Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic “Who are fish?”

Lesson summary "Pisces"

What do you know about fish?

- Today we will try to find answers to these questions, let's see what information the textbook gives us.

- Open the article in the textbook entitled “Pisces”. Look at the pictures. Whose image do you see?

— What unites these animals?

- Just name the fish. By what characteristics did you classify these animals as fish?

- Let's read what is written about the distinctive features of fish in the textbook article.

— What contributes to the rapid movement of fish in water?

Teacher's addition:

— Fish have no neck. Why do you think?

“With a long and flexible neck separating the head from the body, the animal’s body would cease to be a solid and strong wedge that easily makes its way through the water column.

- Let's look at the body structure of fish. How are scales located on the body of a fish?

— The scales are located on the body of the fish in rows, the edges of the scales overlap each other, like tiles on the roof of a house. This arrangement of scales makes swimming easier. The scales are also remarkable because they can be used to determine the age of the fish.

— The body structure of fish is the same: they all have a head, a body and a tail. But the fish differ in appearance. There are 25,000 different species of fish.

- What groups are all fish divided into according to their habitat?

- Think about why the sea fish depicted in the pictures are so named.

Fish - hammer, seahorse, fish - butterfly, fish - needle, fish - zebra, fish - saw, fish - hedgehog.

— There are “record holders” among the fish. What does this word mean?

— The largest fish on Earth is the whale shark: its length is up to 20 meters.

The largest river fish is catfish. The length of this predator reaches 5 m, and its weight is more than 300 kg. And he lives up to 40 years.

The most frost-resistant fish is the rare dallia fish, or black fish, which lives in small rivers and swamps of Chukotka, as well as off the coast of Alaska. The reservoirs there freeze to the very bottom. But this does not interfere with dalia. She buries herself in the mud and spends the winter there. It even freezes into ice. At the same time, it freezes so much that it becomes brittle. It stays in this state all winter. In the spring she thaws out and continues to live normally!

The “record holder” for jumping among fish is salmon, which overcomes 3-4 m in the air.

In the tropics there lives a four-eyed fish: each eye is divided in two, the fisherman swims on the surface and watches the air with the upper halves of the eyes, and the bottom with the lower halves. He sees what is above and what is below - he will not overlook anything!

Piranha means pirate in Portuguese. These seemingly harmless fish have powerful, bulldog-like jaws lined with strong, sharp teeth. A piranha will instantly bite through a stick as thick as a finger, and it won’t spare the finger itself. If piranhas encounter a swimming boar or bull, they will leave behind a pile of gnawed bones. Even crocodiles are afraid of them. However, they are quite edible, you just need to catch them carefully.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

"Freshwater and saltwater fish"

Nemirko Elena Anatolevna

(lesson on ecology, technologies used: dialogue, health saving in the senior group).


  1. To contribute to the expansion and deepening of children’s ideas about nature, to evoke admiration for the beauty of the world around them.
  2. Show the variety of fish, external structure, basic life functions (nutrition, movement, growth and development).
  3. The relationship between the structure of fish organs and their functions. For example, a fish has a streamlined body shape, which allows it to swim quickly.
  4. Show different habitats (river, sea, deep sea).

Equipment: postcards with fish made from cardboard fish, a net, oars, postcards with scuba divers, scissors, colored paper, glue stick, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the lesson

Hello guys! Now I will tell you some riddles:

I swim under the bridge and wag my tail. I don’t walk on the ground. I eat my mouth, but I don’t speak.

I have eyes - I don’t blink. I have wings - I don’t fly (fish)

Shines in the river with a clean silver back (fish)

Today we will talk about marine (living in the sea) and freshwater (living in rivers and lakes) fish. Let's first try to figure out who the fish are. What do fish breathe? (The teacher shows a picture of a fish) - Children answer - with gills. The fish has a streamlined body shape (like a torpedo). For what? (Children: “To make swimming more comfortable” ). Why is it that if a live fish is pulled onto land, it suffocates and dies? Children: Because fish breathe air only dissolved in water. How does a fish swim? What is it repulsed by? Children: The fish pushes off with its fins and tail.

Let's draw a fish on your neighbor's back. We begin to draw the body of the fish, then the tail and fins. Don't forget to draw the eye.

Now you and I will go to a hot country on boats (put the chairs one behind the other, take the oars and we swam. The teacher takes a net and catches a fish (photo of a climbing rope). We see an amazing fish in the river - a climbing rope. I just told you that fish on land die. This fish is an exception. When the rivers dry up, it crawls on land and breathes the same air as you and I (fish breathes with its lungs). Then it rains, the river fills, and the fish swims under water and breathes through its gills. Can you breathe underwater? Of course not - you will choke. So I caught another fish - the mudskipper. The mudskipper can also get out onto land. It climbs onto a tree sticking out of the water, and when in danger it jumps into the water, that's why it's called "jumper" . The eyes of this amazing fish rotate in different directions. We swim further. Educator: Oh, someone spat at me! Let's see what kind of fish is in our net. This fish is a splasher. This fish swims to the surface and spits (shoots water ) at a flying fly. This time it spat at me. Now we take boats out of the river into the sea and begin to catch sea fish. I caught a fish, but it flew away on its fins. This is a flying fish. And here is another seahorse fish. This fish is the father, and the mother fish laid eggs for him in a special bag and swam away for good. In seahorses, all care for the fry (children) is taken by the seahorse - the father. Now let's go deeper to the bottom of the sea. I will now distribute photos of scuba divers. And imagine that you are wearing scuba gear. This is the name of the suit, so that you can go deeper and have something to breathe. Look at the picture. In addition to a mask and fins, scuba divers have two more air tanks. This is what a scuba diver breathes underwater. Here under the water I see a light: it’s an angler fish. With light, the fish attracts attention and illuminates its path. And what kind of appendage do we see below? This is daddy fish. It is very difficult for fish to find each other at very great depths, where it is very dark. Therefore, if the father fish finds the mother, he is attached dead to her, and that’s how they swim.

Now put the chairs in place and let's play the game "Crucian carp and pike" . Children are divided into two teams: crucian carp and pebbles.

A pike driver is selected. The pebble children stand in a circle. Crucians swim in a circle. The pike outside the circle is waiting for a command. To the command “Pike!” children hide behind “pebbles” (other children). Those who do not have time are eliminated. Children change places, a new “pike” using a counting rhyme. Game continues.

Now let's make an origami fish. The children are given squares. Children use squares to make triangles on one side and the other. Excess paper is tucked under the triangles, the fins of the fish are cut out, and eyes and scales are made. If desired, children draw the missing parts of the fish with felt-tip pens.

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Riddles about fish for children: 36 best

Website “Mom can do anything!” collected the best riddles about fish for children. There is a huge variety of fish in nature; with the help of such riddles, children will be able to recognize some of their species. This collection of riddles will be interesting for children as well as adults.


There is a big wicked fish in the lake, this toothy and predatory one (Pike)


He lives in the pool itself, the Master of the depths. He has a huge mouth, and his eyes are barely visible. (Som)


Loves crayfish and frogs, even little birds. The lazy man at night is incorrigible... What does everyone call him? ... (Bubot)


Don’t put your hand in its mouth, And don’t go overboard, This fish can eat you in one fell swoop. Like this! (Shark)


Home for me is the river, the tail is very long, the shirt is scales. If you want to catch me on a hook, I’ll steal the worm and swim away again. I’ll just slap my tail, right on the water. What's my name? Answer me quickly! (Fish)


He lives in a river pool, He has a huge mouth, Have you heard of this? Well, of course, this is... (Catfish)


Swims in the sea, in the river, With fins in scales. She doesn't talk to anyone, blows bubbles and is silent. (Fish)


With silver scales, not a roach. What a great! And smoked is a thing! Did you guess it? This is... (Bream)


Crazy, with a mustache, under the bridge, applauding with his tail before the rain. (Som)


Hiding from the toothy pikes, I swam sideways... (Crucian carp)


Not large at all, but mustachioed, greenish-brownish. He is a wise secretary in the river... What does everyone call him? ... (Gudgeon)


This toothy fish is a very predator, it hunts more often at night. Vision is good, not nearsighted at all. And what kind of fish is this, the answer is so simple, because it is (Pike)


Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins. (Fish)


In the ocean I live at the bottom, I feel much calmer there. My sides are like jelly, Smooth and transparent, But if you catch me, I can burn your hand! (Jellyfish)


We love to live in clear waters, Every day at the appointed hour, Fish farmers willingly feed us near the shore. (Carp)


Just take it out of the water, the color will immediately begin to change, It seems that it has begun to shed. This is such a fish... (Lin)


Floats in the water, covered in silvery scales. And he will be happy with the worm, River fish is... (Carp)


She is the most dangerous in the river, cunning, gluttonous, strong, and such a vicious one! Of course it is... (Pike)


Fish live in the river. Sharp teeth, predatory luck - Everyone in the river is crying because of it! (Pike)


He is a fighter and a bully, Never knows fear: There are needles on his back, And needles are pricks. (Ruff)


All covered with sticky mucus, very tasty in the ear. He's lazy, yellow-sided... What's his name? ... (Link)


In cold weather it can be caught in the summer, either by a fisherman or in a net. And if he gets scared, he immediately hides in the mule. (Crucian carp)


I live in the depths of sea and river water. I can breathe underwater, but I don’t say so. I often open my mouth, this is how I breathe. The scales shine beautifully, Who am I? Of course... (Fish)


It’s not for nothing that I wag my tail in the thickness of the gloomy water: I use my tail to determine the Taste of the food I come across. (Carp)


An important fish, swims in the river, very mustachioed, you can recognize it everywhere. She is so voracious, she eats both night and day. Amazing fish called (Catfish)


She lives in the water, There is no beak, but she pecks. (Fish)


Large, loves spacious lakes, and also gnaws on reeds. The fish is strong, very persistent, it’s just that it’s difficult to catch. (Carp)


This guy is very kind, you can meet him, he swims in the sea, dives, and saves people from the water. Emerging from the depths, A very dear friend (Dolphin)


Among the snags overgrown with grass, Where the river foams, I like to catch fish with two whiskers-worms. (Som)


This predator, he is from the carp, a lover of holes near the rifts. It’s difficult to pull ashore... What are all the fish’s names? ... (Asp)


She lives in rivers, and also happens in the seas. He adores worms so much and is afraid of people. All because they will lure her with a worm, and catch her with their fishing rod. (Fish)


She goes out hunting like she goes to work. Roach and crucian carp, don’t ask for mercy! She is the owner of the pond. Who is this? Guess what! (Pike)


I have never known fear, I will boldly repel the enemy. With my sharp nose, like a torpedo, I can penetrate a tanker. (Swordfish)


I live in a big river, I am all covered in shiny scales. I constantly open my mouth, I often swallow water, I am not algae or a block, I am silent... (Fish)


Sometimes it's gold, sometimes it's silver, it waves its fins and swims in the river. He opens his mouth, but is always silent, And never speaks to his brothers (Fish)


When it gets warmer, I almost cry: In the spring, when the ice floes disappear, I hide from the warm water. Only I am the only fish. (Burbot)

Structure of fish

Structure of fish

The organs of movement of all fish are fins. They are paired - pectoral and abdominal and unpaired - dorsal, anal and caudal. The body of the fish is protected by scales, which are bony plates that overlap each other like tiles. To reduce friction with water, the scales are covered with mucus.

The fish's two-chambered heart, consisting of an atrium and a ventricle, pumps blood through its vessels. The central nervous system is formed by the brain and spinal cord passing through a canal formed by the processes of the vertebrae.

Fish breathe with gills.

The lateral line as a sense organ is present in the majority of people. In a shark, it consists of the thinnest channels, lying almost half the skin on both sides of the body. Along the entire body of the shark stretch rays of nerve nodes - ganglia, from which structures resembling hairs enter into the canal cavity filled with liquid.

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