Week of environmental creativity in a preschool organization
Kuznetsova Elena Mikhailovna, senior teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 22 “Korablik”, Kotlas
Ecological Creativity Week
in a preschool organization
The presented experience of teachers of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution “Combined Kindergarten No. 22 “Ship” showed that by studying nature and interacting with it, preschoolers become calmer, friendlier, and more responsive. They develop emotional and cognitive spheres.
Thanks to the “Week of Environmental Creativity”, an interesting program of events, teachers improve their pedagogical competence, involve parents in educational activities, and develop their interest in the life of children in preschool educational institutions.
The material can be used by teachers in preschool organizations.
Main part
The amazing world of nature. He greets us with a sea of sounds, smells, hundreds of riddles and secrets, makes us look, listen, think
Nowadays, when the world is on the verge of an environmental disaster, environmental education, more than ever, is one of the pressing problems of our time. To preserve nature on the planet, we need educated people. Her fate will depend on them. It’s no secret that it is in preschool childhood that the foundation of a conscious attitude towards the surrounding reality is laid, vivid emotional impressions are accumulated that remain in a person’s memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime.
It is no coincidence that work on environmental education for preschool children is defined by the federal state educational standard for preschool education. Cognitive development has an advantage over other areas, since one of its tasks is the formation of primary ideas about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the features of nature. The main goal of environmental education of preschool children is to form in them the foundations of environmental culture, environmental consciousness, environmental feelings and environmental activities.
But this is only possible under one condition: if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture.
Therefore, the idea of holding an “Ecological Creativity Week” arose, which is one of the forms of environmental education in a preschool organization and united all participants in educational relations.
The goal of the “Week of Environmental Creativity” is to improve the activities of teachers in environmental education of children.
- To increase the professional knowledge of teachers in the field of environmental education.
- To develop children's cognitive interest in nature.
- Reveal the creative potential of children, teachers, parents in environmental culture.
- Involve parents in the kindergarten’s work on environmental education of children.
- Create a favorable atmosphere for communication between all participants in educational relations.
“Week of Ecological Creativity” is:
— continuous direct educational activities of children;
- joint activity of an adult with children in sensitive moments;
— review competition “Little Books”;
— photo exhibition “My beloved, clean, beautiful land”;
- holiday “How beautiful the Earth is!”
During the “Week of Environmental Creativity” the following took part:
— all age groups of the preschool organization (18 groups, of which 7 early age groups, 9 preschool age groups, 2 correctional groups);
— kindergarten teachers and specialists;
- parents of students.
Teachers conducted open environmental classes, observations during walks, and organized didactic games.
During the “Ecological Creativity Week,” students made crafts and drew pictures on an environmental theme.
Then the children, teachers and parents in each group created a photo exhibition “My beloved, clean and beautiful land.” The photographs with a brief description depicted the favorite places of work and rest of the pupils and their parents.
During the “Week of Environmental Creativity”, baby books were made for preschoolers. They included stories and fairy tales, poems and riddles about nature. Everyone took part in choosing the best book, which determined the winner of the “Baby Books” review competition. Now little books decorate this corner of nature.
The holiday “How beautiful the Earth is!” concluded the “Week of Ecological Creativity” in the kindergarten, in which pupils from all groups took part. The children's parents prepared costumes. Children, together with teachers aged 3-7 years, learned poetry, dances, and songs. The entertainment turned out to be bright and educational in nature.
All these events bring children and parents closer together, lead to an understanding of the need to solve environmental problems together, and create a desire to protect and preserve nature.
It depends on us what our children will be like. We want them to love nature, understand it and take care of it. But it’s not enough to want, you have to make an effort to achieve it.
from the "Week of Ecological Creativity"
in the MDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 22 "Ship"
Individual program for environmental education material (middle group) on the topic
Individual program for the formation of environmental ideas
“What happens to plants after flowers”
Purpose: To clarify that plants are alive - they grow and change, that at the beginning of autumn the flowers began to change. Explain that many flowers have become ugly not because they were not taken care of, but because the time has come and they began to fade. Learn to distinguish between mature and immature flower seeds. Develop observation skills.
“What conditions do fish live in?”
Goal: To form the idea that fish live in good conditions: there is a lot of water in the aquarium, which means they have room to swim; the water is clear, at the required room temperature (neither cold nor hot); there is a lot of light in the aquarium; At the bottom there is sand and stones in which plants grow well, the fish do not starve because they are fed every day.
"Wild animals"
Goal: to expand ideas about the forest - different animals live in the forest (hare, hedgehog, squirrel, fox, wolf, bear); they can all live in the forest because they find food there; teach to distinguish these animals by their appearance. Reinforce basic understanding of the relationship between animals and their environment.
“What kind of snow and how much is there on the site?”
Purpose: To clarify the idea of the properties of snow: white, cold, crumbly, soft, covers the entire area. Offer to trample the snow and find that it is soft and easily trampled into a dense layer. Explain that snow depth can be measured. Examine the snow gauge stick, and then measure the depth of the cover in different places on the site.
“How to recognize spruce?”
Goal: To practice the ability to find familiar trees based on one or two characteristic features; show the features of spruce by which it is easy to distinguish it from other trees (the branches are covered with green needles, it looks like a pyramid, because at the top the branches are short, and downwards they become longer and longer).
Individual program for the formation of environmental ideas
“Why do fish have eyes?”
Goal: To clarify the idea of the function of the eyes - they are needed to see surrounding objects. To consolidate the knowledge that the eyes of a fish are located on the sides of the head - on one side and on the other; eyes are very important, with their help you can see everything: food, each other, those who feed them.
"Fruits and vegetables"
Goal: To consolidate the ability to talk about some ways to eat fruits and vegetables. Develop the ability to combine fruits based on similar characteristics. Develop speech and sensory features.
Making a manual for the game “Tops and Roots”
Goal: To expand the understanding of vegetables and fruits:: the places where they grow (vegetable garden, garden), that vegetables grow in a bed in the ground, and fruits ripen on trees and bushes, all vegetable and fruit plants have roots in the ground; practice gluing ready-made forms; develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, to form a whole from parts.
"What Grows in the Forest"
Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the forest. There are many different trees growing in the forest (spruce, birch, oak, pine); bushes, berries and mushrooms grow. The forest is always shady and cool. Introduce works of art - paintings and reproductions (A. Kuindzhi “Birch Grove”, I. Shishkin “Pine Forest”). Learn to notice the beauty of paintings. Cultivate love for your native land.
“What is in spruce cones?”
Purpose: to introduce the structure of the cone and the seeds of spruce; show the characteristics of the cone: it smells like resin, hangs closed on a tree (in the cold), when warm (indoors) it opens scales from under which the seeds fall out. Examine the seeds, pay attention to size, shape, color, lightness, and the presence of a film. Collect the seeds in a box so that you can sow them somewhere in the spring. Develop observation skills.
Individual program for the formation of environmental ideas.
Goal: To expand knowledge about the life of the animal world in the pond (fish, frogs, insects). Crucian carp live in the pond, they eat small crustaceans and aquatic insects. Along the banks of the pond grow trees, shrubs, and herbs that love moisture. People relax near the pond, admiring the water, plants and animals; fishermen catch fish; the pond should not be littered: in dirty water, both plants and animals have a hard time living - they will begin to die, and the pond will turn into a swamp.
“Why do animals have tails?”
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the adaptability of the structure of animals to their environment (using the example of the tail), about the importance of individual organs for interaction with the external environment. Learn to draw conclusions and draw conclusions.
“Why do hares need wolves?”
Goal: To consolidate and expand knowledge about wild animals of the native land. Explain that in nature everything is interconnected; there are no “harmful” or “extra” animals, birds, or insects in nature. Develop and encourage cognitive activity, interest in learning new things.
“We get melt water”
Purpose: To show and tell that snow brought into a warm room gradually melts, melt water is formed from it, it contains garbage and dirt, so you should not take snow into your mouth, but it is good to water indoor plants with melt water. Learn to draw conclusions, build conclusions.
“What colored pieces of ice”
Purpose: To continue to introduce the properties of water (in the cold it freezes and turns into ice; ice is hard, does not flow, takes the shape of the vessel in which it freezes, ice is cold, slippery, fragile - it can be broken if you hit it with something hard). Learn to draw a conclusion
Individual program for the formation of environmental ideas.
"All flowers are different"
Purpose: To clarify the idea that, in addition to trees and shrubs, flowers (flowering herbaceous plants) grow on the territory of the kindergarten, different in color and name, but all beautiful; They are pleasant to look at and pleasant to be around.
“How to care for a bouquet”
Goal: To cultivate the desire and ability to prolong the beauty of cut flowers (removing all wilted parts of plants, cutting stems, washing the vase, pouring clean water).
"The plant kingdom is mushrooms"
Goal: To consolidate the concept of edible and inedible mushrooms. Introduce the rules of mushroom picking. Summarize that mushrooms should only be picked with adults who know mushrooms. To consolidate knowledge about the beneficial properties of inedible mushrooms: dangerous for humans, but useful for some animals; serve as a home for some insects. To form an understanding of the expediency and relationships in nature.
"Where the Birds Fly"
Goal: To learn to observe seasonal changes in nature. Bring to the understanding that some birds fly to warmer climes, how can you make it easier for birds to live in winter. Teach to connect observations with personal experience, keep a diary of observations.
“How does ice turn into water?”
Purpose: to conclude that in heat, ice melts and turns into water, colored ice becomes colored water. Develop attention.
"Snowflakes are very beautiful"
Purpose: To show that falling snowflakes can be seen against a dark background: they have a pattern of six splinters; all snowflakes are different and beautiful, they are interesting to draw (drawing snowflakes on freshly fallen snow, on paper, cutting out snowflakes)
Individual program for the formation of environmental ideas
"How bread is grown"
Goal: To consolidate knowledge about bread as one of the greatest riches on earth; names of the profession of people who grow bread. Tell us how bread appears on the tables, what path it takes before we eat it. To cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, respect for the work of people who grow bread.
"The life of a hamster in nature"
Purpose: To introduce the steppe - the habitat of the hamster, with the way of life that it leads in natural conditions, to give an idea of the adaptability of the hamster's body structure and behavior to independent life in nature (can make a hole, a nest, find and store food - seeds of various plants, raise their offspring, escape from enemies - foxes, birds of prey - using camouflage coloring and hiding in a hole.). Clarify the idea that a hamster in nature is a wild animal.
"Plants in our corner of nature"
Goal: To form ideas about moisture-loving and drought-resistant plants (different needs for moisture are associated with different structures - drought-resistant plants store moisture in thick leaves and stems, they should be watered rarely; plants with thin, soft leaves do not store moisture, they need to be watered frequently - through day). Learn to recognize moisture-loving and drought-resistant plants.
"Animal world of the polar regions of the Earth"
Goal: Expand understanding of wild animals. Introduce the animals of the Far North: polar bear, seal, walrus. Learn to compare, notice features in the structure and behavior of animals. Develop curiosity.
"Horse and sheep are domestic animals"
Goal: To form a generalized idea that horses and sheep are domestic animals (they live with people, are not afraid of them; they are used on the farm; people take care of them, create all the conditions for their life: build special premises - a stable, a sheepfold, look after looks after them, feeds and prepares food for future use, dries hay); reinforce the idea that cows and goats are domestic animals.