Notes on musical entertainment in the second junior group of preschool educational institutions

Musical entertainment for the younger group. A toy shop

Synopsis of musical entertainment in the 2nd junior school “Toy Store”
Objectives: 1. Activate the auditory sensitivity of younger preschoolers. 2. To foster emotional responsiveness to music in children. 3. Involve children in performing poems. 4. Encourage children to perform dance moves. Progress of entertainment. To the sound of cheerful music, children enter the hall and sit on chairs. Presenter: Children, today we came to a magic store - a toy store. The store is closed for now, but as soon as it opens, we will buy toys (the bell rings). Presenter: The bell rings, it's flooded, our store opens. Toys are not sold here, but given to children for free. The one who solves the riddle buys the toy. Our first riddle, guess it guys. He gets up before everyone else, sings songs loudly, and doesn’t let the children sleep. Who is this? Children: Cockerel (the presenter shows the cockerel). Presenter: After the fun, take this cockerel into the group, he will be happy to play with you. Presenter: And the guys know the song about the cockerel and now they will perform it. Russian folk song: "Cockerel". Presenter: There are still riddles, guess it, guys. We came to the holiday to knock a little Wooden... (spoons). All infants play with them with all their hearts. These ringing toys are called... (rattles).
Well done guys, you solve riddles very quickly and correctly.
I know you can even play these musical instruments. Orchestra performance (children play spoons and rattles to a cheerful Russian folk melody). Presenter: We still have musical instruments (shows the children a drum and a tambourine), what are they called? Children: This is a tambourine and a drum. Host: I invite you to play a fun game with these musical instruments. Game: “Who is faster” (children are divided into two teams of 4 people, in front of one team at a distance, there is a tambourine on a chair, in front of the second team there is a drum, children run to the chair on which the musical instrument lies and play it). Presenter: There is even an airplane in our store, you can also take it with you to the group, but first read the poem and perform the song. Children read a poem about an airplane. Host: And now I want to hear the song. Song: "Airplane". Presenter: I was sleeping in a snowy den under a tall pine tree, suddenly a pine cone fell and I woke up... Children : Teddy bear. Presenter: Now the children will read poems about a bear. Children read poems about a bear. Presenter: Mishka loves to listen to songs and wants you to sing for him. Song: "Bear Cubs". Host: You have amused the little bear so much that he wants to dance with you. Dance "Funny Bear Cubs". Host: This is a good store we visited. What toys did we buy? Children: We bought a cockerel, spoons, rattles, an airplane, a teddy bear. Host: Take the toys, let's go play with them in a group.

We recommend watching:

Children's opera-game "Cockerel" for the second group of early age (from 1 to 2 years old) Summary of a music lesson in the 1st junior group Scenario of entertainment in the junior group of a preschool educational institution. Golden Lyre Musical and physical education entertainment for the 2nd junior group. Scenario

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Musical entertainment in the junior group “Visiting Grandma Marusa”

Entertainment in the second junior group “Visiting Grandma Marusa”


Program content:

create a joyful mood in children, encourage active action in games, correlate their movements with the nature of the music, develop emotional expressiveness of movements, foster goodwill, and emotional responsiveness.

Activating the dictionary:

cockerel, geese, cat.

Developmental environment:

grandmother's house, grandmother's costume, goose masks, toys - a dog and a cockerel, phonograms.


grandma, geese.


(in the music room there is a grandmother’s house, the children enter to the soundtrack, and the grandmother meets them)


- Hello, dear guests, please come in. (Children stand in a circle)

I, grandmother Marusya. I'm so glad to see you!!! You are so Beautiful…. How are you doing? Are you having fun in kindergarten? Let's sing a song with you.


- Yes, grandma, we feel very good in the garden. We play here, walk, sing songs. Do you want to listen?

Song "If you have fun, do it like this"


you sang so loudly that you woke up someone. And to find out who, you need to guess the riddle:

Gets up at dawn Sings in the yard He has a comb on his head Who is it?




Of course this is my Petya the Cockerel! (shows a toy cockerel)


- Petya the Cockerel, children know a poem about you


Our beautiful cockerel wears a red comb! In the morning, early at dawn, He gives songs to the children!


Who gets up earlier than everyone else in the morning? Who sings the early song? Our friend, the Loud Cockerel, greets the dawn!


Well done, guys. Let's play with the cockerel.

Game "House" (with hoops).


The children were having so much fun that the geese heard them and came out to see what was happening in the yard?

Dramatization “Two cheerful geese lived with grandma”

The grandmother was happy that the geese were found and saw that the cat was coming out and complaining:


Grandma introduced the kids to everyone, but forgot about me....what about me?


And I haven’t forgotten at all. Guys, meet me, this is my cat. His name is Murzik.


Murzik, our guys know a poem and a song about you. Listen here.


I have a kitten and I invite him to play. My kitten is like a child. Loves to jump and gallop.


Kittens at dawn come home on their own: They are, of course, children, but still with mustaches.


Now I'm at home, not alone, but with my friend Striped. So pretty, funny, fluffy and mustachioed. We have a lot of fun together, And together with the naughty girl, We play hide and seek all day long, And even cat and mouse.

Song "Kitten and the Engine"


— Grandma Marusya, what does your cat like?


— My cat loves to eat sour cream, sleep and play with my balls. Especially when I start knitting socks for my grandchildren.


“And we really want to play with the balls.”


- Yes please. I also have balls.

Game "Collect balls"


What great fellows you are, you sing, recite poems, play. Do you like to dance?

"Dance of little ducks"


- Guys, it’s time for us to go to the group, let’s say thank you to Grandma Marusa and goodbye!!!

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