Directions of psychological diagnostics Screening examination (monitoring) to analyze the dynamics of mental development, identification of persons
Training for teenagers and parents “The path of understanding and trust” author: Alesya Vladimirovna Sagaiduk, educational psychologist
Labor education in the family is the responsibility of parents, the preservation of which determines the moral value of a person
Parents' meeting with parents in the senior group of kindergarten Municipal government educational institution primary
How to accustom a child to kindergarten if he cries Children's tears are the main warning sign
Patriotic education within the family Ulyana Kubrikova Patriotic education within the family Patriotic education,
Without exception, all parents are interested in the success of their child’s education. Therefore, they begin to prepare it in advance
Children have various problems with many letters in the process of speech formation. One of
The procedure for conducting a final parent meeting in the middle group involves a child psychologist or teacher conducting a detailed
The relevance of logical and mathematical zones in preschool institutions The rapid development of science and high technology today