Physical education and sports project for senior preschool age “And in our yard”

Club project “Outdoor play as a means of physical development of schoolchildren”

Municipal educational institution

Deyanovskaya Basic School

mug project

“Outdoor play as a means of physical development of schoolchildren”

Developed by:

Pushkina Olga Ivanovna,

primary school teacher


The purpose of this project:

To lay the foundation for the correct physical development of the individual with the help of: the formation of motor skills and behavior patterns of a school-age child in society through outdoor games, to identify the influence of outdoor play on the development of such physical qualities as speed, agility, strength, coordination and endurance in school-age children.


  1. Form conscious motor motivation.
  2. To develop motor activity, the child’s abilities in running, jumping (in outdoor games).
  3. Improve the child’s physical qualities through outdoor games.
  4. To cultivate the moral qualities of the individual (mutual assistance, conscious discipline, etc.), a sense of collectivism, camaraderie; responsibility, etc.
  5. Activate mental activity, fantasy, imagination.


The physical qualities of children will effectively develop, and their health will be maintained and strengthened, provided that a system of working with children in physical education is developed.

Project type:

— by the number of participants: group (12 people); - by focus: cognitive and health; - by method priority: creative; — by duration: long.


““Game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. A game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity,” said the great Russian teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky. The world of children's games is diverse: active, sports-competitive, board-printed, didactic, role-playing, language and many others. etc. It is well known that targeted emotional and motor stress, providing a special stimulating effect on the body, can ensure the development of voluntary attention in children. Through outdoor games, sports and competition, this impact on the child can be most fully realized with his active help. Play, since it is the leading activity of school-age children, promotes motor and mental development and is a “school of voluntariness in action.” This is due, first of all, to the fact that voluntariness presupposes the presence of a pattern of behavior and control that the child follows. The mechanism for controlling one’s behavior, obeying the rules, develops precisely in the game, and then manifests itself in other types of activities. Thus, various types of games with rules can be used to develop voluntary attention. The main thing is that the game arouses unflagging interest, curiosity and determination in the child, and requires his strong-willed efforts to realize the goals and objectives of the game. In recent years, the overwhelming number of childhood diseases is caused by the imperfection of the immune system in modern children, due to the rapid deterioration of the environmental situation. When setting a large number of educational goals and objectives, it is necessary to include health-saving technologies.

The most pressing problem

proper physical development of the child and his health. Outdoor play, in various interpretations, helps preserve and develop the health of the younger generation. Outdoor play is a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions that has great educational power. The game situation captivates and educates the child, and the beginnings and dialogues found in some games directly characterize the characters and their actions, which must be skillfully emphasized in the image, which requires active mental activity from children. Outdoor games not only develop all the physical qualities of a child (speed, agility, mobility, activity, running, jumping, and much more), but also lay the foundation for a comprehensively developed personality.

Expected result:

Expected Result
  • Children know what outdoor play is.
  • Children have ideas about the types of outdoor games.
  • Children actively use outdoor play in independent activities in accordance with their age category.
  • Children develop proper psychophysical development.
  • Children have formed an idea of ​​outdoor play and its types.
  • Children know about the history of outdoor games.
  • They find out and name the name of the outdoor game, based on the content of the game.
  • Children have high and correct motor activity (running, jumping, squats, etc.)

Project presentation form:



  1. Why did you choose this topic?
  2. Can schoolchildren understand this topic? (“Outdoor play as a means of proper psychophysical development of a schoolchild”)
  3. Do children have enough knowledge about outdoor play, its origins and its meaning?
  4. Why do you want children to know about outdoor play?
  5. What do you do to make children aware of outdoor play and its origins?
  6. How do parents of students feel about this activity?
  7. What can a parent do at home to instill interest in outdoor games?
  8. What results did you plan to achieve in such a period? And what have you achieved in practice?

Project content

(Activities of the teacher with children)

Project content

(Activities of the teacher with children)

  1. Lesson “Active game, what is it?”
Goal and tasks Information for teachers Information activities for children
Cultivate interest in outdoor play.

To clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about outdoor play.

To form an idea of ​​the types of outdoor games.

Improve the ability to jump, run and listen to the command of the teacher (driver).

Strengthen the ability to use sports equipment and visual skills when playing

Develop coherent speech, cognitive interest, logical thinking.

Study and analysis of methodological and scientific literature. Consideration of attributes, visibility, which

used in outdoor games.

Conversation. Outdoor game “Find your color”, “Take care of the object”.

  1. Lesson: “What outdoor games do we know?”
  2. Drawing: “My favorite game”
  3. Publishing booklets with children about the benefits of outdoor games.
  4. Conducting the “Fun Starts” lesson.
  5. Improving the child’s motor activity skills when conducting outdoor games outside of class (on a walk).
  6. Thematic consultations on introducing children to physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle
  7. Recommendations for organizing physical education corners at home and using sports equipment.
  8. The use of health-improving gymnastics complexes in the family.
  9. Using a special set of exercises to maintain posture.
  10. Reminders for organizing outdoor games at home and on walks

Forms of work organization.

In her work she used both traditional and non-traditional forms of work. Traditional forms of work:

  • Classes with a group of children.
  • Frontal work to consolidate the movements used in games.
  • Cooperative activity.
  • Independent activity.

Non-traditional forms of work:

  • Integrated classes.
  • Activities are fun.

Classes are the main form of organizing schoolchildren’s education. Cognitive tasks are solved in classes. Classes are conducted in a playful way, activities are conducted - entertainment, travel.

Independent activities of children are carried out in free time from classes and arise on the initiative of the child.

The proposed forms of work ensure personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child, creating a special atmosphere that helps the child realize his motor and cognitive activity.

The joint activity of an adult and a child is carried out through the organization of outdoor games.

Project implementation analysis.

At the preliminary stage of work, the children and I found out what types of games there are: plot and plotless, with and without objects, with and without words. To play the game, you need to know the rules, as well as the components of the game: how the players should stand, where to play the game, whether there is a hero or character in the game, who will win the game

Stages of work.

  1. Monitoring of children at the initial stage.
  2. Implementation of the physical development program “Outdoor Games”:
  • preliminary work (studying literature on this topic);
  • drawing up a work plan;
  • implementation of the plan.
  1. Repeated diagnostics.
  2. Performance assessment.

Conditions of implementation.

Creating conditions for organizing outdoor games.

Creation of a subject-developing environment.

Development of projects on the psychophysical development of school-age children.

Development of visual materials.


To determine the effectiveness of the physical development of school-age children, diagnostics were carried out, the objectives of which were to identify:

  • ability to follow the rules of the game;
  • take on and act as a driver
  • formation of motor skills.

These diagnostic results showed that the high level of physical development of children increased to an average of 50%, average - 44%, low decreased to 6%.

Thus, after analyzing the results obtained, we can conclude that the targeted work done on the formation of motor skills and physical development of school-age children is effective and leads to the preservation of children’s health.



This work on the physical development of school-age children can be used by employees of school educational institutions.

Thematic planning.

p/p Subject Number of hours Dates Activity
1. Introductory lesson. 1 hour Rules of safety and behavior when doing physical exercises. Hygienic and aesthetic requirements for a set of clothes for classes
Improving jumping skills, developing speed and strength abilities - 5 hours.
2. The most bouncy 1 hour Jump technique.
3. Who's next 1 hour
4. Leisure 3h. Russian, folk, outdoor games for the formation of strong-willed self-regulation, the ability to act according to the rules
For the comprehensive development of coordination abilities, mastery of elementary technical and tactical interactions – 11 hours.
5. Correct posture 2h. Exercises and games to prevent postural disorders
6. My back is straight 2h.
7. 1 hour
8. General developmental exercises and games with and without objects 3h. Exercises and games to develop the skills of concentrating, distributing, switching attention, imagination and memory.
9. Leisure 2h. Exercises and games to develop strong-willed self-regulation and the ability to act according to the rules
10. Obstacle course 1 hour Balance exercises and games
To consolidate and improve throwing at a distance and accuracy, develop the ability to differentiate movement parameters, speed and strength abilities - 6 hours
11. Hello, snow, frost and skis! 3h. Outdoor games and entertainment in winter
12. Taking the snow town 3h.
To master basic skills in catching, throwing, passing and dribbling the ball - 5 hours.
13. flying ball 1 hour Ways and techniques of passing the ball
14. Badminton 2 hours Racket exercises
15. Table tennis 2 hours
To consolidate and improve running skills, develop speed abilities, and the ability to navigate in space – 7 hours.
16. Fast and agile 3 hours Game exercises
17. Who and how 2 hours Rhythmic gymnastics
18. "Who is faster" 1 hour Competitions and relay races


In the general system of educational work, the physical education of children occupies a special place. As a result of targeted pedagogical influence, the child’s health is strengthened, the physiological functions of the body are trained, movements, motor skills and physical qualities necessary for the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual are intensively developed.

The development of motor abilities occupies an important place in the physical education of schoolchildren. Practice shows that many children cannot achieve high results in running, jumping and throwing, not because they are hampered by poor movement technique, but mainly due to insufficient development of basic motor qualities - strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility.

In this aspect, outdoor games act as an effective means of physical fitness. Purposeful, methodologically thoughtful guidance of outdoor play significantly improves and activates children’s activities.

The goal of our project was to identify the influence of outdoor play on the development of such physical qualities as speed, agility, strength, coordination and endurance in school-age children.

Speed ​​as a physical quality is the ability to perform motor actions in a minimum period of time for given conditions.

Agility is the ability to quickly and accurately respond to unexpected situations, skillful mastery of movements in complex changing situations.

During the work, scientific, pedagogical and methodological literature was studied. Many researchers recommend including outdoor games that develop speed and dexterity in school-age children in physical education classes and in children’s daily lives.

In the theoretical part of the work, based on the study of specialized literature, we examined, identified and characterized:

  • physical qualities of schoolchildren, as well as speed and agility as physical qualities;
  • requirements for physical exercises that develop speed and agility;
  • outdoor game as a means of developing physical qualities: tasks, meaning, characteristics and methods of organization and implementation.

In the ascertaining part of the study, to determine the level of development of speed and dexterity, we conducted test tasks, with the help of which we determined the level of development of speed and dexterity in children.

We carried out a selection of outdoor games that develop these qualities.

In the formative part of the experiment, children were given classes consisting of outdoor games that contributed to the development of speed and dexterity.

Then the test tasks were repeated, with the help of which we were able to see that at the control stage, after the work done, a significant increase in all indicators of physical development was noted.

From all this we can conclude that the outdoor game

promotes the development of these physical qualities in school-age children. The hypothesis put forward about the influence of outdoor games on the development of speed and dexterity in school-age children was confirmed.

Thus, outdoor play can be called the most important educational institution. A justified choice of content and methods for developing physical qualities is an important aspect of increasing the effectiveness of physical education.


  1. Grish, V. I.

    Children's outdoor games [Text] / V. I. Grish. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk book publishing house, 1992. - 220 p.

  2. Podlasy, I.

    N. Pedagogy: New course: textbook for students of higher educational institutions [Text]: monograph / I. P. Podlasy, M.: Vlados, 2002. – 386 p.


Outdoor games

Description of games


The driver stands in the center of the circle with his eyes closed and his hand extended forward. All the players run in a circle with the words: Aram-shim-shim, Aram-shim-shim, Aramia-Dulsia, Point to me. At the last words, the circle stops, and the players look at whom the leader’s hand is pointing at. The one whom the driver pointed to enters the circle and stands back to back with the driver. Everyone says in unison: “One, two, three.” On the count of “three,” those standing in the center simultaneously turn their heads. If they turn their heads in one direction, then they are performing some task for the children - singing, dancing, reading, etc. After this, the first driver leaves, and the second takes his place. If they turn their heads in different directions, then no task is given to them, the first driver leaves, and the second one starts the game from the beginning. When older kids play this game, they sometimes introduce this rule. If there is a boy and a girl in the center, and they turn their heads in the same direction, then they should kiss. If there are two boys or two girls in the center, then they shake hands.

Game “Roll on, merry tambourine!”

Everyone stands in a large circle. The presenter says the words: You roll, merry tambourine, quickly, quickly through your hands. Whoever has a funny tambourine will now... /task/ etc.

Burn, burn clearly. (2)

The children line up pair by pair. The driver takes the lead. He is not allowed to look back. Everyone sings:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky -

Birds are flying, bells are ringing!

When the song ends, the children standing in the last pair separate and run around those standing in pairs (one on the left, the other on the right). They try to grab hands in front. The driver, in turn, tries to catch whoever is running. The one who is caught becomes the first pair with the driver, and the one left without a pair becomes the new driver. If a pair of runners manages to connect before the driver catches anyone, then this pair takes the lead, and the game continues with the same driver.


The presenter takes the ring in his hands. All other participants sit on the bench, fold their palms into a boat and place them on their knees. The leader goes around the children and puts his hands in each one’s hands, while he says:

I’m walking along the hill, carrying the ring! Guess, guys, where the gold fell?

The presenter quietly places a ring in the hands of one of the players. Then he takes a few steps away from the bench and intones the words:

Ring, ring,

Get out on the porch!

Who will leave the porch,

He will find the ring!

The task of the player who has the ring in his hands is to jump up from the bench and run away, and the children sitting next to him must guess who has it hidden and try, holding it with their hands, not to let this player go. If the player with the ring fails to escape, he returns the ring to the leader. And if he manages to escape, he becomes the new leader and continues the game


The players choose a participant representing a woodpecker. The remaining players approach the tree with the woodpecker and sing:

A woodpecker walks across the arable land,

Looking for a grain of wheat,

I couldn’t find it and I’m pounding the bitches,

A knock is heard in the forest.


After this, the woodpecker takes a stick and, counting to himself, knocks on the tree the intended number of times. Whichever player is the first to correctly name the number and run around the tree as many times becomes the new woodpecker and the game is repeated.


One of the players picks up the ball and sings:

Olya, Kolya, green oak

White lily of the valley, gray bunny

Give it up!

With the word “Drop it!” throws the ball up strongly. Whichever player is the first to catch it on the fly sings the same game chorus and tosses the ball.

Bouncers On the court, 2 lines are drawn at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other.
Two bouncers , the remaining players gather in the center between the two lines. The bouncers stand behind the lines and throw the ball towards each other, trying to hit the players. The ball flying past the players is caught by the second bouncer, and the players turn around and hastily run back. It's the second bouncer's turn to throw.

Story games in kindergarten

STORY GAMES IN KINDERGARTEN are built on the basis of children's knowledge of the life around them. Different professions, types of transport, natural phenomena, and especially often the habits of animals and birds: the cunning of a fox, the rudeness of a wolf, the speed of a hare, as well as thunder, rain, traffic - all this forms the basis for establishing the rules of the game in kindergarten.

When playing HORSE, kids run, raising their knees high, like horses.

The game is as follows: one of the children becomes a horse (usually the most active boy is chosen). Long ribbons are tied to his shoulders. Two or three children will immediately pretend to be a cart. They pick up a ribbon and shout “But-But!!!” make the horse run in a circle. All other children stand in a circle. The driver stops near each child, and the next passenger loudly says where he wants to go: to grandma, to mom to work, to kindergarten. When the cart with a passenger sets off for the next circle, all the children try to run in unison, raising their legs high. And the horse, at the same time, can still buck. This game develops a “sense of elbow”, since the cart must move smoothly; Children should not repeat the purpose of the trip, but come up with new ones each time. If one of the passengers or drivers loses the rhythm, then the teacher can remove such a child from the game, inventing, for example, that the cart’s wheel has broken. The game ends when all the children have ridden.

Repeating the movement of the bunnies who run away from the scary gray wolf in the game HARES AND THE WOLF, children jump like bunnies and hide wherever possible.

The game develops a quick reaction in children. At the beginning, all the bunny children are jumping and frolicking at the edge of the forest. The edge of the forest is the middle of the playground in the playroom, which is furnished with chairs.. But the teacher immediately warns that somewhere nearby a scary and hungry gray wolf is wandering through the forest. And the kids must be on alert all the time. After a certain time, the teacher shouts: “Gray wolf!” All children must have time to hide behind their chairs. Whoever doesn’t make it in time is grabbed by the gray wolf and impromptu dragged into his lair - the next room. This child is automatically eliminated from the game. The game continues until all the hares have been caught.

The children's interactions are very close. When pretending to be a train, in the game STEAM LOT, children move synchronously one after another, trying not to bump into the trailer in front.

Children are a locomotive and carriages. All the kids stand behind each other, grab each other by the waist and begin to move in unison. The teacher will first place chairs that will indicate the area: stations, forest, bridge, house. The locomotive must smoothly go around all obstacles and safely reach the final station. The cars must move synchronously and slow down at the station in advance. As the train progresses, children in carriages should try not to bump into the carriage ahead. Otherwise, the teacher will announce an accident. All children in the group can take part in this game. Just like in the game HORSE, you can leave some of the trailers at passing stations. And the children must figure out why the carriages are detached from the train: carriages with mail, freight cars and other reasons. It is also good to place road signs regarding the railway. Children will immediately learn the rules of behavior on the railway tracks.

In the TRAFFIC LIGHT game, children's cars brake and stop at a red light when the "traffic light" waves a red flag. At the words of the teacher - Rain, rain - the baby birds quickly scatter to their nests.

This game simply must be played more often so that the children learn the rules of crossing streets. One of the guys is chosen to be a traffic light. They give him three circles: yellow, green, red. By raising the circles, the child represents a traffic light. The remaining children are divided into: transport, pedestrians and police officers. All participants in the game must move through the intersection according to the established rules. Boys can depict cars, and everyone must come up with a brand, color and a unique “beep”. Girls can transport strollers with dolls. A policeman stands at his post and punishes violators. Whoever breaks the rules is eliminated from the game.

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Project “Outdoor Play as a Means of Socialization for Children of Senior Preschool Age” Introduction A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the surrounding world flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. Sukhomlinsky V. A. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science...

Physical development project “Development of physical qualities through outdoor games and exercises” for children of the senior group Project : Duration: long-term Project : educators, children 5-6 years old, parents, physical education instructor Implementation period: March-May Relevance: Outdoor game is an educational and health-improving means of personal socialization that can intensify...

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