Basic rules of behavior for children in public transport and ways to instill them in your child

The behavior of children in transport is very often discussed. Some children climb up onto the seat with their feet, interfere with other passengers, stain their clothes, and scream. This naturally annoys other passengers. Of course, you need to be a little more tolerant of children, but this does not mean that children should not follow the rules of etiquette.

Not only adults, but also children should know and observe how to behave in transport. This needs to be explained to the child, told. Before the age of 7, everything that parents do is the only right thing. It is mom and dad who create negative or positive habits and form rules. Let's try to figure out how a well-mannered person should behave.

Safe behavior of children in public transport

Note to parents: if you don’t explain something to your child, he simply won’t know it. Many obvious postulates that are relevant for adults are not so unshakable for children. The solution is simple - before sending a child somewhere unaccompanied by parents, you need to talk to him about what safety rules exist in transport for children.

Among them are the following:

  • Don't get too close to the road. Standing on the curb is also not recommended, especially in icy conditions.
  • It is necessary to evaluate the trajectory of the vehicle, monitor its direction while reducing speed and approaching a stop.
  • People enter public transport holding the handrail.
  • If the child is under 7 years old, a parent must hold his hand. The baby holds on to the handrail with his other hand.
  • You can't stop near the doors.
  • You need to hold on to one of the available handrails until you can sit down.
  • It is prohibited to stick your arms and head out of open vehicle windows.

Please note that a child can be placed on public transport unaccompanied by an adult if he has reached the age of 7 years. It is not recommended to do this before. Prepare your child in advance for such an important process.

Travel after the age of seven is paid in full. Depending on the pricing features in the region, the price may vary. Also, in some localities and on a number of routes, there are separate rules that provide for the possibility of a child traveling at a partial price (with a discount), for example, during school hours.

From about 3-4 years old, parents should explain to children how they get to certain places. Children are taught safety rules from the same age. The child must clearly understand that he is going somewhere with his mother, father or another adult. The purpose of this is to get to a point in a city, region, or country as a whole located at a great distance from the current location.

On short routes you need to pay special attention. Tell your child why the minibus, bus or trolleybus stops. List the names of the streets, explain why we are now driving along Pushkin Street, and in a couple of minutes it will already be Svobody Avenue. Learn to distinguish between “left” and “right” and understand the essence of turns. By the age of 6, children should clearly imagine in their imagination the most frequent routes, guided by the names of stops and identification signs, places that they remember.

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Rules of conduct on water transport

When traveling on water transport, accompanying persons must closely monitor the pupils. Children should be given a reminder about what they are prohibited from doing on board the ship:

  • independently enter or disembark the vessel;
  • be on the site without a protective fence;
  • enter technical and office premises;
  • carry flammable substances with you;
  • hang over the ship's railing.

Important! If an evacuation has been announced, the accompanying person must gather the children, calm them down and take them to the lifeboats.

Each boat carrying a minor must have two adults. You can take only the most necessary things into the boat. Each passenger must wear a life jacket. The key role of the accompanying person is to ensure that the children calmly, and preferably in a playful way, climb onto the boat and set sail from the large vessel without panic.

The general rules of conduct here are the same as in other urban transport, with the exception of some prohibitive factors.

Child on the subway

The metro is free for children under 7 years of age. In this case, a separate seat is not provided - the baby is in the arms of an adult who accompanies him.

Safety of children in public transport on escalators:

  • hold on to the handrail;
  • be on the right side;
  • stand facing the direction of movement;
  • do not touch immovable parts.

It is recommended to carry children under 7 years of age when using the escalator.

The following rules apply on the platform:

  • it is forbidden to go beyond the boundary line (you need to show the child what it looks like);
  • it is necessary to free up space so that passengers can get out;
  • It is allowed to enter the carriage after passengers wishing to leave the carriage have done so (when explaining this to the child, emphasis should be placed on this).

If the child is under 7 years old, he or she must be held by the hand on the platform.

Child safety rules for parents in subway cars:

  • you cannot lean against the door of the carriage;
  • you need to hold on to the handrail;
  • prepare for departure in advance;
  • After the announcement of the door closing, disembarkation and embarkation should be stopped.

Explain to children where handrails are convenient for them. You should also display a passenger-to-driver device that can be activated to provide communication in the event of an emergency.

Rules of conduct on railway transport

Traveling by rail is one of the most popular options for those who have small children. The convenience lies in the fact that even if you travel in a reserved seat car, children are always in sight.

Child and train

He can walk and run around the carriage, eat, drink and even sleep. You can play various games with your baby. But here, too, there are points that a preschooler should know before traveling:

  • You can move to the desired platform only through special paths and transitions. Walking on rails and sleepers is prohibited.
  • You cannot run in front of the cars or crawl under them. The braking distance of the train reaches 1 km, and the locomotive driver cannot see who is under the train.
  • You cannot jump on or off a moving train.
  • It is prohibited to play on platforms and paths.
  • Very young children should be in the arms of adults.
  • Do not go beyond the safety line on the platform.

On a note! If all the rules for traveling by rail are followed, children will have an exciting and safe journey through forests and mountains, seas and plains.

Child on a bus and trolleybus

Rules for the safety of children on public transport (bus, trolleybus) can be combined into the following simple guide:

  • Before boarding, you need to wait until people wishing to leave the vehicle get off. To do this, the passage is cleared.
  • There is no need to linger at the door - people are walking behind, and the child must remember this.
  • You should not smear the seat or other objects with your feet - your feet should always be tilted downwards.
  • They don't eat on transport. This is especially true for cakes, ice cream, pies, etc. Limit your consumption of drinks - during the trip you can be harmful to your health.
  • Noise is not the best travel companion. Explain to your child that shouting and talking loudly is prohibited.
  • Show how to hold on to the handrails to avoid falling. The support must be maintained until the vehicle stops. Then you can release the handrail to get out. During the exit, it is also recommended to hold on.

As already noted, up to the age of 7, in transport, the parent holds the child in his arms. There are several such places on trolleybuses and buses. The quantity may depend on the capacity of the transport. As a rule, the first two are intended for disabled people, passengers with children, elderly people and pregnant women. They are located behind the driver.

Don’t forget to teach your child to treat other people politely and to give way to representatives of the categories of citizens listed above.

Where should seat belts be? All buses that transport passengers intercity are equipped with seat belts.

Should a child seat be provided for infants? Similar to the rule described above, an accompanying rule has been introduced. In accordance with it, buses that provide intercity transportation services (a route of more than 50 km are considered as such) must have separate seats for transporting passengers aged 0 to 12 years. Child restraints look like special seats equipped with seat belts.

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You cannot eat ice cream or cake on transport.

It is necessary to explain to children that transport is not a canteen. Firstly, it is not hygienic. There are a lot of bacteria around, many hands touch the handrails and there is a high probability of intestinal diseases. Secondly, you can dirty innocent people. You can also make up a fairy tale on the fly about a baby elephant (or a bear cub, it doesn’t matter) who was eating ice cream in a trolleybus; it began to melt and drip directly onto the passengers standing nearby. Another point is that the driver can brake if necessary, and all the contents have a high risk of falling out on a nearby sitting or standing neighbor. It would also be useful to remind you that you should not throw candy wrappers. We must try to convey to the child that it is clean where there is no litter! These are the rules!

What to do in case of fire or accident

To ensure that the safety of children in transport is maintained even in difficult emergency conditions, they need to be familiarized with a set of basic rules, including the following:

  • You need to be in the middle of the cabin - this increases the chance of avoiding damage in the event of an accident.
  • Seated places are the safest. If a child notices that there are live objects in the cabin, they should not touch anything with their hands or other parts of the body. You need to go outside as quickly as possible while remaining calm.
  • If passengers begin to panic due to an accident or fire, a stampede may occur. The solution to the problem is to use the emergency exit by tearing out the cord and pushing out the glass (sometimes a button is installed instead of the cord).
  • If a fire occurs, you must leave the cabin. If this cannot be done, you should evaluate your location. Once the fire extinguisher is nearby, the equipment is removed and used to extinguish the fire.
  • If a bus or trolleybus falls into the water, you need to wait until it is half filled with water. Next, the child dives and swims to the exit, crosses it, and swims out.
  • In the event of a fire, you need to call 112, and also notify the driver if this has not been done previously.
  • In any difficult situation, you can use the button to open the door in an emergency and provide free access to the exit.

Explain to your child that in the event of an accident or fire, you need to remain calm. Panic and slowness are extremely undesirable. Decisions and actions must be consistent and balanced - in this case, you can trust your child to use public transport independently. Safety and transportation of children are regulated by basic rules, and this applies not only to the metro, but also to trolleybuses. Tell your children about the possible consequences of their violations, give practical advice while on the bus with them.

Rules of conduct in the air

From the age of two, children on planes already have 20 kg of free baggage. This is a nice bonus when flying. To get to the plane, you need to take a bus, which will take everyone to the boarding point. There is no general check of the presence of those present, since usually a group of preschoolers is not carried on airplanes.

Children on a plane

General safety rules do not differ from the rules for traveling on a bus or trolleybus, except for the point where you need to turn off electronic equipment.

Familiarization with the norms of behavior on the road from an early age teaches kindergarteners to treat dangerous areas of the street responsibly. With the help of games, students learn to pay attention to road signs. Also, from an early age, children are taught etiquette and politeness.

Bottom line

It is very important to familiarize children with the rules for traveling on public transport in advance, long before the moment when parents can let the child “travel” around the city on their own.

Adults also do not need to forget about the rules for transporting small children, hold their hands, and monitor their safety. This is especially true for traveling on the subway and crossing intercity routes. Please note that his behavior in transport depends on how careful you are and how succinctly and clearly you can present information to your baby.

Road to public transport

so UNT / Traffic rules / Lesson plans for traffic rules 5th grade

Lesson No. 7. Topic: “Basic rules of safe behavior when using vehicles”

26.09.2013 29391 0

Lesson objectives:

– familiarizing students with the rules of safe behavior on public transport.

– developing skills of conscious, disciplined behavior on the street, road, and in public transport.

Materials for the lesson:

Working on your route to school should teach you to be attentive in any traffic situation, not just on the way to school and back. You have to go to the store on your own, to visit, to the art house, and not only walk, but also travel by public transport. Meanwhile, a trip by route transport consists of five stages:

1. Movement for landing.

2. Boarding the vehicle.

3. Trip.

4. Disembarkation from transport.

5. Movement after disembarkation.

Thus, you successively become a pedestrian, a passenger, and a pedestrian again. At each of these stages, dangerous situations may await you. People heading to the transport are in a hurry to catch the public transport approaching the stop or already there. Being involved in the general rush, passengers forget or neglect safety requirements. Passengers behave the same way after getting off the transport. Bus stops are crowded places, making it difficult for pedestrians to move along the sidewalk. There is a hustle and bustle. Sometimes, even against your will, you may find yourself on the roadway.

On the roadway near stops, a difficult situation also arises: route transport standing at a stop forces other vehicles to make detours, either increasing or decreasing speed, and even stopping. (Up to 5% of traffic accidents involving children occur at public transport stops.) In such an environment, pedestrians are required to pay increased attention and strictly and consistently comply with all safety rules. These are the rules you were taught in elementary school. Let us briefly recall them.

Rules of conduct for passengers in public transport

There are rules of behavior for passengers on public transport. It is important to wait correctly for a bus, trolleybus, tram, or taxi. All city transport moves along certain routes and stops not where the driver or passengers want, but at established points called stops. Therefore, you should wait for city transport while standing on the sidewalk or roadside in designated places, without going out onto the roadway.

It should be borne in mind that the tram stop almost always happens in the middle of the roadway and passengers have to cross the pavement. Traffic rules require car drivers to give way to passengers walking to or from a stopped tram. But you still need to be extremely careful and, before going to the tram, look around and make sure the crossing is safe.

You can board a bus, trolleybus, tram and other vehicles only after they have come to a complete stop.

Remember that you cannot:

— jump into a vehicle while moving;

— cling to vehicles from behind;

— stand on protruding parts and steps.

According to safety requirements, passengers are prohibited from preventing the doors from closing or opening them until the vehicle comes to a complete stop. Most buses and trolleybuses have doors that open automatically from the driver's cab. The driver does not always see what is happening at the doors if they are held by one of the passengers. However, the driver, being sure that the doors are closed, sends a bus or trolleybus. As a result, the passenger may become trapped between the door leaves.

It is also dangerous to open the doors before a bus or trolleybus comes to a complete stop, because passengers may fall out of it while it is moving. And in a passenger car, if the door is open while driving, you can hit a pedestrian or end up on the asphalt yourself.

It is forbidden to lean against doors, as they may open unexpectedly.

In any public transport there are signs: “Seats for passengers with children and disabled people.” But even if you are not sitting in such a place, you should still give it up to a disabled person, an elderly person, a woman, or simply an older person. You should also help an elderly person, a woman with a child, or a blind person get off the bus or trolleybus.

In the salon you cannot:

— distract the driver with conversations while driving;

— make noise, talk loudly, disturb other passengers;

- leaning out or putting any objects out of windows;

- carry dirty items, sharp and piercing instruments with you (they must be carefully packed);

- ride in dirty clothes that stain other passengers.

When leaving public transport, you must follow the rules for crossing to the other side of the street.

At a stop while waiting for public transport, you should stand on the sidewalk away from its edge. Here the limiting feature is the curb, on which you cannot stand.

A stop is not a place for games and running around. You cannot go out onto the roadway to see if a bus or trolleybus is coming.

If the tram stop does not have a landing area, exiting onto the roadway to board the car is allowed only after it has completely stopped.

When a bus, trolleybus or tram approaches the stop, behave calmly - do not fuss, do not push. Approach the door only after the transport has completely stopped. Do not stand in front of the doors, let passengers exit.

Enter after disabled people, elderly people and small children. To avoid being squeezed by the doors, do not try to sit down at the last moment before the departure of a bus, trolleybus, or tram.

After entering the vehicle, do not linger near the doors and on the platform, go into the cabin. In the cabin, hold on to the handrails to avoid injury during possible sudden braking.

It is recommended to immediately occupy empty seats so as not to interfere with the passage of passengers, but at the same time it is necessary to give up seats to the disabled, the elderly and the youngest. It is better to sit facing the direction of travel: it is safer in case of unexpected sudden braking. For the same reason, sleeping during a trip is not recommended.

Do not interfere with the closing or opening of doors under any circumstances. Do not try to open them yourself: this will not only damage the doors, but is also dangerous! Do not lean against the doors: they may open while moving.

Some tram trains are long cars with a turning device in the middle. These are articulated carriages. Do not lean against the rotator rails. You must not stick your arms and legs into the space behind the fence. It is very dangerous! You can not only get injured, but also die!

Do not lean out of windows or display any objects in them.

Don't make noise or talk loudly: this not only irritates passengers, but also disturbs the driver, who should not be distracted. You can only contact the driver at stops.

During the trip, follow all instructions from the driver and conductor.

You need to prepare for the exit in advance: ask other passengers whether they are getting off at the same place as you or not, if possible, move closer to the doors, but do not go down the steps. After stopping and opening the doors, when passengers begin to get out, do not push or fuss. Older children should help elderly passengers, disabled people and children. Small children traveling with adults leave after them.

When exiting public transport, do not stop in front of the doors, but move to the side so as not to interfere with the exit of other passengers.

When you get out of the vehicle, you again become a pedestrian, and, therefore, you must again obey the requirements of the rules for pedestrians. Be especially careful if you need to cross to the opposite side of the road: your path is only along the crossing!

Based on the above, the following rules can be formulated:

At the bus stop

1. Keep order, behave calmly: don’t play, don’t push, don’t run.

2. Stand only on the sidewalk, without stepping on the curb.

3. Do not go out onto the roadway.

4. Approach the door of a bus or trolleybus only after it has completely stopped.

Upon landing

1. Let exiting passengers pass.

2. Be careful when boarding to avoid being pinched by closing doors.

Inside the bus and trolleybus

1. After landing, go forward, do not linger on the steps and on the platform near the doors.

2. In the cabin, hold on to the handrails, do not interfere with passengers passing through, and prepare to exit in advance.

3. When leaving, do not fuss or push.

After disembarkation

Cross to the opposite side of the street only at the pedestrian crossing.

Passengers, cars, taxis must observe the following rule: boarding and disembarking must occur only on the right side of the street. Only drivers can exit on the left side.

It happens that you need to drive a truck, for example, to field work or to accompany cargo. There are certain rules for transporting passengers in such vehicles. In addition to the driver, the cabin can accommodate as many people as there are seats provided for by the technical rules. For example, in a ZIL-130 truck, only two people can be next to the driver.

Groups of people can travel in the back of a truck only if it is specially designed for this purpose: it must have seats for passengers, and the seats along the rear and side sides must have strong backrests. The speed of a truck with people in the back should not exceed 60 km/h.

Standing in the back of a moving vehicle is strictly prohibited.

Not all vehicles are suitable for transporting people. You cannot transport people outside the cabin of a dump truck, tank vehicle, tractor and other specialized vehicles, self-propelled machines and mechanisms, the design of which is not suitable for transporting people, as well as on a cargo trailer or semi-trailer. You cannot ride in the back of a cargo motorcycle or scooter.

A group of tourists asked a truck driver to take them to a camp site in the mountains. There were no seats in the back of the car: it was not suitable for transporting people. And the tourists rode standing. At a sharp turn, several people lost their balance and fell out of the truck, receiving serious injuries.


carry children under 12 years of age on the back seat of a motorcycle. If a passenger is 12 years old or older, he is allowed to ride a motorcycle only with a fastened protective helmet.

You should not jump out of the car while driving. This may lead to an accident. Such passengers seriously let down the driver of the car they were driving, because he is responsible for their behavior and health.

Questions for consolidation:

1. What rules of conduct for passengers at a bus stop do you know?

2. What rules of safe behavior do you know when using buses and trolleybuses?

3. What rules of conduct do you follow when using public transport?

4. Why is it dangerous to press against the door in transport?

5. Why you can’t jump out of the car until it’s full

Fines for passengers in 2021

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for 2 options for fines for passengers:

  • Article 12.29, part 1 – warning or 500 rubles. Imposed for any violation of the rules that did not interfere with other road users. For example, such a fine threatens a passenger who does not wear a seat belt.
  • Article 12.30 part 1 – 1,000 rubles. Imposed if the passenger interferes with the movement of vehicles. For example, he was not convinced that there were no cars and opened the car door from the side of the roadway.

This concludes the review of the rules for passengers.


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