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Drawing on the theme “Beautiful Bird” in the middle group of kindergarten Birds are representatives of wildlife,
Progress of the lesson: Watch a presentation about berries. Tasks: The ability to form coherent speech, listen to other children.
Card file of experiences and experiments on ecology in the senior group Card file of experiences and experiments on
Contents of the game In the game, the child is asked to complete 8 tasks in mathematics. Each slide represents
Fact 5. The world's first air golf! Russia is a mysterious country, capable of really throwing out
Preschool children show special interest in the surrounding nature, its elements and phenomena. Homemade
Today in Runet there are many resources about the Great Patriotic War: from unique
Complex lesson in a nursery group on the topic “Transport” Shcherbakova Yulia Complex lesson in a nursery group
Formation of cultural, hygienic and self-care skills in young children. “Formation of cultural and hygienic skills and
Kindness Week JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN MONDAY Topic of the week: Kindness Week Topic of the day: