Report on the Health Day at the preschool educational institution
Nina Gorenkina
Report on the Health Day at the preschool educational institution
Report on the Health Day at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 11 “Cherry”
In our kindergarten, caring for the health of children is one of the priorities. Annually held health festivals , sports competitions, physical education events and leisure activities help children to join a healthy lifestyle in a fun , easy and joyful way. April 7 is World Health . So this year, on April 8, “ Health ”
, the main goal of which was to involve parents in promoting
a healthy lifestyle , increasing their and their children’s interest in physical education and sports.
For parents:
1) Give parents an idea of the importance of joint physical activity with children.
2) Expand parents’ knowledge about children’s physical abilities and skills.
3) Increase the pedagogical competence of parents on the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of the child .
For children:
1) To increase children’s interest in a healthy lifestyle through various forms and methods of physical education and health work .
2) Strengthen and protect the health of children .
On this day, the doors of our kindergarten opened not only for young pupils, but also for their fathers, mothers, grandparents. Students from all groups took part in our celebration. An action plan was developed, in the preparation of which not only the entire teaching staff, but also the majority of parents were involved.
The day began with morning exercises, which were conducted by parents :
The children received a charge of vivacity and good mood. After breakfast, the guys were ready to go to the Land of Health . In the first half of the day, all groups had conversations about the importance of physical education and sports for human health , about healthy and unhealthy food, about the rules of personal hygiene, about vitamins from the garden and orchard.
“Doctor Aibolit” was shown in the younger groups
on instilling cultural and hygienic skills.
Little spectators watched with great attention as Doctor Aibolit treated forest dwellers and told them what to do to stay healthy .
In the second junior group there was entertainment “I take care of my health - I want to be healthy ”
A Cold came to visit the kids, but the preschool children drove away the insidious “Cold,” which came to them in the gym and wanted to infect them. In the middle group “Golden Key”
there was
an “Open Day”
, where parents
conducted a variety of gymnastics.
The senior group held fun competitions “ A healthy mind in a healthy body ”
. The participants bravely overcame obstacles, the children showed their skills in jumping, agility and ingenuity. Spectators and participants received positive emotions and a charge of energy.
The children from the school preparatory group greeted each other through “Training of Emotions”
, talked about
healthy eating and good and bad habits. During organized educational activities with the aim of fostering a caring attitude towards their health and ideas about the rules of a healthy lifestyle, the children set off on the “Road of Good
Health ” .
At the stations, the guys looked for vitamins, provided assistance, guessed riddles, and staged an excerpt from Aibolit
During productive activities, the children made a collage of their drawings “Sport is health ”
. They also shared their impressions of how they play sports in their free time.
Before the walk we played our favorite outdoor games: “Round dance”
“Shark and Fish”
, well, and outside, children could run, play “Catch-up”, and twirl a hoop.
Work continued in the afternoon. The teachers gave the children a wake-up call after sleep, acupressure, hardening, a health and corrective gymnastics.
Various didactic games also held “What is healthy and what is harmful to health ”
“Dress the doll for a walk”
“What is good and what is bad for the body”
“What would happen if...”
“What do you know about...”
“Healthy food”
“Guess the sport”
“Dress the athletes before the competition
Based on a series of plot pictures, children composed stories on the topic “About proper nutrition”
“About their favorite sport”
a healthy lifestyle ” ).
Reading fiction, memorizing proverbs, sayings about health looking at illustrations, photographs, paintings about health . The following role-playing games were carried out “The doll Masha got sick”
At the stands and in the locker rooms for parents, there were folders dedicated to the theme of the day and the role of parents in shaping a healthy lifestyle .
In the evening, children from older groups came out with posters “We are for a healthy lifestyle !”
The day passed in one breath - everyone left in a good mood, received a charge of cheerfulness and energy, and useful information.
World Health Day in preschool educational institutions.
World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7th.
On this day in 1948, the World Health Organization was created. In kindergarten, concern for the health of pupils has always been and remains in first place. Therefore, in the course of organizing educational work with children aged 5-7 years, educational institutions implementing the basic educational program of preschool education could not ignore such a significant date as International Health Day - April 7. Each educational institution found its own bright ideas for activities aimed at instilling in children a conscious attitude towards their own health.
Thus, at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Progymnasium No. 1” a flash mob “Exercising the Champions” was held under the motto “Health is fine, thanks to exercise.” A bright flash mob was also used in MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 35” under the motto “We are healthy guys - we are not afraid of getting sick!” Then funny relay races “The most dexterous” were organized, in which the guys competed in tug of war, driving a puck into the goal and overcoming a course of obstacles, etc.
A multimedia presentation “Take care of your health from childhood” was prepared for the children of the preschool group of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 43”.
At MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 63” the health day began with general fun morning exercises accompanied by music. In groups, teachers held thematic conversations under the general title “Everything about health.” In order to more consciously understand the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, various didactic games were carried out: “What is healthy and what is harmful to health”, “Dress the doll for a walk”, “What is good and what is bad for the body”, “What would happen if ...”, “Healthy food”, “Guess the sport”, “Dress athletes before the competition”. Based on a series of story pictures, children composed stories on the topics “About proper nutrition”, “About their favorite sport”, “About a healthy lifestyle”. During the physical education class, the children used magical exercises to strengthen their back muscles, for beautiful and correct posture, and to prevent flat feet, they performed the “Move the Ribbon” exercise. During the lesson in the pool, the guys continued the conversation about health and made important conclusions about the health benefits of hardening and swimming in the pool for their body. The health day continued with fun games during the walk. Each regime moment was accompanied by poems, proverbs and sayings “To preserve health.”
The combination of informational and bright active forms of working with children made this event especially interesting and attractive for preschool children.
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Project “Health Day in Kindergarten”
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 3" of a combined type of urban settlement. Urussu Yutazinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan
Project " Health Day "
participants - preschool teachers , preschool students, parents
Project implementation period : short-term (2 days )
Project type
: physical education
and health
The problem of health and its preservation in modern society is more than acute. Phrases “ health-saving technologies ”
and “formation of
a healthy lifestyle ”
have taken a strong place in conversations with parents and children, in the plans of educational work of teachers of preschool institutions.
The first ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle are formed already in preschool age. It is during this period that intensive development of organs takes place, the formation of functional systems of the body, the basic personality traits are laid, character is formed, the attitude towards oneself and towards others. Currently, the task of preserving and strengthening the health of children , both physical and mental, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle and mastering modern health -saving technologies in our kindergarten is one of the most significant and priority. But the problem still remains relevant. How should you raise a child so that he understands the importance of health and knows how to treat it with care? (teachers and parents)
this problem from the earliest years of a child’s life, solving it systematically and together.
Objective of the project :
developing an interest in
a healthy lifestyle ,
health , movements and sports.
Project objectives :
1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the concept of “ health ”
2. Clarify the rules for maintaining health .
3. Develop an interest in your own body, well-being, and mood related to your health .
4. Strengthen the rules of the hostel related to preserving the health of other people.
5. Satisfy children’s natural need for movement.
6. Instill in children a conscious attitude towards the need to toughen up and play sports.
project implementation :
1. Preparatory stage
- group design in accordance with the theme of the day;
— preparation of information for parents “ Health is the head of everything ”
— develop symbolism for the day;
- for groups, come up with a team name and motto.
— develop a thematic plan for working with children during the day (content of the valeology hour, activities in the physical education corner, formation of the group of children, productive activities, etc.);
— make medals, attributes, update non-standard equipment in the corners, didactic valeology games and manuals;
— preparation of fiction about sports, physical education, healthy lifestyles, etc. d.;
- learning “chatters”, sayings, proverbs, riddles, songs on sports topics;
- looking at illustrations depicting different sports.
- conversations and activities with children about a healthy lifestyle , about maintaining health ,
healthy food and vitamins.
2. Main stage
(practical implementation
of the project )
“Morning of joyful meetings” (receiving children in a festive atmosphere, greeting each other, compliments, wishes)
Conversations with children “About health ”, “ A healthy mind in a healthy body ”.
To form in children sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle and the formation of a culture of health .
Morning exercises “ Health is good . Thanks to the charger." Set up your body with positive energy and vigor for the whole coming day .
"Breakfast of the Champion"
"Journey through the country of health "
— valeological hour
(conversations about healthy lifestyle, didactic valeological games)
Develop an interest in your own body, well-being, and mood related to your health .
" Health is a magical land "
- reading fiction; learning proverbs and sayings about health; looking at illustrations and photographs. To instill in children a conscious attitude towards the need to toughen up and play sports.
Modeling “Fruits and vegetables”
Drawing "Microbes on the palms."
Preparing a vitamin dish “Vitamin Family”.
Competitions: “Clean”
“Clean Plate”
Competitions between senior groups: “Fun Starts”
.Satisfy children's natural need for movement.
"Olympian's Lunch"
Awakening gymnastics: “Who sleeps sweetly in bed? It's high time to get up. Hurry up to exercise, we won’t wait for you!”
The gradual transition of children from sleep to wakefulness.
Afternoon snack: “One, two, three – refresh yourself, then go in for sports.”
Create a need for a healthy lifestyle .
Overcoming the "Obstacle Course"
3. Final stage
— Collect children's comments and statements about Health .
— Exhibition of children's drawings: “Journey to the land of health ”
— Provide information and photographic materials to the preschool educational institution website.
Expected results:
— Increasing the pedagogical skills of teachers in matters of physical development and valeological education, developing greater attention to the organization of health-improving work in groups of preschool educational institutions
-Increasing the stock of valeological concepts, cognitive and communication skills of preschoolers on the topic of the project .
— Increasing the interest of parents in maintaining a healthy lifestyle for themselves and their child
Throughout the day, the project implements various forms of education and health improvement for children, taking into account individual age characteristics, interests, existing knowledge about a healthy lifestyle , skills and abilities.
Joint activity under the guidance of a teacher forms in children the most valuable moral and volitional qualities: feelings of collectivism, friendship, mutual assistance, develops endurance, attention, courage, perseverance, discipline.
This project should show that physical education and health work in various types of activities and routine processes of the preschool educational institution provides sufficient physical activity at the same time for all children and increases the endurance of the child’s body. Movement improves health and helps relieve stress.