in the future. By playing out various life situations, children learn to compromise, make fewer mistakes in people, avoid conflict situations, and maintain a friendly atmosphere.


In our modern world there are many, many different gadgets, and our children are immersed in this computer world. Children play less with each other, find a common language with their peers, their speech activity becomes poorer, and most parents are busy at work, and there is little time left for the child. And the child wants attention, to play with his parents: mom and dad. After all, in the game all the qualities of a child’s personality are formed; he learns and experiences this world through play activities.

As a result, the child cannot play independently; he is simply not interested. If we talk about modern children, first of all it must be said that children these days either do not play at all or play too little. But it is the game that allows you to correct emerging problems and difficulties in relationships.

Therefore, our task is to teach children to play role-playing games and draw the attention of the pupils’ parents to the current problem, explain that they should and should play and talk with the child, because children transfer what they see and hear from an adult into their gaming experience.


Enrich children's gaming experience, expand the plot of the game, and lead children to create their own gaming ideas.


1. To develop the skills of independent organization of the game, communication during the game, distribution of roles, creative development of the plot of the game.

2. Expand and systematize children’s ideas about various types of professions and their characteristics.

3. Enrich the subject-development environment with role-playing games.

4. Foster respect for the work of adults, a friendly attitude towards adults and peers.

Project implementation stages:

  • Preparatory
  • Basic
  • Final

Stage 1 – preparatory.

  1. Setting goals and objectives.
  2. Determination of research methods.
  3. Selection of visual and illustrative material.
  4. Selection of material for productive activities.

Stage 2
- Main:
Carrying out a set of events on the topic: “The world of the game.”


  1. Work with children
  2. Working with parents

Working with children includes:

1.Viewing presentations: “Professions”, “Professions of kindergarten”, “Who needs what for work”
(Appendix No. 1)
2. Conversations: “What do you want to play?”, “Who will be who?”, “What do you need for a game?”, “What will you do?”, “Professions”, “What would I like to become when I grow up?”, “Who and where do my parents work?”

3. Reading: Lyavskovskaya. N.V. "The Tale of the Washing Machine"; Iris Review "Sewing"; V. Mayakovsky “Who to be”;

4. OOD. Cognitive development “All professions are needed, all professions are important” (Appendix No. 2)

5.Coloring pages: “Professions” (Appendix No. 3)

6. Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing “All professions are important” (Appendix No. 4)

7. Artistic and aesthetic development. Application “Tea set” (Appendix No. 5)

8. Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling studio “Dress for Mom” (Appendix No. 6)

9. Excursion to the laundry. (Appendix No. 7)

10.Excursion to the medical office (Appendix No. 8)

11. Observation of the work of an assistant educator (Appendix No. 9)

12. Plot-role-playing games: “Family”, “Sea voyage”, “Theater”, “Car repair shop”, “Space”, “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “Shop”, “Hairdresser”, “Drivers and pedestrians” ( Appendix No. 10)

13. Making attributes for games (Appendix No. 11)

14. Watching the play “Professions” (Appendix No. 12)

When working with parents:

1.Consultations: “The role of role-playing games in the development of preschool children”; “Plot-role-playing game in the life of a child”; What role-playing games can be organized at home? (Appendix No. 13)

2.Assistance from parents in equipping the group with gaming materials; in the production of attributes for role-playing games.

3. Booklet “Plot-role-playing game. What it is?" (Appendix No. 14)

Stage 3 – final.

1. Albums were made: “Professions of parents”, “My family”, “Professions” (Appendix No. 15)

2. A lapbook “Confectionery” was made (Appendix No. 16)

3. Didactic games “Professions”, “Who needs what for work” were made (Appendix No. 17)

4. Attributes for role-playing games were made: “Shop”, “Car Repair Shop”, “Family”, “Hairdresser”, “Drivers and Pedestrians”, “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “Space”, “Theater”, “Sea” travel" (Appendix No. 18)

5. Generalization of pedagogical experience of project activities for teachers of preschool educational institutions.


During the implementation of the project, children began to play with each other more confidently, in role-playing games, find a common language, and agree among themselves - who will be who. Children gained experience in play situations, which contributed to the further development of plots. They treat game attributes more carefully and carefully.

The children also learned a lot about different professions and where these people can work. We learned that the work of adults can be difficult and difficult, and that it must be valued and respected.

Resources used: pages%20about%20professions%20for%20children&clid=2008251-310&win=163&lr=10945 file+of plot-role-playing+games+in+senior+group+on+fgos+with+goals&lr=10945&clid=2008251-310&win=163&suggest_reqid=616226662148138885597522021479375

Topics of creative projects in preschool educational institutions on modeling

Topics for creative work and modeling projects from clay, dough and plasticine with children in kindergarten:

Grandmother's tales In distant space, a girl and a boy are dancing. Girl playing ball Santa Claus Decorative plate Tree of life House Christmas tree toys - pine cones, bears and crackers. Bell Basket with mushrooms Kitten Jug Skier Relaxing on the beach Penguins Wattle with sunflowers. Over the mountains, over the valleys Border guard with a dog Hiking in the mountains Bird Relief alphabet Near the seaside green oak... Princess frog Flower for mother.

PROJECT “Game educational space in preschool educational institutions”

Secondly, this is the play activity of children according to their interests, desires and choice of space, which will ensure the development of motor, mental and speech skills in preschoolers, develop the child’s creative abilities, since it will take place according to the child’s own “scenario”. During the game, the child realizes his cognitive, aesthetic and moral needs, and creates his own educational route.

This is a position to improve the quality of the educational process by creating a play space taking into account educational objectives, giving the child the opportunity to choose the type of activity, games, toys and a creative adult partner. Carrying out educational activities in forms specific to preschool children, in the form of games. The child does not need to hear the information, but to live it, i.e. play something in a role-playing game, a theatrical game, where the child figuratively participates and transforms into someone. The child needs to solve some problems assigned to him in a didactic, educational game, in a game with rules.

Novelty of the project

- this is the construction of a new pedagogical form of the educational process, variable developmental education, focused on the possibility of children’s free choice of games, materials, types of activities, participants in joint activities and communication, both with children of different ages and with adults, as well as freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts. This is the determination of the components and principles of designing a gaming educational space, pedagogical support for an individual educational trajectory, and ensuring the personal and social success of each child.

Components of the gaming educational space of MDOBU “Medvedev kindergarten No. 4 “Romashka”

— Development of space and environment.

The design of models of educational spaces within an institution is focused on the principles of preserving the life and health of the child and the active position of the child. The content richness, transformability, and dynamism of the educational environment will be adapted to meet the needs and interests of the child himself, when he gets the opportunity to constantly feel like a full owner of toys, move freely around the kindergarten, and enjoy the life of the children and adults around him. The environment will provide playful, educational, research and creative activity, experimentation with materials; motor activity, including the development of gross and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions; emotional well-being of children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment; opportunity for children to express themselves. This is a play space in which the child will master the objective world and the world of relationships between people through games and multidirectional activities.

Topics for creative applique projects in kindergarten

Topics for preschool students to carry out creative projects and application work:

Openwork bookmark for the ABC book Vase with fruits, branches and flowers. Cut out and paste your favorite toy. We build the kindergarten ourselves. Captain on a steamboat Red fish in the aquarium Kremlin Forest on a piece of cardboard Forest, like a painted tower New houses on our street Cucumbers and tomatoes on a plate. Autumn paintings Autumn carpet Spider on a cobweb Festive round dance Fishes in the aquarium Snow Maiden Pattern for a napkin Let's decorate a handkerchief for a doll. Floral snowflakes Flowers in a vase.

Project (long-term) in the middle group on the topic: “Safe Home”

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 22 combined type"

Project (long-term) in the middle group on the topic: “Safe Home”

The teachers completed:

Zinkina Alena Valerievna

Yuskaeva Eleonora Vasilievna

Saransk 2019

Explanatory note


Preschool age is characterized by an increase in motor activity and an increase in the child’s physical capabilities, which, combined with increased curiosity and the desire for independence, often lead to the occurrence of traumatic situations in the home. This is confirmed by medical statistics about the highest percentage of domestic injuries in a given age period (S. Ya. Doletsky, S. M. Martynov, etc.)

Why is it so important in modern life to develop safe behavior skills in a child? All aspects of a person’s life are directly related to his safety. Life safety problems rightfully belong to the global problems of humanity.

In the modern world, parents are often forced to leave their children alone at home. Do the parents have confidence that he will behave correctly in a critical situation? Children are spontaneous, trusting, indecisive and get lost in alarming situations.

The main contradiction is that it is necessary to teach the child to act in possible dangerous situations without intimidating the child.

This “Safe Home” project is a system of work to develop skills for safe behavior at home.

Target -

to form the experience of safe behavior of preschoolers in the home environment.

Object of study:

the process of teaching children safe behavior at home.

Subject of study:

pedagogical conditions for instilling safe behavior in children at home.



Introduce risk factors in everyday life;

— Introduce the rules of safe behavior at home;

— Introduce practical actions in the event of various dangerous domestic incidents;

— Expand the pedagogical literacy of parents on issues of safe child behavior at home.


Develop safe behavior skills in children at home through practical activities;

— Develop attentiveness and caution when at home;

— Develop responsibility and vigilance.


— Foster a sense of caution, self-preservation and mutual assistance;

— Foster mutual assistance;

— To develop skills of reasonable behavior in dangerous circumstances that happen at home, to teach how to behave adequately in various situations.

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