“Composition of number 4” GCD in the preparatory group for school

The modern school curriculum places quite high demands on future first-graders. By the beginning of their education, children should already know and be able to do much of what the older generation encountered only at school.

This can be said about the composition of numbers. The child must be able to decompose the numbers from 1 to 10 into two smaller numbers. This skill will help him in the future to easily and quickly learn the simplest arithmetic operations - addition and subtraction. Therefore, knowledge of the composition of numbers is the foundation on which further mathematics education will be built.

The need to seriously prepare a child for school often raises many questions among parents: how to explain this difficult topic to their child, when and where to start? In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and be patient, because this process takes time.

When to start studying the composition of numbers

The most suitable age for immersing yourself in the topic of number composition is 6 years old, the time of preparation for school. But in some cases, it is appropriate to start studying the composition of small numbers earlier. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child and the base that he already owns, namely:

  • mental counting skill (in other words, you need to be able to assign a serial number to any objects);
  • mental counting skill in reverse order;
  • knowledge of the graphic image of numbers (remember how they look visually and are easy to recognize);
  • An advantage is the ability to write down the number yourself.

You should move on to mastering the composition of numbers after consolidating the above skills in order to avoid difficulties and misunderstandings. This means you need to start by learning the numbers from 1 to 10.

Mastering numbers

The topic of studying numbers can be divided into two components: memorizing the sequence (1, 2, 3, ....... 9, 10) and a graphic (visual) image.

As a rule, children remember sequences of numbers much faster. When an adult often pronounces it, while simultaneously pointing at some objects in turn, the child quickly remembers by ear the names of numbers and their order, begins to repeat the same actions, and thus learns to count. However, there are many exercises to speed up this process and consolidate the skill. Here are some of them:

1. Count everything that catches your eye You need to invite your child to count everything that surrounds him during the day: steps in the entrance, pigeons in the yard, pencils in a pencil case, cars in the parking lot, buttons on clothes, people in line at the checkout, and so on. . The more often the child does this, the faster the information will fit into his memory, and an understanding of the relationship between the number (its name) and a specific quantity will appear.

2. Finger games In learning numbers from 1 to 10, the best tool is fingers. In addition to the fact that you can simply count them by unbending them one by one, there are also a large number of finger games aimed at both training mental counting skills and developing fine motor skills and imagination.

3. Rhymes, songs, counting rhymes Memorizing a sequence of numbers with the help of songs, poems or counting rhymes allows you to perceive information not only by ear, but also through visual images that the child’s imagination draws. This speeds up the learning process and develops imagination well.

If a child has difficulties while learning numbers, they are most often associated with visual memorization. This is especially true for numbers that look similar to each other, such as 6 and 9, 1 and 7. To quickly remember the graphic image of a number, there are also many different secrets:

4. Associations A simple and effective way to remember the appearance of a number is to find similarities with some object and come up with an association. For example, the number 8 looks like a nesting doll, a bow, a snowman or a teddy bear. The number 2 resembles a swan, 4 - an inverted chair or beak. There is no limit to imagination here, everyone will have their own associations.

5. Recognize by touch The numbers should be three-dimensional. You can make them yourself from scrap materials or purchase ready-made ones. They need to be put in a bag or box, from which the child will take one at a time without looking and try to determine by touch what kind of number he came across.

6. Drawing on the back It takes two to play. An adult draws a number on the child’s back with his finger, and the child must guess it. Then you can change places.

7. Toy numbers They can be magnetic, soft, drawn on cubes - depending on what you like best. From them you can build a sequence from 1 to 10, calling out each number out loud, arrange it in reverse order or randomly, finding the number that the adult calls.

8. Numbers around Every day a child encounters different numbers: in the numbers of houses, cars, on various posters and advertisements. If you pay attention to them and pronounce them, this will also contribute to memorization.

After the child has learned to count and memorized all the numbers, you can move on to studying the composition of numbers.

Activities with number cards

Number cards are pictures where the number of objects corresponds to a certain number.

It is with these cards that it is best to start getting acquainted with the composition of numbers, because this method is visual and more accessible. Here is an example of such cards:

First, you should explain to your child what addition is: adding another to one number, we get a third number. This is best demonstrated on small objects (candies, buttons, pebbles, pencils, etc.) or cards: for example, on one there are 2 bananas, and on the other 3 oranges. If you add them together, how many fruits do you get? The child counts all the fruits and names the amount. At the same time, he gradually remembers how much it will be if you add up certain numbers.

Once you have an understanding of the process of adding different objects, you can take on the composition of a number. The adult names the number of items that should be obtained in the end, and together with the child they collect different combinations. It is better to start with small numbers and gradually increase.

For example, you need to collect 4 apples. We offer the child a card with only 1 apple drawn and ask which one else needs to be chosen so that there are 4 apples in the end. Then we take a card with a picture of 2 apples and ask the same question. Thus, all possible combinations are tried.

Gradually you can move on to larger numbers, where the number of combinations will increase. With repeated repetition, the composition of each number is stored in memory and then reproduced mechanically.

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

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Number houses

Houses with numbers are the next step in learning the composition of numbers. They are a building with a roof and two apartments on each floor. There is always a number on the roof that splits into two others that live next door to each other. The number of floors depends on the number of possible combinations: the higher the number, the more options for laying it out and the higher the house.

To understand the composition of a number with your child, just draw such a house. For example, for the number 3 it will have 2 floors, on which 0 with 3 and 1 with 2 are adjacent

Having explained the main principle, you need to give children the opportunity to fill out the number houses on their own: leave them empty and indicate only the number on the roof, the composition of which must be distributed among the floors. You can start from the bottom floor or from the top.

If the task is difficult, you can fill in some of the boxes as a hint. But in the future it should be explained that each number, moving from one floor to another, becomes 1 more or less. And if in one apartment there is a decrease of 1, then in the next one there will be an increase of 1.

After the compositions of numbers up to 10 have been mastered, you can move on to the second ten, if the child is familiar with it.

Summary of a lesson in mathematics “Composition of the number 4” with the characters of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Class: 1 Teacher: Otryshko V.A. Lesson topic: Composition of numbers. Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the composition of numbers. Lesson objectives: know: formation of numbers be able to: form numbers from two smaller numbers, coordinate a numeral with a noun; relate the number and number of objects. will acquire universal educational actions: formation of the number 4, counting within 4; develop students’ oral speech based on the process of inflection with automated sounds; develop spatial concepts, gross and fine motor skills. Foster positive motivation for learning; form social ideas about the world around us. Concepts: number, figure, number series. Equipment: computer, slide presentation; number series. Didactic materials for the lesson: each student has cards with numbers 1, 2, 3,4. Teaching methods: verbal, visual, partially search, explanatory and illustrative. Forms of work: individual, frontal, independent. Updating Lesson progress. I. Organizational moment. The bell rang loudly. The lesson begins. Our ears are on top of our heads, Our eyes are wide open, We listen, we remember, We don’t waste a minute. - Whoever sees me, clap. -Whoever hears me, stomp. -Whoever is ready to work with me, raise your hand. Goal setting II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson. Motivation for learning activities. -Today there will be an unusual lesson, and the lesson is a fairy tale that we will compose together with you. And who will be the hero of our fairy tale, you will tell me when you guess the riddle. It is shaped like a ball. He was once hot. He jumped off the table onto the floor and left his grandmother. He has a ruddy side... Did you recognize it? (BALL). (PICTURE) 2) -Who remembers who Kolobok met during his travels, when he left his grandparents? Name it. HEROES ON THE BOARD -How many animals did Kolobok meet? -We are already familiar with the number and the number 4, and today we will learn how to get the number 4 from two smaller numbers, we will solve examples using the numbers we know. All the knowledge gained today will be useful to us in the future in mathematics lessons, as well as in life. At the end of the lesson we will have to inhabit the house where number 4 III lives. Oral counting: 1)—Who is first? -In front of the fox? -After the wolf? -Who is second? -What about between a bear and a hare? 2)—Who can find the number 4 on the typesetting canvas for me? -What does the number 4 look like? Let’s remember “Put the chair upside down and the “four” is in front of us 3)— Let’s begin to compose a fairy tale.... Grandma once baked Kolobok. She put him on the bench to cool, and he jumped onto the window, from the window to the rubble, from the rubble onto the grass, and rolled along the path. And then a boy walked by. They decided to play bloopers with Kolobok. The boy started to run away, wanted to climb over the fence and got caught on the picket fence - and this is the result! - I tore my pants! -Let's help patch the boy's pants. What do we need for work? (children say which geometric shapes are suitable) - Well done, guys, you helped the boy. — How many geometric shapes fit? 5 - What geometric shapes, call it Fizminutka for the eyes, rub the ears, massage the head, inhale, exhale for 4 counts 5) - Kolobok rolls further, looks, the Hare sits, the ball lies next to him, and he shifts cards with numbers, for a lesson in the forest school is getting ready. -Let’s play with the ball and at the same time help the Hare. -I throw the ball to you and tell you the task, and you return the ball to me with a ready and correct answer. -Name the number preceding the number 2 -Name the number following the number 3 when counting -Name the number between the numbers 2 and 4 -Name the number that is 1 more than 1 -What does it mean to increase the number by 1 (name the next one) 1 4 3 2 -Name the smallest number. Greatest -Which number is greater - 3 or 4. Why? -How long? How do you know how much one number is greater or less than another? 6) -Watch for a few seconds, remember (the board closes) -Which number came first? The last one? Between 1 and 3? -Who can arrange them in ascending order? (child performs) 7) Game “You are my echo” - The bun rolls further, and a wolf meets it. -If you complete my task, I won’t eat you! Shall we help Kolobok? You must be very careful! Game ECHO. (repeating the number of claps after the teacher). physical minute Jump, yes, jump, jump, yes, jump, - Kolobok rolled, round and ruddy, straight into the clearing. One - stood up, stretched, Two - bent over, straightened up, Three - clap your hands three times, Three nods with your head Four - arms wider, Five - wave your arms, Six - sit quietly at your desk - Reached out to the sun, took its ray

Formation of concepts IV. Learning new material. 1) Game “Make a bouquet” - Kolobok rolls, sings songs, admires flowers, listens to birds. He rolled out into the clearing and saw a Bear sitting and eating honey, and around him there were a lot of flowers. And besides flowers, mushrooms also grow. What kind of mushrooms are these? What do you know about them? But fly agarics are also useful for reindeer to eat. – how many mushrooms are on the left and how many are on the right. - How much in total? What number denotes this number - show - How did you get 4? - How can we use these numbers and mathematical symbols to write down how we got the number 4? - Let's repeat 4 in chorus) - Guess how else you can get 4? Let's show this method on our laces. -Tie 1 knot. What number indicates this number - show - And now another 3. What number indicates this number - show - How many knots did you get in total? What number denotes this number - show - How can we use these numbers and mathematical symbols to write down how we got the number 4? Compile on the board Conclusion: - How can you get the number 4. Physical exercise Formation of Skills V. Consolidation. Work in notebooks. 1) - Kolobok is rolling along the path, suddenly from behind the Christmas tree is a Fox with a math notebook. “Listen, Kolobok,” says the Fox, if you complete the task in the notebook, you will return home, if not, I will eat you!” — Guys, won’t we allow the Fox to eat Kolobok? 2) Finger gymnastics “I am Kolobok, I am Kolobok...” I am Kolobok, I am Kolobok, I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I left the hare And I left the Wolf, I left the bear And I left the fox 2) - let’s remember how to spell number 4 - Let's write the number 4 in the air, on the palm of your hand - Take the notebooks in your hands, open them, as I taught you. Show me how to hold a pen correctly?

verse To be able to write beautifully, you need to sit correctly. Place your feet straight on the floor and don’t turn your head.

-Draw 3 green circles - add 1 more red. -How much did it turn out to be? How did this number come about? -How to write this in expression? -Write down this example -Draw 4 blue triangles -cross out 2 -How many triangles are left? How did you get this number - How can this be written using numbers and mathematical symbols? -Write this example under the picture -Kolobok rolled home, and although his grandparents were happy, they still decided to teach Kolobok a lesson for disobedience and gave him the task of solving examples. But Kolobok is not yet in 1st grade and cannot complete this task. And again he called us for help. Are you ready to help him? (cards with individual task) -On the green card there is an easy task - you need to find the value of the expression and write it down, on the pink card it is more difficult - you need to insert the missing component when adding or subtracting. Look carefully at both cards. Whatever task you are able to do, do it. VI. Lesson summary. 1) - So our fairy tale ends. Did you like it? 2) - now it’s time to populate our house REFLECTION - Put your heads on your desks, close your eyes, think about something good, and I will touch those students who I really liked in the lesson. 3)—For your work in class, for your help, Kolobok brought you gifts - his pictures. But to get them, you have to play with me a little more. — I have 4 pictures in my hands. I will divide them in my hands and show you only one palm. You have to guess how many pictures are in the other palm. Ready? (The game is repeated several times) -Thank you for the lesson.

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