Training to unite teachers in kindergarten “Together we are strong”

Training “Uniting the teaching staff”

Purpose of the training:

Group cohesion and building effective team interaction.

Training objectives:

— creation of informal connections and interpersonal sympathies; — assistance to participants in choosing a comfortable position in the team; — developing the ability to act together and solve current problems together; — establishing an optimal level of psychological and emotional compatibility in the team.

Progress of the training:

Dear Colleagues! Today we will talk about the psychological climate in our team, as well as the importance of team unity.

Psychological climate is interpersonal relationships typical of any work group that determine its basic mood. So, in one climate a plant can bloom, but in another it can wither. The same can be said about the psychological climate in a team: in certain conditions, people feel uncomfortable, strive to leave the team as quickly as possible, spend as little time as possible in it, while their personal growth slows down. They become passive in relation to work. Indifferent; while others, on the contrary, are optimized by the team, its members receive a lot of opportunities, energy, a desire to work, people get the opportunity to realize themselves to the maximum and fully.

Building a psychological climate is a lot of work not only for the administration, but also for each member of the team. The climate is called favorable if the atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust and exactingness reigns in the team. If team members are ready to work, show creativity and achieve high quality while working without control and bearing responsibility for the work done. In a team, everyone should be protected and feel at ease.

So the first thing I want to offer you is the “Molecules” exercise.

Everyone please stand up. (calm music sounds). You are all ATOMs that move around the room freely. As soon as I clap, you team up in twos, then in threes, and so on until the whole team is united.

The next exercise is called “Pressure”.

Divide into pairs, stand opposite each other and, raising your arms at chest level, lightly touch your palms to each other. Agree which of you will be the leader now. The leader’s task is to lightly press on the palms of the other, then switch roles. Now try not to put pressure on your palms, but to perform joint movements with your hands (first agree on what you will do), so that joint warmth and understanding of each other arises in your hands.

Now let’s sit down and discuss how you felt.

— In what situation were you emotionally comfortable, when you were pressing or when you were being pressured? (It may have been uncomfortable in both cases.)

- How did you feel? When did you work synchronously, by agreement? Did you enjoy it?

NEVER forget that by seeking psychological pressure on a partner in communication (be it a parent, colleague, child, we risk causing him not to submit, but to resent him). And instead of helping and working together, he will simply refuse to work with us.

The next exercise is called “We are together.” We get up and line up. I tie your legs with tape, your task is to walk through the islands one after another, if you said at least one word, then you go through another circle, your task is clear to BE SILENT!!! At the end I untie you.

How do you like the exercise? It was difficult to? What exactly is difficult? Why?

Have a seat.

Now let's watch the video. “Emotional burnout at work and what to do about it?”

Well, the next stage of our collaboration is, of course, a Collage on the theme “Our Team”. (Whatman paper, colored pencils, magazines and glue with scissors.)

— Were there any difficulties when choosing pictures? Drawing?

— Have there been any disagreements at work?

Well, our final exercise after we hopefully got to know each other better, “You are better than me...”, passing the ball along the chain, we begin the sentence with this phrase.

Now sit down, relax, (calm music sounds) close your eyes. And imagine yourself standing in a clearing in a summer forest. Thick grass rises to your knees and flower petals touch your feet. There are trees around and a warm breeze rustles the leaves. The sun's rays create a bizarre mosaic of light and shadow. You can hear the whistling of birds, the chirping of grasshoppers, the crackling of branches. You enjoy the aroma of herbs and flowers. Curly clouds foretell excellent weather. You cross the clearing and go deeper into the forest. There is a narrow path under your feet. But it’s barely noticeable in the grass; it’s obvious that they don’t walk on it that often. You are slowly walking through the forest and suddenly through the crown of leaves you see an unusual building. You head towards him. The trees recede and you find yourself in front of the Temple. It is far from the bustle of cities. This is a temple of peace and tranquility, a place for reflection and deepening into oneself. A few wide steps and you are at the oak door. The sun's rays play on the gilded patterns decorating the door. You go up the steps and, holding the golden handle, open the door. It gives in unexpectedly easily and silently. Inside the temple there is twilight and pleasant coolness. All sounds remain outside. There are ancient paintings on the walls. There are shelves everywhere with many books and scrolls. Opposite the door through which you entered is a large oak table, behind which sits an old man in snow-white clothes. His wise and kind eyes are fixed on you. A candle is burning in a candlestick right in front of him. Come closer to the old man. He knows all the secrets of this world, the events of the past and the future. You can ask him about what worries you and perhaps you will get the answer you have been looking for. The sage points you to the candle. Take a closer look at this living flame, at its magical center. Look at him. The inside of the flame will appear blurry at first. And then, in a clearer image, look at the sage. He is holding a calendar in his hands. The date is clearly marked on the calendar sheet - remember it. The time for visiting the temple ends, thank the sage for meeting you. You leave the temple and close the door behind you. Here outside. sunny day. You go down the steps and find yourself back in the forest on a path, along which you return to the clearing where your journey began. You stop, look around at the landscape around you and are transported back to the room.


Did you like our training?

What did you like?

What caused the difficulties?

Now come to me, take the magic flowers and attach them to each other. But in the middle, everyone will write their wish to the other.


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