Work plan of the methodological association of preschool education for the 2020-2021 academic year

Work plan of the methodological association of preschool education for the 2020-2021 academic year

municipal educational institution

"School with. Katravozh named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.M. Zverev"

Approved by the school's methodological council

Protocol No. 1 dated September 30, 2021


work of MO DO

for the 2021 -2021 academic year


Risova R.G.

The unified methodological theme of the school:

“The introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies into the educational process is a necessary condition for improving the quality of education and nurturing a harmoniously developed personality within the framework of the implementation of the national project “Education”

Goals of the school's methodological work:

1. Continuous improvement of the level of professional skill of the teacher, his erudition, competence in the field of the educational subject and methods of teaching it;

2. Mastering new technologies aimed at ensuring self-disclosure and self-realization of students in academic and extracurricular activities;

3. Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards DO, Federal State Educational Standards NOO, Federal State Educational Standards LLC, Federal State Educational Standards SOO;

4. Implementation of the Federal projects “Modern School”, “Success of Every Child”, “Support for Families with Children”, “Digital Educational Environment”, “Teacher of the Future”.

The main objectives of the school’s methodological work for the 2020-2021 academic year


  1. Improving the quality of education

1. Identify temporary creative and problem groups of teachers on various issues that need to be addressed, practice work in shift groups, implement a meta-subject approach to methodological work, introduce new active and interactive forms of work into practice.

2. School methodological associations and school teachers should plan work according to a single methodological theme of the school, direct the activities of the educational organization to improve the professional skills of teachers and disseminate teaching experience.

3. Include school education in the work plan for the 2020-2021 academic year. organizing work with teachers on the use of digital educational platforms.

4. Bring to a more productive level the work on continuity in the educational process between kindergarten, primary school and secondary education.

5. When conducting lessons/sessions on classroom, extracurricular activities and additional education programs, use interdisciplinary connections.

2. Increasing the level of professional skills of teachers

1. Continue to improve your skills.

2. Ensure full-time completion of the CPC once every 3 years for each teacher.

3. Continue work on voluntary independent assessment of professional qualifications (certification) of teachers.

4. Ensure an increase in the number of teachers certified for qualification categories, organize routine certification of teachers and deputy heads for compliance with the position held.

5. Summarize the school’s experience in using distance technologies during full-time education at different levels.

6. Organize the work of the School for Young Teachers.

7. Intensify efforts to attract young specialists to participate in professional skills competitions.

8. At the beginning of the school year, diagnose the professional difficulties of teachers.

9. Develop a plan for internal corporate training of teachers for the 2020-2021 academic year. taking into account professional deficits.

3. Improving work with gifted children and children who are highly motivated to learn

1. Approve a program of work with gifted children at all levels of education (preschool, primary, primary, secondary) and organize work to implement it in the educational process.

2. Teachers should organize work with a group of children (Olympiad team) along an individual Olympiad route with a clear distribution by subject areas.

3. Continue work to promote participation in competitive events among students. When preparing for research conferences, teachers should pay special attention to the requirements for the design of work and student presentations.

4. Organization of innovative activities

1. Update the activities of the school NOU “Search”.

2. Organize creative reports on the implementation of innovative projects at the end of the academic year.

3. Organize networking with other educational organizations in order to exchange experience and innovative technologies in the field of education.

4. To bring to the proper level the system of internal school control for organizing methodological support and innovative activities.

Methodological topic of MO DO:

“Continuous improvement of the level of professional competence of teachers as a condition and means of ensuring the quality of preschool education in the context of the implementation of the national project “Education”, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and the professional standard of a teacher”

The purpose of the work of the MO DO:


Continuous improvement of the level of professional skills of educators, preschool specialists, their erudition, and competence in the educational process.


Implementation of the development program of municipal educational institution School with. Quadravozh for 2020-2024. Project “Children are a priority” (Development of preschool education).


Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education and Federal State Educational Standards for OVZ.


Improving the quality of education
1.1. To improve the professional skills of teachers and the dissemination of teaching experience at different levels (Demonstration of experience in real time in the form of open classes, extracurricular activities).

1.2. Organize work on continuity in the educational process between kindergarten and primary school at a more productive level.

1.3. When conducting educational activities and classes in additional education programs, use interdisciplinary connections.

1.4. Organize work to assess the quality of preschool education with teachers and kindergarten specialists (VSOKO DO).

2. Increasing the level of professional skills of teachers

2.1. Intensify efforts to attract kindergarten teachers to participate in professional skills competitions.

2.2. Introduction into the pedagogical process of new modern forms and technologies of education and training in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

3. Improving work with gifted children and children who are highly motivated to learn

3.1. Organize work to introduce a program for working with gifted children into the educational process.

3.2. Increasing the competence of teachers and implementing modern requirements for the educational process, increasing the competence of teachers in establishing partnerships.

4. Organization of innovative activities

4.1. Organization of the work of preschool teachers and specialists for the implementation of the “Yagel Studio” project.

4.2. Intensify efforts to attract all kindergarten employees to participate in the implementation of the “Children are a Priority” project.

Main areas of work of the MO DO

1. Analytical activities

Event Deadlines Responsible Exit
1 Monitoring morbidity in children Beginning, middle and end of the school year Nurse,

deputy director of subsidiaries

2 Information “Development of a conscious attitude towards one’s health in preschool children.” November Teacher of the 1st junior group institutional
3 Information “Protecting the life and health of children during mass events.” December Teacher of the 1st junior group institutional
4 Information using the presentation “Musical and rhythmic activities with preschool children” February, 2021 Senior group teacher institutional
5 Master class “Folk and applied arts for preschool children” May, 2021 Middle group teacher institutional

2. Information activities

Event Deadlines Responsible Exit
1 Literacy training (presentation) January, 2021 Senior group teacher institutional
2 Workshop “The use of theatrical activities in the development of speech of preschool children” February, 2021 Teacher of the 2nd junior group institutional
3 Master class “Let's play together” (Dyenish blocks) March, 2021 Senior group teacher institutional
4 Master class “Use of the “Miracle Bed” kit in research activities with preschool children April, 2021 Preparatory group teacher institutional
5 Workshop “Computer Literacy” April, 2021 Middle group teacher institutional

3. Methodological activity

Event Deadlines Responsible Exit
1 Conducting coaching sessions for teachers 1 time per quarter Deputy director for subsidiaries, deputy Director for Scientific and Technical Development, Head of ShMO DO institutional
2 Individual work with teachers (consultations, methodological recommendations based on the results of visiting the OD, self-analysis of teaching activities) 1 time per quarter head of ShMO DO institutional
3 Acquaintance with new criteria for the professionalism of teachers and the conditions for certification for compliance with the position held, for the first and highest qualification categories. During a year Deputy Director for Research and Development, Head of ShMO DO institutional
4 Providing assistance in the preparation and replenishment of personal portfolios of teachers for self-presentation during the certification procedure. During a year head of ShMO DO institutional
5 Mutual visits to educational activities of educators and lessons of primary school teachers (according to the succession plan) During a year head of the school of preschool education, teachers of senior, preparatory groups institutional

4. Advisory activities

Event Deadlines Responsible Exit
1 Consultation for educators “Interaction between the educator and junior educator in the pedagogical process and the daily life of children in kindergarten” October head of ShMO DO institutional
2 Individual work with those being certified on the preparation of applications, portfolios and other documents. November, February head of ShMO DO institutional
3 Consultation for junior teachers “SanPin requirements when organizing the stay of children in kindergarten, the formation of uniform pedagogical requirements in collaboration with the teacher” December head of ShMO DO institutional
4 Master class “Regional component: Outdoor games with elements of pronouncing words in the native language” January, 2021 Additional education teacher institutional
5 Master class “Musical and rhythmic games in the daily routine of a preschooler” February 2021 Musical director institutional
6 Practical game “How to create an interactive educational environment” March, 2021 head of ShMO DO institutional

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Analysis of the work of the city methodological association of teachers of preschool educational organizations for the 2019-2020 academic year

Theme of the network methodological association: “Innovative activity of a teacher as a resource for improving pedagogical skills”

1. Analysis of data on teachers’ difficulties.

In the context of education reform, when the teaching staff of educational institutions is given the goal of creating conditions for the development and transition to a new quality of education, the task of education development is to update its content and achieve a new quality of its results, taking into account the goals and objectives of modern education and the Federal State Educational Standard, defined direction of the SMO “Implementation of OOP by methods of interactive pedagogy, in educational areas in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, with a focus on the development of the personality of a preschool child ,” because the main factors influencing the development of education today are a turn to personality development - the meaning and goal of modern education.

In order to ensure the quality of education, the effectiveness of innovations through collective search and verification, development and implementation of the best traditional and new models of pedagogical activity, mutual professional communication, exchange of experience, development of common approaches, criteria, norms and requirements for assessing the results of educational activities, increasing the level of professional competence in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the dissemination of best practices within the professional community, when planning work for the 2019-2020 academic year, the following tasks were set:

2. Implementation of the goals and objectives of GMO activities. Goal: methodological support for teachers to improve the level of professional competence in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, dissemination of best practices within the professional community.


  1. Improving pedagogical skills based on modern requirements and best practices of creative educators.
  2. Creation of a data bank of innovative ideas of preschool teachers to generalize advanced pedagogical experience.
  3. broadcasting and disseminating the experience of successful teaching activities using innovative technologies.
  4. Effective forms and methods of working with teachers.

All GMO meetings were well organized and prepared by teachers. Teachers were presented with methodological developments of projects, classes, consultations for teachers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and recommendations for their use in different groups of preschool educational institutions.

Speeches from work experience were accompanied by multimedia presentations. Direct educational activities with children of senior preschool age were presented:

“Nau - Russia in the land of clocks” — Video broadcast of NOD

- “Where the air hid” - Cognitive - research activity. Presentation of NOD second junior group

“Journey to the Land of Umnikum” — Open viewing of GCD for experimental activities

At each meeting, master classes were organized and presented to introduce and practice new techniques that had not previously been used in working with children.

“Use of Dienish blocks for the formation of thinking and learning the basics of programming in preschoolers” — Master class

- “The relevance of the variety of morning exercises in preschool educational institutions” - Master - class

“The use of information and communication technologies in sensory education of young children” - Master class

— . “Learning with passion” – Master class

“Game technologies in the intellectual development of preschool children” - Master class

“Formation of prerequisites for educational activities” — Master class

“Development of the scientific, technical and creative potential of a preschooler’s personality in the educational process of a preschool educational institution” — Master class “Use of Lego technologies as a means of speech development of preschool children”

“Speech exercises as a means of developing children’s speech” — Workshop

“Development of search and research activities of preschoolers in the process of experimentation” — Pedagogical workshop.

“Development of logical and mathematical concepts in preschool children through interactive games” — pedagogical workshop using interactive games

“Formation of valeological culture in preschool children through project activities” — defense of the pedagogical project “For health in kindergarten”

“Development of the scientific, technical and creative potential of a preschooler’s personality in the educational process of a preschool educational institution” — pedagogical workshop

“Origami technology as a means of developing the constructive and creative abilities of preschool children” — pedagogical workshop

“Formation of basic robotics skills through project activities” — Defense of the robotics project “Journey through the Galaxy”

“Development of scientific, technical and creative potential of a preschooler’s personality in the educational process” — Pedagogical workshop

“STEAM – technologies, a new stage in the development of preschool children”

“Innovative activity of a teacher as a resource for improving pedagogical skills” — Pedagogical workshop “Storytelling technology - an interactive method of working with children”

All GMO participants were not only listeners, but also active participants

4. Performance assessment. In general, the work of the GMO in the 2019-2020 academic year can be considered satisfactory.

5. Problems in the activities of GMOs.

Job prospects for the next academic year. there are problems: the issues of “Improving scientific and methodological support for working with gifted children” ; “Development and implementation of an individual educational route for children with disabilities” ; “Introduction of robotics and information and communication technologies of LEGO construction into the educational practical activities of preschool educational institutions” , “Methodological work to ensure continuity between preschool and school education in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard” . These issues will be included in the SMO for the 2020-2021 academic year, and within the framework of the SMO it is planned to develop a project on the continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools.

To eliminate the identified problems, it is necessary to increase attention to the effective use of advanced pedagogical experience when organizing the work of the GMO in the 2020-2021 academic year.

Conclusion: all meetings of the SMO in the past academic year were held in

in accordance with the annual work plan. The main tasks have been completed. The team of teaching staff did a lot of work to generalize and disseminate experience. To summarize, it should be noted that CME is an effective form of advanced training and professional development for teachers; this is an important step in the generalization and dissemination of best practices.

Next >

Seminar materials

Materials of the seminar in the form of professional immersion for senior educators of preschool educational institutions “Working with adults: new practices and new results” (09/28/2021)

Presentation “New practices of interaction with parents” (Zakharova E.V., senior teacher of GBDOU No. 93)

Presentation “Education today: modern trends and development drivers in the work of a senior educator” (Guseva T.A., Ph.D., teacher at the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “Pedagogical College No. 8”

Presentation “What a senior educator should know” (O.V. Demidova, Deputy Head of Educational Institution of GBDOU No. 49)

Presentation “Innovative forms of interaction with the teaching staff (Zalukaeva M.D., senior teacher of GBDOU No. 35)

Documentation support for the activities of preschool educational organizations

  • "GOST R 7.0.97-2016. National standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" (approved by Order of Rosstandart dated December 8, 2016 N 2004-st) (as amended on May 14, 2018)
  • An example of the structure of the basic educational program of preschool education
  • Methodological recommendations for drawing up work programs for teachers of educational organizations implementing educational programs of preschool education (St. Petersburg APPO, Institute of Childhood, Department of Preschool Education, Department of Special (Correctional) Pedagogy)
  • Methodological recommendations for preparing an analytical report based on the results of a self-examination of a general education organization (St. Petersburg APPO, Institute for Educational Development, Department of Management and Economics of Education)
  • Methodological recommendations for presenting information about an educational organization in open sources, taking into account compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of education (Appendix to the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated March 25, 2015 No. 07-675)
  • Navigator of educational programs

Information support for organizing the activities of consultation centers

  • Methodological recommendations for organizing the process of providing psychological, pedagogical, methodological and consulting assistance to parents of children providing family education
  • Technology for organizing consultation centers on the basis of preschool educational institutions
  • Algorithm for the creation and operation of a center for the application of models for providing psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and consulting assistance to parents with children of preschool age, including from 0 to 3 years
  • Algorithm for creating a center
  • Creating an effective system of professional assistance to parents of preschool children: problems and prospects
  • Best practices of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in developing a network of centers (services) providing psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and consulting assistance to parents of preschool children, incl. from 0 to 3 years
  • Psychological and pedagogical aspects of providing assistance to parents with children from 0 to 3 years old, mostly not attending a preschool educational organization
  • Interaction between the consultation center and parents educating children in a family environment
  • Subject-spatial environment for children from 0 to 3 years old
  • Webinar “Development of children under three years of age, implementation of programs of methodological and advisory assistance to parents of children” (08/25/2020)

Information resources in the field of inspections of preschool educational organizations by control and supervisory authorities

  • Legal grounds for control and supervisory activities of preschool educational institutions
  • Website of the Inspectorate of the Education Committee:
  • Methodological materials:
  • Educational activities, educational and preventive work:
  • Ensuring safe conditions when organizing educational activities:
  • Personnel policy issues: issues/
  • Materials of the seminar “Analysis of typical errors in the preparation of documentation during investigations of accidents involving students in educational organizations of St. Petersburg”

Organization of the developing spatial environment of preschool educational institutions

  • Methodological recommendations for creating a museum composition
  • Methodological guidelines for teaching staff of preschool educational institutions and parents of preschool children (Federal Institute for Educational Development)
  • Atlas of materials and equipment for the subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions (Federal Institute for Educational Development)
  • Webinar “Practices of creating patriotic space in preschool educational institutions of the Nevsky district”:
  • Webinar “Education and socialization of children and youth: strategies, technologies, experience” (08/25/2020)

Spatial navigation in the building and premises of an educational institution, ensuring information openness for participants in the educational process

  • Information openness of an educational organization as a criterion for independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities (St. Petersburg, 2020)
  • “Navigation in school - system solutions, implementation options, set of elements” (HSE research and practical proposals, 2018)
  • Formation of a modern educational environment (Russian Textbook Corporation and Moscow City University MSPU)

Assessing the quality of preschool education

  • Main aspects of internal assessment of the quality of education in educational institutions
  • Self-audit checklist for VSOKO in educational institutions
  • Webinar “Assessing the satisfaction of parents (legal representatives) with the activities of the kindergarten” (03/20/2020):
  • Questionnaire for parents “Assessing the quality of kindergarten activities”
  • Webinar “Management decisions: from the preschool educational institution level to the education system of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg” (04/29/2020):
  • Webinar “Quality assessment system: development vectors” (08/26/2020):
  • Grekova L.V., Voronkina K.A., Pronin A.S. Measuring the satisfaction of parents (legal representatives) with the educational activities of preschool institutions as the basis for effective management activities // Informatization. Education. Quality, access mode:

Monitoring the quality of preschool education

  • Concept for monitoring the quality of preschool education (31.08.2020)

Continuity of preschool and primary general education

  • Continuity of Federal State Educational Standards for Pre-Elementary Education and Primary Education: Problems of Preparing Children for School (SPb APPO)
  • Webinar “Monitoring meta-subject results of first grade students” :
  • Monitoring of meta-subject results of first-grade students (results of the Central Educational Education Center of the Nevsky District)
  • Methodological materials
  • Webinar “Social conditions for the education and development of children with disabilities and disabilities in the conditions of continuity of preschool and school education and continuous psychological and pedagogical support” (08/26/2020)

Distance educational technologies and remote interaction

  • Psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional interaction with families of students in distance learning (Erlikh O.V., head of the department of family pedagogy of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education)
  • Series of webinars “Learning practices using distance learning technologies in the Nevsky district :,, 6W8ImsIUbsUNzA.
  • Webinar “Distance education: opening up opportunities, organizing resources, gaining experience” (08/25/2020)

Activities of the methodological association of senior educators in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Inessa Ermolenko

Activities of the methodological association of senior educators in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Meeting of GMO leaders within the framework of the August pedagogical conference “The role of modern methodological services in the educational space

Balashikha urban district"

Speech at section No. 2 by the leaders of the MMO preschool educational institution

G. o. Balashikha


head of GMO for senior kindergarten teachers

Ermolenko Inessa Nikolaevna

«Activities of the methodological association of senior educators in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education»

One of the effective forms of the continuous education system is meetings of methodological associations , which are planned during the academic year and are organically combined with everyday practice.

We consider methodological associations as a special set of practical activities based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience and aimed at comprehensively improving the competence and professional skills of each teacher, developing and increasing the creative potential of the teaching staff as a whole and, ultimately, improving the quality and effectiveness of the educational process. The use of methodological associations in working with teachers allows us to avoid over-organization, monotony of forms and methods of work , in which explanatory and illustrative methods , where teachers become passive listeners of consultations and seminars.

Unified methodological theme for the 2015-2016 academic year: “Improving methodological support for the forms and methods of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

The implementation of methodological work was based on various principles. The most important for us were the following:

• The principle of activity is the formation and development of professional competence of teachers in the process of subject-subject interaction using active teaching methods ;

• The principle of psychological comfort involves the removal of stress-forming factors and the creation of a friendly atmosphere;

• The principle of variability implies the variability of the teacher’s thinking, the formation of the ability to systematically enumerate options and select the optimal option;

• The principle of creativity - the maximum orientation of the teacher towards creativity and the acquisition of one's own experience in professional activities .

The activities of the methodological association of senior preschool teachers were aimed at creating a holistic educational space to ensure continuous professional education of teachers.

Based on the methodological theme , the goal of the work in the 2015-2016 academic year was to create conditions for the formation of an innovative, holistic and effective system of methodological services in each preschool institution, aimed at improving the educational process , achieving the optimal level of education and development of students in order to modernize the municipal space in the context of the introduction of the Federal State for preschool education.

the senior educators ' MO was as follows:

1. Event planning;

2. Meetings;

3. Reports, messages, master classes, videos, dialogues, reflections, game and creative tasks, value judgments, presentations of work experience presented at meetings of the Moscow Region are submitted to the methodological “piggy bank”

and are recommended for publication on preschool educational institutions’ websites.

4. At the end of the school year, an analysis of the activities of the Moscow Region .

The work of the methodological association determined the following tasks:

• Creation of conditions to ensure accessibility of high-quality preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State for preschool education.

• Providing effective assistance to senior educators in organizing work in preschool institutions to improve the competence of teachers in the field of integration of pedagogical interaction in preschool educational institutions , as a means of comprehensive development of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education .

• Creation of conditions for increasing the efficiency of the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions to develop the pedagogical competence of senior educators in matters of increasing interest in the cognitive activity of preschool children using information resources in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education .

• Increasing the pedagogical competence of senior educators in matters of legal, programmatic and methodological support in the context of the introduction of the Federal State for preschool education.

These tasks were purposefully solved at meetings of six (last year 3 meetings)
methodological associations in accordance with the annual work plans of the MDOU:
1. “August pedagogical conference “Effects of the development of the municipal education system of the Balashikha urban district.” Section of heads of city methodological associations of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions"

2. “ Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education: Ensuring Variability and Diversity of the Content of Educational Programs”

3. “Planning the educational process in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

4. “On the use of effective pedagogical practices in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State for preschool education”

5. “On the continuous improvement of professional skills as a prerequisite for the implementation of the Federal State for preschool education” OOP

6. Round table: “ Methodological recommendations for designing the main educational program of a preschool educational institution. Summing up the work of the IMO in the 2015-2016 academic year. Analysis of the questionnaire. Draft work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year"

Analyzing the work of the municipal methodological association of senior educators over the previous year , the following positive aspects can be noted:

a fairly high level of conducting methodological associations and the active participation of senior educators due to the professionalism of the speakers, the presentation of experience, which is subsequently used in institutions;

the relevance and variety of topics of methodological associations in accordance with modern requirements;

presentation of experience in the use and implementation of new ways of organizing and forms of interaction with children and parents in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education .

discussion of issues related to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education .

in the work of methodological associations :

"SLS "Polyanka"

"Kindergarten No. 1"
"Kindergarten No. 14"

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18", MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 21"

, MBDOU 32
"Kindergarten No. 32"
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 36", MADOU "Kindergarten No. 51"

A total of 21 teachers shared their experience (last year there were 12 teachers; their work experience is reflected on the websites of educational institutions.

Methodological associations of senior educators in the Balashikha urban district were built on the basis of theoretical and practical activities in order to get acquainted with new effective forms of organizing work with teachers of preschool organizations in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education . The events carried out contributed to an increase in professional level and the acquisition of practical experience, which teachers are ready to use in the teaching activities of their preschool institutions.

Based on the results of a survey on the work of methodological associations for senior educators, the following was revealed :

against the backdrop of a decrease in attendance, satisfaction with the conduct of the IMO has increased, which indicates the effectiveness and quality of the meetings.

The implementation of a single methodological theme is one of the forms of organizing the methodological work of the Moscow Region .

A single methodological theme is a collective search for a solution to a methodological problem , which allows not only to increase the level of training and skill of teachers, but also to improve the quality of teaching and education .

Thus, in the 2016–2021 academic year, a single methodological theme : “ Implementation of advanced pedagogical practices through network interaction of educational institutions of the Balashikha City District.”

A single methodological topic covers a wide range of problems that are planned to be solved during the academic year.

This topic is quite relevant and modern, has practical significance for preschool organizations, and is focused on increasing the innovative potential of teachers and students (developing professional competence and creating conditions for the manifestation of creative activity of teachers).

Based on an approximate unified methodological theme for the 2016-2017 academic year: “ Implementation of advanced pedagogical practices through network interaction of educational institutions of the Balashikha Urban District,” we have determined the prospects and forms of dynamic development of modern highly effective innovative technology, which allows educational institutions not only to survive, but also develop dynamically.

“On Education in the Russian Federation” became the regulatory basis for network interaction

No. 273 of December 29, 2012
(Article 15)
• creating conditions for continuous exchange of information

• demand for the experience of network participants, the opportunity to see the level of one’s own experience and supplement it with something new that contributes to the effectiveness of further work.

• the need for each other of network participants, for communication between specialists and institutions of equal status.

of practical skills in constructing a modern educational process in preschool educational institutions among deputy heads of educational resources (VMR, senior educators)

• providing the information field with legal and methodological content within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education .

Prospects for improving the work of IMOs within the framework of compliance and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education today involve not only updating technologies, content, forms and methods of work in educational institutions, but also require the development of innovative programs and support projects aimed at developing the professional competence of senior educators .

Draft work plan for GMO meetings for the 2016-2017 academic year.

No. Directions of work, form of implementation Titles (proposed)

possible materials, speeches, forms of speeches.

1 Round table

Interactive methods in organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions Innovative potential of active methods in organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions

Exchange of experience in the use of active learning methods (business games, didactic games, master classes, competitions, open screenings, etc.)

The use of interactive methods in conducting methodological advice in preschool educational institutions (preferably open viewing on the basis of preschool educational institutions)

Technological map of methodological work in preschool educational institutions for the academic year September

2 Workshop

Innovative activities and participation of preschool educational institutions in the competitive movement of different levels Algorithm for preparing and conducting competitions at different levels.

Methodology for organizing a competition of pedagogical excellence in preschool educational institutions (from work experience)

Preparation and holding competitions for children.

Municipal intellectual competition for senior preschoolers "Owlet"

Development of regulations for the review of the competition of methodological classrooms November

3 Workshop

The system of work of preschool educational institutions to improve the competence of parents in the field of upbringing , education and development of the child. Planning and carrying out effective systematic work to improve the competence of parents.

Methods of involving parents in meaningful joint activities with teachers and children of preschool educational institutions.

Experience in organizing joint interactive forms of work with parents. Innovations of preschool educational institutions in working with parents.

4. Conference

Continuity of preschool and primary general education Coordination of the goals and objectives of training, education and development at the preschool and primary levels of education.

Plan for joint work between preschool and primary schools

The use of successive forms, means and technologies of preschool and primary schools (from work experience)

Strategy and tactics of work during the adaptation period. Interaction between preschool and primary school specialists. Diagnosis of children’s adaptation: availability of a system, names and descriptions of methods (from work experience)

Child’s portfolio (goals, objectives, content, application)
(from work experience)

Based on MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18"


MADO "Kindergarten No. 2"


MAOU "School No. 21",

MBOU secondary school No. 16

5. Professional standard of a teacher in preschool education Increasing the competence of teaching staff in the matter of introducing the professional standard of a teacher into the practice of preschool educational institutions.

Determining the prospects for the further development of teachers in preschool educational institutions;

Methods for developing interest in pedagogical research. Improving the professional level of a preschool teacher.

6 Round table “Creation of RPPS aimed at fostering an inclusive culture in preschool educational institutions”

MBDOU No. 31

Open review-competition of methodological classrooms of preschool educational institutions (in 3 conditional territories )

of the activities of methodological offices of preschool educational institutions 01 /17/2017-02/ 03/2017 (according to the schedule)
The topics of municipal methodological associations in the 2016-2017 academic year will represent the practical experience of senior teachers of preschool institutions in the Balashikha urban district and will provide an opportunity for the implementation of personal and professional growth of teachers and stabilization reached level.

Proposals for the draft decision of the meeting of section No. 2 of the preschool educational institution of the meeting of GMO leaders within the framework of the August pedagogical conference

• Consider the work of senior educators as satisfactory

• Create a unified methodological association by changing the name : to GMO deputy heads for water management (VMR)

senior educators , develop common goals and objectives.
• In the next academic year, it is necessary to continue the work of the methodological association (GMO deputy heads for water management (VMR, senior teachers )

senior educators in an expanded composition.

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