Dance and traffic rules. Don't believe me? Maybe!
How did the topic of this article come about? The answer is quite simple. My two childhood hobbies, which I still cannot give up, became the first and most important step in the implementation of this project. Having been dancing since I was 5 years old, I realized that it is an integral part of my life.
ECLIPTICA is a creative association of girls from 7 to 16 years old. How did I come to the point that I was able to combine my hobbies into a single tandem? YAS is holding a flash mob for first-graders! Of course, the junior group of ECLIPTICA could not ignore this event. Thus, the project “Dance and Traffic Rules” was born. Don't believe me? Maybe!"
The main goal of the project is to prevent children from road traffic injuries and motivate schoolchildren to learn traffic rules through modern dance.
The objectives of the project are:
- Drawing the attention of students to the need to comply with traffic rules,
- studying traffic rules,
- translation of traffic rules into the language of dance,
- Promotion of traffic rules among the population.
Road safety is the key to success. Approximately three quarters of all road accidents involving children occur as a result of their ill-considered actions. Among them, the most common are: crossing the roadway outside the designated crossing areas, unexpected exit due to moving or standing vehicles or other obstacles that interfere with visibility, disobeying traffic lights, playing on the roadway and walking on it when there is a sidewalk. Behind each of the road tragedies is the fate of a child.
Using the knowledge that I acquired as a result of studying at YAS and thanks to the presence of a dance studio at the school, we are implementing this project. This allows children to combine 2 in 1! Without realizing it, they update and expand their knowledge of traffic rules through music and dance, because this way it is much easier to perceive such important information.
Of course, everything could not have happened without the preparatory stage, which I conducted in the form of a quiz on traffic rules (so first we remembered, studied, and consolidated knowledge of the main traffic rules).
Before staging a dance, my children and I always talk through the main idea, the idea that our performance conveys. Therefore, even any improvisation to a song dedicated to traffic rules, legal rules, or the road alphabet is one of the steps in studying a huge course of traffic rules.
It is very important that the child is interested in our common cause (after all, in parallel with the main tasks of the project, we continue to solve the problems of implementing an additional educational program, including:
- Development of motivation for knowledge and creativity,
- formation of social activity of children and adolescents,
- creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle,
- formation of interest in choreographic art,
- developing in students the ability to hear and listen to music and convey its content in motion).
Movement and music, while simultaneously influencing the child, form his emotional sphere, coordination, musicality and artistry, affect his motor system, develop auditory, visual, motor (or muscle) memory, and teach noble manners. Choreography fosters sociability, hard work, the ability to achieve goals, and forms an emotional culture of communication. In addition, it develops associative thinking and encourages creativity. Choreography also contributes to the proper development of the musculoskeletal system, getting rid of physical disabilities, correcting posture disorders as much as possible, and forming a beautiful figure.
Classes relieve tension well, activate attention, enhance the emotional reaction and, in general, increase the student’s vitality. In dance, the child’s cheerfulness and activity are expressed, his creative imagination and creative abilities develop: the student learns to create a plastic image himself.
Performing in front of an audience is the main educational means: the experience of success brings moral satisfaction to the child, conditions are created for the realization of creative potential, and a sense of responsibility, friendship, and camaraderie are fostered.
So, as you understand, the implementation of the project began with the participation of the junior group in the city flash mob organized by the YAS for first-graders. Then I choreographed the dance “ABC of Movement” for middle school children, and “Green Light” for the older group. We could not ignore the children from the Yuriev-Polsky orphanage.
ECLIPTICA is a regular participant in holidays and competitions held by the Vladimir Youth Academy, the week of goodness (organized by DOBROSHTAB).
Project results:
- A traffic rules quiz was held for ECLIPTIKA students,
- 2 dances based on children's improvisations,
- Participation in a number of city events.
How to prevent an increase in road accidents involving schoolchildren? To do this, teaching traffic rules must be considered as part of the educational work of the school.
We are not going to finish the work on the project here - there are new performances ahead. New dances... And remember! Mutual respect is the key to road safety!