Productive activity as a means of patriotic education for older preschoolers Performed by: Krivorotova M.I. Educator, MBDOU No. 183,
Productive activities of preschool children - Theoretical and methodological foundations of organizing and conducting entertainment for preschool children in productive activities
Development of constructive activities in preschool age The work of children in kindergarten is varied. It helps
Introduction of TRIZ technology into the educational process of preschool education
Summary of the lesson on TRIZ technology “Temperature, humidity, relief”
Introduction of TRIZ technology into the educational process of preschool education Contents of the second stage of implementation of TRIZ technology in
Musical entertainment according to traffic rules “Visiting a traffic light”
Dance and traffic rules. Don't believe me? Maybe! How did the topic of this article come about? The answer is quite simple.
Rules for organizing sensory education according to Montessori
Diagnostics of the current level of sensory development of children of primary preschool age
Maria Montessori believed that a child's intelligence and his knowledge of the world always originate
Lesson summary on appliqué in the middle group “Herringbone”
Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the middle group “Christmas trees - prickly needles” Evgeniya Khamzina Summary
Summary of a lesson on application in the second junior group Topic: “Traffic light”
Abstract of GCD for application in the second junior group “Traffic Light” Municipal state preschool educational institution
Conversation with children: “Journey to the world of medicinal plants!”
Reading stories about plants is an important element of the aesthetic education of children. Best for this
Notes for the younger group. Drawing. Theme “Drawing an APPLE”
Summary of educational activities on drawing in the nursery group “Apples” Lyudmila Markina Summary of educational activities
Planning speech therapy classes in the younger group
September, October, November (1st period of study) Lexical topics: “Toys”, “Vegetables”, “Autumn”, “Fruits”, “Our body”,
Sleeping princess
The importance of fairy tales in the education and development of preschool children
Fairy tale as a literary genre It is impossible to determine exactly when people began to compose fairy tales. Probably this one
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