Progress of observation: The teacher asks the children questions.
What time of year is it now? How did you guess that autumn ?
List the characteristic signs of autumn . Why did it get colder in autumn ? What do people do in the fall ? How do different animals adapt to life in the cold season?
The sun does not shine so brightly in autumn , and it often rains. There are frosts in the morning. Birds gather in flocks to fly south.
Labor activity: Cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen leaves. Goals: to teach how to create a joyful mood in yourself and other children from the work done; cultivate an ecological culture.
Outdoor games: “The third wheel”
.Goals: teach to follow the rules of the game;
develop agility and running speed. “Owl”
. Goals: to teach how to navigate in space; develop interest in the game.
Didactic game: “Who eats what?”
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about predatory and herbivorous insects.
Individual work: Jumping on two legs to the flag and back.
Goal: improve jumping while moving forward.
Independent games with external material.
Walk 2 . Observation of different types of transport.
Goals: expand knowledge about ground transport, their classification, purpose; to form an idea of the purpose of buses, their importance in human life.
Outline of an autumn walk in the senior group
Autumn walk in the senior group of a preschool educational institution
Author: Shishkovskaya Irina Ivanovna, teacher of the senior group of compensatory orientation MBDOU "TsRR-d/s" Chaika ", Abakan. Description of the material: the proposed summary will be useful to kindergarten teachers, methodologists and senior educators, primary school teachers, after-school teachers and parents. Outline of an autumn walk in the senior group of kindergarten. Topic : “In the autumn meadow.” Goal : creating conditions for consolidating the signs of autumn through a walk-trip to a forest clearing. Objectives : - to promote the expansion of children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn, emphasizing the beauty of autumn nature and the variety of colors; - create conditions to encourage children to engage in speech activity; -promote the development of observation, fostering curiosity and love for native nature; -create conditions for research activities; - to form an idea of the importance of work, to teach how to complete a task to the end; - create conditions for organizing motor activity. Materials and equipment: buckets, children's rakes, brooms, outdoor games, sand bags, whistle, chalk, ball, hoops, weather vanes, tape recorder with autumn melodies. Progress of the walk. Breathing exercises.
Educator: - Guys, it’s so nice outside. Let's breathe in some fresh air and clean our noses. (3 times deep breath through the nose - exhale through the mouth, lips folded into a “tube”) Educator: - Guess the riddle: Don’t trust the warm sun - There is a snowstorm ahead. In the golden whirlwind the leaves flew. It was I who came with the rains, leaf fall and winds. (Autumn) -Guys, what signs of autumn are mentioned in this riddle? (leaf fall, rain, wind.) -What does “leaf fall” mean? -Do you like autumn?
Game “Echo” (with a ball)
Description of the game: children stand in a circle, inside the circle is a teacher with a ball.
The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the sign, and the child returns the ball to the teacher and adds an object to the sign. Example: autumn weather, autumn rain, autumn boots, autumn sky, etc. Educator: -Today they brought me a letter from the Dunno Bunny. He lives in the forest, and writes that autumn is his favorite season and, therefore, he composed a story about it. Listen: Autumn is the most wonderful time of the year.
It happens in July and August. The sun is very hot, and birds are flying in from warmer climes. Green leaves are blooming on the trees. The mother and stepmother and lungwort are blooming. There is a lot of snow in the forest. -Guys, do you agree with Bunny – Dunno?
-Let’s capture everything you just talked about in drawings. Drawings on the asphalt accompanied by an autumn melody.
Educator: -Guys, most often in your drawings you depicted autumn leaves.
Didactic game “2 red sheets and 2 yellow sheets”
Progress of the game. Educator: - I will say: “I have 2 red sheets,” and you say: “And I have 2 yellow sheets.” ... I don’t have two red leaves - ... ... I leaned over the two red leaves - ... ... I admire the two red leaves - ... ... I remember the two red leaves - ... Cognitive - research activity - study of the power of the wind.
Experience "Hello, wind." -Children, tell me, when the leaves are spinning and flying, who helps them?
(wind) -Do you want to turn into a breeze? (yes) The teacher suggests taking the leaves in your hands, raising them above your head and blowing hard. The leaves are smoothly flying and spinning. Educator: -Children, a light breeze is blowing like this. But if a very strong wind blows, then the leaves spin wildly and fly over the ground for a long time. The teacher suggests raising the leaves above your head and blowing hard. The leaves are smoothly flying and spinning. Outdoor game “Wind-breeze”.
Children stand in a circle.
The leader, “Veterok”, is selected by the counting table. Children move in a circle with the words: “The wind in the park swirls the leaves, swirls in the sky, swirls in the puddles.
They are thrown at our feet, and onto the wet paths. Come on, windy breeze, quickly stain the leaf.” After finishing the words, the child “breeze” catches up with the rest of the children.
The game is repeated 3-4 times. Educator: Golden autumn has come to us again Let's collect leaves and go for a walk
- I have leaves in my hands, what tree do you think they come from?
How are they different from each other? (research activity) Game “Don’t stand still, build a round dance around ______”
(we name the trees that grow in the group plot)
Educator: -It rains very often in autumn.
Outdoor game: “Sun and Rain.”
The children say the words in chorus:
The sun shone in the sky, We had a lot of fun.
There is loud laughter, the sun is shining for everyone. (children are walking and dancing in the area)
A cloud suddenly covered the sun, It became sad and despondent.
A torrential rain poured down, and we ran home. (children run under the roof or under an umbrella)
Sedentary game “Ay”
The driver is selected and closes his eyes.
The children walk in a circle and say the words: Vanya, you are in the forest now. Don’t open your eyes, find out who called you.
At this time, the teacher touches the child and he says “AU.”
The driver must call him by name. If he guesses correctly, he becomes the driver. Work activity:
Educator: - Guys, why do you think cleanliness is needed in the area? Why does a janitor sweep up trash? (Children's answers). Look at our area: clean or dirty? (Children's answers). What will happen if we play in such a dirty area? (Children's answers). What needs to be done to keep us healthy? (Children's answers).
Independent motor-play activity:
• walking on an monkey bars, • running like a snake between the trees, • games with external materials (hoops, weather vanes), • games “Harvest the harvest” (throwing sand bags into a bucket)
Individual work
“Find and name the right word” (the teacher asks the child to highlight and name only those words that contain the sound C (leaf, pine, sand, jump rope, leaf fall, autumn, etc.)
We recommend watching:
Summary of an autumn walk with children of the middle - senior group of kindergarten Summary of a lesson in the senior group: How do animals prepare for winter in the fall? Summary of GCD in the senior group with a presentation on the topic: Autumn Thematic lesson in the senior group: Autumn Golden
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Autumn walk in kindergarten in the senior group. Withered plants
Progress of observation: The house is walking down the street,
Everyone is lucky to get to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots.
The teacher asks the children questions: What does the bus look like?
What's inside the bus? What are handrails needed for?
What buses travel around our city?
After certain sections of the route the bus stops. At each stop, the driver presses a special button to open the doors. After passengers have exited and others have entered, the driver closes the doors and the bus proceeds to the next stop.
Pandemonium at the bus stop:
People are waiting impatiently for the bus,
People need to get to work in time -
Everyone wants to fit on the bus.
It’s just a shame that the transport is petrol,
Not everyone will fit in: it, alas, is not made of rubber!
Labor activity: Collective work in the garden to collect garbage. Goal: to continue to develop teamwork skills.
Outdoor games: “Wolf and kids”
"Needle, thread, knot"
Goals: to teach gaming activities with strict adherence to the rules;
develop speed and reaction; cultivate courage.
Didactic game: “Dangerous objects”
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about dangerous objects in everyday life, to develop attention, accuracy, and to form a careful attitude towards health
Individual work: Development of jumps.
Goal: to strengthen the ability to jump on one leg.
Independent games with toys, external didactic material.
Walk 3 . Watching the wind.
Objectives: to consolidate generalized ideas about seasonal changes;
give the concept of wind and its properties; continue to learn to determine the direction of the wind.
Walks in September in the senior group. Card file with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard
Autumn walks in kindergarten. September Senior group of preschool educational institutions
Walk #1. Insect observation
They feed intensively and hide from the cold;
some of them fall asleep until spring, some insects die, completing their life cycle; urticaria butterflies fly into houses in the fall and spend the winter there; lemon butterflies climb into the cracks of tree bark and sleep until spring; ants gather in the depths of the anthill and close the entrance to it. Riddles: Not a bird, but with wings. (Butterfly)
Carpenters walked without axes, They cut down a hut without corners.
The voice is thin, the nose is long, Whoever kills him will shed his blood.
It curls around your nose, but it won’t let you into your hands.
Observation of the distribution of seeds and fruits.
Together with the children, examine the various fruits of trees and shrubs and determine how the seeds are spread across the ground (wings, fluff, thorns, parachutes)
On windy days, watch how the seeds are spread throughout the area. Determine the role of wind in seed dispersal. Invite the children to find plants on the site for which the wind is a welcome guest. Outdoor game “Ball for the Driver”. Goal:
practice throwing and catching a ball with both hands.
"Owl." Goal:
learn to act on a signal.
Labor activity . Tidy up the flower beds on the site. Collect seeds. Remove dry grass and leaves. Goal:
To foster independence and activity in children.
Individual work on movement development . Goal:
to develop and improve the motor skills of children. Independent games with external material.
Walk No. 2.
Observation of special transport Purpose: To expand children’s knowledge about special transport and enrich their vocabulary. Artistic word . A red car is rushing along the road. It needs to appear on the spot as soon as possible. There is a fire that needs to be extinguished by an avalanche. Everyone calls the red fire truck “01” - these two numbers are often dialed. This means they are not always careful. (V.I. Miryasova)
Questions: What special machines do you know?
(Ambulance, fire, snow removal, watering, police)
What are these machines for? (To help people)
Why do they also call an ambulance to a fire? (Help to victims of fire from burns and smoke)
Do cars driving with a siren stop at traffic lights? (No)
Why ? (They rush to help people)
Name them (Ambulance, fire and police)
Observing leaves in dry weather. Offer to walk on the fallen leaves, listen to how they rustle. Discuss why the leaves rustle (New water does not enter the leaves, and the one they received from their plant gradually evaporated. The leaves dried out and became brittle. If it rains, they will get wet again and stop rustling)
Didactic game “Who can name the most actions?” What about leaves in autumn? (turn yellow, fade, fall off, spin, dry out, crumble, freeze, can be collected, rustle, rustle)
Outdoor games “Bees and bear cubs”. Goal:
to practice climbing the gymnastic ladder in alternating steps.
"Ball to the driver." Practice throwing and catching a ball. Labor activity . Together with the teacher, cut off broken, dry branches of bushes and trees with pruning shears and remove them. Goal:
teach children to use pruning shears and remove only broken branches.
Individual work on movement development Game exercises with a skipping rope. Goal:
to consolidate the ability to jump rope, rotating forward and backward. Independent games with external material
Walk #3. Temperature monitoring
After long-term observations of the thermometer readings, bring the children to the conclusion that in September it is colder than in August by an average of 5 degrees.
Poem by A.S. Pushkin: Sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold. In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath, And the skies are covered with wavy darkness, And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts, And the distant threats of gray winter. Observation of plants. Pay attention to changes in the color of birch and poplar leaves. Describe the leaf surface. Show rose hips and rowan. Consider the seeds of some flowers (marigolds, nasturtium)
, clarify the purpose of the seeds and pay attention to the different number of seeds in different plants.
Research activity How many petals does a fireweed flower have? Find two identical flowers. Measure the height of the fireweed stem. Find the tallest (lowest)
Outdoor games “Name me.” Goal:
to develop the ability to create an “image” of an animal using facial expressions and gestures.
"The Fox and the Hares." Goal:
develop running speed and the ability to dodge traps.
Labor activity Weeding weeds in the pharmaceutical garden. Goal:
to develop the ability and desire to work together.
Individual work on the development of movements Throwing the ball from above to each other.
Independent games with external material. Walk No. 4. Precipitation monitoring
The nature of precipitation in September is rain and fog.
Children find the differences between long and short rains. What can you say about rain in autumn? (drizzles, drips, pours, walks, drips, whips, makes noise, knocks on the roof)
Poem by S. Egorov “Autumn”: All clouds, clouds. Rain. Cold like ice, prickly like a hedgehog, wandering through the autumn. Observation of leaf fall. Pay attention to the beauty of golden autumn. Poem by Yu. Kapustina “Autumn”: In a golden carriage with a playful horse, Autumn galloped through the forests and fields. The good sorceress changed everything and painted the earth bright yellow. From the sky the sleepy month is surprised at the miracle, Everything around sparkles, everything shimmers. Research activity Collect aspen and birch leaves for the herbarium. Goal:
To teach children to distinguish leaves
(by shape, size, length of stem)
- Let's put a birch leaf on an aspen leaf. Which one is bigger? (aspen)
- Smell the leaves.
Does it smell similar? (aspen leaves have a bitter smell)
- Let's listen.
What do you hear? - These are the leaves rustling, saying goodbye to us. Individual work on the development of movements Goal:
To cultivate, through movements, a caring attitude towards nature;
practice jumping over logs, stones, stumps; develop strength qualities. Outdoor games “From bump to bump.” Goal:
To develop long jump skills in children.
"Firefighters in training." Goals: - strengthen the ability to climb walls; - develop attention. Individual work Game exercises with a skipping rope. Goal:
to strengthen the ability to jump rope by rotating it forward and backward. Independent games with external material.
Walk No. 5.
Observation of seasonal changes Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the relationship between living and inanimate nature; form an idea of the autumn months; teach to identify changes in the life of plants and animals in the autumn. Progress of observation . What time of year is it now? How did you guess that it was autumn? List the characteristic signs of autumn? Why did it get cold in autumn? What does a person do in the fall? How do different animals adapt to life in the cold season? The sun does not shine so brightly in autumn, and it often rains. There are frosts in the morning. Birds gather in flocks and fly south. Labor activity . Cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen leaves - teach yourself and other children to create a joyful mood from the work done. Outdoor games . “Stop” - to develop children’s motor activity; “The third wheel” - teach to follow the rules of the game; develop agility and running speed. “Who is the fastest” - teach how to run at speed. Individual work . Jumping with forward movement - improve jumping with forward movement. Drawing on asphalt with crayons “Complete the pattern” - invite children to draw the missing figures in geometric patterns, color them, and come up with their own patterns. Independent activity of children with IM Research activities Collect aspen and birch leaves for a herbarium. Goal:
To teach children to distinguish leaves
(by shape, size, length of stem)
- Let's put a birch leaf on an aspen leaf. Which one is bigger? (aspen)
- Smell the leaves.
Does it smell similar? (aspen leaves have a bitter smell)
- Let's listen. What do you hear? - These are the leaves rustling, saying goodbye to us
Walk No. 6.
Observation of trees Objectives: to remind about the trees growing on the site; teach to distinguish them by the appearance of the trunk, crown, leaves; clarify the signs of autumn, its signs; develop logical thinking Progress of observation Literary word : “Rowan” by I. Tokmakov The rowan gave me a red berry. I thought it was sweet, but it’s like quinine. Perhaps this berry is simply not ripe, or perhaps the cunning rowan was trying to make a joke? Discussion on the content of the poem. Individual work Running “snake” between the pins - learn not to touch the pins when running between them; develop speed, agility, balance. Labor activity Transplanting flowering plants from a plot to a group - learn to carefully dig up a flower and carefully transplant it into pots along with the soil; cultivate a love of plants and work skills. Outdoor games “Run and Jump” (running, jumping)
“Gardeners” (rolling a ball into a bucket)
- the ability to long jump. “Fishing rod” - consolidate jumps on two legs up. Games at the request of children with external materials
Walk No. 7.
Observing a sparrow Goals: to deepen knowledge about the features of a sparrow’s appearance and life manifestations; activate children's attention and memory. Progress of observation What does a sparrow look like? What does he eat? How does he move? How does he sing? The sparrow is a small, lively bird. The sparrow's back is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes. The tail and wings are dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat are black, but the head is gray. The sparrow is an agile bird, unafraid to jump near a person’s feet, peck from a dog’s bowl, and pick up crumbs, seeds, and grains. It adapts well to human habits everywhere. The sparrows sing "chick-chirp". Labor activity Weeding beds in the garden of a kindergarten - to strengthen children’s ability to distinguish weeds by appearance. Outdoor games “Baba Yaga” - teach to follow the rules of the game: walk, run easily and rhythmically, changing the direction and pace of movement. “Find yourself a partner” - teach to move quickly according to a signal, changing the direction of movement. “Catch the ball” - continue to strengthen the skills of throwing and catching the ball with both hands; cultivate attention and dexterity. Individual work “On a Level Path” - teach children to walk in a column, one at a time, along a narrow path.
Optional games with external material. Walk No. 8.
Observation of insects Objectives: to develop interest in the living world, observation skills, to learn to establish connections between the weather and the behavior of insects; consolidate the names of insects and their benefits to nature; tell that when autumn comes, all insects hide from the cold (in the trunks of old trees, in stumps, in the ground, etc.)
Remind you that a spider is not an insect. Progress of observation Riddles about insects. This little catcher weaves a strong net, If a fly hits, that’s the end of the poor thing. (Spider.)
Where do insects winter?
During the winter, spiders hide in cracks in the bark and crevices of old stumps and fall asleep until spring. Labor activity Seed collection - consolidate the ability to carefully collect flower seeds and store them correctly. Outdoor games “Run and Jump”; “Jumpers” - develop motor activity, the ability to long jump. "Wolf in the Moat" - long jump. Individual work Development of movements - improve jumping over a long rope.
Games at the request of children with external materials. Walk No. 9.
Observing the rain Objectives: to expand children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, to develop speech by coordinating verbs with nouns. Progress of observation . Rain, rain, drop, water saber, cut a puddle, cut a puddle, and got tired and stopped. I. Tokmakova.
Autumn rains are not at all like summer rains.
Autumn rain - drizzling. As soon as it begins to fall in small drops to the ground, it will continue for a day, two, three... Often without stopping. And then it becomes very boring. There is slush underfoot, the sky is leaden, and cold, tedious rain is drizzling. It's good that autumn will eventually pass and winter will come. People wear raincoats and boots in the rain. Br!.. It's slushy! Even the birds hid, they don’t want to get their feathers wet. When does it rain drizzling, lingering? What mood does it evoke? How does nature react to rain? What are puddles? What do the clouds and sky look like? Labor activity Cleaning up toys - to form in children the idea of collecting toys and putting things in order. Outdoor games “The deer has a big house” - strengthen the ability to correlate movements with the text. “Cat and Mice” - teach to follow the rules of the game “Snake” - develop children in running; Individual work “Brave guys” - practice fast running; Experimental search activity: Find the tree that is the first to prepare for autumn (aspen, birch)
. Find the most beautiful birch leaf, autumn aspen leaf.
Walk No. 10.
Observation of the flower garden Objectives: to form children’s ideas that flowers are alive, they grow and change; introduce children to the name of flowers and their structure. Progress of observation The plants in the flowerbed grew well, bloomed while it was warm, there was a lot of light and water; now the days are becoming short, there is a lot of water, but little heat, the flowers are fading, and in their place seeds are formed, from which new plants can appear. Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up. And the bare bushes look sad. What did the flowers in the flowerbed look like? Why did they wilt? What needs to be done to make the flowers grow again in the spring? (Collect seeds.) Labor activity Collecting seeds in a flower garden - to develop labor skills. Outdoor game "Wolf in the Moat" - long jump. “Chasing the ball” - develop running, attention and agility. “Empty Space” - introduce children to the rules of the game; develop dexterity, coordination of movements, ability to distribute movements. Individual work “Jump further” - teach how to long jump from a running start. Games with sand “Building a house” - teach children to build a house out of sand; continue to teach children how to negotiate construction. Research activity 1. Offer to look at the sun. How do you feel when you close your eyes and turn your face to the sun? Is it possible to look at it directly, does it hurt your eyes? 2. Place two pebbles. One is in the sun, the other is in the shade, covered with a wooden box so that it is dark there. After some time, they check which pebble is warmer. They conclude that objects heat up faster in the Sun than in the shade. Walk No. 11. Observation of leaf fall Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the signs of late autumn; clarify why the fall of leaves is called leaf fall. Progress of observation Look, children, autumn has come. Leaves covered the entire ground, and there were many flowers in the flowerbed. Yellow trees, yellow leaves - everything is yellow. That's why autumn is called golden and yellow. Let's go wander through the leaves. Do you hear how they rustle? Look, one leaf flies to the ground, then the other spins, spins and slowly falls to the ground. The wind blew and many, many rustling leaves flew to the ground. This is LEAF FALL. Leaf fall, leaf fall. Leaves fly in the wind Leaves fly slowly because they are light. Looking at beautiful autumn leaves. Have all the trees changed leaf color? What were the trees and bushes like in summer? How have they changed with the arrival of autumn? What color are the leaves on a birch tree? (Golden yellow.)
On a rowan tree?
Which tree changes leaf color before others?
Which trees retain their leaves the longest during leaf fall?
(At the birch tree.)
What is the significance of leaf fall?
(Adaptation to winter cold, protecting trees from damage, releasing unnecessary substances with leaves.) Do
all leaves fall the same way?
Does the tree also die with fallen leaves? (The plant continues to live; in the axil of each leaf there is a golden bud, which gives rise to a young shoot with ready-made leaves in the spring.) Labor activity Collecting cones for making crafts - teaching children to talk about the work done. Outdoor games “Burners”, “Wolf in the Moat” - teach to follow the rules of the game, act on the teacher’s signal; develop dexterity. Individual work Walking along a narrow path - to improve walking technique while maintaining balance.
Drawing on the asphalt “Leaf Fall” - invite children to collect beautiful leaves that have fallen from various trees, outline them with chalk on the asphalt, and color the drawing. Independent activity of children with IM Walk No. 12.
Observing the work of a janitor Objectives: to expand knowledge about the work of adults in the fall; cultivate respect for work. Progress of observation The wind plays with the leaves, tears leaves from the branches, yellow leaves fly straight into the children’s hands. The teacher asks the children questions. — What tools does a janitor need to work? — What work does a janitor do in the fall? — What is the work of a janitor needed for? — How can we help the janitor? Labor activity Sweeping sand from paths - learn how to use brooms correctly. Outdoor games “Cat and Mice” - continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game; “Corners” - strengthen agility and running speed. “Paints” - teach children to be attentive; Individual work Development of movements - develop the skills of throwing a ball at a target.
Sand building “Bus” - teach children to make a collective construction using their knowledge of the properties of sand. Independent activity of children with IM Walk No. 13.
Observing grass Objectives: To provide an understanding of herbaceous plants. Cultivate a caring attitude towards herbaceous plants. Show that herbaceous plants are lower compared to trees; in the fall, the grass changes its color, it turns yellow, and dries. Progress of observation Ladybug on a long blade of grass - Like a traffic light on a green path. The grass is short compared to the trees; it grows in the ground, you can touch it. The grass can be low or high. The root holds the grass in the ground. If you pull out grass by the roots, it will die, so you need to treat herbaceous plants with care. When it gets cold, green grass begins to turn yellow and dry out. Grass sometimes continues to grow under the snow. The leaves of the grass are wide and small, narrow. Dry grass needs to be removed to make the surroundings of the kindergarten beautiful. What happens to trees in autumn? In autumn the leaves change color. Some trees may have leaves of different colors: yellow, green, red. At the end of autumn, almost all trees are without leaves. In September, the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter, the tit asks for autumn to visit, and the leaves on the tree do not stay. Why is autumn called golden? What phenomenon is called leaf fall? What do you think autumn leaves will dream about? Labor activity Cleaning the gazebo - teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts. Outdoor games “Find where it’s hidden” - teach how to navigate in space. “Jump higher” - learn to act on a signal. “Crucian carp and pike” - exercise children in running, Individual work “Cross the river” - develop coordination of movements.
Independent activity of children with IM Walk No. 14.
Observation of mushrooms Goal: to develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about mushrooms and rules of conduct in nature. Progress of observation In the autumn forest in September On a boring rainy day A mushroom has grown in all its glory, Important, proud. His house is under the aspen tree, He is wearing a red hat. Many people are familiar with this mushroom. What should we call it? (Boletus.)
Why is the mushroom called boletus?
(Because it grows under aspen trees.)
What other mushroom gets its name from the tree it grows near?
(Boletus mushroom.)
Rules of behavior in nature Do not knock down mushrooms, even inedible ones.
Remember that mushrooms are very necessary in nature. Labor activity Sweep the sand from the paths - cultivate the desire to work. Outdoor game : “We are funny guys” - to develop the ability to act on a signal; exercise in running; “Squirrels in the Forest” - practice children jumping from a bench to a designated place. “Make a figure” - teach children to draw various figures using their hands, torso, and in pairs. Individual work : Development of movements. goal: to develop and improve motor skills. Games with sand “Roads and Bridges” - teach children to lay roads in the sand, build bridges, select toys and natural materials to complement the resulting building. Games at the request of children with external materials. Walk No. 15. Observing the mountain ash Goal: continue to introduce children to the mountain ash. Progress of observation Various birds have flown away, And the rowan tree celebrates autumn, Their sonorous chorus has ceased, Putting on red beads. O. Vysotskaya What does rowan look like? Where does it grow? What animals love rowan berries? What birds peck rowan berries and when? What does rowan give to people? Like a beautiful maiden, she threw a shawl embroidered with various golden-red leaves over her shoulders and put on a necklace of scarlet berries. It grows in forests, parks and gardens. If a bear finds a rowan tree in the forest, strewn with clusters of berries, he will deftly tilt the flexible tree and enjoy its fruits with pleasure. Forest giants-elks, reaching to the very top of the tree, eat fruits and branches with appetite. Berries that fall to the ground are picked up by voles, hedgehogs, chipmunks and squirrels. On pre-winter November days, flocks of bullfinches and waxwings arrive. They stick around the rowan and peck its juicy sweet berries. Rowan berries are used to make jam and jam, and rowan honey is fragrant and healthy. Rowan has good wood - heavy, elastic and durable. They make dishes from it, handles for axes and hammers, and beautiful baskets are woven from flexible branches. Labor activity Collecting leaves of aspen, rowan, willow for a herbarium - learn to carefully collect and distinguish leaves of different trees. Outdoor games “Kite and Mother Hen”, “Who’s Next?” - learn to run, holding each other, listen to the teacher’s signal. “Catch in a circle” - practice rhythmic walking, running with dodging and catching. Individual work Teach jumping on one (right, left)
leg. Drawing on asphalt with crayons “Autumn Forest” - learn to convey the silhouettes of various plants. Games at the request of children with external materials.
Walk No. 16.
Bird watching Objectives: to expand ideas about migratory birds, about the changes in the life of birds in the fall, when the cold sets in; foster love and care for birds. Progress of observation The waters rustled like a fast stream, Birds flew away to warmer lands. • What birds fly to warmer climes? • Why are they doing that? Birds gather in flocks and fly low above the ground. This means that they will soon fly away to warmer climes. Swallows will be the first to do this, since with the onset of cold weather the insects they catch in flight disappear. The last to fly away are ducks, geese, and cranes, as water bodies begin to freeze and they cannot find food in the water. The teacher invites the children to complete the sentence: • The sparrow is small, and the crane... (big)
• The duck is gray, and the swan... (white)
Work activity Hanging and filling feeders - discuss why it is important to feed birds in the fall; tell you how to choose a place for a feeder, organize hanging and filling feeders. Outdoor games “Circle”, “Cold - Hot” - to achieve the correct technique in previously mastered types of walking. “Tram” - teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the actions of other players. Individual work Development of movements - improve walking technique (walking with an extended step)
Games at the request of children with external materials. Walk No. 17. Observation of the birch Objectives: to continue to introduce the characteristic features of the birch by which it can be distinguished from other trees; cultivate a desire to admire the beauty of wood. Progress of observation Alena is standing - a green scarf, a thin waist, a green sundress. (Birch.)
What tree is the riddle talking about?
How tall is the birch tree? Where is the birch trunk wide and where is it narrow? Are birch branches thick or thin? Can you get the leaves? What color is the birch trunk? What kind of trunk does a birch have? How can you say about a birch tree? What color are the leaves of a birch tree? Invite children to admire the beauty of birch. You can hug her, stroke her and say: “Grow, dear little birch, make good people happy.” Work activity: To restore order in the sandbox is to form in children a conscious attitude towards order. The outdoor game “Hares and the Wolf” - continue to develop children’s motor activity; teach you to independently follow the rules. “The fastest” - practice running. “Mice and the Cat” - teach children to run on their toes. Individual work “Ball School” - develop the ability to dribble the ball in a straight line, coordinate the movements of the legs and arms;
Independent games with external material. Walk No. 18.
Observing the sky Purpose:
To acquaint children with the external features of the autumn sky.
Arouse children's interest in the external features of the sky. Progress of observation Everything around has gone dark! The rain is as big as peas! The clouds are running across the sky and thundering: - Crash, crash, crash! The sky at the beginning of autumn is blue. The sun is not visible in the sky; it is covered by clouds. The sun came out from behind the clouds. Dark clouds in the sky - there will be rain or snow. Why the sky is blue? The sky appears blue to us, but at night or in space the sky appears black. The blueness of the daytime sky is created by gas molecules and other particles in the Earth's atmosphere. Gas molecules and particles scatter sunlight, which consists of a range of colors. Blue is the most scattered and reflected towards us on Earth. Labor activity Sweeping paths in the area of younger groups - to cultivate the desire to work. Outdoor games “Paints”, “Catch up with a couple” - learn to remember the color of paint, run quickly at the teacher’s signal, and be attentive; practice running in the right direction to a certain place. Individual work Game exercises with a short rope - learn to jump over a rope, rotating it back and forth.
Walk No. 19.
Observing the wind Objectives: to concretize and consolidate children's knowledge about the wind. teach how to determine the strength of the wind. Progress of observation It is not known where it lives. It will fly in and bend the trees. A trembling will whistle through the river, Mischievous, but you won’t stop!? What is this? It's the wind. Do you think there is wind outside today? (Observation begins from the window)
We'll go outside now and check. How did you know there was wind outside? It blows in our faces, the trees sway, the flowers sway. Look at the sky: why are the clouds floating? Yes, because the wind also pushes them. The wind can be strong, hurricane, and quiet, gentle. When the wind is strong it can uproot a tree. And the quiet one brings us coolness. Do we see him? Can we hear him? Yes, when there is a strong hurricane. What is wind? Wind is air that moves around us. We breathe air; without it, neither animals, nor birds, nor fish, nor grass can live. What is the wind today: calm or strong? How else can you say it? Affectionate, warm, weak. Is it beneficial? (dries clothes, puddles, mills work, produces light) Labor activity Feeding birds - discuss with children what birds eat, what they need to be fed in cold weather. Outdoor games “Who can stand on one leg longer?”, “Blind Man’s Bluff” - teach how to act quickly when losing balance. “Partridges and hunters” - develop dexterity and accuracy. Individual work Strengthen the skills of jumping in place (legs apart - together; one forward - the other back)
We recommend watching:
From the experience of working as a kindergarten teacher. Autumn walk Autumn walk - observation in kindergarten with children of the senior group Walks in October in the senior group. Card file with goals for the Federal State Educational Standard Walks in November in the senior group. Card file with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard
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Progress of observation: The teacher asks the children riddles and asks questions.
What kind of animal rushes along the pavement like a daring wind.
At the call of the sick, he growls and puffs. ( "Ambulance"
***The car speeds through a red light,
-I’m taking a patient to get treatment!
And everyone who calls me
I'll get you to the doctors quickly! ( "Ambulance"
What is this car? How did you guess? What are such machines needed for?
A car with a red stripe and a red cross immediately leaves for the specified address to help the patient. The flashing light and howling siren seem to say to the rest of the transport and pedestrians: “Please let us through, we are in a hurry!”
Work activity: Collecting waste on site. Goals: to achieve the task through joint efforts; foster mutual assistance.
Outdoor games: “Migration of birds”
“Don’t get caught.”
Goals: practice running in different directions; develop slow and fast running.
Didactic game: “What will happen if...”
Goal: to exercise the ability to evaluate and predict the consequences of a certain action, to develop attention.
Individual work: Did. game "Day-Night"
Goal: to consolidate the names of parts of the day.
Independent games with external materials, toys, balls
Walk 1 . Monitoring seasonal changes
Objectives: to form concepts about the change of seasons; clarify ideas about the features of each season.
Progress of observation: A golden leaf is already covering
Wet soil in the forest,
I boldly trample my foot
The beauty of the spring forest. (A. Maikov)
At the beginning of October there are warm sunny days. The sky sparkles blue, and the leaves of maples and birches shine through in golden patterns against its background. The air is clean, transparent, and silvery threads of cobwebs fly in it. Such days are called “Indian summer”
“If it’s clear, then
autumn is beautiful ,” says the popular proverb.
The teacher asks the children questions: What signs of autumn ?
What does a person do in the fall ? How do animals adapt to life in the fall ?
Labor activity: Cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen leaves.
Goals: to teach how to create a joyful mood from the work done;
cultivate an ecological culture.
Outdoor games: “Brave guys”
.Goals: practice fast running;
develop dexterity. "Hares and the Wolf"
Goal: develop jumping ability, combining strength with speed.
Didactic game: “Who will we treat with what?”
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about wild animals, their life
in autumn , and feeding habits
Individual work: Research activities
Find the tree that is the earliest to prepare for autumn . (Aspen, birch.)
Find the most beautiful birch leaf, autumn aspen leaf .
Independent games with external materials, toys, balls
Walk 2 . Monitoring the work of the janitor.
Goals: expand knowledge about adult labor in the fall ; cultivate respect for work.
Consultation on the topic: “Organization and conduct of targeted walks and excursions in the summer”
“Tell me and I’ll forget!” Show me and I will remember! Let me do it myself and I’ll understand!” - said the classic of pedagogy K. Ushinsky. These words can fully be attributed to organized educational activities - excursions.
Excursions are a special form of organized educational activity, its advantage over other types of educational activities is that they allow children to learn about objects and phenomena of nature, objects of the man-made world and human activity in a natural setting. During the excursions, the foundation of specific ideas about the world around us is laid.
According to the content of the excursions, they are divided into :
- natural history educational excursions;
- excursions to familiarize yourself with the work of adults;
- excursion for the purpose of developing aesthetic feelings (to a museum, to an exhibition);
- introductory tour (targeted walk) along the street.
Starting from the second junior group, targeted walks are conducted around the site and territory of the preschool educational institution. Excursions outside the territory of the preschool educational institution are conducted with children starting from the middle group.
In order for the work on cognitive development to be fruitful, it is recommended to conduct excursions at least once a month.
It is advisable to conduct nature excursions to the same places at different times of the year in order to show children the seasonal changes that occur in nature. Children get acquainted with all the richness of its colors, sounds, smells, forms in development and change.
The success of the excursion depends on the careful preparation of the teacher and children. The preparation of the teacher consists, first of all, in determining the purpose of the excursion and its content. When planning an excursion, the teacher focuses on the features of the surrounding area (natural object) or the technological process of the excursion object. When determining the place of the excursion, the teacher chooses the best path to it - not tiring, not distracting the children from the intended goal. When determining the distance to the excursion site, one should proceed from the physical capabilities of the children. The duration of the journey to the chosen place (one way) should not exceed 30 minutes in the middle group, 40-50 minutes in the senior and preparatory groups. In this case, you should take into account the characteristics of the road and weather conditions. The plan and route are agreed upon with the head, senior teacher and health worker.
The content of the event is clearly planned and the appropriate equipment is selected. The set of necessary equipment includes light individual backpacks, fresh drinking water, disposable cups for the number of children and adults, soap, napkins, attributes for organizing educational games and independent activities for preschoolers. In case you need to clean up the parking area, it is worth taking small rakes, shovels and garbage bags with you.
Be sure to have a first aid kit. Every adult accompanying a group of children must know its contents well and be able to use it.
Adults accompanying children during the excursion must be well aware of and follow safety rules (traffic, at work). When visiting a production facility, it is necessary to obtain permission to conduct an excursion and discuss the course of the excursion with the responsible representative, determine the content of the conversation between workers and children. No matter how familiar the teacher is with the place of the excursion, it is necessary to inspect it a day or two before it. Having visited the site of the future excursion, the teacher clarifies the route, finds the necessary objects, outlines the content and scope of the knowledge that children should receive about a given range of phenomena and objects, the sequence of individual parts of the excursion, establishes places for collective and independent observations, and for children to relax.
The uniqueness of excursions to familiarize adults with the work is that children observe human labor activity and the technological process. In the main part of the excursion, it is necessary to show children what people do and for what purpose, what machines are used, how they treat work, how they care about good results of work.
In order for the excursion to be interesting, the teacher needs to prepare poems, riddles, proverbs, and game techniques.
Preparing children begins with the teacher telling them the purpose of the excursion. The guys need to know where they will go, why, what they will learn, what they need to collect. The teacher reminds children about the rules of behavior on the street, in nature or at a production facility, in public places. When preparing for an excursion, you need to pay attention to the clothes of children. Children should be dressed comfortably, in accordance with the weather and season.
Methodology for conducting natural history educational excursions.
A natural history excursion includes an introductory conversation, collective observation, individual independent observation of children, collection of natural history material, and children playing with the collected material. The order of the parts varies depending on the purpose of the excursion and the season. Having brought the children to the place of the excursion, you should remind them of its purpose in a short conversation and let the children look around. The main part of the excursion is collective observation, with the help of which all the main tasks of the excursion are solved. The teacher must help children notice and understand the characteristic signs of objects and phenomena. To do this, you can use various techniques: questions, riddles, comparisons, survey activities, games, stories, explanations. Didactic games conducted during excursions should be focused on providing preschoolers with the opportunity to demonstrate an active, environmentally literate position in relation to natural objects. Topics can be the following: “Help the tree”, “Be careful, ant”, “Birds love silence”, “Good morning”, etc.
Small environmental actions expand the experience of environmental protection activities, support the desire to actively and independently provide assistance to natural objects, and allow you to experience a sense of pride from the work performed. During excursions to a square, park, or pond, children, together with adults, can hang bird feeders, plant grown seedlings in flower beds and flower beds, plant trees, etc. The most significant thing is that during these activities, preschoolers accumulate emotionally positive communication experience with nature.
At the end of the main part, children are given the opportunity to satisfy their curiosity in individual independent observations and collection of natural history material. However, one should not forget about nature conservation; the collection of material should be strictly limited and carried out under the guidance or with the direct participation of a teacher.
During children's rest, games and play exercises are held. Children consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of an object, express in words an opinion about the quality of the object, remember the name of plants (“Guess by the smell”, “Find out by the description”, “Which branch are the children from?”).
In the final part of the excursion, the teacher once again draws the children’s attention to the overall picture of nature.
The main goal of the final stage is to summarize the excursion work. Creative tasks will allow the child to express his impressions and show his attitude to what he sees. You can invite the children, together with the teacher, to create little books from the drawings. Or after a nature excursion, for example, preschoolers can compose a story about the park and imagine what tales an old spruce tree could tell them. As an option for creative tasks, the teacher offers the creation of collective collages depicting above-water and underwater inhabitants of reservoirs or professions, etc. Constructing ecosystem models from natural and waste materials will help children better understand the chain of relationships and interdependencies that exist in nature. The street layout can be used in teaching traffic rules. After each excursion, the layout can be supplemented and transformed. Based on specific information, children build technological chains, add new natural or technological objects, etc.
When conducting a targeted walk with younger preschoolers, you can choose one object for observation in the preschool area, for example, a rowan tree, and take targeted walks in different seasons, observing and noting the changes that have occurred.
During rest, the collected material is sorted, laid out, and used for games and exercises. In games: “recognize by smell”, “recognize by description”, “find a plant by leaf”, “branch, branch, where is your baby?” - children consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of objects, express their quality in words, remember the names of plants and their parts.
Agricultural excursions are varied: to the field, to the meadow, to the garden, to the vegetable garden, to the greenhouse, etc. Such excursions provide an opportunity to clearly show how humans influence nature, how they grow plants and animals.
Targeted walks , unlike excursions, are short-term, and a small volume of problems is solved during them. Children get acquainted with the striking natural phenomena of a particular season: bird nesting, ice drift. Targeted walks are carried out to a pond and a meadow. You can choose one object for observation in the kindergarten area, for example, a birch tree, and take targeted walks in different seasons, observing and noting the changes that have occurred. Thus, excursions and targeted walks help to form preschoolers’ ideas about the world around them. These forms of work allow children to develop skills in behavior in nature, develop the ability to be surprised and surprised, cultivate an interested and caring attitude towards the environment, and introduce them to the sights of their native village.
Memo-template for preparing and conducting an excursion, a targeted walk outside the kindergarten territory
Notify the administration of the preschool educational institution about the planned excursion, target walk no later than three working days (head, senior teacher), and do not forget to indicate this organization of joint activities in the calendar planning.
Immediately before the excursion 2-3 days
1. Preliminarily familiarize yourself with the object of observation.
2. Obtain permission to conduct an excursion at a designated place (if it is associated with an institution, enterprise, organization, etc.)
3. Agree on a time to visit.
4. Inspect the excursion site for safety.
5. Choose the easiest and safest route, taking into account the road features and weather conditions
6. Tell the children about the purpose of the excursion (the children should know where they will go, why, what they need to know, what to collect.)
7. Remind children about the rules of behavior on the street, in public places (you need to be disciplined and attentive)
8. Warn parents about the upcoming excursion and invite them to take part in a joint event.
9. Read again the “Instructions for educators on protecting the life and health of pupils on exercise areas, during targeted walks and excursions, and work in the vegetable garden, in the flower garden”
10. On the day of the excursion, do about
Immediately before leaving for the excursion:
1. Pay attention to the children’s clothes (they should be comfortable, appropriate for the weather and season)
2. Check the list of children before going on an excursion.
3. Bring child safety flags with you.
4. To make the path interesting, prepare poems, riddles, and game techniques in advance.
5. Having arrived at the excursion site, remind the children again of the goal and let them look around.
6. In the final part of the excursion, summarize the work, thank the hosts, parents and children for holding the event.
7. Check the list of children and go back.
8. Upon returning to the preschool educational institution, offer the children creative tasks (to draw, prepare stories for pupils of other groups who did not go on the excursion, parents). This will allow the child to express his impressions of visiting the object of observation, train his memory and promotes the development of coherent speech in your pupils .
Progress of observation: Powerful transport - truck
I'm used to carrying heavy loads.
What does a car need a body for?
To carry cargo in it!
The teacher asks the children questions: What are trucks for? What are they transporting? Name some types of trucks and explain what they are needed for? Which car do you think is more difficult to drive - a truck or a car?
Labor activity: Cleaning up fallen leaves.
Goals: to teach you to finish what you start; cultivate accuracy and responsibility.
Outdoor games: “Traps”
“Children and the Wolf”
. Goals: to teach to follow the rules of the game, to act on the teacher’s signal; develop dexterity.
Didactic game: “Healthy Products”
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about healthy and unhealthy foods, to cultivate a desire to take care of your health.
Individual work: Walking on a log. Goal: to improve walking technique while maintaining balance
Independent games with external materials, toys, balls
Walk 6 . Observation of mountain ash.
Goal: continue to introduce children to rowan.
Progress of observation: The aspen tree is chilling, trembling in the wind,
It gets cold in the sun, freezes in the heat.
Give the aspen a coat and boots,
The poor aspen needs to warm up. (I. Tokmakova)
The aspen has a smooth, gray-green trunk. In autumn, its leaves are painted in different colors: pink, red, yellow. Aspen leaves are special, they are attached to flexible, flattened cuttings; a little breeze will blow and the leaves will knock against each other.
The teacher asks the children questions:
What kind of trunk and leaves does the aspen have? Why are the tree leaves shaking?
Labor activity: Sweeping paths on the site, collecting fallen leaves. Goal: to cultivate diligence, the ability to work together.
Outdoor games: “Don’t fall”
.Goal: to strengthen the ability to pass the ball back and forth with straight arms.
“Touch the ball.”
Goal: to strengthen the ability to throw and catch the ball.
Didactic game: “In the store”
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the names of specialized stores: clothing, shoes, products, sports equipment, etc.
Individual work: counting up to 7. Goal: repeat direct and ordinal counting up to 7
Independent games with toys, balls, attributes for outdoor games.
Walk 3 . Watching migratory birds
Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about migratory birds; cultivate interest and love for birds; be able to identify the signs of a living organism.
Progress of observation: Only golden autumn
The leaf is scorched by fire -
The birch tree flies around,
Feels sad in the rain.
The teacher conducts a conversation with the children: Why did the leaves on the trees turn yellow? What happens to trees in autumn ?
How do trees prepare for winter?
In autumn, the leaves on the trees begin to turn yellow, first at the top, where the air is colder, and then at the bottom. The wind blows, tears off the leaves, and they, like gold coins, fall onto the dark damp ground. Invite the children to collect a bouquet of fallen leaves and note what color the leaves are.
Labor activity: Sweeping paths, collecting garbage.
Goals: to cultivate diligence, the ability to work together; put away equipment after work in a certain place.
Outdoor games: “We are funny guys”
Goals: to teach to follow the rules of the game, to act quickly and deftly;
practice running.
Didactic game: Guess what's in the bag? Purpose: to teach children to describe objects perceived by touch and guess them by their characteristic features.
Individual work: Did. game “What do we take in the basket?”
Goal: to consolidate in children the knowledge of what crops are harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.
Independent games with external materials, toys, attributes for outdoor games.
Walk 5 . Observing changes in nature with the arrival of late autumn .
Goals: continue observing changes in nature with the arrival of late autumn , promote speech development by enriching vocabulary; cultivate a caring and caring attitude towards the environment and nature
Excursions and targeted walks in the senior group
Marina Bilibenko
Excursions and targeted walks in the senior group
1 TOPIC “From September to summer there is no turn” - EXCURSION
GOAL: To develop the ability to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between observed natural phenomena; note changes in plants in the garden; learn to draw conclusions about patterns and relationships in nature.
2 TOPIC “Going to the cinema” (watching cartoons) - target walk
GOAL: To expand children's knowledge about the life and way of life of the Russian people in ancient times. Give children a charge of positive emotions for the whole day.
TOPIC 3 “Observing changes in trees and shrubs with the arrival of autumn” - excursion
GOAL: Show children how the color of leaves on trees and shrubs changes in autumn, their number; show the beauty of the original autumn.
4 TOPIC “Our kindergarten” - target walk
GOAL: Continue to introduce children to kindergarten employees, the premises in which they work, and the work they perform.
1 TOPIC “Journey along the autumn trail” - excursion to the park
GOAL: Continue observing seasonal natural phenomena; consolidate the signs of autumn. Cultivate aesthetic feelings and emotional responsiveness.
TOPIC 2 “River in autumn” - excursion to the river
PURPOSE: To show children the changes taking place in water bodies (the water is dark, cold, leaves float on the water, near water bodies; to show the beauty of their native land.
3 TOPIC “Orchard” - target walk
GOAL: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the signs of autumn, to note the changes that have occurred in the garden with the arrival of autumn; fix the names of trees and their fruits.
4 TOPIC “Walk along the street. Dzerzhinsky" - targeted walk
OBJECTIVE: Consider the variety of houses located on Dzerzhinsky Street; consolidate children's knowledge about movement and behavior on the street.
1 TOPIC “Examining fruits and seeds” - a tour of the orchard
GOAL: To teach to distinguish the fruits and seeds of trees and shrubs in the immediate environment. To provide knowledge about the importance of fruits and seeds in the life of plants and animals.
TOPIC 2 “Walk along the street. M. Gorky" - targeted walk
GOAL: To observe the transport passing by, to expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about ground transport, its classification, and purpose. To consolidate children's knowledge about safe movement on the street, across the street.
3 TOPIC “Late Autumn” - excursion to the park
OBJECTIVE: To summarize the primary idea of autumn (the sun is shining, but almost does not warm; the leaves are multi-colored, the grass has withered, leaf fall begins - people are removing leaves). Practice recognizing trees and shrubs by the autumn harvest of leaves, fruits and seeds. To develop the ability to admire the beauty of the autumn landscape.
4 TOPIC “Going to the cinema” (watching cartoons) - target walk
GOAL: To give children a charge of positive emotions for the whole day; enhance overall development.
1 TOPIC “Changes in nature in winter” - EXCURSION TO THE PARK
GOAL: To develop children's powers of observation, a sense of empathy, love and interest in their native nature.
TOPIC 2 “Walk around the kindergarten” - target walk
GOAL: Continue to introduce the signs of winter, strengthen the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish simple connections between them.
3 TOPIC “Watching the snow” - excursion
GOAL: To form a realistic understanding of inanimate nature, to consolidate the knowledge that water can be in a solid state (snow, ice); teach comparison, develop cognitive activity.
4 TOPIC “In the winter park, among the branches, we will set a table for guests”
GOAL: Expand children's understanding of seasonal changes in nature; systematize knowledge about wintering birds; make you want to help birds in winter; deepen and expand knowledge about the birds of your region.
1 TOPIC “Excursion to the winter park”
GOAL: Continue to form an idea of winter as a season; teach children to notice the characteristic signs of winter phenomena in inanimate and living nature. Compare winter and summer. Cultivate love for native nature.
2 TOPIC “Bird watching in winter” target walk to the park
GOAL: To form an idea of the life of birds in winter. Foster a desire to take care of birds, highlighting signs of the living world.
3 TOPIC “Excursion to the park”
GOAL: To deepen understanding of the typical state of inanimate nature in winter (snow covered the entire ground, it lies on tree branches, benches). Traces of people, birds, and animals are visible in the snow. Learn to highlight the beauty, peace and quiet of a winter park.
1 TOPIC “Walk along the street. M. Gorky"
GOAL: During the walk, reinforce the rules of the road with the children. Strengthen children's ability to walk on sidewalks (sticking to the right side).
TOPIC 2 “Excursion to a winter snow-covered park”
GOAL: To teach children to notice changes that have occurred in nature (the day has become longer, the sun is shining brighter). Identify trees by branches and fruits; birds by voices. Foster a love for living nature.
3 TOPIC “Hike to the reservoir” - a targeted walk
GOAL: During the walk, teach children to notice changes in the reservoir in February (snow is loose, saturated with water, ice is gray, watery). Review the rules of safe behavior on the pond.
4 TOPIC “Observing seasonal changes”
GOAL: To form ideas about changes in nature, to learn to notice the characteristic signs of the end of winter (the first drop). Strengthen the ability to perceive a poetic description of winter.
1 TOPIC “Targeted walk around the kindergarten”
GOAL: To introduce the first signs of spring, to note the behavior of birds; expand your vocabulary by using words denoting signs of spring; cultivate a love for nature, the ability to feel its beauty.
TOPIC 2 “Excursion to the pharmacy”
GOAL: Continue to familiarize children with the work of adults, the content of the work of a pharmacist; generate interest in the profession.
TOPIC 3 “Targeted walk to the park”
GOAL: Observe the changes that have occurred in nature with the onset of spring; develop observation, attention, thinking.
4 TOPIC “Excursion to the library”
GOAL: To instill interest in reading and the history of book publishing, to introduce the history of books and writing; visit library subscriptions and book exhibitions.
1 TOPIC “Excursion to the birch tree”
GOAL: To consolidate children's knowledge that trees do not die in winter; buds remain on the branches, from which green leaves bloom. Teach children examination techniques and talk about their observations.
TOPIC 2 “Targeted walk to the crossroads”
GOAL: To form an idea of society (sidewalk, roadway, traffic light); establish traffic rules. Reinforce knowledge about the purpose of traffic lights.
TOPIC 3 “Excursion to the laundry”
GOAL: Continue to acquaint children with preschool educational institutions, with the laundry, with the content of the work of a laundry operator; cultivate respect for the work of other people.
4 TOPIC “Targeted walk to the meadow”
GOAL: Observe the first spring flowers, grass; cultivate love and respect for living nature.
1 TOPIC “Excursion to the park”
GOAL: To introduce the phenomena characteristic of the height of spring (trees and shrubs are covered with leaves and flowers). To foster interest in observing spring changes in nature.
TOPIC 2 “Targeted walk to the kindergarten garden”
GOAL: To consolidate the idea that plants grow from seeds; introduce planting techniques; activate children's vocabulary.
TOPIC 3 “Excursion to the art school”
GOAL: To visit the art school, introduce them to the clubs and classes that are held at the Children's Art School, in order to interest them in any activity.
4 TOPIC “Targeted walk to the monument to fallen soldiers”
GOAL: Continue to cultivate patriotic feelings, introduce the history of the Second World War; develop respect for veterans.
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