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Consultation for parents “Computer games for developing children’s musical abilities” Mlada Sidorova Consultation for
Modeling lesson in the preparatory school group “Modeling decorative dishes” Sections: Working with
Methods that allow you to establish discipline First, you should work on yourself, building such a line of behavior,
The modern school curriculum places quite high demands on future first-graders. By the start of school, children are already
Tips The “monotype” technique involves using the mirror principle. This should not be forgotten, otherwise instead
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 25 "Fairy Tale" prepared by teacher Napolskikh
The role of the use of non-traditional drawing techniques in the artistic development of preschool children As mentioned above, the use of non-traditional
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF "Features of moral and patriotic education of children of primary preschool age" Junior preschool age is important
Notes on drawing in the second junior group “Hare in winter” Yosypiv Ekaterina
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of a developmental lesson on the topic “A fairy tale is every person’s best friend” Purpose