Synopses of role-playing games for children of middle preschool age.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 335" of the Samara urban district

Summary of a role-playing game based on the Russian folk tale “Kolobok” in the middle group

Educator: Galkina Elena Viktorovna Samara 2013

Target. Development and enrichment of game plots.

Integration of educational areas. “Socialization”: develop children’s ability to interact and get along with each other in a short game together. “Communication”: involving children in conversation during play. “Cognition” (formation of elementary mathematical concepts): develop the ability to correlate quantities “Music”: form emotional responsiveness to a piece of music.

Game material. Masks of the characters from the fairy tale “Kolobok”: grandfather, woman, bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox; Masha doll, playware.

Preparing for the game. Reading the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”, looking at illustrations for the tale, dramatizing the fairy tale “Kolobok”, making animal masks, games “Treat”, “Birthday”, etc.

Progress of the game. The teacher includes the children in the game: “Guys, come here quickly. Look who came to us." Shows the doll Masha.

Masha - Hello, my name is Masha. I ran away from my grandparents and am walking alone. Where am I?

Children - Hello. You're in kindergarten.

Voss - Masha, don’t you know that you can’t run away from your grandparents! An unpleasant thing happened to the kolobok when he ran away from his grandfather and woman.

Masha - What's the story?

Voss - Guys, let's tell and show Masha the story about the kolobok?!

Children - Yes.

Vos-l - Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. Who wants to be a grandfather? (puts a grandfather mask on the child’s head). Who wants to be a woman? (puts a woman’s mask on the child’s head and other masks at the children’s request). Where will the woman and grandfather live?

Children - In the house (the area of ​​the house is fenced off with chairs).

Vos-l - And where the hare, wolf, bear, fox will wait for the bun (places for them are also determined). My grandfather once asked.

Grandfather - Bake a bun, grandma.

Baba - There is no flour.

Grandfather - And you mark the barn, scrape the bottom of the tree, and there will be enough.

Vos-l - Baba did just that: she swept, scraped together two handfuls of flour, kneaded the dough with sour cream. She rolled it into a bun, fried it in oil and put it on the window to cool (the woman imitates the movements). The bun got tired of lying: it rolled off the window onto the path and rolled further and further. A bun is rolling along the path, and a hare meets it.

Hare - Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!

Kolobok - No, don’t eat me, hare, but rather listen to what song I’ll sing for you. (And the bun began to sing.) I am a bun, a bun!

It's sweeping through the barn,

Scratching the bottom of the barrel,

Mixed with sour cream,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I'll leave you, hare.

Vos-l - And the bun rolled further - only the hare saw it. A bun is rolling along a path in the forest, and a gray wolf meets it.

Wolf - Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!

Kolobok - Don’t eat me, gray wolf: I’ll sing you a song. And the bun began to sing. (Kolobok sings a song.)

Voss - The bun rolled further - only the wolf saw it. The bun is rolling through the forest, and a bear is walking towards it.

Bear - Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!

Kolobok - Well, where can you, clubfoot, eat me! Better listen to my song (the bun sings a song).

Voss - And the bun rolled - the bear just looked after it. The bun rolls, and a fox meets it.

Fox - Hello, bun! How handsome and rosy you are!

Vos-l - Kolobok is glad that he was praised, and began to sing his song (the Kolobok sings a song), and the fox is creeping closer and closer.

Fox - Nice song! Yes, the trouble is that I have become old, I can’t hear well. Sit on my toe and sing it one more time.

Vos-l - Kolobok was glad that the song was praised, jumped on the fox’s toe, and sang:

Kolobok - I am a Kolobok, Kolobok!..

Voss - And his fox is a racket! - and ate it (removes the kolobok mask from the child). Here's a sad story about Kolobok, who ran away from Baba and Grandfather.

Masha - I will never run away from home again. (A voice is heard calling Masha).

Masha - My grandmother is calling me, I’ll go home. Goodbye.

Vos - Goodbye. That’s the end of the tale, and well done to those who listened.


  1. 1.Russian folk tale “Kolobok”, adapted by K. Ushinsky.
  2. 2. Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.A. Organizing a story-based game in kindergarten: A manual for teachers. – M., 2000. 3. From birth to school. Sample basic general education program for preschool education. / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2011. – 336 p.
  • 4. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children / R.V. Krasnoshchekova. Ed. 4th. – Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2008. -251 p.
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Summary of a creative game using layout in the middle group “Koloboks are different”

Maria Samoilova

Summary of a creative game using layout in the middle group “Koloboks are different”

Objectives: To enrich children’s personal experience with knowledge, emotions and impressions about the environment necessary for a correct understanding of the content of the fairy tale. Arouse children's interest in creative manifestations in play and playful communication with peers using a multimedia installation. Develop the ability to understand spoken speech with and without support from visual aids. To instill in children an interest in fairy tales, to support a direct emotional response to a literary work and its characters.

Educational areas: "communication"

“physical education”
“reading fiction”

The children stand in a semicircle.

General circle technique

Educator: A new day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. And think: how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy. Take a deep breath and with a sigh, forget yesterday’s grievances and worries. Exhale the freshness and beauty of a white day, the warmth of the sun's rays, the purity of the rivers. I wish you a good mood and careful attitude towards each other.

An amazing meeting awaits you today!

It's frosty and cold outside

Maybe there will be a blizzard

Well, we don’t care at all

We are going into a fairy tale with you!

Children approach the model .

Educator: Guys, what fairy tale do you think we find ourselves in?

Children: Kolobok .

Educator: That's right, we found ourselves in the fairy tale " Kolobok "

, what unusual did you notice in our fairy tale?
Indeed, this is the house of Kolobok and his family . Who are the members of the Kolobok ? Notice how different , what are they doing?
Oh, who's that crying? This is little Kolobok . How can we calm him down? (read a nursery rhyme, sing a lullaby, console with a kind word.


Children pass Kolobok , and everyone says a kind word.

What do you think, is Kolobok’s family friendly ?

Educator: When life is friendly,

What could be better?

And there's no need to quarrel

And you need to love everyone.

Guys, do you know that not only our today’s friends Koloboks , but also cartoon characters can be friends with each other. Look at the screen, now we are going to play a game. The rules are as follows: if heroes appear who are friends with each other, you join hands; if not, you lower your hands.

Test game. A test game is being conducted.

Educator: And now you and I will rest, and our eyes with us.

(gymnastics for the eyes, health-saving technologies)

Now let’s remember the Russian folk tale Kolobok

, think about what hero you will show, and we will try to guess. When the music starts, the one whose name I name will portray his hero. So let's begin.

In conclusion, the reflection “Bring the circle to life”


Teacher: Guys, if you liked our journey into a fairy tale, draw a cheerful Kolobok , if not, a sad one. (Icons of “joy”

). Goodbye! Thank you!

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