Questions about professions for children
- What does an astronomer do?
- What was it called in ancient times?
- What instrument does an astronomer use to observe space?
- Who is an astronaut?
- How is the astronaut dressed?
- Tell me where the astronaut lives and works.
- What does a designer do?
- Can he create a rocket?
- What helps the designer in his work?
- Who is a journalist?
- What does he do?
- Where can a journalist work?
- Who is a pilot? Tell me what else they call it.
- What types of planes are there?
- Where do they fly?
- What does a flight attendant do?
- Tell me if the flight attendant has a uniform. Which one?
- What do you call a person who works on water transport?
- How is the sailor dressed?
- What is the name of the cook on the ship?
- What does a fisherman do?
- Why does he need big networks? What are their names?
- Why do you think the fishing profession is difficult and dangerous?
- What does a firefighter do?
- What's in his hands?
- Why would a fireman wear such clothes?
- Who is a doctor? What does he do?
- What does a nurse do?
- Who is more likely to work as a nurse?
- Who treats pets?
- How is the vet dressed?
- Who investigates crimes?
- Tell me what else the policeman does.
- Who can you turn to for help if a person is in trouble?
- Who is a military man?
- Why do you think this is a dangerous and difficult profession?
- How is the soldier dressed?
- What does a janitor do?
- Why does the janitor get up early in the morning?
- What clothes does a janitor wear when working?
- What does a baker do?
- How is the baker dressed?
- What color is the baker's clothes?
- Tell me whether a baker has a difficult profession or an easy one. Why?
- What does a chef do?
- Where does the chef work?
- How many dishes does the chef prepare?
- Who is a pastry chef?
- Tell me, what can a pastry chef do? Where does he work? ,
- Do you like sweets? Which?
- Who is a writer?
- Tell him what he writes.
- Do you like fairy tales? Name your favorite fairy tale.
- What does a loader do?
- What character traits should a loader have?
- What does a builder do?
- What do you think houses are made of?
- How should a builder dress?
- Why is electric current needed?
- Tell us what an electrician can do.
- Who is the singer?
- Tell me, what does a singer use when performing in a large hall?
- What types of singers are there?
- Do you like to sing?
- Have you ever been to a concert where an orchestra is playing?
- Have you seen the conductor?
- What is his main “tool”?
- Tell us why you need a conductor.
- What is ballet?
- How does a ballerina show her mood?
- How is the ballerina dressed? (This short, floaty skirt is a “tutu,” and the ballet shoes are “pointe shoes.”)
- What can an actor do?
- Where can you see it?
- Who is the director? What does he do?
- Tell me where the director works.
- Who is this clown?
- Tell me what a clown can do.
- How is the clown dressed? Do you love the circus?
- Who is called a wizard or magician?
- Do you think it's difficult to become a magician?
- What does a trainer do?
- Where does he work?
- What animals does he train?
- What does an archaeologist do?
- Where and how does an archaeologist work?
- Do you think archaeologist is a necessary job?
- Would you like to become an archaeologist?
- Who is a miner?
- Tell me where the miner works. What does he do?
- Who meets you at the store?
- How does the seller help buyers?
- What is a cashier needed for?
- Who is a postman?
- Why does a postman need a big bag?
- Where does the postman work? Have you ever received a parcel?
- Who can be a hairdresser?
- Where does the hairdresser work? Do you like to do your hair and get your hair cut?
- Name the tailor's tools.
- Where he works?
- What can a tailor sew?
- Can you sew on a button yourself?
- Who is an artist?
- What does an artist need to create a painting?
- Do you think an artist can draw a picture on a computer?
- Who is a photographer?
- What is the photographer shooting? Do you like to take photographs?
- Why do you think children go to kindergarten?
- What does the teacher teach the children?
- How does she take care of them?
- Why do you think a teacher is needed?
- What can he teach you?
- Where does the teacher work?
- Who is the driver?
- Would you like to drive a car?
- What have you already driven around the city?
- What does a programmer do?
- What can you do on a computer?
- Do you know what the Internet is? (The Internet is a network of devices in which almost all the computers in the world are connected.)