Card index of low mobility games for middle group children

Game physical activity plan for the middle group

Olga Krikun

Game physical activity plan for the middle group


lth week. Game exercises . Running and walking - “Who is the fastest to the flag (cube, pins”>, “Bring the object (cube, pins)

Rolling the ball - “Roll to the cube”
“Roll and catch up”
Climbing “Crawl to the ball”, “Along the path”
“Crawl and don’t touch it” (under the cord, a chair on all fours)
Outdoor games - “Find your color”
“Sparrows and the cat”
“On a level path”

2nd week. Game exercises . Balance - walking on a bridge (on a board lying on the floor, on the ground, along a path (20 cm wide)

Jumping, bouncing in place, like bunnies (balls, turning in a circle to the right and left. Rolling the ball (diameter 20-25 cm)
to each other in pairs, along a path
(made of cords, slats, lines drawn on the ground)
. Outdoor games:
“Find yourself a partner”
“Cucumber, cucumber.

3rd week. Game exercises . Jumping on two legs to an object (cube, pin)

“Jump over the stream” (over cords, slats, braids)
Rolling the ball - “Roll it and don’t hit it” (between objects)
rolling the ball around objects in both directions. Outdoor games: “By the bear in the forest”
“Run quietly”

4th week. Game exercises with the ball : sitting, legs apart, rolling the ball to each other, “Roll the ball along the path and catch up”

(throwing a ball on the floor
and catching it with both hands).
Crawling between objects with support on the palms and knees. Outdoor games: “At the Bear in the Forest”
“Find Yourself a Mate”


lth week. Game exercises : Walking and running: “Traps”

“Traps - dashes” (running from one end of the site to the other)
Balance - walking along a path while stepping over cubes (bars)
; walking and running between objects placed in one line;

walking on a gymnastic bench “<bridge”

).Jumping: on two legs moving forward, between objects placed in one row
(pins, balls, cubes)
jumping around a ball, a cube. Outdoor games: “Cat and Mice”
“Find a Mate”
“At the Bear in the Forest”

2nd week. Game exercises . A cord in the form of a circle is placed on the platform, with a driver in it. The players are outside the circle and jump on two legs into the circle, and as the driver approaches, they jump back. The driver is trying to make someone look bad. The upset player changes places with the driver. The game repeats itself.

Jumping on two legs with a ball in your hands - at the teacher’s signal you need to stop, put the ball on the floor and walk around it.

Throwing balls to each other over the net with both hands from behind the head. Crawling on all fours with support on your palms and knees, pushing a medicine ball with your head and moving forward (distance 3 m)


Outdoor games: “Tram”

"Colored Cars"
"Cat and Mice"

3rd week. Game exercises . Rolling the ball at the teacher’s signal and running after it; rolling balls to each other (methods while sitting, legs apart, kneeling, sitting on your heels)


Crawling on all fours (with a bag of sand on your back)

.Outdoor games:
“Cucumber, cucumber..”
“Cat and Mice”

4th week. Game exercises . Crawling - “Crawl along a path (board, bench” > resting on your palms and knees; climbing into a hoop with a ball (cube)

in your hands, without touching the floor with your hands. Balance - walking along a path, stepping over objects; walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step.

Outdoor games: “Horses”

“At the Bear in the Forest”


lth week. Game exercises . Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over objects placed at a distance of two steps for the child; walking and running along a winding path; walking and running between objects placed in one row (medicine balls, cubes, skittles)

Jumping over lines (pigtails, cords, skipping ropes)
. Outdoor games:
“Find and keep silent”
“Cucumber, cucumber.”

2nd week. Game exercises . Jumping on two legs with a ball in your hands, at the teacher’s signal, sit down and roll the ball from one leg to the other. Roll the ball in pairs, in ranks, between objects; throw the ball on the floor and catch it with both hands. Outdoor games: “Airplanes”

“Fox and chickens”

3rd week. Game exercises . With a ball - rolling the ball to each other, between objects; throwing a ball up and catching it with both hands. Jumping on two legs around objects, from hoop to hoop (flat)

Balance - walking on your toes on a board lying on the floor, walking on a gymnastic bench, clapping your hands in front of you and behind your back. Outdoor games “Horses”
“Find yourself a mate”

4th week. Game exercises . Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees; climbing under the cord, under the arc, without touching the floor with your hands. Balance - walking along a path, stepping over objects. Outdoor games: “By a bear in the forest”

“The Fox and the Chickens”
“The Cat and the Mice”


lth week. Game exercises on the site. Running around the snow woman.

Turn at the teacher's signal and run in the other direction. Take turns sledding each other (the teacher makes sure that the children are equal in their physical abilities). Jumping on two legs up to and around the tree.

In room. Walking and running, raising your knees high, “horses”

walking and running between objects placed in one row and scattered. Jumping - jumping from a bench "chickens jumping from a fence"
jumping on two legs at a distance of 3 m; jumping over cords (pigtails)
. Outdoor games:
“Find a pair”

2nd week. Game exercises on the site. Jumping over snow bricks (height 10 cm)

alternating with walking around the bricks. Throwing snowballs at a distance; taking turns sledding each other.

In room. Walking and running between objects; jumping over bars on two legs (height 6 cm)

Throwing the ball up with one hand and catching it with both hands. Outdoor games: “Hares and freedom”, “Birds and cats”
“Bear the bear in the forest”

3rd week. Game exercises on the site. Jumping to the snow woman; running around the snow woman in both directions, alternating with walking. Walking along a snow bank, along a winding path.

In room. Jumping on two legs over slats, bars, jumping from heights. Throwing balls to each other in different ways - with two hands from below, from behind the head (distance 1.5 m)


Outdoor games: “Planes”

"Find a Pair"

4th week. At the site, repeat all the game exercises that were offered in previous weeks.

In room. Throwing the ball up with one hand and catching it with both hands; rolling the ball along the path, between the cubes; crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on the palms and knees, with support on the palms and feet “bear-like”

crawling on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands over the edges of the bench. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step; walking with a bag on the head. Outdoor games: “Fox and chickens”
“Find and remain silent”


lth week. Game exercises on the site. "Snowflakes-fluffs"

(running around a snowman, a
Christmas tree, “Run without hitting”
(walking and running between bricks,
“Who will throw it further” (throwing snowballs at a distance)

In room. Hoop climbing; climbing under an arc without touching the floor with your hands (height from floor level 50 cm)

.Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench in pairs towards each other: in the middle, separate, helping each other.
Jumping from circle to circle; jumping over cords. Outdoor games: “Horses”
“Find your color”
“Bear in the forest”

2nd week. Location on. Jumping on two legs to the Christmas tree, snow woman.

Walking on a snow bridge (along a snow bank)

; stepping over snow bricks. Sledding each other, sliding down the hill.

In room. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head; walking, stepping over medicine balls, cubes. Jumping - from a bench onto bent legs; jumping from hoop to hoop, through cords. Rolling balls to each other (sitting, legs apart)

throwing the ball to each other, throwing bags at a distance. Outdoor games: “Rabbits”
“Hares and the Wolf”
“Find yourself a mate”

3rd week. Location on. Walking on a snow bank, balancing with your hands. Jumping on two legs over snowballs. Throwing snowballs. “Knock down the pin (cube)

" Sliding along icy paths. Sledging.

In room. Jumping on two legs on a track; bench jumping; jumping between objects. Rolling balls in a straight direction, between objects; throwing the ball up and on the ground and catching it with both hands. Outdoor games: “Hares and the wolf”

“At the Bear in the Forest”
“Colored Cars”

4th week. Location on. "Snow Carousel"

“Sleigh train”
, walking along a snow bank (height 6 cm, stepping over snowballs. Throwing snowballs at a target
(knock down an object, get to the object)
. Sledding each other.

In room. Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees. Walking on a gymnastic bench and completing tasks. Hitting the ball on the floor and catching it with both hands. Jumping between objects, through cords. Outdoor games: “Cat and Mice”

“At the Bear in the Forest”


lth week. Game exercises . Climbing under a cord, rail (height 40 cm from floor level)

straight and sideways.
Jumping on two legs, moving forward at a distance of 3 m in a straight direction and going around various objects (cubes, pins placed in a row or in a checkerboard pattern. Throwing bags at a distance and at a target. Outdoor games: “ Planes”
"Kittens and puppies"

2nd week. Game exercises . Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over cubes, sideways with an extension step. Throwing bags at a distance. Rolling the ball around objects. Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on your palms and knees, on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands (grip your hands from the sides of the bench)

.Outdoor games:
“Sparrows and the cat”
“Little white bunny”

3rd week. Game exercises . “Who gets to the pin faster>runs in a straight direction. Jumping on two legs to perform various tasks. Throwing bags at a distance - “Who will throw it further”

, throwing a ball over a cord. Outdoor games:
“Run quietly”
“Find a pair”
“Fox and chickens”

4th week. Game exercises . Climbing under an arc without touching the floor with your hands (arch height 50 cm)

; crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on the palms and feet. Walking on a board lying on your butt, on your toes, hands behind your head, with a bag on your head. Jumping on two legs around objects, over cords. Throwing bags at a distance and at a target. Repeat outdoor games that children have mastered in previous lessons

March - August

For repetition outside of class, the teacher uses games and play exercises that the children have previously mastered.

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