Sample job description for a teacher
APPROVED by: General Director of Supply Wholesale LLC Shirokov /I.A. Shirokov/ August 12, 2014
Job Description for a Kindergarten Teacher
I. General provisions
1.1. This job description regulates the job functions of the teacher, his powers and rights, and also defines violations and offenses for which disciplinary liability occurs.
1.2. The hiring and dismissal of a teacher occurs in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and only after the issuance of a separate order from the head of the institution.
1.3. A teacher can be an employee with the following qualifications: specialized secondary or higher specialized (pedagogical, psychological) education, two years of work experience, and a medical clearance document.
1.4. Direct supervisor of the teacher: head of the kindergarten.
1.5. In the absence of a teacher at the workplace, his job functions are transferred to a person who meets the qualification requirements and is appointed by special order of the head of the institution.
1.6. The teacher should be familiar with:
- laws of the Russian Federation regarding labor and civil law;
- internal orders, instructions, resolutions concerning both him personally and the institution as a whole;
- internal labor regulations, labor protection, health and safety standards (including fire, sanitary, electrical safety, environmental, etc.)
- regulations and methodological documents related to the educational process and activities;
- fundamentals of child psychology and pedagogical approaches,
- children's rights;
- ways and methods of raising children and monitoring them;
- rules of communication with students, parents, colleagues in various situations, as well as pedagogical ethics;
- methods of preventing and resolving conflict situations between different age groups;
- various developmental methods (including gaming and non-game);
- rules for compiling records of children’s attendance and reporting to management;
- rules for actions in difficult, dangerous, unforeseen and force majeure circumstances.
II. Job responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher
2.1. The functions of the teacher include solving the following tasks and issues:
- raising children in accordance with their age needs;
- conducting developmental and training sessions in accordance with educational methods, programs and plans,
- ensuring the safety of children while in a group, on a walk, moving within the kindergarten and on its territory;
- filling out and maintaining accounting documentation: including an attendance log;
- teaching students hygiene and personal care standards,
- carrying out activities aimed at improving children's health (together with other kindergarten employees);
- training in the rules of communication with representatives of different age groups;
- familiarizing children with the norms of ethics and aesthetics;
- teaching children to follow a daily routine;
- preparing and holding matinees, as well as other holidays aimed at strengthening friendship between children and building relationships;
- preparation and holding of parent meetings;
- monitoring the health of children, timely and competent response in case of injury to children (seeking medical help from the institution’s nurse and, if necessary, going to an ambulance);
- reporting all non-standard, dangerous, critical, force majeure situations to the immediate supervisor and colleagues;
- individual communication with parents to discuss the character traits of their child, counseling in matters of raising children (within their competence);
- recommendations for children’s participation in various competitions, shows, and events;
- ensuring the safety of inventory items entrusted to his use;
- following the established work schedule;
- regularly improves one’s labor qualifications;
- regular medical examination (at least once a year).
III. Rights
3.1. A kindergarten teacher is vested with the following rights and powers:
- demand from the management of the institution the creation of normal working conditions that comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- propose to the head measures aimed at optimizing the work of the institution in general and himself personally in particular;
- represent the institution in government and non-government organizations (within the boundaries of their competence);
- receive information about all orders, instructions, resolutions of management relating to its activities;
- communicate with representatives of other structural departments of the institution to resolve their own professional issues;
- make independent and independent decisions (within the framework of their activities, subject to mandatory compliance with safety conditions);
- change shifts with a second teacher (with mutual voluntary consent);
- refuse to perform official functions if there is a threat to life or health
IV. Responsibility
If the following situations occur, the teacher may be subject to disciplinary punishment (strictly within the framework of the current law):
4.1. Evasion from fulfilling labor duties, negligent performance.
4.2. Single and regular violation of internal labor regulations, work and rest schedules, discipline, subordination.
4.3. Neglect of safety standards (fire safety, sanitary safety, electrical safety, etc.).
4.4. Disclosure of classified and confidential information about the institution's students.
4.5. Providing unreliable or deliberately false information about children to their parents and the administration of the institution;
4.6. Violation of communication norms (rudeness, use of profanity, etc.).
4.7. Failure to comply with orders and instructions of the manager, as well as higher authorities.
4.8. Causing material damage to the institution, students or any of the employees.
4.9. Exceeding one's powers;
AGREED Senior teacher of MDOU No. 12 Pishulina / Pishulina R.D./ August 12, 2014
THE INSTRUCTIONS HAVE BEEN READ: Gushchina Inna Mikhailovna Educator, MDOU No. 12 Passport 5748 No. 857463 Issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Leninsky District of Perm on September 14, 2012 department code 123-425 Signature of Gushchin August 17, 2014
What kind of worker is this, what does he know and can do?
Before we figure out who a kindergarten teacher is and what requirements are placed on him, we note that when assessing the competencies of such an employee, the norms of special documents should be taken into account:
- Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for preschool education, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155;
- professional standard, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Labor dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n.
These two standards apply to everyone who belongs to preschool workers - nannies and educators, psychologists and speech therapists, music directors and physical education teachers who work in private and public kindergartens. And on their basis and information from the Unified Qualification Directory (USD) for the positions of managers, specialists and employees (the section concerning the qualification characteristics of positions for education workers), employers draw up job descriptions with responsibilities that subsequently guide both the employees themselves and their superiors.
If you intend to find out what a kindergarten teacher should know according to the Federal State Educational Standard, you will have to limit yourself to only the wording of officials about what they want from such an employee. He must have the competencies to create conditions for (see clause 3.2.5):
- regular communication with each child, taking into account his feelings and needs;
- support and development of children;
- establishing certain rules of behavior in different situations;
- normal interaction with parents.
Details about what knowledge and skills will be useful for a preschool teacher to perform their duties are listed in the EKS and the professional standard. The EKS states that he needs knowledge of laws and educational programs, the fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology, methods of educational work, basic information from the field of ecology, economics and sociology. To this are added skills in working with computer programs and multimedia equipment. In the professional standard, this list was supplemented with nuances taking into account the type of labor function. Thus, when performing developmental work as a teacher in a kindergarten, you will need the ability to form and implement individual development programs, and to fulfill the responsibilities of education, you need the ability to motivate children for educational and cognitive activities.
But all these are dry normative acts, and in real life, a kindergarten teacher is a person who loves children, has a great desire to become their first guide to adulthood, and knows how to resolve conflicts. It’s great if he manages to find an approach to each baby, provide first aid and cuddle the child. Such an employee must take care of his appearance, be able to speak correctly, and find an approach not only to the students, but also to their parents.
If we talk about educational requirements, then usually persons with secondary vocational or higher education in the field of pedagogy, psychology or sociology are appointed to the position of educator, preferably with work experience, knowledge of child psychology and speech therapy, methods of development of preschool children. Refresher courses wouldn't hurt.
To effectively perform the duties of a teacher in a kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard, a person must have certain personal qualities, including:
- love for children and the ability to find an approach to any child;
- organizing abilities;
- positivity and cheerfulness;
- stress and psychological stability;
- communication skills and organization;
- speech literacy and high cultural level;
- the ability to make quick and correct decisions in any situation.
Important and mandatory qualities of a teacher are kindness, goodwill, hard work, responsibility, and accuracy.
ConsultantPlus experts looked at how to organize a family kindergarten. Use these instructions for free.
Why do you need a job description?
This document is very important, not only for the teacher, but also for his employer. It allows the former to know the requirements that are placed on him, to clearly see the boundaries of his job responsibilities, and also gives him an idea of those violations that are best avoided in his work. For the second, the job description allows you to coordinate the activities of each individual employee and the organization as a whole, as well as justify the expenses incurred to higher authorities and, if necessary, demand increased funding for full-time employees.
The legislation defines not only the duties, but also the responsibilities of employees. In particular, the teacher is responsible for:
- preserving the life and health of children in the group;
- safety of pupils’ personal belongings;
- compliance with safety and labor protection instructions;
- the use of unacceptable methods of education, violence and rudeness;
- inappropriate performance and failure to complete one's work;
- use of working time for personal purposes;
- abuse of authority.
Violation of assigned duties may result in disciplinary action, and for “particularly serious” offenses the teacher may be dismissed.
Discord between teacher and teacher
The concept of “educator” is very loose, since it refers to employees of kindergartens, boarding schools and schools (extended day group teachers), to employees of infant homes, orphanages and even correctional institutions. Teachers work with young children, teenagers and adults, both healthy people and those with various health problems. They work both in state budgetary and private autonomous institutions.
For different categories of educators, goals, objectives, and working conditions sometimes differ quite significantly. Based on this, there is not and cannot be a single version of the job description, so the document must always be adjusted, depending on who exactly it applies to.
What complaints do parents often make to teachers?
I decided to write this article based on my own experience, as well as recalling cases from the practice of my employees, and having studied thematic blogs of parents. According to my observations, there are several types of parents: active but harmless, aggressive, adequate, indifferent or too tactful.
The first ones are interested in everything, constantly call and ask about their child, try to do something for the group, and often establish fairly close relationships with the teachers and kindergarten administration. They can be too annoying, but such parents help us a lot, take care of various organizational issues, etc. They usually do not find fault with teachers, do not conflict, but try in every possible way to appease them.
Aggressive ones are a headache for the entire kindergarten. Everyone knows these parents by sight; they constantly write complaints and conflict with teachers and other parents. Of course, everyone suffers from this, including their children, because they feel rejected by the team. A professional teacher does not transfer his attitude towards conflicting parents to their children, but all the same, people are people... This type is always dissatisfied: they didn’t feed them, they didn’t dress them or comb their hair properly, they offended them, they caught a cold, they didn’t wipe their nose...
Adequate parents will not conflict over trifles. But they will not remain silent if they don’t like something. Such parents kindly but firmly explain to the teacher their position and their request. What can I say - this type of parent is the most pleasant for any educator. They know their rights and do not demand the impossible.
Those who are indifferent may truly not care, or they may simply be too intelligent to express their dissatisfaction. They are unable to bring themselves to voice complaints, even if something really ugly happens: the teacher did not take care of the child, and he broke his nose, constantly wears wet pants, is dressed carelessly when going out, etc.
In general, all complaints can be reduced to one thing: poor care and supervision of children. I think any of you, friends, who have children, have many “scary” stories about clueless teachers.
Basic rules for drawing up a job description
Since the law does not define the concept of “job description,” it can be drawn up in free form, in accordance with the needs and ideas of the employer about this document. However, in order for the document to gain legal and enforceable force, certain standards must still be met. In particular, the document must always indicate
- name of company,
- position, surname, name, patronymic of its representative,
- as well as information about the employee.
The document must be signed by both parties , and if it is necessary to make any amendments to the “working” job description, you need to print a new corrected document, which indicates the new date and which is certified in the same order.
Typically, a job description is created in a single copy, but if there is a need, for example, the staff has several employees of the same specialty, but with different functions, adjustments are made to it and an individual document is printed for each employee.
Self-analysis and self-assessment of a teacher’s professional activity as a basis for planning
For an adequate assessment, the teacher will have to make a comparison between the planned results of his own activities and the real ones obtained during the process carried out in practice. At the same time, it should be noted which achievements of students are the result of talented events or a whole system of pedagogical techniques.
It is necessary to identify certain deficiencies, identify ways and methods for their improvement, and use new technologies and methods in your work:
- Research. Children put forward hypotheses, carry out observations, check the correctness of decisions. Development of generalization abilities leading to correct conclusions.
- Experimentation. Fulfilling the desire of preschoolers to independently find a solution to a non-standard situation.
- Integration. Development of a child’s personality through improving his creative and cognitive abilities.
The active activities of children's pupils are carried out under the strict guidance of the group leader using self-analysis and self-assessment of the teacher's professional activities.
Teachers use various forms of working with children. Greater efficiency was noted in excursions, educational and outdoor games, and experiments. An unbreakable connection with parents is possible using consultations and conversations. And also jointly organized holidays will improve the education of the future generation.
Filling out the job description for a teacher
- At the beginning of the document its name is written, and below, on the right or left side (it doesn’t matter), a place is allocated for approval by the manager. This includes the full name of the organization (in accordance with registration documents), the position of the head, his last name, first name and patronymic. Two lines must be left blank - the signature and date of approval will be placed here later.
- The main part of the document opens with a section called “General Provisions” . It specifies which group of workers the teacher belongs to (workers, employees, specialists), requirements for the level of education, work experience, and also (if necessary) the availability of medical clearance. Next, the immediate supervisor of the teacher, the employee who is obliged to replace him in case of absence from the workplace (without reference to specific names and surnames), as well as the procedure for his appointment and dismissal from office are indicated.
- After this, the section includes a condition on the teacher’s knowledge of special literature (manuals, training manuals), various rules, laws, regulations, methods and methods of work, as well as documents that the teacher must follow in the performance of his official duties.
- The “Responsibilities” record all those functions that are within the competence of the teacher. This section is the most voluminous, since the tasks, problems, and issues that he must solve as part of his work must be written down especially carefully and in detail. It is this part of the document that in the event of disputes and disagreements between an employer and a subordinate acquires special weight.
- “Rights” section defines the initiatives that the teacher has the right to express to improve the quality of his work. All his powers are indicated here, including permission to demand, report, negotiate, receive information, represent interests and perform other actions that will ultimately lead to an increase in his labor productivity.
- In the “Responsibility” , it is necessary to indicate violations, errors, and misconduct for which the teacher will be punished in the form of a disciplinary sanction (from a simple reprimand to termination of the employment contract). A separate point here can be noted that this part of the job description falls within the framework of the law of the Russian Federation.
- Finally, the job description must be certified by the person who is obliged to monitor the fulfillment of the teacher’s job duties, as well as by the teacher himself. Only after this is the document submitted for approval to the head of the organization.
Main responsibilities
Let us list the responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher in the junior group and any other open in a preschool institution:
- exercise control over the life and health of children during their entire stay in the kindergarten;
- conducting various types of activities, developmental, sports, preparation for holidays, etc.;
- create a favorable atmosphere that promotes conflict-free communication between children;
- instill self-service skills in students;
- resolve conflicts, show restraint and tact with children and their parents;
- monitor the health status of pupils;
- immediate notification of danger and force majeure situations to immediate superiors or the appropriate service;
- undergo a medical examination according to the schedule.
Some responsibilities in the nursery group of a kindergarten are different from what you have to do in junior or senior children. Children come to the nursery very young, often not even able to speak, they are not yet able to fully take care of themselves, and often cry. And in the younger group, the pupils are older, more responsible, and the majority have already undergone initial adaptation to new conditions. And if we talk about older people and “graduates,” then they need full-fledged training and development, and not training in self-service skills, like kids.
Practical questions
Beginning educators often ask whether working as an educator is included in their teaching experience. It depends on what position the teacher occupies. Teachers and senior teachers can apply for an early teaching pension, since their work is included in their teaching experience. But this provision does not apply to assistant teachers and junior teachers, since, according to the nomenclature, their position does not relate to teaching.
Also, many are interested in working as a teacher without a pedagogical education. At the moment, only a person who has a higher or secondary pedagogical education in the specialty “Education and Pedagogy” can become a teacher, as well as one who has a higher or secondary vocational education and additional education in the field of “Education and Pedagogy”.