Summary of the lesson “Our Motherland - Russia” in a general developmental group for children 5-6 years old

Fact 5. The world's first air golf!

Russia is a mysterious country capable of pulling off a truly original act. This time it's about playing golf, but with one huge difference. Players fly in helicopters!

Each helicopter contains five participants who change each other as needed. The principle of the game remains the same, only the ball weighs twenty kilograms, which is hit with a four-meter stick weighing ten kilograms.

Of course, anyone will say that this is eccentricity, but the fact remains that this is why there should be such a mixture of polo and aerobatics!

Fact 9. The most expensive road in the world!

Another record belongs to Russia, and again associated with the road, only this time with a car. We are talking about the road leading from Krasnaya Polyana to Adler, which was built for the 2014 Olympics. Almost 230 billion rubles were spent on its construction, given that the length of the road is only 48 kilometers.

  • Holidays with children in Krasnaya Polyana
  • Holidays with children in Adler

Fact 8. Unusual but interesting fact about Russia

This time let's move to one of the cities of Russia, namely Yekaterinburg, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records due to the largest consumption of mayonnaise per unit of population. Well, concluding our talk about Yekaterinburg, let us mention that it is in this city that an unusual monument to the invisible man was erected. You may ask how is this possible, since he is invisible? But even here, resourceful Russians found a way out: the monument represents the imprints of bare feet.

Fact 3. The largest museum in the world!

Russia is a huge country, perhaps this determines many of the fundamental achievements, as well as the special scope with which its residents approach the implementation of ideas. For example, in St. Petersburg, the northern capital of Russia, there is a world-famous museum where more than three million exhibits are collected.

We are talking, of course, about the Hermitage. In order to examine all the exhibits that are exhibited in numerous halls, it will take more than 8 years, and this is provided that you do not linger around each for more than a minute.

There is one additional interesting fact about this place. The fact is that to protect exhibits from the ubiquitous rodents, the Hermitage “works” with a staff of cats, each of which has a passport with a pasted-in photograph.

  • Read more about the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg

Fact 4. Where did the concept of “dacha” come from?

It’s easy to guess, since we are talking about Russia, then the concept of “dacha” is most likely connected in one way or another with the history of this country. This is true! During the time of Peter the Great, courtiers were given suburban plots so that they could express their architectural preferences outside the city. This is where the concept came from that “given by the king” would be called nothing other than “dacha”.

Fact 2. The deepest lake in the world!

Continuing the theme of records, let’s pay attention to Lake Baikal, which is considered the largest source of pure fresh water on our planet! The depth of Lake Baikal is 1642 meters, and the total volume of the water layer is more than 20 cubic kilometers.

In numbers, this volume is not very clear, but to clarify, here is a comparison: if all the largest rivers in the world, from the Volga and Yenisei to the Amazon and the Nile, fill the depression of Lake Baikal, then they will fill it after a full 365 days !

  • Holidays with children in Russia
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