Lesson summary “Vitamins and health” (extracurricular activities)

Lesson on the surrounding world in the middle group of kindergarten on the topic “Vitamins”

Topic: “Vitamins”. Goal: to consolidate concepts about the relationship between plants and humans, their influence on each other. Objectives: - to promote the formation of an idea of ​​​​the dependence of a person’s appearance and his health on the vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits; - to develop children’s ideas about human influence on various plant functions (growth and development); - to form a caring attitude towards plants as sources of vitamins necessary to maintain human health;

Course of the lesson: (Staging a scene) - Hare

- What should I do, my son is sick?
How can I cure him? He is very pale, his fur no longer shines. His teeth hurt very badly, and he doesn’t even want to play and have fun. You need to call Doctor Aibolit (calling). - Hello, Doctor Aibolit. The hare is bothering you, my son is sick. Come quickly (Doctor Aibolit arrives). - Doctor Aibolit
- Where is our patient?
Open your mouth, show your eyes how high your temperature is. What are you complaining about? - Bunny
- Doctor Aibolit, my ears, legs and teeth really hurt. -
Doctor Aibolit
- Everything is clear to me.
The bunny did not eat vitamins A, B, C and therefore fell ill. - Hare
- What are these strange vitamins A, B, C?
Maybe this (shows bread). - Doctor Aibolit
- You don’t know what vitamins are? -
The hare and the hare
- No! -
Doctor Aibolit
- Well then ask the guys.
Maybe they will help you. - Hare
- Guys, please help, what kind of vitamins A, B, C are these? -
- Guys, how about we help the bunny and his mother?
(yes) Guys, look, I have a surprise for you - a magic basket. Tanya, read what is written on it? (vitamins) What do vitamins contain? (vegetables, fruits) Look what's inside the basket? (fruits, vegetables) How big and beautiful they are. - Guys, each vitamin is designated with special letters, there are a lot of them. Which ones do you know? (A, B, C) (The teacher makes three-dimensional letters A, B, C and after the children have named the letters, the teacher shows them) - What are vitamins? (these are useful substances that are necessary for our health) - Why do we need vitamin A? (vitamin A is needed for the growth of bones and teeth, slows down the aging process) - Which vegetables contain the most vitamin A? (cabbage, carrots, peppers) - Dima, find in our magic basket vegetables that contain vitamin A. (They find and put vegetables to the volumetric letter A) - Dasha, ask the guys a riddle: “From the hole I pull a red fox, but not a cunning cheat, but a crispy one.” ..." (carrot) - Guys, listen to Vanya’s riddle: “I was dressing warmly, Lonely Panteley, I pulled on a hundred clothes, I didn’t button a single one” (cabbage) - Why do we need vitamin B? (vitamin B relieves eye fatigue, improves vision) - What vegetables and fruits contain it? (pineapple, banana, lemon, potato) - Let's find in our basket vegetables and fruits with vitamin B (choose and put them in the volumetric letter B). - Guys, listen to Anya’s riddle: “It’s both green and thick. A bush has grown in the garden bed. Dig a little under the bush... (potato) - Tell me, what vitamin does pomegranate contain? (vitamin C) - Why do we need vitamin C? (When we use vitamin C, we get sick less, but even if we get sick, we quickly recover when we use it. If we don’t use vitamin C, our teeth become loose and our bones weaken) What other vegetables and fruits contain vitamin C? (orange, apple, pear, cucumber, tomato, eggplant) - Let's find vegetables and fruits with vitamin C in the basket (choose). - Let's listen to Dima and Nikita (the boys take out the caps of vegetables from under the chair and put them on their heads). “Very.” You’ll be happy by eating a lightly salted cucumber! And everyone will like a fresh cucumber, of course! It crunches and crunches on your teeth... I can treat you!” “The most delicious and enjoyable, of course, is tomato juice!” - Guys, what do you think are the vitamins needed? our bunny? (A, B, C) - Why? (A – so that your teeth don’t hurt, B – your eyes don’t hurt, C – you’re always healthy) - Phys. Minute: “The bunny jumps, hops and hops, into a green meadow. Squats, listens to see if a wolf is coming. Bend once, bend twice, clap three times, three claps. Three nods with the head. - Now you need to recognize the vegetable or fruit by touch (game “wonderful” bag") - Find out the taste, with your eyes closed, of the fruit. - Let's collect a parcel for our bunny. And the postman Pechkin will send our parcel (the postman enters). Postman Pechkin
- Hello, guys. I heard that you need my help to send a package. I'm ready to help you. - Educator - Guys, let's have fun collecting the parcel so that we send not only vitamins, but also a good mood. Now let everyone choose one vegetable or fruit with the most important vitamin, which is necessary for the health of our Bunny. As soon as the music starts, you need to run to the plates of water, wash the vegetable or fruit, wipe it and put it in the parcel for the postman (the parcel has been collected). - Postman Pechkin, help us deliver our parcel to the bunny. We really want the bunny to recover quickly. - Guys, what needs to be done to grow large, beautiful, vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits (You need to look after, water, weed, fertilize the soil, don’t break branches. Without our help they won’t be able to grow up, but our life cannot be without vitamins. Since, thanks to vegetables and fruits, we don’t get sick, we see well).- Are you glad that you helped the bunny? (yes) - Fruit canapés are distributed to children and guests.

Our friends are vitamins

Integrated classes on educational and research activities “Our friends are vitamins”

Pivovarova Maria Sergeevna teacher of the senior group MBDOU Lapyginsky kindergarten "Bee" Starooskolsky urban district

Goal: to form in children of primary and senior preschool age the need for a healthy lifestyle

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  • introduce children to the concept of “Vitamins” and the benefits they bring to people. To develop in children the ability to distinguish vitamin-containing foods


  • develop attention, thinking, imagination, active and passive vocabulary;
  • consolidate knowledge about the presence of vitamins in vegetables and fruits;


  • instill in children a desire to take care of their health

Preliminary work:

looking at illustrations depicting vegetables and fruits; coloring vegetables and fruits;

Materials: a wonderful bag, houses for vitamins, felt baskets, a set of felt vegetables and fruits, a dummy bed, a set of knitted vegetables and fruits, a child of the senior group “Doctor Aibolit”, sheets of paper, disposable plates, paints, stamps from vegetables and fruits .

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys! Do you know what the word “Hello” means?

Children: - We welcome guests and wish them health.

Educator: Well done. Right. And now, guys, I suggest you remember the proverbs about health.

Children of the older group:

  • In a healthy body healthy mind
  • No money can buy health
  • Cleanliness is the key to health.
  • Health is more valuable than gold

Educator: Well done. Oh, guys, what should you do to never get sick? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, today we have a special guest, look who it is?

Children: Doctor Aibolit

Doctor Aibolit: - Hello, guys!

Educator: - Hello Doctor Aibolit, the guys and I need help, we want to always be healthy. What do we need to do for this?

Doctor Aibolit: – You need to follow a daily routine, exercise and, most importantly, get vitamins.

Educator: - Guys, what do you think vitamins are?

Doctor Aibolit : Vitamins live in various healthy foods - fruits, vegetables and other foods, but they are so small that they cannot be seen. They are needed to be healthy, strong, fast, and to see and hear well. Guys, do you know such products?

Educator: Now we’ll check what vitamin products you know. You need to listen to the riddle, guess it, take the card, and put him in the house of the vitamin that it contains.

Above the ground there is a green tail, Under the ground there is a red nose. The bunny devolves deftly... What is her name? …(Carrot)

They are green in the garden, and salty in the jar. (Cucumbers)

The cramped house broke into two halves, and beads and pellets fell from there. Green beads, sweet vigorous ones. (Peas)

Adults and children love us. After all, we are the tastiest in the world. Even monkeys love us. And they call us... (Bananas)

The leaves are collected in a head of cabbage in the villagers' garden. Without her, the cabbage soup is not thick. What is her name? (Cabbage)

The kids love to eat this fruit, which is orange and sweet. It grows in the warm south, but we love it in our area. We come to the store, buy... (Orange)

Doctor Aibolit: - Well done, guys. And now, I suggest you remember where our vitamin friends vegetables and fruits gain strength. You put your pen in the bag, take out one item, name it and set it to grow in a bed in the ground or on a bush. Game "Tops-Roots"

Educator: – It’s useful not only to eat vitamins, but also to do physical exercise. Let's warm up a little!

You will eat vitamins, You will be very, very strong (show strength in your hands) You will run far (running in place) You will jump high (jumping on two legs) Your legs will dance (put your foot on your toes) And you will not know fatigue!

Doctor Aibolit: - Guys, you are great, I would like to play the game “Vegetables and Fruits” with you, one team collects vegetables in a basket, and the other collects fruits.

Doctor Aibolit: – Thank you all! It’s time for me to return to my fairy tale, now I will be sure that you know what you need to do in order to be healthy. Goodbye!

Educator: My dear guys, I want to tell you one secret that you can not only eat vegetables and fruits, but also draw with them! Now please sit down at the tables and you will see vegetables and fruits cut out in different shapes. They need to be dipped in paint and applied to the sheet, creating a design.

Educator: – You made very beautiful drawings. We'll leave them to dry. Our meeting has come to an end and I would like to hear from you, what interesting things do you remember from our meeting? (Children's answers).

Children of the older group: - As a farewell gift, we want to give you a basket of vitamin apples so that you can start taking vitamins right now.

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