Children and parents project “All professions are important”

Child-parent project for children 6-7 years old “The Secret of Creating Cartoons”


What do children love most in the world? Well, of course, cartoons! Our childhood is closely connected with cartoons. In the context of the modernization of education and the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the issue of creating conditions in kindergarten that would contribute to the disclosure of the potential and creative realization of each child, and also satisfy the desire of parents of kindergarten students to receive a quality education and harmonious development of their children, becomes relevant. Creating a cartoon and even a small cartoon studio on the basis of a preschool educational organization fully meets this requirement. A cartoon is a fairy-tale world that helps a child develop, fantasize, learn to empathize with characters, learn rules of behavior, and learn to be friends. Cartoons are a very effective tool for child development. Only if it's a good cartoon. With their help, you can engage your child in the learning process. And we also really love watching cartoons. We have also long dreamed of creating our own cartoon. But how to create it? Where to start? What are the secrets of creating cartoons?

Duration: 1 week.

Project type: research and creative.

Participants: child, parents.

Child's age: 6 - 7 years.

Relevance: All teachers know how important it is for children to be interested in engaging in one activity or another, so that their faces radiate joy and their eyes glow with delight. How to achieve such an effect? One of the most important conditions for the successful development of children's creativity is diversity and variability in working with children. The novelty of the environment, a variety of materials, new and original technologies interesting for children, the opportunity to choose - this is what helps prevent monotony and boredom in children's activities, and ensures the liveliness and spontaneity of children's perception and activity. It is important to create a new situation each time so that children, on the one hand, can apply previously learned skills, and on the other, look for new solutions and creative approaches. In search of methods to promote the development of a child’s creative thinking, I turned to animation. Project goals: Reveal the secrets of creating cartoons. Create a cartoon with your own hands.

Objectives: To introduce children to the history of the origin and development of animation.

  • Introduce children to the technology of creating animated films.
  • Expand children's knowledge about professions: screenwriter, director, animator, cameraman, sound engineer.
  • Develop coherent speech skills.
  • To develop stable skills of collective cooperation in preschoolers.

Research problem:

What do we knowWhat do we want to knowWhere can we find out?
— Both adults and children love cartoons — There are different types of cartoons — Are cartoons created by a director?— Who comes up with cartoons? — What types of cartoons are there? — What profession do people work on creating cartoons? - ask adults - find out from teachers, watch an educational film - ask adults, read in a book

Practical significance of the project

The experience gained by children during the implementation of the project, through independent practical activities, contributes to the further development of cognitive thinking and creative abilities of children in the process of research activities.

Description of the stages of work on the project

StagesContents of the stage
Stage I PreparatoryStatement of the problem, determination of the goals and objectives of the research work.
Selection and analysis of information on this topic.
Conversation “What do we know about animation?”
Watching the informational and educational film “The History of Animation.”
Stage II MainSolving problematic questions: “What kinds of cartoons are there?”, “How are cartoons made now?”, “Who works on creating cartoons?”
Reading the Nenets fairy tale “The Polar Bear and the Brown Bear”
Educational and game program “Journey to the country of Multi-Pultia”.
Experimental activity. Creating cartoon characters
Master class “Games of the Peoples of Yamal”
GCD Drawing “We decorate boots and mittens with patterns”
GCD for sculpting “Favorite cartoon characters”
The process of creating a cartoon based on Nenets fairy tales
Preparation of defense.
Stage III FinalDesign of the project folder.
Presentation of research results. Project protection.

1. Preparatory stage.

Determine the main areas of work. Systematization of material on this issue. Studying scientific literature on this issue.

2. Main stage. Day 1 - Selection of fiction, encyclopedic literature. Day 2 – Work with parents (conversations to create an exhibition of drawings of my favorite cartoon characters, making a poster).

Day 3 – Choosing the type of cartoon and the theme of the cartoon. Day 4 – Distribution of professional roles.

Day 5 - Making a cartoon background.

Day 6 – Making cartoon characters. Day 7 – Creating a cartoon.

3. Final stage.

7 day - prepare the collected material and arrange it in the form of an exhibition and multimedia presentation.


During the work, we got acquainted with the history of the development of animation and learned that:

More than 100 years have passed since the release of the first cartoon, but their popularity does not fade.

We learned what types of animation exist and that cartoons can be classified: by duration, by method of creation.

Animation is a collective art, time-consuming and very labor-intensive, despite all modern technologies. To create a cartoon, you need a whole team of specialists: a producer, screenwriters, animator director, animators, junior animators, artists, a cameraman, a sound engineer, actors for voicing characters.

We studied the process of creating a cartoon and realized that knowing the basic secrets of creating cartoons, you can create your own cartoon.

Thus, we were able to achieve the goal of our research. The hypothesis we put forward at the beginning of the study was confirmed: with the support of adults, we were able to create our first cartoon.

The knowledge gained during the study made it possible to increase the children’s interest in the art of animation. In the future, we dream of creating many more cartoons in different techniques.

As a result of this project, we learned a lot about how the cartoons we all love are created.

Conclusion: with available technical support, anyone can make a cartoon, but shooting cartoons is a very painstaking job!

Bibliographic list of sources used:

1. Timofeeva L. L. Project method in kindergarten. "Cartoon with your own hands." – St. Petersburg. PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2011.

2. Great encyclopedia of knowledge. Publishing house Eksmo.2010

3. Internet resources to shoot a cartoon with a camera#

Organization of the child-parent project “The ABC of Health”. Project passport

The successful formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers largely depends on targeted, systematic educational work in preschool educational institutions and families, the creation of conditions for the implementation of the pedagogical process, coordinated interaction in the triad of child, teacher, parent, with the teaching staff first being the initiator, and then parents, who have realized the relevance of this issue, teachers coordinate the process.

Project participants are children of senior preschool age, teachers, parents, educational psychologist, hygiene instructor, and specialized specialists.

Project duration: month.

Project goal : Creating a health-preserving space for preschool educational institutions as a means of raising a child and his harmonious development based on the integration of the activities of all subjects of educational activities, as well as increasing the competence of specialists and parents in the field of children’s health.

It should also be noted that the development of elementary ideas about healthy lifestyle in preschoolers is aimed at the comprehensive development of an individual’s potential capabilities based on an understanding of the relationship between health status and lifestyle.

Expected results:

1. Enriching the social experience of preschoolers, expanding their horizons.

2. Formation of children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

3. Involving parents in a single space “family - kindergarten”.

4. Filling the valeological environment of the preschool educational institution.

Project implementation stages

Preparatory stage.

At the preparatory stage, three areas are studied:

1. ideas of children 5-7 years old about a healthy lifestyle (through conversations, problem situations, diagnostic tasks).

2. pedagogical conditions for the formation of ideas about healthy lifestyle in preschool educational institutions (through the study of pedagogical documentation, questioning of teachers and observation of their activities).

3. social and pedagogical conditions for the formation of children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle in the family (through a survey of parents).

A selection of methodological and children's fiction, various materials on sanitary and hygienic, environmental, social, and pedagogical aspects of healthy lifestyle is organized.

Main stage

The proposed pedagogical technology for developing ideas about healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers involves working in the following areas:

— Training of teachers (organization in the methodological room of an exhibition of books and manuals on the sanitary and hygienic, environmental, social, pedagogical aspects of a healthy lifestyle, consultation for teachers “Organization of a health-preserving space in a kindergarten”, etc.).

— Joint activities of teachers, children and parents (exhibitions of creative works, creation of media presentations, leisure activities, etc.).

— Interaction between teachers and parents (joint discussion of activities to implement the project, participation in a practical lesson, a meeting to exchange experience in preparing healthy dishes, a problem-based seminar). To teach parents how to organize joint activities between children and adults, parents are introduced to various methodological techniques and features of the psychological impact on the child. (This is the organization and conduct of special practical classes for parents “Reading to children about health”, “Observations and experiments in order to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle”).

— Creation of a healthy lifestyle club in the library - family reading “Rainbow of Health” to raise awareness among parents and children about the benefits of an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. When familiarizing yourself with fiction, questions and conversations should not be so much of a reproductive nature, but rather help the child identify cause-and-effect relationships between lifestyle and health.

— Creation and design of a health corner for child readers and their parents, where, with the help of new literature, they can talk about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

— Expanding and maintaining partnerships with social institutions.

At the final stage of the “ABC of Health” project, children and adults collaborated to fill out the pages of the “Healthy Lifestyle” album and was aimed at consolidating and systematizing preschoolers’ ideas about health and healthy lifestyle. Each page follows the steps of a specific event (illustrations, photographs, applications, stamps, postcards, riddles). Once the album is complete, a presentation is prepared, to which parents and teachers are invited. Children themselves talk about each page of the album, answer questions, read poems, sing songs and ask riddles.

As part of the Open Health Day, various events are held that parents of pupils can attend. Parents and teachers are introduced to the schedule of this day in advance (open classes in groups, a physical education festival, organization of physical activity on the street, consultations for parents, organization of air procedures after sleep, opening of an exhibition of students’ works on healthy lifestyle).

Organization and conduct of leisure activities “Beware of germs!” helps to consolidate children’s understanding of the importance of sanitary and hygienic measures for health, and forms an understanding of the cause of some diseases - microbes.

Let us dwell in more detail on the organization and conduct of the flash event “My Friend Moidodyr”.

The idea of ​​the Action is a simultaneous reading of a poem (dramatization) by K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” by children, their parents and teachers in different groups of preschool educational institutions.

The purpose of the flash event is to develop hygiene skills in preschoolers through reading literature, to popularize the best examples of Russian classical literature for children and the creative heritage of K.I. Chukovsky and his works, as well as uniting different generations of readers around the works of their favorite author and maintaining the traditions of family reading.

Teachers, families of students, and librarians took part in the flash event. Literary festivals, games and trips dedicated to the heroes of the books of the favorite author took place in preschool educational institutions. Summarizing . Exchange of experience among teachers on the topic “Use of various forms and types of work with children in the formation of basic ideas about healthy lifestyle.” Rewarding children with surprises, parents, active participants in the project, letters of gratitude. Reflect your impressions in drawings and stories compiled and designed together with your parents. Monitoring the effectiveness of pedagogical activities in shaping children’s ideas about healthy lifestyles. (Through conversations with children, solving problem situations, diagnostic tasks. Questioning parents and teachers). Drawing up or adjusting plans for further interaction between participants in the educational process to form preschoolers’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Passport of the project “THE ABC OF HEALTH”

1Authors of the projectAlilueva Yu.V.
LocationMBDOU TsRR DS No. 251
Project participantsSenior preschool children, teachers, parents, educational psychologist, hygiene instructor, specialists
Project duration2 months
2Project Description
2.1Project mottoWe will preserve our health, We value our health!
Project typePublishing - creative, social and pedagogical
2.2ProblemIn recent years, there has been a sharp deterioration in the health of children, and therefore the improvement of children's health is one of the main tasks facing society. The urgency of the problem is determined by the high incidence of illness in preschool children.
2.3Objective of the projectCreating a health-preserving space for preschool educational institutions as a means of raising children and their harmonious development based on the integration of the activities of all subjects of educational activities, as well as increasing the competence of specialists and parents in the field of protecting children’s health
2.4Project objectivesCommunication of new information, consolidation of ideas, abilities, skills. Developing children's abilities to establish cause-and-effect relationships between health and lifestyle. Formation of motivation and need for a healthy lifestyle, prevention of negative behavior.
2.5Directions of project activityInformation block: Processing of theoretical materials Technological block: Development of event notes using developmental education and ICT Organizational block: Creation of a subject-development environment
2.6Educational areasIntegration of educational areas in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards
2.7Expected results
  • Enriching the social experience of preschool children, broadening their horizons;
  • Formation of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
  • Involving parents in a single space “family - kindergarten”
  • Filling the valeological environment of preschool educational institutions
2.8Assessment methodsObservation, interviewing, questioning
Project implementation stages.
3Interaction with teachersInteraction with childrenInteraction with parents
3.1Preparatory stage.
3.1.1OrganizationalClarification of children's ideas about healthy lifestyle, i.e. personal experience on which the teacher can rely. -Preparing a questionnaire for parents. -Determination of pedagogical conditions for the formation of ideas about healthy lifestyle in preschool educational institutions A conversation to clarify children’s existing knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Review of illustrative material and media presentations on the topic. Questioning parents on the subject of social and pedagogical conditions for the formation of children’s ideas about healthy lifestyle in the family
3.1. 2Activity planning-Selection of methodological, material and technical resources, fiction necessary to complete the project. -Drafting a work plan for the project -Preparation of a round table meeting with parents “10 Commandments of Health” Organizing an exhibition of books and manuals on the sanitary, hygienic, environmental, social, and pedagogical aspects of a healthy lifestyle in the teaching room Consultation for educators “Organizing a health-saving space in a kindergarten” Participation in the discussion of the stages of implementation of the “Three Questions Model” project - What do we know? - What do we want to know? - How are we going to do this? All children's answer options are recorded on a large sheet using symbols and signs. Joint discussion of activities to implement the project. (a proposal was made to organize a meeting with a cook, a doctor) Participation in a round table meeting “10 Commandments of Health”; “How to raise a healthy child”
3.2Main stage of the project
3.2.1Project implementationGCD “I am a man”, “What do I know about myself? My body”, “Where to find vitamins in spring?”, “Bread is the head of everything” Conversations: “Health and illness”, “Human internal organs”, “Physical education and health” “Walk for health”, “If you are alone at home”, “On the playground”, “Two eyes are more valuable than a diamond”, “Nutrition and health”, "Spring Walk". Reading literary workschildren, followed by a discussion about health and physical education, walks and the psychological climate in the family and at home Organization of role-playing games from the series “At the doctor’s appointment...” (ophthalmologist, dentists, etc.) Organization of exhibitions children's drawings "If you want to be healthy" - creative works of families of pupils (posters and newspapers) on the topics - "My favorite day off"
Organization and preparation for holding together with parents

-practical lesson “We play for health together with the child” -exchange of experience “Tasty, healthy, affordable” - problem seminar: TV, computer and child: PROS and CONS”

-participation in joint activities (GCD, conversations, role-playing and didactic games) -Active listening to literary works followed by discussion -Learning poems (using mnemonic tables), proverbs and tongue twisters, guessing riddles and puzzles about the components of a healthy lifestyle -Constructing, drawing, participation in games of various types. -Creating drawings for the exhibition “If you want to be healthy” -Producing posters and newspapers together with parents on the topic “My Favorite Day Off” -Story by students on the topic “Sport is my friend!” using ICT Consultation “Children’s ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle” “What kind of vacation is it?” Participation in the exhibition of posters and newspapers “My Favorite Day Off” Assistance in making attributes for role-playing games Participation in a practical lesson, a meeting to exchange experience in preparing healthy preparations dishes, problem seminar. Familiarization with the memo “TV and computer – friends or enemies”, “The influence of the psychological climate of the family on the health of the child” Creating media presentations together with the child “Sport is my friend!”
3.3Final stage of the project
3.3.1Project presentationOrganization and holding of an open event “Health Day” Preparation and presentation of the album “Healthy Lifestyle” in groups participating in the project Organizing and conducting leisure activities “Beware of germs!” Organization and holding of the flash event “Our Friend Moidodyr” -Participation in the design of the “Healthy Lifestyle” album -Learning roles, riddles, and leisure games “Beware of germs!” and flash stocks. -Visiting and participating in the “Health Day” event -Photo materials for the album “Healthy Lifestyle” -Assistance in organizing and conducting leisure activities “Beware of germs!” and flash promotions (production of attributes, tailoring of costumes)
3.3.2SummarizingMonitoring the effectiveness of pedagogical activities in developing children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Exchange of experience among teachers: “Use of various forms and types of work with children in the formation of elementary ideas about a healthy lifestyle.” Rewarding children with surprises, parents of active participants in the project with letters of gratitude.-Reflection of your impressions in drawings and stories compiled and designed together with parents-Reflection of your impressions when composing stories together with children
5Materials and resources needed to implement the project
5.1Technologies and equipmentMaterials for creative activities in joint and independent activities, audio library, video library, photographs, pictures, illustrations about a healthy lifestyle.
5.2Printed materialsWorks of art: E. Kan “Our exercise”, V. Suslov “About Yura and physical education”, A. Barto “Walk”, E. Blaginina, S. Mikhalkov, V. Donnikova “On the skating rink”; Z. Aleksandrova “Ball”, I. Demyanov “I came to kindergarten with my mother”, N. Naydenova “New Girl”, E. Uspensky “Children who eat poorly in kindergarten”, G. Shalaeva “big book of rules of behavior” for well-mannered children”, A. Kuznetsov “Who can?”, N. Naydenova “Our towels”, K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” - Novikova I.M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. For working with children 5-7 years old. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2009. – 96 p.
5.3Internet resources
  1.…. In the consultation for educators dated May 31, 2012, Petyakova V.L. “Health-saving technologies in working with children of middle preschool age” presents technologies for preserving and stimulating health, technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle, and correctional technologies. The article will be useful for educators when planning work on health-saving.
  2. Scenario of the parent meeting “The health of the child is in our hands” Bronivets Yu.V. from 10/11/13 can be used as a template when planning a parent meeting. Contains interesting forms of working with parents.
  3. The article by teacher Yakovleva I.A. “Working with parents to develop children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle” contains a description of the experience of working with parents to form children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle, holding meetings together with specialists, attracting parents to participate in preschool activities. It can be a help for preschool teachers when developing their own set of activities for working with families.
  4. Article dated January 27, 2013 by teacher Tsybina I. E. “Non-traditional forms of working with parents on issues of strengthening and maintaining physical health at a young age” contains types and forms of work with families on health conservation. It will be useful to educators when planning work with families of students.
  5.…. The article by teacher Maltseva M.V. dated January 4, 2013 “Health-saving technologies aimed at preserving and stimulating health” will be useful to young teachers of preschool educational institutions, because contains a description of health-saving technologies that can be used at work.
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