Firoza Gabibullaeva
Card index of role-playing games for children of primary preschool age
Card index of role-playing games
for younger preschool age . gr. No. 3
Educator: Gabibullaeva F. P.
Card No. 1 “Toys at the doctor”
Goal: to teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, to cultivate attentiveness and sensitivity in children, to expand their vocabulary: introduce the concept of “hospital”
Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, jars of medicine, bandage, robe and doctor’s cap.
Progress of the game:
The teacher offers to play, a Doctor and a Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases come to the doctor: the bear has toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the doll Masha pinched her finger in the door etc. We clarify the actions: The Doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment and are admitted to the hospital. Children of older preschool age can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. When they get to the appointment, the toys tell them why they came to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, and says that they need to take more care of their health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats the sick - makes bandages, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how children communicate with each other and reminds that recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.
Card No. 2 “Building a house”
Goal: to introduce children to construction professions, to pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, to teach children how to build a simple structure, to cultivate friendly relationships in a team, to expand children’s children’s vocabulary : introduce the concept of “construction”
“crane operator”
“building material”
Equipment: large building materials, machines, a crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures depicting people in the construction profession: mason, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.
Why are story games needed?
During your small performances, the baby not only watches your actions with toys, he slowly begins to understand the reasons for this or that behavior: the doll is crying because it fell, the bear is happy because he was given a gift, etc. Since your role-playing games will reflect the life of the child himself, the world around him will become closer and more understandable to him, the child will better understand human emotions.
During the game, the child will constantly have the need to name some objects and actions with them, he will strive to repeat new words after you, thus the game is wonderful for the development of speech.
Story-based games are also a great help in the process of raising a child; in the game, you can explain to the child how to behave and how not to behave, without edification , and what consequences this or that action may have. For example, a bear did not want to put on a hat, caught a cold on the street and got sick, then he had to be treated and given injections. Or the bear took so long to get dressed that it became dark outside and he had to go home without taking a walk. Subsequently, when your child protests when dressing for a walk, you can casually remind him of this story. As a rule, the child immediately gets into it and becomes more obedient :)
It is worth noting that role-playing toys make a child’s life more diverse; they make it more fun to go to the potty and read books. From my own experience, I can say that any educational game becomes much more interesting and attractive for a child when their favorite bears and bunnies begin to participate in it. Here is an example of such a game.
Progress of the game:
The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and is there a light in the window? We live in this tower, and it's called? (house)
The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys can live. Children remember what construction professions there are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of construction workers and talk about their responsibilities. Then the children agree on building a house. Roles are distributed between the children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they transport building materials to the construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator .
During construction, attention should be paid to the relationships between children. The house is ready and new residents can move in. Children play independently. Card No. 3 “Stepashka’s Birthday”
Goal: to expand children’s about the methods and sequence of table setting for a festive dinner; consolidate knowledge about cutlery, cultivate attentiveness, caring, responsibility, desire to help; expand vocabulary: introduce the concept of “holiday dinner”
“name day”
Equipment: toys that can come to visit Stepashka, tableware - plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.
Card index of role-playing games for children of primary preschool age.
large building material, cars, a crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures depicting people in the construction profession: mason, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.
Progress of the game:
The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and is there a light in the window? We live in this tower, and it's called...? (house)". The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys can live. Children remember what construction professions there are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of construction workers and talk about their responsibilities. Then the children agree to build a house. Roles are distributed among the children: some are builders, they build a house; others are drivers, they transport building materials to construction sites. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationships between children. The house is ready and new residents can move in. Children play independently.
Toys come to life
teach children to get used to the character.
bag of toys.
Progress of the game:
The teacher says: “Guys, do you think the toys are sad because they can’t talk? Let’s imagine that they come to life and tell us where they came from, who played them, whether you offended them, what games they would like to play again.” Children take turns approaching the teacher, pulling a toy out of the bag by touch and telling a short story about this toy in the first person.
Theater performance
teach children to get used to the character and act collectively.
costumes or hats-masks of fairy-tale characters.
Progress of the game:
The teacher reads a fairy tale to the children (for example, the fairy tale “Turnip”), and then asks questions: “What did grandfather plant? Who helped grandfather pull out the turnip? Would grandpa be able to pull out the turnip alone, do you think? Which character do you like best? After discussing the fairy tale, the teacher invites the children to play theater. The teacher distributes roles among those who wish, reads a fairy tale aloud, and the actors depict it with their actions. Children not involved in the performance become spectators. Then the children change roles - the audience becomes actors and vice versa. At the request of the children, you can play the same fairy tale or another one again.
Store "Children's World"
Purpose of the game:
introduce children to the work of a salesperson and instill elements of social communication skills.
various toys, candy wrappers.
Progress of the game:
The teacher says: “All children love to play with toys. Do you have a lot of toys at home? The children answer - yes, a lot. The teacher asks where did they come from? The children answer - they gave it, they bought it. The teacher asks if the children were in the children's toy store, invites the children to tell how it happened, who they went to the store with, what toy they bought. After this, the teacher offers to play in the toy store. Children place toys on a “showcase” (rack, table, cabinet) and are divided into sellers and buyers. Since the store was created by children, candy wrappers act as money. The buyer comes to the store, chooses the toy he likes. The seller shows the toy, tells how to play it, how much it costs. The buyer pays with candy wrappers and leaves. The next pair of sellers and buyers plays. Next, the children change roles.
Progress of the game:
The teacher informs the children that today is Stepashka’s birthday and offers to go visit him and congratulate him. The children take their toys, go to visit Stepashka and congratulate him. Stepashka offers everyone tea and cake and asks them to help him set the table. Children actively participate in this and, with the help of the teacher, set the table. process of the game.
Card No. 4 “Getting ready for a walk”
Goal: to develop in children the ability to select clothes for different seasons, to teach them to correctly name elements of clothing, to consolidate the general concepts of “clothing”
, cultivate a caring attitude towards others.
Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small wardrobe and a chair.
Story games from 1.5 years
As the child grows up, you can complicate the plot scenes, increase the number of characters and accessories involved, and introduce more details. For example, here are some stories that will be of interest to slightly older children :
- it’s the bear’s birthday, other toys came to congratulate him and give him gifts;
- dolls play hide and seek;
- the bunny got sick, other toys came to visit him;
- the dolls listen to their mother read a fairy tale;
- the bear was walking on the street without a scarf and got sick, mom looked at the neck - and it was red, we began to treat the bear;
- the bunny came to the store where your baby works as a salesman (or vice versa), I don’t think there’s any need to tell you any more, everyone is familiar with this game. My daughter became interested in this game when she was about 1 year 9 months old; she really liked the game and eagerly began selling everything that was in bad shape. In general, the “Shop” game is very useful, in it you can simultaneously learn numbers, count money, sell letters, elements of educational lotto, cards with words, etc. In general, the store will revive any educational game.
- We act out plots of simple and familiar fairy tales and poems in front of the child;
- We build a small house from blocks, put toys in it and act out our favorite scenes: the girl slept, ate, received guests, etc.
Here are some other toys a child is likely to like at this stage:
- doctor's kit: stethoscope, syringe, thermometer, etc. (Ozone, Labyrinth, My-shop) – Children are happy to reproduce the process of being examined by a doctor, in which they have repeatedly participated in real life. The game will not lose its attractiveness for a child of 2, 3, or 4 years old.
- a set of toy kitchen utensils: frying pans, pots, toy stove, etc. (Ozone, Labyrinth, My-shop), sets of vegetables and fruits - your baby will be very interested in cooking soups and compotes for his toy friends, frying cutlets, etc.
- clothes and shoes for dolls - you will have to dress and undress the doll for now, but try to organize the game so that the baby helps you. Be sure to comment on your actions, tell us why this or that item of clothing is needed.
- furniture and household appliances for dolls, bedding.
Progress of the game:
A new doll comes to visit the children. She meets them and wants to play. But the guys are going for a walk and invite the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she can’t get dressed, and then the guys offer her their help. Children take out doll clothes from the locker, name them, choose what they need to wear now depending on the weather. With the help of the teacher, they dress the doll in the correct sequence. Then the children dress themselves and go out for a walk with the doll. Upon returning from a walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the required sequence, commenting on their actions.
Card No. 8 “Travel with Doctor Aibolit”
Goals: continue to work on developing and enriching the plots of games ; introduce children to the profession of a doctor ; teach children game actions , their implementation in a certain sequence: inspection, listening with a tube (phonendoscope)
breast, back, temperature measurement with a thermometer, treatment with tablets;
develop auditory attention, perception, memory by naming objects for treating the doll, remembering the sequence of treatment; teach to give in and exchange toys and roles; to cultivate a caring attitude towards a sick doll, interest and respect for the medical profession; strengthen the ability to perform game actions.
V-l: Children, you and I are going on an interesting journey. Do you want to travel with me? (Yes)
V-l: Oh, who came to us? ( Children's )
That's right, this is the good doctor Aibolit. Let's say hello to him and smile at him. (Addresses Aibolit)
. Doctor Aibolit, what happened?
D.A.: The doll Masha got sick,
I didn’t eat semolina porridge,
We need to treat Masha,
Put him to bed in bed.
Vs.: Oh, I’m sorry for Masha, she’s sick.
D.A.: And to cure Masha, you need my magic suitcase, and I left it somewhere.
V-l: We need to help D.A. cure Masha, let’s go to kindergarten and look for him there. (We overcome obstacles like a stream, pebbles, etc.)
And here is your magic suitcase.
Card No. 9 “Travel with Doctor Aibolit”
Goals: continue to work on developing and enriching the plots of games ; introduce children to the profession of a doctor ; teach children game actions , their implementation in a certain sequence: inspection, listening with a tube (phonendoscope)
breast, back, temperature measurement with a thermometer, treatment with tablets;
develop auditory attention, perception, memory by naming objects for treating the doll, remembering the sequence of treatment; teach to give in and exchange toys and roles; to cultivate a caring attitude towards a sick doll, interest and respect for the medical profession; strengthen the ability to perform game actions.
Part II
(Children sit on chairs)
Vs: Doctor Aibolit, you’re tired, sit down and rest. Now I will be a doctor, and you sit with the children and see how I treat Masha. (Puts on a cap and robe)
V-l: Hello, doll Masha. (I encourage children to say hello )
. We were informed that you were sick. Masha, we will cure you. What do we have in our magic suitcase? Let's get a look.
V-l: Now I will measure the temperature with a thermometer. How do I measure temperature? (Thermometer)
I'll check the neck with a spatula. Polina, how can I check the neck? (With a spatula)
I'll listen to my heart beat with a tube. Ilya, why do I listen to Masha? (Pipe)
. Masha, you need to breathe loudly (breathe, don’t breathe, and the children help you.
V-l: You need to give the doll Masha a pill and some water to wash down the pill. Albina, what did I give Masha? (Tablet and water)
. Let's put her in the crib and let her sleep.
V-l: Children, do you want to become doctors and treat dolls? ( Children's )
V-l: Spin around once, twice, turn into doctors.
Card No. 10 “Travel with Doctor Aibolit”
Goals: continue to work on developing and enriching the plots of games ; introduce children to the profession of a doctor ; teach children game actions , their implementation in a certain sequence: inspection, listening with a tube (phonendoscope)
breast, back, temperature measurement with a thermometer, treatment with tablets;
develop auditory attention, perception, memory by naming objects for treating the doll, remembering the sequence of treatment; teach to give in and exchange toys and roles; to cultivate a caring attitude towards a sick doll, interest and respect for the medical profession; strengthen the ability to perform game actions.
Part III
V-l: Now you are doctors too. Let's go, let's treat the dolls who are sick. (Children reflect the actions of the adult, and the teacher reminds them of their sequence).
V-l: Well done! You were good doctors!
V-l: The doll Masha is no longer sick and neither are the dolls.
V-l: Children, one, two, spin around and turn into guys.
V-l: What is this? (Draws attention to the medals)
. Yes, this is Doctor Aibolit who gives you his photographs so that you remember what wonderful doctors you were.
Card No. 11 “Bake pies”
Goal: to introduce children to the process of making pies and safety rules in the kitchen; teach to set game goals, perform appropriate game actions, find objects necessary for the game in the environment, lead children to independently create game ideas; develop gaming skills and abilities, enrich vocabulary; cultivate respect for other people's work; consolidate the ability to unite into groups in the game, perform game actions.
Equipment: kitchen utensils, dolls, building kit parts (small balls cut in half, substitute items
Which story games should I start with?
As a rule, at 9-10 months, babies become clear and interested not only in the objects and toys themselves, but also in actions and simple scenes with their participation. Surely, you have shown your child a doll, a bear or a bunny before and said, “Look, it’s a dog, woof-woof” or “Where is the doll?” But now it is very useful to add the first role-playing games to the usual toy display.
You need to start with the simplest thing: show the baby how the doll walks, cries, eats. When showing your child the reenactment, briefly comment on your actions. As the child understands the essence of the game, more and more complex and detailed plots can be introduced. Of course, at first the child will only be a spectator watching the scene that his mother is playing in front of him, but some time will pass and the baby will slowly begin to join the game.
What other stories can you play out with your baby? Here are some ideas:
- the doll walked, fell, cried, you need to feel sorry for it;
- the bunny got into the car, went for a ride, then called the doll with him;
- the dog danced, got tired, wanted to sleep, you need to put it in the crib under a blanket (handkerchief);
- dolls drink tea;
- the doll gets ready for a walk with you, gets dressed, gets into the stroller;
- the doll is bathing in a small basin, rub it with a sponge, dry it with a towel;
- the bear came, said hello, danced, sang a song, said goodbye and left;
- the bear hit its paw, you need to treat it (wrap it in a bandage), then the paw will no longer hurt;
- Tell your baby that the high chair is broken and together repair it using toy tools: a hammer, a screwdriver, etc.
All stories should be shown to the baby slowly. Something will need to be played repeatedly before the child understands the essence and can follow the development of the plot.
The game will be more interesting and varied if you use a variety of accessories and toy household items . Among the very first, it is best to purchase:
- baby doll with a set of accessories: bottle, pacifier, pot, comb, spoon, plate, stroller, etc. (Ozone, My-shop)
- set of toy dishes: teapot, cups, plates, spoons, etc. (Ozone, Labyrinth, My-shop)
- a set of toy tools: hammer, saw, etc. (Ozone, Labyrinth, My-shop)
While walking down the street with your child, show and explain to him simple stories that unfold around him in everyday life. If earlier you would simply say “this is a boy”, “this is a bird”, “this is a dog”, now, while showing the child, you can briefly tell “The boy is riding on a swing”, “The birds are pecking at bread crumbs”, “The dog is running on the grass and barks." The older the baby gets, the more detailed your story should become.
It is very useful to act out situations seen in real life with your child. For example, if your child saw bricks being unloaded from a car, you can load the car with cubes at home, take them to another part of the room and build a tower out of them. Or, having seen your grandmother feeding pigeons on the street, you can act out the situation at home, as your favorite doll does the same. By playing with your baby in this way, you contribute to the formation of associative connections and the development of imagination.
Progress of the game:
Voss: -Children, do you want to play with me? I will bake pies. Look what I have (takes the lid off the box and puts it next to it)
-I will knead the dough for pies. That's it, that's it! (Mixes parts from the builder in the box.)
What do you like pies with? With jam? This pie is for you, it’s with jam (shows how to make a pie)
-Oh, where should I put the pies? What are we going to bake them on? (It’s good if one of the children guesses that you can use the box lid lying on the table for this.) Indeed, you can put pies here! Let it be a baking sheet, like in mom's kitchen.
-Sonya’s pie with jam will be here. What does Serezha like with his pie? Do you want it with cabbage or apples? Here it is, a pie with apples and Elya is making a pie, and Albina.
-We still have room, let's make another pie. Who will help me?
-Polina, knead the dough. That's how you get good at it!
-Now make a pie like I do. Place it on a baking sheet. (Offers to other children.)
There were a lot of pies. There is not a single free space left. You have to put it in the oven and let it bake. Where will we have the oven?
-Olya, where are we going to bake pies? Here? (You can use any substitutes.)
Is this a stove? Turn it on quickly! They put out the pies.
- How are our pies?
-Smell how delicious it smells.
-Olya, look, are the pies already browned?
-Of course they are ready. I'll take them out of the oven now. Be careful, it's hot!
-Help yourself. Whose pie is this? Tasty?
(I distribute pies to everyone. If the children take the “pie”
in your mouth, stop them.)
These pies turned out delicious.
We ate, but the dolls remained hungry. They want pies too.
Card No. 12 “Doll’s birthday”
Goals: to introduce children to the rules of table setting, table manners, and tableware; teach how to correctly find and select utensils for tea drinking;
continue to enrich the content of games; promote the unification of children for joint games ; enrich vocabulary; cultivate a desire to observe norms of behavior at the table, respectful attitude towards each other.
Equipment: teaware, tablecloth, doll in an elegant dress, figurative toys (bear, hare, barrel of honey, carrot. You can use substitute items.
Role-playing games for children of primary preschool age
At the beginning of this post I would like to make a short introduction, drawing attention to the features of role-playing games for children of different ages.
As mentioned earlier, preschoolers, having different life experiences and different ideas about the world, act out completely different stories. The content of a child's game will depend on the age of the child, on his level of development and on how much attention the adult pays to the child's game. If a child attends a kindergarten, then everything is clear: a specially trained person works there and teaches the children to play, in addition, the child is in constant interaction with his peers and the more active children will probably tell the less active how to act. But what to do if the child does not go to kindergarten, but is with you almost all the time and his social circle is limited to playing in the yard with children of different ages. The child must be taught to play! Yes, yes - exactly TEACH to play. Many adults mistakenly believe that children play independently, take a toy and... begin to play and act with it. But that's not true! I’m not afraid to repeat myself, children need to be taught to play! Otherwise, their games will be poor and uninteresting. All plots will come down to the same actions. For example, my niece, playing with dolls, performed the same actions: they ate and slept with her. And imagine her surprise when she found out that the dolls could go to a concert or the theater, or go shopping, or go on a trip, etc.
How to teach a child to play role-playing games? What to play with a child of a certain preschool age? What role-playing games should you choose for children of different ages?
Role-playing games for children of primary preschool age (3 - 4 years).
Younger preschoolers have very poor life experience. For them, the main thing in the game is interaction with an adult. Therefore, the content of the game will be quite primitive. For children of this age, you can organize games whose content will reflect those events in the child’s life that he directly experienced and which made certain emotional impressions on the child. With children of this age they play games such as “Family”, “Hospital”, “Shop”. But we should not forget that the entire content of role-playing games at this age comes down to objective actions.
When offering the game “Family,” create the necessary environment and think about what the game will consist of today, because for a 3-year-old child it is quite difficult to perform many different types of actions. For example, today you will feed the doll Anya. Then you need to put on the stove, take the dishes, set up the table. Start the game yourself: say that the Anya doll has just come from a walk, she is hungry, offer to feed the doll. Let the child begin the play actions on his own, watch him. If you notice that your child performs the same type of actions, then play with him, adding a couple or three more new actions to his game. For example, you noticed that your child is “cooking soup” and immediately starts feeding Anya. Play with your baby, tell me, can I play like you? Repeat his actions, and then focus on new actions. Pronounce your actions: “First you need to set the table - I will lay the tablecloth and cut the bread, now I will cook soup for Anya, I will cook vegetable soup, for this I will take... Let the soup cook, and in the meantime I will prepare the second one. For the second course I will have pasta with a cutlet... I need to make some tea... Anya, have you washed your hands? Sit down at the table, now we'll have lunch. In this case, it is necessary to carry out actions that the child saw in real life: stir the soup with a spoon, tie a napkin to the doll before eating, feed it with a spoon or fork, give it tea, wash the dishes. Closer to four years, you can expand the activities - put the doll to bed after dinner, read her a book after sleep, or offer her some kind of game. Here is the approximate content of the role-playing game “Family” for a child 3–4 years old.
You can start playing the Hospital game like this. Pay attention to the fact that some toy has a bandaged paw and offer to open a hospital and cure all the animals. Again, all actions should be familiar to the child: You examine, for example, a bear, look at its neck, then listen to it with a phonendoscope, you can measure the pulse, prescribe medicine. The next “patient” can be given an injection (children just love it!) and have their paw bandaged, etc. Then the actions are repeated. Talk to your “patients”, let the child also activate his speech through play activities.
As for the “Shop” game, some clarification should be made here - it is best to play “Toy Store” or “Grocery Store” - this is closest to the child. This role-playing game should not be introduced before the age of three, because It is still very difficult for a child to understand the peculiarities of interaction between a seller and a buyer. Special attributes are also important for this game, for example, a cash register, scales, grocery basket, food or toys. Now there are a lot of such attributes in stores, but you can make them yourself. A cash register can be made from a shoebox, and food, such as vegetables, can be made from salt dough. Believe me, a child will play with such toys with more pleasure than with store-bought ones, because he made them HIMSELF, with the help of his beloved mother.
Progress of the game:
The teacher says that today is Katya’s doll’s birthday and she invites you to visit. Advises the children to think about what they will give Katya, how they will please her. He suggests that they can come to visit with a bear and bring a barrel of honey or with a bunny who will give Katya a delicious sweet carrot.
Then the teacher invites the children to help Katya beautifully set the table for the guests and prepare tea.
Children are going to a birthday party.
When repeating the game, you can celebrate the birthday of a bear, bunny, cat, etc.
Card No. 13 “Dolls for a walk”
Goals: continue to develop interest in playing with dolls and building materials; learn to use acquired skills in the construction of simple buildings; consolidate the ability to play together, share game material; develop children’s to establish relationships in play and enrich their vocabulary; cultivate interest and respect for each other, the desire to comply with norms of behavior; consolidate the ability to distribute roles; encourage children's .
Equipment: a set of large building materials: bricks, cubes, prisms, plates, dolls of different sizes, cars of different sizes, shaped toys: nesting dolls, hares, bears.
Progress of the game:
The teacher says that the dolls want to go for a walk.
-Let's put them on for a walk. And we will ask our boys to build paths, a train, a car, a slide for our daughters, so that everyone will have fun and interesting while walking.
Children dress dolls.
The teacher asks who will build what for the dolls and what. During construction, he assigns the names of the construction parts, their size, color, and encourages children’s and friendly play. If necessary, helps dress dolls for walks.
When the dolls are dressed and the buildings are ready, you can invite the children to walk along the paths with the dolls.
When the game is repeated, the construction of one or two new, more complex buildings is introduced. The teacher gives an example of playing with them not only with dolls, but also with other figurative toys (if you put a skirt and scarf on the pin, you get a matryoshka doll)
During such games, the teacher gradually leads children to joint play activities.
Card No. 6 “Bathing a doll”
Goals: to teach how to combine games with a single plot : first, the doll must be undressed, bathed, dressed, put to bed, correctly named objects and their purpose; consolidate a variety of game actions; develop gaming skills; enrich vocabulary; cultivate respectful attitude towards each other and careful attitude towards toys.
Equipment: bath, soap (brick, soap dish, towel, ladle (all items in 2-3 copies)
Katya doll (her are “dirty”
Progress of the game:
The teacher, turning to the doll, asks:
Oh you dirty girl
Where did you get your hands so dirty?
Then he speaks to the children.
-The Katya doll got dirty. We need to buy it. What do we need for this?
When washing the doll is finished, the teacher invites Elya to dry it with a towel.
-The doll has become clean.
Then the doll is dressed and put to bed.
The game can be repeated 2-3 times with the involvement of children who have a low level of gaming skills.
Card No. 14 “Let's take the dolls for a ride in the car”
Objectives: to introduce children to the profession of a driver and the rules of safe travel on transport; teach children to unite 2-3 children for independent games, lead children to independently conceive game plots ; continue to develop the ability to transfer familiar actions with building materials to new game situations, perform actions in accordance with the role (driver, passenger)
; to cultivate interest and respect for the driver’s profession, the desire to comply with the norms of behavior in public transport.
Equipment: a set of building materials (cubes, plates, bricks, steering wheels (2-3 pieces), dolls, shaped toys (bear, hare, fox, in the construction corner the teacher has built a car in advance.
Progress of the game:
The teacher puts him on a car (made in advance from large building material)
Katya doll. Says:
-the doll wants to ride in a car. Who will be the driver?
-Thank you, Sasha, you were a good driver. Look, more guys have come to see you. They also want to play their toys. How do you ask Sasha about this? (Sasha, please give my Sveta a ride.)
-And so that you don’t have to wait long, let’s ask Vanya to be the driver too. Let's help him build a car. You bring us cubes and bricks, and Vanya and I will build. Invite passengers.
Card No. 16 “Zoo”
Goals: to ensure children's interest in role-playing games , to help create a play environment; teach children to distinguish the characteristic features of the appearance of wild animals; develop speech, enrich vocabulary, consolidate sound pronunciation; introduce the behavioral characteristics of these animals; contribute to the expansion of knowledge about animals, their appearance, characterize them from memory; fostering a kind attitude towards animals, love for them, care for them, friendly relationships in the game.
Equipment: building material (large, small Lego, a set of animals, a white coat for a doctor, a thermometer, a phonendoscope, a first aid kit, a cash register, tickets.
Role-playing game
In the modern world, role-playing games are used in a variety of areas of life: modeling work and combat situations, corporate recreation for staff, raising children.
A role-playing game is a joint group game in which its participants reproduce scenes from real life events, stories, and fairy tales. At the same time, participants distribute, take on and perform various social roles: mother, father, teacher, doctor, child, student, etc.
A social role is a stereotypical model of human behavior, objectively determined by the social position of an individual in the system of social or personal relations. The role is defined:
- name;
- social status of the individual;
- the function performed in the system of social relations;
- the expectations of others.
Children's play is an activity during which a child, imitating adults, perceives their values, attitudes and learns to perform certain social roles. For a child, play is the main means of primary socialization. A children's camp is the very environment in which, under the guidance of counselors (often unconsciously), an introduction to values, norms and rules of behavior occurs, first in the children's camp, and later in society.
The difference between children's role-playing games and adults is that a value system has not yet been formed in the child's mind, and knowledge of social roles is limited. While an adult in each new game realizes a socio-cultural role known to him in detail, a child only forms it, collects it “piece by piece” from individual fragments seen and heard by him in the environment around him. Thus, in the child’s mind such concepts as good and evil, strength and weakness, loyalty and cowardice, etc. will be formed.
Distinctive features of role-playing games are:
- A leader is required. In role-playing games, he is the main character who is responsible for organizing the entire game process and is responsible for the development of the game plot.
- The participants of the game do not compete with each other, because they have one common goal, which they can achieve only by joining their efforts. Rather, we can say that the team is playing against a given plot. Participants work together to come up with new ways to overcome difficulties and achieve a specific goal.
- Unlocking the creative potential of each team member. Role-playing, of all the possible games, is the one that most forces participants to unleash their creative potential. Each individual player gets used to the image he has chosen, comes up with specific qualities and capabilities, thus controls his behavior, influences the actions of other participants and the course of the game.
- No time or rules restrictions. Just as there are no limits to a child’s imagination, there are no limits to plots. If a team has lost one story several times, it can change the scene or hero and move on. You can play several actions, stop at any time and continue the next day.
The common thing in a role-playing game for all ages is that it is the same reality, which allows participants to make discoveries and simulate life situations. Moreover, regardless of the result, the punishment will not be as cruel as it could actually be.
Children's role-playing game in preschool children.
Already at the age of 5 years, the child does not simply reflect other people’s actions, but plays other people’s roles. He knows that in the game he can become whoever he wants, and not who he really is. In the imagination, the child draws a specific image and implements it in life according to all the rules (as they are formed in his mind). For example, a boy becomes a doctor who sees patients, conducts examinations, makes diagnoses, and “writes prescriptions.” At the same time, other participants are already involved in the game, with whom there is intense communication, and a point of view is defended.
Games are not limited to one plot. By the age of 5-6, a baggage of images seen on TV (cartoons, fairy tales, children's programs, etc.) and observed from adults (professional activities, everyday situations) accumulates. Then the child combines several stories into one and plays out the “little life.” For example, in the most common “daughter-mother” game, girls (and sometimes boys) and their “children” play family life: trying on clothes, cleaning the house, visiting the doctor, going to the village, etc.
A distinctive feature of this period is the appearance of a substitute object. Children already think in terms of symbols and are able to endow simple everyday objects with the properties they need: a bow turns into a crown, a pencil into a magic wand, a pillow into an enemy that can be beaten. Thus, the child develops abstract thinking, and it becomes easier for parents and teachers to explain to him the meaning of certain things and, more importantly, abstract concepts. The earlier a substitute object appears in children’s games, the faster their psychological development occurs.
Children's role-playing game in school-age children.
With the beginning of the school period of a child’s life, secondary socialization occurs. Teachers are discovering new values, there are more norms of behavior and restrictions. The number of small groups in which the child communicates becomes significantly larger (class, sports section, music school, housemates, etc.). Thus, the flow of information increases. Knowledge on each individual issue becomes deeper, the child pays more attention to details, the distinctive features of things of the same class. For example, if earlier strawberries, raspberries and blackberries were simply “berries”, now they are separate specific berries that differ in name, appearance, and taste. It’s just that gaming motivation is turning more and more into learning motivation. Through play, children learn something new faster, because... They immediately try it all on themselves. That is why, especially in junior units, role-playing games are often used for educational purposes. Children in the role of fruits, animals, numbers, letters, etc. penetrate into the essence of things, and this is deposited in them on an unconscious level.
Another distinctive feature of the age transition is behavior in games. The child is more focused on results, on defending his position. In a role-playing game, it also becomes important for him not just to play a certain plot, but also to achieve a specific position. In the games, participants compete to achieve team or individual championship. At the age of 6-9 years, a child differentiates himself from others, determines how he is different, why he is better or worse. It is important for counselors to control the game process so that all children are always on equal initial conditions. It is also advisable to monitor the games that children play. If a group plays the same game and the results are repeated, then the type of game should be changed so that other participants can show their abilities.
Progress of the game:
Today the zoo came to us. At the zoo you can see different wild animals! Hurry, hurry!
There are funny animals at the zoo.
Part 2: I give children tickets to the “zoo”
Part 3:
- Guys, which of you was in the “zoo”
— Tell me, what is a zoo?
ZOO – a zoological park, a place where you can see different animals. They were brought from different countries.
— Who takes care of the animals in the zoo? (Human)
- What else is he doing at the zoo? (protects, protects)
— What is our mini-zoo made of? Does this mean which one? (small)
— And so that the animals do not run away, what has been done for the animals (enclosures)
— What are the enclosures made of? (from Lego)
— A very beautiful zoo. Large and spacious.
- Let's see what animals live in our zoo? (children list)
“Our animals came to us from hot countries where it is warm in winter, and they will be cold here.
- What do you think needs to be done so that they can survive our cold winter? (build them houses)
— I suggest you build houses from wooden building material.
We built houses for animals. Now they are not afraid of our harsh and cold winter.
— Did you like the game at the zoo?
— Which animals piqued your interest?
—What animals would you not like to meet in the forest?
— Do you think wild animals need our help, like domestic animals?
— Why can’t you have wild animals in your apartment?
Our tour of the zoo is over, but we will come here again.
Card No. 15 “Professions”
Goals: to develop children's interest in role-playing games , to help create a play environment; enrich vocabulary, consolidate sound pronunciation; to develop in children the ability to use building floor materials and act with them in a variety of ways; consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, seller, hairdresser; cultivate friendly relationships in the game.
Counselors also need to play with children
It is the opinion of the counselors, their positive assessment and approval that is important for the child. And not just a dry “good” or “well done,” but “how interesting you play, can I play with you?” And you will understand how this child’s face will light up, because he was able to interest not just adults, but his counselors. And immediately you will float on the waves of the game, so exciting and interesting. Children will reveal to you the most hidden corners of this unique phenomenon. And suddenly you will feel some kind of sadness, you will realize how quickly you have grown up, how early you forgot how to play.
What roles do children choose?
Depending on their age, children choose characteristic roles for their games, and for the game to be successful, the following conditions are necessary: the atmosphere in which the child develops and the presence of certain mental and physical skills.
The most significant period of child development occurs before the age of 10 years, and this period is divided into several stages, depending on age. This is the time when his consciousness and mentality are just being formed. The task of counselors is not only to know about the existence of these periods, but also to notice their appearance, as well as the flow of one into another.
Below we will consider the dependence of the child’s age and consciousness on the role he has chosen.
Let's start with the period in the life of a child's development - this is 5-7 years, when the main point rests on extraordinary curiosity, when even adults cannot always answer all 10,000 questions of a child. Moreover, all the information does not disappear anywhere; it is neatly folded into separate piles in the child’s small head. In addition, it brings extraordinary pleasure to the child to share his knowledge with peers and adults. He feels at the same level when he can explain the theory of folding an airplane or a paper boat.
At an older age, the child becomes very interested in interpersonal relationships. He wants to penetrate into all corners, learn as much as possible about how to talk with adults and peers, masters the basic rules of etiquette and really wants to be communicated with as an adult. During this period of time, the child is more interested not in his peers, but in younger children, to whom he can tell a lot and teach him a lot. Here the child begins to play himself and he does it very successfully. The most important thing for counselors is to understand that this period is the most important in the development of a child, since it is at this time that he learns a volume of information equal to the volume that he will learn throughout his entire subsequent life.
What roles do counselors choose?
Let us repeat how important play is for a child. Moreover, in order to develop, he needs to play constantly; sometimes he himself is not able to introduce himself into this game; here counselors come to the rescue. And they tell, or rather show, that you can play from the very morning, when the child has just woken up.
The main point here is the awareness of the counselors that, being direct participants, they cannot be the leaders of the game, that is, they cannot force the child to do something. In this case, the main meaning of the game is lost, namely freedom of creativity. At the same time, while playing, the counselor controls what happens in it and how it develops. If suddenly the counselors feel that the game is starting to develop in a negative direction, the child is nervous and capricious, then at that moment, taking on the role of the leader or main one, they correct or direct the development of the game in the right direction. The main thing is not to let the child understand that he is not actually in charge of the game, but you.
Play everywhere:
When you get up and go to bed, when you eat or bathe.
On the street, when you walk, tell your children about changes in nature, the weather, why people take an umbrella and put on galoshes when it rains, and so on...
Indoors, when reading a book or drawing. Come up with a story about the characters in the picture and ask the children to continue it, let them draw a happy ending.
And even just, regime moments in the camp, play up this too. After all, what is the main need of a child, and a person in general? In cognition, consumption and use of information. So provide your children with all this. Spend as much time as possible during the day playing and you will notice how close you become with your kids, you will feel how much you want to tell them, you will understand how long it has been since you played as a child.
Progress of the game:
We build cribs, a chair, a tap for washing hands, and set the table. We carry the cubes one at a time, without disturbing anyone. The doctor, hairdresser and salesman go to their work. And the rest of the kids take care of their children. (I help develop the game, establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles, and help implement into the game the impressions the children received earlier.)
A certain amount of game time passes.
Evening has come in our town, the working day is over, the hospital, hairdresser, and store are closing. We put everything back in place.
All the kids did well, tell me, who were you today, Vanya? How did you take care of your son? Where did you go with him? Dasha, what did you feed your daughter? Julia, which bed did you put your daughter to sleep on? What kind of doctor was Kirill? Hairdresser? Salesman?
Card No. 17 “Hospital”
Goals: continue to introduce children to the professions of doctor and nurse; arouse interest in the professions of medical workers; develop children's and enrich their vocabulary; help children establish interactions in joint play; cultivate a sensitive and attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.
Equipment: medical cards according to the number of children , a toy phonendoscope, a spatula, an ENT mirror, a thermometer, brilliant green, a table, 2 white coats for a doctor and a nurse, 2 white caps, cotton wool, a bandage, a syringe.
Progress of the game:
A teacher-doctor acts out a dialogue with a bunny-patient (child)
Doctor. The hospital opens. I am a doctor. Who came to my appointment?
Bunny patient (complaining)
.I am doctor.
At the doctor's office, sit down, patient. Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?
Patient. I have a cough and my ears hurt.
Doctor. Let me listen to you. Breathe deeply. (Listen to the patient with a tube.)
You are coughing a lot.
Show your ears. My ears are inflamed. Now we need to measure the temperature. Take a thermometer. High temperature. You need to take medicine. This. (gives a bottle.)
Pour into a spoon and drink every day. Did you understand?
Patient. Yes. I will take the medicine as you ordered. Thank you Doctor. Goodbye.
Card No. 18 “Katya got sick”
Goals: to diversify the role participation of children in playing with a doll ; contribute to enriching the plot of children's games ; develop children's and enrich their vocabulary; help children establish interactions in joint play; cultivate friendly relationships in the game.
Materials and equipment: spatula, phonendoscope, thermometer, medicines (substitute items are used)
doctor's bag, gown, cap (2-3 copies)
Progress of the game:
The teacher tells the children that her daughter is sick.
“We need to put Katya to bed and call the doctor.” I will be a doctor myself. I have a robe, a cap and tools.
-Vova, do you want to be a doctor?
-Here’s your robe, cap and tools too. Let's treat dolls together, let's start with my daughter Katya. Let's listen to her. What is needed for this? (a tube.)
-Can you hear Katya’s heart beating: “Knock-knock-knock”?
-Breathe, Katya. Now you, Vova, ask Katya to breathe deeply.
-Now let’s put a thermometer on Katya. Like this. Now let's see her throat. Where's the spoon?
-Katya, say: “A-ah-ah”
-You see, Vova, Katya’s throat is red and her temperature is high. Let's give her some medicine.
-Now let Katya sleep.
Card No. 21 “Washing doll clothes”
Goals: to learn to unite in groups of two or three for independent games; contribute to the development of story-based games with dolls , enrich the content of such games.
Materials and equipment: bathtub, soap dish, soap (substitute item, washboard, iron; doll linen; rack for hanging laundry; ironing board.