Play therapy: fun and simple behavior correction for children

For children, play is one of the main tools for development in life. With its help, they learn to interact with other people, develop intellectually and physically, explore the world, and broaden their horizons. And most importantly, they do it all in an interesting way without coercion. Game therapy (IT) is a psychological tool aimed at working with mental disorders in people of all ages through participation in a certain game.

What is "play therapy"? A little history

Back in 1913, Sigmund Freud decided to use this technique to work with children. He was guided by the fact that a child shows his activity through play and thereby reveals passive sources of experiences.

Then, almost 20 years later, his example was followed by Melanie Klein, who preferred to take the role of an observer in this type of therapy. In her work, she practiced bringing awareness to children of their own behavior and state through play.

Anna Freud went against her in 1946, who believed that in play therapy the doctor should occupy a dominant position, in principle, like the patient’s parents, whom she actively involved. In addition, she used dolls that interpreted the people around the child, and through them she resolved conflict situations, behavioral problems and life relationships.

Play therapy began to gain momentum in the forties. Various techniques, varieties and directions of this method of treatment have appeared. And since then, IT has only improved because it has good practice.

What it is

There are a huge number of definitions of this concept. To summarize them, game therapy is a method of psychological or psychotherapeutic influence on a person using games.

At the same time, experts clearly distinguish between two concepts:

  1. Play therapy is a psychological tool that only has the power to correct emotional and behavioral disorders.
  2. Play psychotherapy is a psychotherapy tool that deals with the treatment of borderline personality and behavior disorders.

Game therapy differs from ordinary play in that it is an organized play activity that has a therapeutic and corrective effect. It is carried out in specially created conditions under the close attention of a psychologist or psychotherapist and has clearly defined goals. The usual game is entertaining and occurs spontaneously, without outside interference.

You should also understand the difference between play therapy and role play. The latter can be presented in two forms.

  • As one of the play therapy techniques

The specialist invites a group of patients to simulate events occurring under certain conditions. Participants must act according to their character's inner beliefs. At the same time, it is assumed that their actions will reflect their true motives, which they may, for one reason or another, hide in reality. Here, a role-playing game helps the play therapist understand what exactly is happening to his patient and in what direction to carry out further correction or treatment. She can also demonstrate one of the solutions to a problematic life situation.

  • As an entertainment event

An ordinary role-playing game, outside the sphere of psychology and psychotherapy, although distinguished by a clear organization, is still entertaining in nature. All participants fulfill a specific goal set for their characters, the master’s task is to ensure that all the rules are followed, but nothing more.

Goals of play therapy

  1. Development. In this vein, classes can be conducted not only with children who have any psychological disabilities, but also with healthy ones. Using this type of therapy, a psychologist will help you unlock your potential and develop certain skills.
  2. Correction. Game therapy in this case is again not aimed at treating a disease, but at eliminating some small behavioral barrier.
  3. Psychotherapy. Elimination of anxiety, fears, assistance in overcoming severe psycho-emotional problems, for example, parental divorce, the birth of a younger child.

It’s more fun, interesting, and easier for children to perceive information in a playful way. A doctor who provides child psychotherapy through play is a specially trained play therapist. During a therapeutic session, the child brings a lot of personality into the playing field, so it is very important for the therapist to be able to see those situations that concern the child. And it is also equally important to be able to play out disturbing moments during the lesson so that the patient’s feelings go away.

The fact is that a child does not always know how to independently recognize an internal conflict, much less come to the doctor, sit in a chair and talk about it. As a rule, this problem manifests itself through disobedience, aggressive behavior, anxiety and other disorders. But on the other hand, a child can demonstrate all his anxieties during play, since it is his leading activity. Therefore, a lot depends on the play therapist. He must be able to “read” and evaluate situations during the game, and help the patient find mental balance.

Article “Play therapy as an active method in working with preschool children and their parents”

Author: Dubova Svetlana Valerievna,

teacher of the first qualification category,

Position and place of work: teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 16”

"Rowanushka" of the city of Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic

Play therapy as an active method in work

with preschool children and their parents

Nowadays, one of the main requests of parents is the intellectual development of the child. As a result, children know more, but are increasingly less likely to admire, be surprised, and empathize.

The era of mass media significantly transforms not only the psychology of adults, but also negatively affects the development of the psyche of children. Computers, TV, and videos are firmly integrated into the lives of children, replacing grandmother’s fairy tales, mother’s lullabies, and conversations with father.

Most preschoolers do not know how to communicate with peers and adults. Faced with this problem, I had questions related to the development of the emotional sphere of the child, with the search for new effective methods and techniques that help improve the mental health of preschoolers.

My search led me to such a method as play therapy. So, let's figure out what this method is.

Play is extremely important for a child’s mental development. With her help, he maintains mental health and prepares for adulthood.

Play in preschool age is the leading activity, and it has become one of the most effective and accessible ways to develop the abilities of preschool children.

Playful activities help a child acquire skills in various types of activities, assimilate social norms of behavior, improve physical and emotional well-being, get rid of mental trauma, allowing him to experience psychologically painful circumstances in a simplified form.

Game therapy is a therapeutic method for children and adults suffering from emotional disorders, fears, neuroses, etc. The basis of the various methods defined by this concept is the recognition of the game as important for personal development.

Game therapy is a method that uses the form of play to correct emotional disorders and improve relationships with the outside world. This method uses games to identify problems and draw correct conclusions and solutions for educational purposes, and for general correction of children's behavior. It is ideal for all age categories, regardless of whose problems you need to sort out and try to solve, a child or an adult.

Teachers encourage adults to “Play together - it improves relationships.

Through the game, an outlet is given to internal conflicts and strong emotions, helps to understand one’s own feelings and experiences, and helps to increase self-esteem.

The goal of using play therapy is not to change or remake the child, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to “live” situations that excite him in the game with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

The goals of play therapy: correction of behavioral problems, relieving increased anxiety, developing a positive self-concept, gaining self-confidence, mastering a sense of control.

Play therapy for parent-child relationships focuses on solving social, emotional and behavioral problems of children. In role-playing play, the child experiences a dual experience: he “sculpts an image”, transforming himself and, looking at it as if from the outside, rejoices at the change in the game, at the same time discovering certain attitudes towards his character.

The game best creates a safe environment for communication, regardless of character and age. A fun game together can quite unexpectedly turn into a life filled with a sense of celebration. By playing together, children are convinced that they have reliable support (understanding and loving parents). Children develop a sincere desire to cooperate with adults and peers and the belief is born that there is a certain order in this, certain rules of the game, thanks to which much in life becomes possible.

Parents learn to perceive their children appropriately for their age: their idea of ​​their child changes, the palette of educational techniques expands, which are then tested in everyday life. As a rule, with destructive relationships in the family, parents project onto their children a feeling of fear, anger, protest, helplessness, but play therapy makes it possible for parents to recognize their own projections, due to which the attitude towards the child changes.

During the game, there is an opportunity to make parents understand what respect for oneself as an individual is and that every person has the right to respect, even if he is very young.

Play therapy helps:

to improve the mental state of children who have experienced parental divorce;

with aggressive behavior;

for the prevention and treatment of fears;

for the treatment of anxiety and stress in hospitalized children;

for difficulties in reading;

to improve the performance of children with learning difficulties;

with delays in speech development;

to accelerate the development of children with mental retardation;

in the treatment of stuttering;

to alleviate the child’s condition with certain psychosomatic diseases (neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis, etc.);

for many other problems.

In my work with parents and children of younger groups, I began to use this method of work. Once a quarter, my parents and our children get together for “games.” Our meetings are held in the form of joint entertainment according to a given scenario.

During the lesson, parents and children jointly complete tasks and recite poems.

The “Hug” exercise promotes tactile rapprochement between partners. After all, often, some parents pay little attention to their children “in public.” Joint dancing liberates children and parents. And doing practical tasks together helps children feel the “elbow” of their parents, their support, and it helps parents see that their child can do something independently under supervision.

So, I want to note that the possibilities of play therapy are virtually unlimited. It helps in the active formation of the cognitive sphere, stimulates the development of speech, and improves the emotional and volitional spheres. During the game, the baby socializes, learns to interact with others, which allows him to solve many communication problems.

Parents begin to perceive and feel failures and joys differently, and learn to cooperate with the child. Here, communication skills and productive forms of manifestation of child and parental aggressiveness are developed, and a culture of communication is formed.

All this naturally transfers beyond the group, into real life.

Thus, play therapy has clear advantages over other means of correcting parent-child relationships:

- firstly, the game helps to create a safe distance, encouraging family members to become more open;

- secondly, it creates a high level of trust between participants;

- thirdly, parents have the opportunity to better understand the child’s feelings, as well as receive hidden information about the child’s relationship to them symbolically manifested in the game;

- fourthly, the play space allows the child to feel on an equal footing with his parents.

Used Books:

Zaporozhets I. Yu. Psychological - pedagogical living rooms in kindergarten. – M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2010. – 72 p.

Panfilova M. A. Game therapy of communication. – M.: “Publishing house GNOM and D”, 2002. – 160 p.

Fridman L.M. Psychology of education. A book for everyone who loves children. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2000. – 208 p.

Chirkova S.V. Parent meetings in kindergarten. – M.: “VAKO”, 2011. – 256 p.

Indications for the use of play therapy and when is play therapy effective?

For children, especially young children, everything that happens around them is a game. Therefore, it cannot be said that there should be some indications for it, since for children this is the main form of leisure. It is during the game that children are always in a good mood, open to interaction and do not regard such pastime as something unpleasant for themselves. But from the point of view of psychological deviations, IT will help in the following cases:

  • isolation and unsociability;
  • the presence of hidden and obsessive phobias;
  • disobedience or superobedience;
  • bad habits (nose picking and others);
  • establishing relationships (with parents, with brother, etc.);
  • aggressive behavior;
  • self-harm (pulling out hair, eyelashes, biting lips, etc.);
  • retarded speech development;
  • stressful situations;
  • problems with reading, as well as academic performance in general.

Types and methods of play therapy

In order for the game to take place, rules for its conduct and toys, if necessary, are necessary.

Depending on the psychological principles on which the rules of the game are based, the following types of play therapy are distinguished :

  • IT in psychoanalysis;
  • game therapy in domestic psychological science;
  • primitive IT;
  • play therapy for relationship building;
  • IT response;
  • play therapy with unstructured material;
  • individual IT;
  • group play therapy.

IT methods depend on toys or additional props that are used during therapy. Since there are many options, it turns out that there are many methods, but we will highlight the main ones.

  1. Sand
  2. Fairy tale therapy
  3. Active
  4. Passive
  5. Puppet therapy
  6. Liberating
  7. Structured
  8. Relationship therapy
  9. Chess
  10. Musical

According to some names, their essence becomes obvious. But I would like to clarify that the meaning of the active method is that the game therapist plays the game along with the patient or is its leader. In passive mode, he takes on the role of observer. In the liberating and structured methods, the goal is to play out the situation that is gnawing at the child, as well as the release of emotions. Relationship therapy places the emphasis on what is happening here and now in the office, rather than on the patient's past. There are various play therapy programs for this purpose.

Play + therapy = PLAY THERAPY



Childhood is one of the most important stages in the life of every child. This is the period of initial socialization of the individual, introducing him to the world of culture and universal human values.

The leading activity during this period is gaming. The childhood of each of us is associated with catch-up games, dolls or cars. But not everyone thinks about the importance of games in our lives.

Since the twenties of the last century, psychologists have been talking about the fact that with the help of games you can not only develop your abilities and natural inclinations, but also correct various psychological problems and even eliminate the lag in intellectual development.

When a child comes to school, he must quickly learn the new role of a student. But without the help of a teacher, it is very difficult for him to become a student. The child has problems that he is trying to solve, but due to his little life experience, he cannot do this on his own. The main purpose of primary school is to help children in their intellectual, emotional, physical and social development by providing them with appropriate learning opportunities. This can be solved through play therapy [4, p. 176], as an art-pedagogical technology.

Play therapy is a relatively young branch of modern psychology, which is aimed primarily at working with children. (Although many adults would benefit from certain arrangements).

Having appeared in the first half of the 20th century in the depths of psychoanalysis, play therapy gradually spread across a wide range of areas of modern psychology, finding theoretical justification for the variety of its methods.

Play therapy is a method of influencing children and adults suffering from emotional disturbances, fears, increased conflict in relationships, and anxiety. She began to develop within the framework of a psychotherapeutic approach. It became widespread in the 40-50s. Many famous personalities turned to play therapy: Sigmund Freud and his daughter Anna, Melanie Klein, D. Levy, V Axlein, M. Levinfeld, D.B. Elkonin, Zakharov and many others [6, p. 144].

Game therapy as a method was voiced and implemented in 1992 at a special course in psychology at a private University for future art teachers. And in 1997, doctors were theoretically and practically familiarized with the method of play therapy during advanced training courses at the Department of Homeopathy at the Academy of Postgraduate Education of Doctors of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of using play therapy with children in elementary school is to help LEARNERS prepare to learn the knowledge offered in the best possible way. Children cannot be forced to learn anything. But you can captivate and teach in the game.

Even the most talented teachers cannot teach children who are not yet ready to learn. In this case, play therapy is a complement to the learning environment, an experience that helps the child make the most effective use of his inclinations and abilities to learn.

The game is of great importance for primary schoolchildren. She helps him overcome difficulties in relationships with adults - with a teacher, with parents, with peers.

There are games that can help a child throw out or process negative energy and restore the internal balance of a growing organism.

"In every little child, both boy and girl

There are two hundred grams of explosives or even half a kilo,

He must jump and jump, sing, shout, kick his legs,

Otherwise it will explode, no one knows why.”

This funny cartoon song has a very real physiological basis, characteristic of children.

The child’s physical activity, his tone, the need for tireless movement, and agility are an indicator of the health and potential development of his psyche. In the age of hyperactive children, outdoor games with chants are a way of releasing excess energy and unloading.

The game also helps to correct stubbornness and negativism.

For our children, play is the most important process from which knowledge of the world, life, and all social relationships between people begins. Together with the game, the child experiences the whole range of emotions and feelings that an adult experiences. It also develops one’s abilities, creativity, and imagination.

The most important principle of play therapy is not to control, but to understand.

The goal of play therapy is to teach the child to see himself and his Self from the other side, to objectively evaluate his actions and desires.

Play therapy rules:

• it is necessary to remember that a child is a person who changes as he grows and matures. Children are often wiser than adults, have great endurance, and quickly overcome negative circumstances;

• play is a child’s way of self-expression;

• the main factor of play therapy is communication, during which the child develops trusting relationships with people, which can influence his future relationships with peers, colleagues, etc.

Children's play, which is a leading activity at primary school age, historically arose, with roots going back to the distant past, should occupy a special place in the educational activities of younger schoolchildren: situations with play motivation should be introduced into the educational process itself and interspersed with truly educational motives.

Using games in my work (in lessons and extracurricular activities), I became convinced of their powerful educational impact on the development of a number of positive qualities in children, such as resilience and dexterity. endurance, resourcefulness, discipline, observation, speed of reaction, mobility, ability to transform, sense of humor, etc. For example, the game: “The lady sent a hundred rubles, buy whatever you want, don’t say yes or no, white and don't buy black

“- teaches you to refrain from using forbidden words, which develops attention and speech, and how much laughter and fun it causes!

Joy is a special wisdom, and its diseases are feared. A joyful person laughs a lot. It is known that laughter relieves nervous tension and stress. People with a sense of humor get sick less and recover faster. This is due to the fact that during laughter the amount of antibodies in the blood increases sharply and resistance to infections increases. Laughter is an excellent exercise for the muscles of the shoulders, chest and abdominals. Laughter helps cleanse the respiratory tract, treats headaches, and relieves insomnia. And this is nothing more than laughter therapy.

In the classroom, to activate attention and develop interest in the subject, it is useful to use games that develop imagination, intelligence, and correct speech. For example, the folk game “Where We Were. We won’t tell you, but we’ll show you what we did.”

— teaches children to correctly use verbs (tense, person), combining it with movements, it can be used as a physical education lesson.


(or “
Fisherman”, “Birder”)
- folk games that help you remember in an interesting and accessible way the classifications and names of animals (fish, birds). They can also be used in mathematics lessons for counting and problem solving.

As a practicing teacher with 27 years of experience, I can conclude that the possibilities of play therapy are virtually and practically unlimited. This would be the desire of a teacher, an educator.

Play therapy helps in the active formation of the cognitive sphere, stimulates speech development, and improves the emotional and volitional spheres. During the game, the child socializes, learns to interact with other participants, which allows him to solve many communication problems.

I have given only a few examples of games that I use in working with children in physical education lessons, during dynamic breaks, and in an after-school group. But this, in my opinion, shows how useful they are for the psychological and physical health of younger schoolchildren, including color therapy, laughter therapy, and fairy tale therapy.


1. Derekleeva N.I. Motor games, trainings and health lessons. 1 - 5 grades. - M., VAKO, 2004 -152 p.

2. Volkov G.N. Ethnopedagogy. / G.N. Volkov. – M.: Education, 1999. – 164 p.

3. Maksakov A. I., Tumakova G. A. Learn by playing. - M., 1983

4. Osipova A.A. General psychocorrection. Textbook / A.A. Osipova. – M.: SPHERE, 2002. – 288 p.

5. Tikheyeva E.I. Development of children’s speech. - M., 1981.

6. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of play / D.B. Elkonin – 2nd ed. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1999. – 360 p.

7. therapy



Game therapy products

In IT there must be a leader - an adult. As a rule, this is either a play therapist or a parent. They provide the means that allow the patient to open up. They are selected based on medical history and individual characteristics, and can be as follows:

  • dancing;
  • modeling;
  • outdoor games;
  • drawing;
  • games with dolls;
  • sand games;
  • design;
  • role-playing games.

In addition to the means described above, there may be any others that allow you to liberate the child and open his inner world. Their task is to model situations in which the child can resolve an internal conflict. Therefore, the use of toys and other objects helps to bring the model closer to reality and thereby identify the problem during the game.

We also recommend reading: Isotherapy - healing through creativity

Play therapy for preschool children

The time when children start going to kindergarten is always a stressful period in their lives: a change of permanent residence, an increase in the number of people around, prolonged separation from parents, early rises and other moments unsettle the child. All this can provoke aggressive behavior, increased anxiety, disobedience, protest and other behavioral deviations. In such situations, the use of play therapy is more necessary than ever.

Starting from the age of two, you can begin to correct the baby’s behavior. During the game:

  • emotional balance is achieved;
  • behavior is corrected;
  • social skills develop;
  • gaps created by the family are eliminated.

A very important point is that the child should be comfortable and interested during the game, then the result will not be long in coming, and he will learn:

  • make friends with other children;
  • be aware of your “I”;
  • respect others and their selves.

When visiting the kindergarten, every day the baby is in the same conditions, which give rise to fears and complexes. IT is aimed at working through them, understanding them and getting rid of them.

On practice

For preschoolers

For young children, play activity is the leading one. Therefore, most activities in kindergarten are based on it.

What kind of games and exercises can be used for preschool children aged 3-4 years:

If at 3-4 years the main task of play therapy is training and development (of the same cognitive abilities), then at 6-7 years it acquires a more diagnostic and corrective nature, allowing the correction of psychological problems.

For children 6-7 years old:

For problem children

Play therapy in childhood can effectively treat all kinds of personality and behavior disorders.

For children with disabilities

Play for children with disabilities often remains the only way to express themselves due to their specific characteristics. At the same time, it allows specialists to help treat the underlying disease and develop the child as much as possible.

Recommended: finger (Bird, Horned Goat, Bell), with waste material (laces, clothespins, beads, buttons), educational (construction set, mosaic, puzzles).

With anxious children

Research shows that play therapy has a harmonizing and corrective effect on the level of anxiety in children and on their mental state in general.

Relaxation and breathing exercises: Fight, Balloon, Gift under the tree, Piper, Barbell. For relaxation: Dancing hands, Waterfall. To develop a sense of trust and self-confidence: Bunnies and elephants, Change of rhythms and many others.

For preschoolers with aggression

Children become aggressive because they have nowhere to throw out the negative energy accumulated as a result of psychological trauma. Play therapy helps them with this.

To relieve muscle tension: Ball, Circus, Chase away Baba Yaga, Caricature, Let's make a fairy tale, Glue rain. For such children, outdoor play activities will also be useful: Two rams, Tukh-tibi-duh, Ask for a toy (in verbal and non-verbal versions).

Sand play therapy

Sand play works in several ways and eliminates many problems. Such a pastime seems simple, but in this simplicity lies the effect.

  1. Irritability, tearfulness, and aggressiveness are relieved.
  2. Fantasy develops.
  3. Social connections are being built.
  4. Coordination improves.
  5. Fine motor skills are stimulated.
  6. The mood lifts.

Thanks to modern technologies, you can play not only in the classic sandbox, but also in special backlit sand tables. Such therapeutic leisure allows you to create in real three-dimensional space. A child, playing with sand, feels like the creator of the whole world.

Who is better for a child to play with?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. It all depends on the goals described above. If it is necessary to reveal potential or slightly correct behavior, then it will be comfortable and adaptive to do this with parents. After all, they are the ones who know their baby better than anyone else and will find an approach to him. And the child will be more comfortable playing with relatives. Regular trips to the office with a “Psychologist” sign can themselves cause stress, which is unnecessary if the baby is just a little capricious, for example.

Parents cannot always cope with psychological disorders on their own due to many factors: subjectivity, lack of appropriate education, time, desire, and others. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to contact a play therapist who, if necessary, will involve both mom and dad in the game or teach them how to play at home.

Different games for different purposes

Unfortunately, there is no one universal game that would allow you to get rid of childhood problems. The choice of game depends on the source of the disorder and its depth. It is best if a psychologist selects suitable leisure time. But there is no harm from games, so you can use the recommendations described below.

Several conditions must be met for the game to be successful.

  1. Such a pastime should be interesting not only for a child, but also for an adult. Children always sense insincerity. And if they know that their parents play with them because they have to, and not because they want to, then the entire therapeutic effect may come to naught. The sincere pleasure of all participants is the key to success.
  2. The game should be spontaneous. For kids this is of particular importance. If a child plays according to some schedule, then for him it will not be entertainment, but work.
  3. The game must be voluntary. In general, this is obvious from the previous paragraphs. Entertainment under pressure is no longer such.

Games to improve psychological well-being

Children feel calm when they know that someone needs them and is interesting. The easiest way to show this is through the following well-known games:

  • blind man's buff;
  • tag;
  • hide and seek;
  • obstacle course.

In all games, it is important to give in a little, if it is clear that the baby is not coping, to encourage and praise for success.

Games that help correct aggression

For children who show aggression, it is important to show in contrast that there is another model of behavior, and also that any dispute should end on a positive note. These games can be played from the age of two.

  1. War game. A child and an adult throw various safe objects at each other: pillows, wads of paper, plush toys, using shields and shelters. And they end the fight with a draw and hugs.
  2. Cats. The baby and the adult take turns turning together, either into kind, purring and caressing cats, or into angry and hissing ones. Instead of cats there can be dogs, hedgehogs and any other animals.

Games aimed at relieving tension and relaxation

The main goal of eliminating these parameters is a change in brain activity and physical calm.

  1. The sea is agitated once. The well-known game works great for distraction and relaxation. The adult says: the sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the sea (terrestrial, vegetable, any other) figure freeze! While voicing the phrase, the child sways as if on the waves and freezes at the last word in some position until the presenter guesses what kind of figure it is. Then the players change roles, or do the same thing again. This entertainment is suitable for children from three years old.
  2. Doll. The presenter tells the child to imagine that he is turning into a doll. Lists all the parts of the body that should become stiff, while pressing on them. The child freezes in one position, trying to tense all his muscles until the adult says that the baby has become a human again. He becomes glorified and softens. This game can be played from the age of four.

Games that help correct fears

If a child is worried about internal experiences and fears, it is important to show him that in any situation you can find a way out and be saved.

  1. Cat and mouse. An adult and a child take turns taking on the role of a cat or a mouse. The cat is sleeping, and the mouse is running around him and squeaking. He wakes up, starts hunting for the mouse, she runs away and saves herself in her hole. This game can be played from two years old.
  2. Bringing. One of the players puts on a sheet and becomes a ghost. With a frightening “UUU” sound, he begins to run after the other participant and if he catches them, they change roles. This type of entertainment can be used from the age of three.

How to play with a child correctly?

Almost every child loves to draw. This is where games usually begin. The kid draws his family, home. Through these drawings he can show his fears, experiences and even psychological traumas that he cannot voice. Pay close attention to what your child draws. It is not at all necessary to have a degree in psychology to determine from pictures that something is bothering or frightening your baby. Draw with him, ask him in the form of a game who is drawn in the picture, what he is doing, why he is like this, etc. This way, you will not only become emotionally closer to your child, but you will also be able to calm him down, dispel his doubts and worries with your warm and pleasant participation.

One of the most accessible and at the same time effective games is considered to be role-playing - with dolls or with daughters and mothers. Children are happy to give them the names of real people, for example, parents. Based on the child's play, the parent can determine what the baby likes and what he doesn't. If the family environment is favorable for a child, his dolls will most likely be friends; if the dolls fight, the baby senses some kind of conflict in the family, and it is urgently necessary to eliminate it.

For a child, play is as natural a function as breathing. Don't be afraid to offer your baby new games! He is always ready to follow an interesting invention of an adult.

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