DIY bird craft step by step - how and from what to make a beautiful craft. Photo, description and detailed instructions

Paper plate craft

How to make such a bird craft? Disposable plates are taken. They are painted with the necessary paints and eyes are drawn on their surface, and a paper beak is also placed. The bird's wings and tail are best cut out of paper or made from real bird feathers.

You can also stretch a thread near the bird’s eyes, by which you can hang it, for example, on a chandelier, to then take wonderful photos of the bird’s crafts.

Bird body structure

Beginning artists will understand how easy it is to draw a bird if they better learn the techniques and basic rules.

  • — All birds have a streamlined shape. This shape is necessary for flight.
  • — The skeletal structure of birds is the same. Only the length and size of the individual parts change.
  • “The feathers overlap each other like tiles on a roof.” The overlap begins along the front of the crown, then goes down the back to the tail.
  • — The structure of the wing corresponds to the structure of the human upper limb, i.e. shoulder, forearm and wrist. The “brush” is the place where the first flight feathers begin to grow.
  • — Birds’ knees are almost invisible. It is often covered with feathers.
  • — Bird paws are arranged as follows: three fingers point forward and one back.

Application "Firebird"

To create such a craft, you will need pre-dried leaves of trees (linden, rose hips, birch, oak, etc.) of various colors, as well as large seeds, for example, pumpkins. Linden and birch leaves are glued onto a sheet of cardboard, which will serve as the body and head, respectively.

A fluffy tail is made from rosehip leaves; you can also add a small tree branch for a strong base. The seeds form the eyes and small details of the craft.

A tuft from some branch will help to completely decorate the “Firebird”. You can safely send this bird craft to an exhibition in a kindergarten.


When studying the bird fauna of any area, one can note the variability of its composition at different times of the year. In fact, very few birds live with us both winter and summer. This is largely due to seasonal changes in the lives of birds. In this regard, according to their lifestyle, all birds can be divided into three groups: sedentary, nomadic and migratory.

After winter comes a revival in nature. With the arrival of spring, significant changes occur in the lives of birds. Migratory birds return from wintering grounds.

For life, birds choose areas with favorable conditions, organizing nesting in the same place year after year. Here the male begins to sing, luring the female, and notifying others that the place is occupied. Birds, when choosing their life partners, attach great importance to the color of their plumage. Therefore, males have brighter colors to attract females.

Many people choose a pair for one season. However, birds are known in which pairs form for a long period or for life. For example, storks, herons, swans and birds of prey.

After the pair is formed, a crucial period begins. In the life of birds, spring is the time for breeding, and then caring for the offspring. To do this, they begin nest-building, laying eggs and raising chicks.

Caring for offspring: a penguin protects a chick from a petrel

In wildlife you can observe very interesting moments from the life of birds. For example, bird markets are of great interest. A striking example of such social life is the mass nesting of birds in the north. Birds live in a colony and work together to protect their young from predators. Such collective life makes it possible to preserve offspring, protect themselves from predators, and thereby increase the life expectancy of birds.

Bird market in Kamchatka

After spring and summer come the first cold days. The life of animals and birds in the fall is aimed at preparing for the winter cold. Birds that cannot find food in the cold fly away to warm countries. It is generally believed that birds fly south. Bird ringing has shown that many of them fly to the west and southwest. The autumn flight of birds is extended over time. It lasts about three months.

The first snowfall in autumn causes anxiety among birds. The first changes in the way of life of birds are taking place. Sedentary birds switch to coarse, low-nutrient woody food - buds, shoots and needles. Many birds migrate for the winter closer to populated areas. Nomadic birds begin to appear.

Nomadic birds - waxwings

It is difficult for all living things in this harsh season of the year. The cold hinders the movements of birds. Lack of food and death of forest inhabitants are often observed. It is within our power to take care of our feathered friends and organize feeding. It’s not difficult to make a simple feeder and hang it out the window in the yard, garden or park. We will save many birds from hunger and help them survive until the first warm days of spring.

Sparrows and tits at the feeder

Birds will not remain in debt, because they bring great benefits to humans. The positive significance of birds in human life lies in the destruction of insects and rodents - agricultural pests. Such useful birds include all insectivores, such as tits, nuthatches and others. It is impossible not to say about woodpeckers, which eat harmful insects: bark beetles, click beetles, golden beetles, etc.

White-backed Woodpecker

Owls and owls are considered energetic hunters of mouse-like rodents. Birds of prey also destroy mice: buzzard, kestrel, harrier, etc.

Gray owl with prey

Birds are of great economic and commercial importance. Some birds provide tasty meat (hazel grouse, black grouse, wood grouse, ducks, etc.), while other birds provide valuable feathers (eiders, loons, geese).

Representatives of the chicken and anseriformes orders are domesticated. Poultry farming is a large livestock industry that supplies food.

Poultry meat is very nutritious and tasty. Chicken eggs are a valuable food product.

Chickens at a poultry farm

The importance of birds in nature is also very significant. Birds, as already mentioned, regulate the number of living organisms. Sometimes birds themselves serve as food for other animals, being a link in the food chain.

Without these animals, the seeds of many plants would not be distributed over significant distances. Pecking at various berries, they throw out intact seeds with droppings, often far from the place where they grew.

Origami birds

It is very easy to make this craft using the well-known origami technique. The essence is this: strips are cut out of colored paper, which need to be folded into a knot so that their ends are different in length.

Using scissors, the head of the bird is cut out on one side, and the tail part on the other. These origami will perfectly decorate your home at any time of the year, and in winter they will remind you of warm days.

Specific options within the theme “Birds”

According to T. Komarova’s fine arts program, in the preparatory group two lessons are devoted to drawing birds: this is drawing an illustration for the work of Mamin-Sibiryak “The Gray Neck” and “The Magic Bird”. However, the topic of birds is so interesting and multifaceted that the teacher clearly should not limit himself to only this. So, options for the feathered theme could be as follows:

  1. Owl-owl (a very bright image that can be depicted in different techniques).
  2. A flock of migratory birds (theme is proposed in autumn or spring).
  3. Cockerel is a golden comb (can be associated with some fairy tale, for example, “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” or “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” by A. S. Pushkin).
  4. Titmouse (you can draw on November 12 or not far from this date, when people celebrate Titmouse Day).
  5. Bullfinches on a branch (of course, this theme is offered in winter).
  6. Swallow (it’s good to connect the image with the fairy tale “Thumbelina”).
  7. Poultry (poultry yard as an option). A child can simultaneously portray a chicken, a rooster, a duck, a goose, a turkey, or one or the other.
  8. White-sided magpie.
  9. Swan on the lake (as a variant of the swan princess of A.S. Pushkin before her transformation into a girl or an illustration for Andersen’s fairy tale “Wild Swans”).
  10. Kargopol birds (drawing based on folk toys).
  11. Fairytale bird (Firebird).

Older preschoolers always find collective compositions interesting. The “Magic Bird” work is popular, when each child paints a feather to his own taste, and then a gorgeous tail is assembled from them (the teacher prepares the base in advance - the body of the bird).

Each child paints the feather according to their wishes, and together they make up the original tail of a fairy-tale bird.

Here again, you can take an individual approach and invite some children to color two feathers.

Another option for joint creativity is “Birds at the feeder.” The teacher draws a tree with branches and a feeder, and preschoolers complete the composition with birds.

The theme “Birds” encourages the creation of collective compositions

Birdhouses made from milk bottles

Don’t rush to throw away milk bottles and Kinder surprise containers, because you can make an attractive craft out of them. Round holes are cut in milk bottles, clothespins are glued to the bottom of the bottles, and the birds themselves are on them in the form of kinder boxes. Just decorate the birds' bodies with down or feathers, colored paper, and also draw eyes on them with a felt-tip pen, then the craft will be completely ready.

External and internal structure of birds

We have already studied many interesting representatives of the animal kingdom. Not all of them are found in nature. Animals often avoid meeting people and are nocturnal.

Birds meet us everywhere. Many we don’t even notice. The world of birds is huge and diverse. Let's take a trip and get to know our feathered friends better.

Why did these animals get such a strange name? The origin of the word “bird” comes from the Latin language. Translated pàuts means “egg”, or literally “hatched from an egg”. Another name for this class is birds. The entire body of birds is covered with feathers, hence the second name.

Currently, there are approximately 9 thousand species of birds. Adaptations for flight are manifested in the external and internal structure of the bird’s body.

Let us dwell on the external structure of birds.

  1. The body structure of birds is divided into several sections. Let's take a closer look at the picture.
  1. On the head there is a long and thin beak covered with a horny sheath. It consists of two parts: the mandible and the mandible. There is also a pair of nostrils here. On the sides there are eyes and ear openings.

  1. On the head there is a long and thin beak covered with a horny sheath. It consists of two parts: the mandible and the mandible. There is also a pair of nostrils here. On the sides there are eyes and ear openings.

  1. The skin of birds is delicate, thin and poor in glands. Of the skin glands, only the coccygeal gland is present, which is well developed in waterfowl.

These animals are characterized by feather cover - this feature of the external structure of birds distinguishes them from other classes of vertebrates. Feathers are divided into two groups: contour and feather. The first of them are large, elastic and necessary for protecting the body and flight. The second ones are small, soft and lie under the contour feathers. They allow the bird to retain body heat. The structure of a bird's feather is shown in the figure.

At certain periods of a bird's life, a change of feathers, or molting, occurs. During this period, old, frayed contour feathers fall out and are replaced by growing new ones. Molting occurs in different birds at different rates of intensity. For example, birds of the order Galina molt faster.

Chicken moulting

Let's move on to the features of the internal structure of birds.

In the general structure of the skeleton of birds, similar features can be identified with reptiles. The same sections are observed in the skeleton: skull, spine, skeleton of the limbs. The forelimb of birds is a wing, and therefore the structure differs from the five-fingered limb of other vertebrates. The structural features of the internal skeleton of birds are presented in the figure.

  1. In birds, the body cavity is divided into thoracic and abdominal by a connective tissue septum - the diaphragm.
  2. The structure of the digestive organs of birds has significant features that depend on the type of nutrition and adaptations for flight. Let's take a closer look at the picture.
  1. The difference between the circulatory system of birds and reptiles is that in birds arterial blood does not mix anywhere with venous blood. The structure of the heart of birds has 4 chambers, and it is large in size.

Arterial blood is saturated with oxygen, so metabolism occurs intensively. All this leads to an increase in body temperature, and therefore birds are warm-blooded.

  1. A complex respiratory system allows birds to breathe in flight. Gas exchange in a flying bird occurs both during inhalation and exhalation. This type of breathing is called double breathing.

  1. The nervous system of birds is similar to amphibians and reptiles. However, there are some peculiarities in the structure of the brain.

The brain is short, wide, and round in shape. The forebrain is much larger than that of reptiles. This is due to the complex behavior of birds. Birds are able to fly and make complex and varied movements. For this reason, the cerebellum reaches significant sizes.

  1. The olfactory organs are underdeveloped. At the same time, birds have excellent vision. The eyes are large with three eyelids: upper, lower and transparent inner - nictitating membrane.

Birds have very good hearing. These animals are able to hear faint sounds that warn them of danger.

Peacock from bottles

You will need multi-colored plastic bottles, foil, thin plastic, a log, a metal rod, foam, a stapler and glue. The body of the peacock along with the head is formed from polystyrene foam. Small indentations are made in the intended places for the eyes.

The log will be used as a base; you need to attach the peacock's body to it using a metal rod.

Feathers are sold from cut plastic bottles of different sizes: the longest for the tail, the shortest for the neck and normal size for the rest of the body.

One part of the future feather is rounded, and notches are made on the other to give a more realistic look to the feather. The tail feathers can be decorated with cutouts made of thin plastic and foil.

Decorations can be attached with a stapler or superglue. A beak is cut out of a piece of red plastic. The “feathers” are glued with a slight overlap onto each other to the body with superglue. You can make the crest the way your heart desires, but it is better to use colored plastic to create it.

The recesses for the eyes are painted over with felt-tip pens of any color. It is convenient to use some kind of mesh to form the tail. Its collection begins from the bottom edge. The made tail is attached to the body.

Bird reproduction and development

Birds are dioecious. The reproductive organs of a male are 2 testes; in female birds, there is 1 left ovary and an oviduct.

The reproduction and development of birds, as well as that of reptiles, occurs on land.

What features can be noted in the reproduction of birds?

The breeding season of birds begins in the spring with the formation of pairs. Males attract the attention of the opposite sex with spring singing. After a pair is created, the process of bird reproduction or mating occurs.

Mating season of pigeons

The reproduction of birds and reptiles is similar in many ways. Fertilization in these classes of animals is internal, and reproduction occurs with the help of eggs.

A feature of bird reproduction is the formation of eggs covered with a hard shell. After fertilization, the development of the bird embryo begins, a shell of protein is formed around the yolk. In turn, the protein is covered with a subshell shell and a hard calcareous shell. As a result, an egg is formed. Let's get acquainted with the structure of a bird's egg in the figure.

The rapid growth and development of the bird embryo occurs only after the egg is laid and the animals begin incubation.

During the breeding season, many birds begin to build a nest for future chicks. Bird nesting structures can be primitive or can be complex structures. The shape and material used for construction are varied.

The female lays eggs in a nest, which are incubated by both parents in turn. In some species, such as chicken and duck, one female incubates the eggs. The incubation period for eggs can last from 13 days in small birds to 2 months in birds of prey.

According to the type of development, birds are divided into brood and nesting birds.

Breeding birds include cranes, waders, gulls, and swans. According to the type of development, domestic birds - geese, chickens, ducks - also belong to brood birds. Breeding birds include passerines, birds of prey, woodpeckers, and pigeons.

Flamingo from bottles

To make this product you need large plastic bottles (5 and 10 liters), a polymer pipe about two meters long, a corrugated pipe about sixty centimeters long, acrylic, wire, foam.

The base body is made from the largest bottle. In its bottom you need to cut 2 holes according to the diameter of the polymer tubes (future legs). Feathers are cut from smaller five-liter bottles and attached to slits in the body.

A neck is made from a corrugated pipe, which is inserted into the neck of a ten-liter bottle. The head is cut out of foam plastic. Eyes are drawn with a felt-tip pen and a black plastic beak is attached. It is better to start attaching the feathers from the very bottom to the mesh.

Rainbow bird. Drawing of a parrot with felt-tip pens

Step-by-step instructions for beginning artists will help you, step by step, to depict a bird that has absorbed the entire palette of colors.

  1. Two ovals are drawn with a simple pencil. The smaller upper oval is the head. The bottom one will be larger - this is the torso.
  2. Four stripes are drawn down from the large oval. This is the future tail.
  3. Wings are added. One is depicted on top of the oval (body) in the form of a large drop. The second, partially visible wing is drawn in the form of half a drop.
  4. The beak is drawn. It looks like a triangle with a curved top.
  5. The general image of the parrot is clarified. Auxiliary lines can be erased at this stage.
  6. You should “plant” the parrot on a branch. The branch is depicted as a wavy line. Paws in the form of small ovals on top of the branch. In this position they look like a human fist. The claws are being drawn in.
  7. The eye is drawn. A parrot's eye looks like several circles nested inside each other.
  8. The tail is detailed - the lines turn into pointed ovals.
  9. Now you can color the bird.

The Macaw parrot is most often red. The beak is yellow. You can add orange to the wings. And put rainbow colors on your tail! The last circle of the eye is painted over with black and a spot is left for highlight (the remaining circles are not painted).

Photos of bird crafts

Summer bird. Drawing of a swallow with colored pencils

Swallows have been familiar to everyone since childhood. They build nests on country verandas and balconies of high-rise buildings. Probably many people have seen their chicks.

With the help of step-by-step instructions on how to draw a bird, the task will not seem difficult.

The main part of the swallow's body is no different from other birds. But the ponytail has a characteristic cut in the middle. The wings are also different - they are sharp and curved.

  1. Drawing begins with an image of a circle of the head. From the head, a body with a tail is drawn, reminiscent of a waving flag.
  2. The line indicates the division of the body into white and black. The bird's belly and part of its head are white.
  3. The unfolded wings are depicted in the shape of a sickle.
  4. A triangle is drawn - a beak and a black eye.
  5. The wings are being worked on - the plumage is indicated.
  6. In order to color a swallow, just a few pencils are enough: yellow for the beak, red for the color of the plumage in the lower part of the head, black for the rest of the part (except for the white part indicated by the border).

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