Summary of GCD in the senior group “Spring is coming to us”

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic “Spring”

Abstract of educational activities in the senior group on the topic “Spring”
Author: Galina Nikolaevna Suetenko, teacher of GBOU secondary school No. 842, Moscow Description of work: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities on the topic “Spring” for children of senior preschool age (5-7 years).
This material will be useful for educators working with children of older preschool age. This is a summary of an educational lesson aimed at familiarizing children with the signs of spring. Abstract of GCD in the senior group on the topic “Spring”
Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Cognition” Purpose: To introduce children to the signs of spring. Educational objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge about spring, spring signs, migratory and wintering birds; improve the grammatical structure of speech: agreement of numerals with nouns; form nouns in the genitive case; form words with the same root. Developmental tasks: Develop basic skills of sound-syllable analysis; the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender and number, nouns with verbs, fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity. Develop logical thinking, practice ordinal and direct counting, increasing and decreasing numbers by one. Develop the ability to group birds according to different characteristics, consolidate spatial relationships. Educational objectives: To develop skills of cooperation, independence, mutual understanding. To cultivate the desire and respect of children to listen to the answers of their comrades and be able to correct or supplement the answer. Equipment: Illustrations on the topics “spring, signs of spring, birds”, balls of different sizes and made of different materials, a basin with “drops” - decorative glass stones, a box, a phonogram “Birdsong”, an envelope with a letter, a parcel. Preliminary work: Reading fiction, memorizing poems, calls about spring, observing nature, looking at illustrations.
GCD move

Introductory part:
Goal: focus children's attention on a problem situation and activate the desire to complete the task together to achieve a common goal. Educator: Children, we have guests today, say hello to them! Hello children! It was no coincidence that our conversation began with this word. Saying “hello” according to custom, we wish each other health, goodness, and prosperity. I draw your attention to the letter on the window: Someone threw it into our window. Look at the letter. Maybe it's a ray of sunshine that tickles our faces. Or this little sparrow dropped it while flying. Or is this a letter from a cat, like he lured a mouse to the window! Educator: Guys!
We received a letter from residents of a fabulous city. And it is called “the city of beautiful speech.” They ask for help and rely only on us. Due to the long “Winter”, the city becomes colorless and may disappear completely. Only “Spring” can help misfortune, because... with her arrival, all nature comes to life and the city becomes colorful. But for some reason she is delayed. We rely on your ingenuity and ingenuity (the letter shows a city, not decorated) Well, guys, let's help the residents of the fairy-tale city? It will be difficult to cope with a real WINTER, but we will definitely overcome a fairy tale one, because... We are brave, dexterous, skillful guys. We help each other, And we don’t abandon our friends in trouble. Main part:
Educator: Guys, in the old days “Vesna” was called with nicknames. These are small poems with which people asked spring to come. In my grandmother’s magic box, there is also such a chant (the children pronounce it together with the teacher): Drops jump loudly from the roof. The icicles are crying above the window. The drops are jumping into my palm. And grandma's cat. The “Question and Answer” game is played using a rubber ball. Goal: Improving grammatical structure (formation of cognate words) Teacher questions: Tell me, what phenomenon in nature is this poem talking about? (drops); What was jumping off the roof in the poem I read? (drops); What do you call a small drop? (drop); If drops are dripping, what are they? (dripping); Let's repeat together the words of one family, starting with the word DRIP, DROP, DROP, DRIP, DRIP. Well done! You did an excellent job with this task. Breathing exercises “Breeze” Teacher: Guys! Who remembers which months on the calendar are reserved for SPRING? (March, April, May) What month is it now? (March) What is the weather like outside? (Cold) What wind blows in spring? (warm, spring, cold, gentle, etc.) Let us also depict a spring breeze. Let's blow a warm, barely audible breeze onto your palm. And now a strong, cool wind blew. Let's blow on our palm. So that a strong wind can be heard (inhale through the nose. Exhale through the mouth. Don’t puff out your cheeks, 3 times) Well done! Our palms are frozen from the cold wind, let's warm them up, play the game "Spring" Finger game "Spring" Spring has come on the snowy, On the wet carpet (we bend one finger on each hand) Scattered snowdrops (three palms against each other) Sowed grass (move apart and move the fingers) Now calling from all sides (bend your arms at the elbows, fingers open) Geese, swifts and storks Cuckoos and starlings (we bend one finger on each hand) The game “Signs of Spring” is played using a fabric ball. Goal: Clarification and expansion of knowledge about spring and its signs. Educator: What other signs of spring do you know? — the sky became high and blue. — the sun shines brightly and warms. — in the sun the snow begins to melt. — the first thawed patches appeared around the trees. - the nights have become shorter and the days longer. — cheerful streams ran. -We exchanged heavy winter clothes for light spring ones. - all nature wakes up from its winter sleep. — migratory birds arrive from the south. — birds build nests and hatch chicks. The game “Droplets or divide into syllables” is played using glass decorative stones. Goal: Improving the skill of syllabic analysis of words. Development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity. Educator: Guys, while we were playing ball, look how many drops dripped into our basin. Place your hands in the basin and find items associated with spring. Children find one item in the basin. And the names of objects are divided into syllables. (Icicle, sun, snowdrop, starling, tree, drop, cloud, stream, ant, etc.) We will now drive We will pronounce out loud The word must be repeated And divided into syllables Educator: To continue completing the tasks, and now I suggest playing a game “Vesnyanka” Sunshine, sunshine Golden bottom Burn, burn clearly So that it doesn’t go out (they walk in a circle) A stream ran in the garden (they run in a circle) A hundred rooks have arrived (they fly in a circle) And the snowdrifts are melting, melting (slowly crouching) And the flowers are growing ( stretch on tiptoes, arms up) The musical accompaniment “Birdsong” sounds. Children are invited to sit on the carpet and listen. - What do you hear? (birds singing) - How to call in one word the birds that spent the winter with us? — How to call birds that return from warm countries in one word? Game “Choose” Goal: to clarify and expand knowledge about wintering and migratory birds. Children choose their own birds and name them. There are two circles on the tables - blue and green - Blue circle - wintering birds - Green circle - migratory birds. - Well done! And you coped with this task perfectly! Game “Count the Birds” In front of you is a whole street with houses.
Review and answer the questions. -Who lives in these houses? What groups can they be divided into (wintering and migratory) - Who are the swallow’s neighbors? -Who lives to the left of the crossbill? -Who lives to the right of the crossbill? - Carefully consider the house numbers, which numbers are neighbors of the number 2 (1 and 3) - What number comes before the number 5 (4) - What number comes after the number 7 (8) - Between 5 and 7? - What number is less than 5 by 1 (4) Final part.

There is a knock on the door and a box and a letter from the residents of the fairy-tale city are brought into the group.
Look guys, our efforts were not in vain. The magical “SPRING” has arrived in the city of “Beautiful Speech” (I show the back of the letter with a colored image of the city). She awakened the city from its winter sleep, everything around came to life and became bright and colorful. Educator: Here are gifts for you guys!
Chupa - chups for you! You guys are great, you've gone through all the obstacles, get some lollipops! And say goodbye to your guests. Get ready for a walk! Result:

- Guys, you completed all the tasks with an A plus. Tell me, what was our journey like? — What do you remember most from our trip? — What helped us overcome this path and withstand all the tests?

We recommend watching:

Summary of a lesson in the senior group with a compensatory focus for children with severe speech impairments Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic “Migratory Birds” Summary of a comprehensive lesson with children in the middle group on the topic: “Birds in the spring” Lesson in the senior group. Let's help migratory birds

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Plan Page
Part name
I. Introductory part
Introduction 3
1 Introducing preschool children to familiarize children with seasonal phenomena in nature 4
1.1.The importance of introducing preschoolers to nature 4
1.2. The role of the teacher in the formation of knowledge to familiarize children with seasonal phenomena in nature 6
1.3. Basic methods of introducing preschoolers to nature 8
1.4.Environmental education in the process of introducing children to nature 18
II. Main part 21
2.1. Nature in spring 21
2.2. Familiarization with spring phenomena for children of middle preschool age. 22
2.3. Familiarization with spring nature for older preschoolers 26
Conclusion 35
List of used literature 37
Application 46


The global problems of our time require an immediate rethinking of the historically established attitude in human consciousness aimed at a consumer attitude towards nature, a change not only in its behavior, but also a change in value orientations. That is why one of the most pressing issues of modern society is the problem of forming an ecological culture of the individual.

Currently, the formation of an ecological culture in preschool children is becoming a priority in pedagogical theory and practice.

This is due to the difficult environmental situation on our planet: the rapid growth of the population, and, consequently, the problem of providing it with food, industry with mineral raw materials, the problem of energy and, of course, pollution of the natural environment - all this poses a threat to the existence of life itself on Earth. Only at the end of the twentieth century. humanity has realized the harmfulness of its “thoughtless” management on Earth. One of the most important reasons for this state of affairs is the environmental illiteracy of the population, the inability to foresee the consequences of their intervention in nature [1, 6].

Environmental education is an integral part of the moral education of the individual. The task of moral education is not simply to achieve knowledge of moral norms, but, most importantly, to form beliefs, motives and actions. Protecting life on Earth from environmental disaster is becoming the most important problem of our time, and awareness of this problem should be paid attention to from early childhood.

Environmental education is an integral part of the moral education of the individual. The task of moral education is not simply to achieve knowledge of moral norms, but, most importantly, to form beliefs, motives and actions. Protecting life on Earth from environmental disaster is becoming the most important problem of our time, and awareness of this problem should be paid attention to from early childhood.

Environmental education of preschool children is not just a tribute to a “fashionable” trend in pedagogy. This is the education in children of the ability to understand and love the world around them and treat it with care. By introducing children to nature, opportunities open up for aesthetic, patriotic, and moral education. Communication with nature enriches a person’s spiritual sphere and contributes to the formation of positive moral qualities [3, 16].

Purpose of the study: to study the process of formation of knowledge about the seasons in older preschoolers, to form in children the necessary ideas about the seasons and to identify the effectiveness of using the developmental set of activities we have developed.

  1. The importance of introducing preschoolers to nature

The influence of native nature is the source of the first concrete knowledge and those joyful experiences that are often remembered for a lifetime.

Children always and everywhere come into contact with nature in one form or another. The color, shape and smell of flowers and fruits, the singing of birds, the rustle of grass and much more allow children to feel nature and can serve as rich material for the development of children's aesthetic sense and sensory education. They are attracted to green meadows, bright flowers, birds, streams, etc.

Children's lack of knowledge about nature often leads to the formation of various prejudices and superstitions. Misconceptions often cause children to have an unfriendly attitude towards animals, causing them to destroy hedgehogs, beneficial insects, etc. This not only harms nature, but also has a negative effect on the psyche of children and makes them bitter. It is much more difficult to correct existing misconceptions than to form new, correct ones. That is why it is very important that children already in preschool age receive important information about nature.

In order for children to correctly display natural phenomena, it is necessary to guide the process of their perception of nature. Without bringing children closer to nature and its widespread use in the educational work of kindergartens, it is impossible to solve the problems of the comprehensive development of preschool children - mental, aesthetic, moral and physical [2, 27].

The great teacher K.D. Ushinsky attached great importance to the conscious acquisition of knowledge and believed that learning gives children complete knowledge only when it is clear, systematic and consistent. Proving the need for visual learning, he developed the theory of visualization. He emphasized that observations of natural phenomena and their generalizations should be the main sources of knowledge. He said that nature is the natural environment in which man develops his activities, using it for his own purposes. Man comprehends the laws of nature and makes it serve him. “The natural sciences,” he wrote, in their entirety represent this eternal struggle of the human mind with the secrecy of nature.” “Until,” K.D. Ushinsky pointed out, “as long as we do not know our Motherland and until this knowledge spreads among the masses of the people, we will not be able to take advantage of the means that nature and the population of our country present to us, and we will be poor because we are ignorant” [8, 18].

He further noted that the teacher is obliged to teach children to first observe, then draw conclusions. He believed that direct observations in nature are of great educational importance for the development of children, and that it is difficult for a teacher’s word to compete with them.

Visibility was understood by K.D. Ushinsky not only as a direct acquaintance of children with nature, but also as the use in lessons of paintings, maps, globes, collections and other aids that help children create a certain image of an object and phenomenon in their minds. He believed that it was the direct observation of the surrounding nature that “will constitute those initial logical exercises of thought on which logic depends, i.e. the truth of the word itself, and from which logical speech and understanding of grammatical laws will then flow naturally.” Further in this work he talks about and logic itself is nothing more than a reflection in our mind of the connection between objects and natural phenomena” [4, 51].

The ability to observe, developed in the process of learning about nature, gives rise to the habit of drawing conclusions, fosters the logic of thought, clarity and beauty of speech - the development of thinking and speech occurs as a single process.

Many teachers drew the teacher's attention to the need to open the book of nature to the child as early as possible, so that it brings something new every day. In the book by V.A. Sukhomlinsky “I give my heart to children” about [1, 20].

The diversity, brightness, beauty of nature, the clarity of its connections and dependence ensure the accessibility of their understanding by children and have a significant impact on the improvement of their mental activity, which is manifested in the development of logic and independence of thinking. The child learns to find and correctly define in words causal and temporal dependence, sequence, interconnection of objects and natural phenomena, i.e. learns to simply explain what is observed. Children’s ability to compare, compare, and draw conclusions is improved. The child learns to reason, tell, describe.

Nature provides opportunities for a variety of activities for children, which contributes to the active assimilation and use of acquired knowledge. The process of cognition of nature in all its diversity contributes to the understanding and use in coherent speech of various grammatical categories that denote names, actions, qualities and help to analyze objects and phenomena from all sides.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that in the pedagogical process of a preschool institution, special attention should be paid to familiarization with nature in order to develop the thinking and speech of children.

The main task in mental education is to educate children in knowledge about inanimate and living nature, accessible to the sensory perception of children, connections between objects and natural phenomena. It is necessary to show children nature as it really is, influencing their senses.

1.2. The role of the teacher in the formation of knowledge to familiarize children with seasonal phenomena in nature

Parents are the first to open a window into nature for a child. From the first steps, a person comprehends the world, learns to understand time, and masters space. Nature entertains, pleases, and sometimes frightens a child. Children come into contact with nature on their own. They are attracted by everything and everyone: green meadows and forests, the brightness of flowers, berries, butterflies, beetles, snowflakes, frosty frost on the glass, knee-deep snow.

Being among nature itself has a positive effect on children. However, can everything be perceived correctly by a child during independent communication with nature? After all, it may happen that he tears off the wings of a butterfly or dragonfly, picks up an armful of lilies of the valley, and immediately throws them at his feet.

The lack of knowledge that correctly reflects reality often leads to the formation of prejudices and superstitions. Misconceptions are the reasons for children’s hostile attitude towards animals: frogs, cats, etc.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to influence the consciousness of children, teach them not only to love nature, but also to observe, establish connections and causes of phenomena, generalize and systematize knowledge in order for children to develop a realistic idea of ​​nature and its individual objects.

Parents do not always have certain knowledge in this area, do not have extensive cognitive information about those natural phenomena that are most likely to be encountered, and cannot always answer many children’s “whys” or awaken interest in the world around them. And also, parents most often do not have time to educate their child.

Therefore, the role of the educator in introducing children to nature and teaching correct behavior in nature is very important [5, 23].

The period that marks the transition from preschool to primary school age is especially favorable for the development of basic personality qualities. This is due both to the high sensitivity of children of this age and to the development of elements of voluntariness, self-awareness and self-control, which provides the younger schoolchild with a certain level of consciousness and independence of action.

Revealing the beauty of nature to a child and teaching him to see it is a difficult task. To do this, the teacher himself must be able to live in harmony with nature.

To familiarize children of senior preschool age with living and inanimate nature, flora and fauna, the teacher uses various forms of work: classes, excursions, targeted walks, observations in everyday life.

A significant place is given to children's observations of nature, natural phenomena, introspection, experimentation, experiments, and games.

To expand children's knowledge about the seasons, the teacher conducts classes about characteristic phenomena in nature at different times of the year. On daily walks, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the weather: warm-cold, the sun is shining - it’s raining, snowing, calm - the wind is blowing, clear sky - clouds. If you carry out such observations with children constantly, the children themselves notice changes in the weather.

Program content: 1. Clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about the changes occurring in nature in the spring. 2. Fix the signs of spring, the names of the spring months. 3. Foster a caring attitude towards the environment. 4. Activate the dictionary on the topic “Spring”. Preliminary work: learning the poem “Spring is Coming to Us” by I. Tokmakova, observations on walks, looking at paintings and illustrations about spring.

Equipment: • TV, VCR, video cassette “Seasons”, • “portraits” of the spring months; • pictures: flowers – coltsfoot, dandelion, dream grass, primrose, violet; animals – bear, fox, hare, wolf, squirrel; birds - starling, cuckoo, stork, swallow, rook, crane; • insect toys: beetle, fly, grasshopper, bee, ant, butterfly; • an envelope with cards for each child with a picture of a butterfly silhouette for coloring, colored pencils.

Methodological techniques: questions, looking at pictures, watching a video, games, reading poetry, a surprise moment, visual activity

Vocabulary: primrose, drops, thawed patch, birdhouse, early, late, names of young animals and birds.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to watch an excerpt from the video film “Seasons” (about spring). Then one of the children reads a riddle poem: It gets light early in the morning, Thaws are here and there. The stream roars like a waterfall. Starlings fly to the birdhouse. Drops are ringing under the roofs, The bear got up from the snowy bed. The sun caresses everyone with warmth. Who knows this time of year?

— How did you guess that it was spring? What signs are mentioned in the poem? What signs of spring did you notice in the video excerpt? What time of year is it now? Why do you think so? - Spring has come. Let's remember what time of year it was before spring? Will there be after? — Each season consists of three months. Let's remember the names of the spring months. (March April May). What month is it? - You know that spring can be early, there can be mid-spring and late spring. What month do you think spring is in? Now we will look at the pictures and try to determine what period of spring they belong to. Why do you think so? (Children come to the table, take turns taking pictures that depict different periods of spring, name them and explain why they think so). — Changes also occur in the lives of animals in the spring. (Look at pictures with images of animals and tell: in the spring animals have babies, winter wool is replaced by summer wool). Birds: stork, cuckoo, swallow, starling, rook return from warm countries, build nests, lay eggs and hatch them. — In spring, the first flowers appear, and you have to find out which ones yourself. Now we will play the game “Recognize and name the flower.” (There are pictures of different spring flowers face down on the table. Children come up one at a time, take any picture and name the flower depicted on it. Make up 2-3 sentences about it). (Explain to children the names of flowers - primrose, coltsfoot). Tell children about the need to take care of flowers: you cannot pick them, you can only admire their beauty.

Physical education lesson: Our first flowers are opening their petals, The breeze is breathing slightly, the petals are swaying. Our first flowers are closing their petals. They quietly fall asleep, shaking their heads. (Perform movements according to the text.)

“But not only flowers appear in the spring. Look who it is? (You open the napkin - there are insects (toys) under it). Children are asked questions: • What insects have we already seen on the street? • Which ones are coming soon? • Which insects are harmful? • Which insects are beneficial? (Children look at insects and talk about them).

A surprise moment: a teacher appears in a “Spring” costume and brings gifts (cards with a picture of a butterfly silhouette that needs to be colored). Children color pictures of butterflies and thank Spring. After the children color the butterflies, one of the children recites the poem “Spring is coming to us” for Spring:

Spring is coming towards us with quick steps, and the snowdrifts are melting under her feet. Black thawed patches are visible in the fields. That's right, spring has very warm feet. I. Tokmakova

Spring thanks the children and says goodbye to them. Bottom line: when we go for a walk, we will try to find all the signs of spring in the area.

Conversation about spring with children 5-7 years old in kindergarten

Conversation for children of the senior and preparatory group: “Spring has come, bringing the birds with it”
Author: Alla Ivanovna Efimova, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg Description of the material: I bring to your attention a conversation about spring for children of the senior and preparatory group (5 -7 years old) “Spring has come, bringing birds with it.” This conversation can be useful for both educators and parents. This conversation will help consolidate preschoolers’ knowledge about spring and birds.

Goal: To consolidate preschoolers’ ideas about birds and signs of spring. Objectives: - Improve dialogic speech. Clarify and systematize knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring; - evoke aesthetic experiences from the spring awakening of nature, show the beauty of spring; - instill interest in the artistic word; — cultivate a caring attitude towards birds; - summarize children’s knowledge gained from observing the habits of birds; - teach children how to feed them properly. Preliminary work: Reading fiction about spring, birds, memorizing poems and signs about spring and birds, drawing on the theme “Spring,” looking at illustrations, exhibition of books. Demonstration material: illustrations, paintings. Handout: counting sticks. Equipment: easel.

Progress of the conversation. The snow is melting, spring has come, Someone's song is heard. - Hello, starling - starling! - You're back at last! Educator: Guys, interesting riddles have been prepared for you today. You will guess the answers, and we will find out what we will talk about today. - The old snow melts in the sun, the wind plays in the branches, the birds' voices are louder - So it has come to us... (spring) - I open the buds into green leaves. I dress the trees, I water the crops. Full of movement, My name is... (spring)

Educator: Correct. Indeed, in spring nature, insects and animals wake up after a long hibernation. Birds are returning from distant lands. Spring is a wonderful and wonderful time of year. What are the signs that you know about spring? Answers. (streams are babbling, chicks are singing, flowers are waking up, the snow is melting, the sun is shining brighter and warming) Educator: I suggest you look at the pictures and determine what time is depicted on them. Answers. Educator: What can you tell us about the spring months? Name them? How long does spring last? Answers. Educator: Which birds return to us first?

Answers: starlings, rooks, thrushes, nightingales. Educator: That's right. I suggest you listen to music. Determine what these sounds are? I turn on a CD with birdsong. Children listen and distinguish the voices of birds. Answers. It's the birds singing. Educator: Correct. Guys, on the first of April we celebrate Bird Day. Do you know poems about birds?

Children read poetry. Child: The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, the swallow is in the spring, flying towards us in the canopy. With her the sun is more beautiful, And spring is sweeter... Chirp from the road, Greetings to us soon. I will give you grains, and you sing a song that you brought with you from distant lands. Child: From the midday rays, a stream ran down the mountain, and a small snowdrop grew in a thawed patch. The starlings are returning - hard workers and singers, sparrows by the puddle circling in a noisy flock. Both the robin and the thrush are busy making nests: They carry, they carry straws to their houses. Child: The starling lived overseas in the winter, Now he has returned home. And early in the morning in silence, He sang about the sun and spring. Educator: I’ll read a poem to you, listen carefully. You need to count how many birds are present in these poetic lines. Each child has counting sticks on their desks to make counting easier. For each bird heard, take one counting stick and put it aside. Then we summarize.

Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts. pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, macaroni. pigeons, martens. pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins, jackdaws and swifts, mosquitoes, cuckoos. pigeons, tits, jackdaws and swifts, lapwings, siskins, storks, cuckoos, owls and cheesecakes. Answers.

Physical education lesson: Hands raised and waved - These are trees in the forest. Elbows bent, hands shaken - The wind knocks down the dew. We wave our hands smoothly - These are the birds flying towards us. We'll show them how they sit down. We'll fold our wings back. Educator: I suggest you play a game. I am reading poetic lines, you need to correct what is wrong in the lines: - Cold weather is coming, So spring has come to us. (Spring brings us warmth, not cold) - Chicks are singing, streams are babbling, Starlings are flying from warm countries. (all That's right) - The snow melts and the meadows immediately bloom. (The meadows immediately bloom, the earth warms up, grass and flowers appear) - We will treat the swallow, We will build a feeding trough for her. Let's treat her with grain and a little lard. (Insectivorous swallows) Educator: Guys, the next task, I tell you the word SUN. What is it?

Answers: bright, round, yellow, radiant, warm, generous, sunny. The next word is SPRING. What is she like? Answers: early, late, spring, green, sunny, a little rainy. Educator: Well done, we called spring to us, we repeated its signs. The birds were invited to visit us. I invite you to pick up pencils and draw your own spring. Let's consolidate our covered material with drawings. And then we evaluate our work. To make it easier for you to draw, there are paintings on the easel in front of you on the theme “Spring”. I turn on a CD with music sounds of the forest.

Exhibition of children's creativity. Educator: What did you like about the lesson? What birds do you like? And now it’s time for a walk, I suggest you go feed the birds, listen to their singing and play a little.

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