Personal account for teachers "MAAM.RU": algorithm of actions for authorization, account functionality

The website "MAAM.RU" implies an international educational platform, which is designed specifically for teachers of preschool educational institutions, as well as teachers of primary and secondary schools.
On the website you can familiarize yourself with the proposed areas for child development and other relevant information. Not only teachers are allowed to visit the platform. Any user who shows interest in the comprehensive development of their child can visit the site and discover a lot of necessary information. Teachers can log into their personal page

Login to your personal account

Procedure for registering a personal account

In order to fully use the functionality of the site, you must complete the registration procedure. This operation is quite easy and does not take a lot of time. To carry it out you need to perform some steps:

  • visit the main menu of the official website,
  • find the “Login” button and click on it,
  • then click on “Register”

  • On the page that appears, you need to fill in the empty lines. Full name is indicated in Cyrillic. It is also necessary to think over a combination of letters and numbers and indicate a current email address,
  • when registering, you automatically agree to the user agreement,
  • Finally, you need to click on the “Register” button.

Access recovery

If you lose your password, don't worry. You can restore access to your personal account and the educational portal. To do this, you need to open the login form through the main page. You need to click on the active link, which o.

A special recovery form will open. You need to enter your email address and click the “Submit” button. An email will be sent to you indicating further actions.

Authorization in your personal account

Algorithm of actions for logging into your personal account for teachers on the website

  1. To authorize your account, you must open the form from the main menu. To do this, click on the “Login” button.

  2. Then fill in the empty lines with your E-Mail and password.
  3. You must click on the “Login” button.

Functions in your personal account

A convenient personal account is provided for users. On a separate page you can collect and store, as well as sort individual information that is needed to work with your child.

The user can perform the following actions in his personal account:

  • view and download ready-made designs for holidays and various events;
  • get acquainted with methodological developments on topics of preschool education and school subjects;
  • study planning for self-education during distance learning;
  • get acquainted with the methodological recommendations of leading speech therapists, receive information about the physical development of children.

Important! In your account you can view the best lesson notes in kindergartens for all ages with photographs and drawings on various topics.

Users have the opportunity to edit their page and create a portfolio of a teaching worker. After registration, you can share your own experience. After publication, diplomas and certificates are provided to the most active users of the educational portal “”.

Personal account functionality

A personal account means a separate user space on a full-fledged website. This is quite convenient for storing personal information and for searching for information that may be useful for work in this direction.

On the official website in the personal account, users are provided with the following functionality:

  • proposed scenarios, educational games, activities,
  • teaching materials in various disciplines,
  • notes from classes,
  • developing a plan for the child’s independent development and expanding his horizons,
  • the ability to edit personal information,
  • methodological recommendations from specialists and much more.

The site interface is quite convenient to use. The menu is divided into 3 main components - at the top there are the main sections of the personal account; on the left are general topics from which you can go to the categories of preschool or school educational institutions; on the right side there is all the basic information - current news, filling out applications, ordering paper media, etc.

Teachers and educators have the opportunity to develop a website for their own educational institution, create a personal portfolio with certificates and awards. In addition, you can join a general chat to discuss pressing issues and solve problems.

New materials:

Methodological development for teachers on the topic: “Lapbook as a means of introducing children to the world around them”

Methodological development for teachers on the topic: “Lapbook - as a means of introducing preschool children to the world around them” “It’s a miracle - I open a folder, I remember everything I know. ” Federal... Published: November 21, 2021 at 01:37 pm | Edit | Delete Yulia Korocheva

Didactic game "Geometric shapes"

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Technological map of the lesson on the topic “Let’s give mom a vase”
Technological map of the lesson on the topic “Let's give mom a vase” Educational areas: Speech development, Cognitive development, Physical development, social and communicative development. Topic of the lesson: GCD for non-traditional drawing using foam rubber “Let's give mom a vase” Age group: average... +5 Published: November 21, 2021 at 01:33 pm | Edit | Delete Gulgez Agasieva
Summary of the educational activity “A fairy tale has come to visit us” on speech development using TRIZ technology for children of the senior group
Abstract of the educational activity “A fairy tale has come to visit us” on the development of speech using TRIZ technology for children of the senior group Educator Anna Ivanovna Koroleva Objectives: To develop the communicative activity of preschoolers; Promote the development of visual-figurative, logical thinking; memory, imagination... Published: November 21, 2021 at 01:32 pm | Edit | Delete Anna Koroleva
Notes on legal education “In the Land of Fairy Tales”

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Experience in completing the task “Functional houses”, prepared for International Mouse Day

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Lapbook. Nature

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Consultation for parents “Principles of organizing developmental activities with children of early preschool age”
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Quiz "Literature" preparatory group
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Pages: 1 … >


Available contacts:

  • Technical support department phone number: 8-499-499-41-52.
  • Technical Support Email
  • Editorial address: Volgograd, st. Mira, 11, apt. 36.

Opening hours: on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00 Moscow time.

The educational portal "" values ​​​​its visitors and takes care of their peace of mind. A technical support department has been created for this purpose. You can contact its employees 24 hours a day in case of difficulties with registering your personal account or other technical problems.

Books that shaped my inner world

The books that shaped my inner world are the book by A.S. Makarenko "Pedagogical poem". She teaches not to be afraid of difficulties, to move forward, overcoming obstacles. A whole generation of teachers grew up on the books of V.A. Sukhomlinsky “I give my heart to children”, “Birth of a citizen”. Vasily Sukhomlinsky made very high demands on the teacher’s personality: “We must be an example of the richness of spiritual life for teenagers...” Many of the problems that the author touches on have not lost their relevance today.

Information about the site

The international educational website “Maam” is decorated in bright colors. There is a lot of material on the portal; a search bar has been specially created at the top to find the information you need.

Upon further examination of the site, it is clear that everything is sorted into three areas. At the top there is a search bar, the entrance to your personal account, on the left there are general topics with sections for kindergarten and school. Everything is neatly divided into thematic groups.

On the right side of the site there is basic information, the latest news, calendars, competitions for adults and children. You can also leave your wishes in the feedback form. Users who have not yet registered can write their suggestions to the office email. The address is in contacts.

Registered teaching staff can create a website for their educational institution, talk about it, show educational methods, and share the achievements of students. It is possible to join a general chat and engage in discussions on current issues of education, the life of kindergartens and schools, and the work of teachers.

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