Conversation with children of the preparatory group “About the benefits of vitamins, and why do people need them?”

Types of immunity

Immunity includes humoral and cellular immunity. Let's look at each of them in more detail. Humoral is ensured by the presence of antibodies (substances that bind to antigens) in the blood. Cellular is provided by cells of the immune system. Immunity can be congenital or acquired. In turn, the acquired one can be active or passive. Active develops after illness, for example, ARVI. It also forms after vaccination. Passive is formed when ready-made antibodies are transfused into the body in the form of serum. It also develops when antibodies are passed from a mother's milk to her newborn baby. In fact, natural immunity includes congenital immunity, acquired after an illness, as well as passive immunity during the transfer of antibodies from mother to baby. Artificial immunity is called immunity after the introduction of a vaccine or serum with antibodies.

Vitamin A – retinol.

Discovery history and interesting facts:

As mentioned above, it was one of the first to open. This happened in 1913 by scientists observing two groups of mice. After a series of studies, they came to the conclusion that butter and the yolk of a chicken egg contain, in addition to protein, fat, lactose, starch and salt, some substance necessary for life. During their experiments, it was shown that mice receiving the above ingredients suffered from eye inflammation and diarrhea. And their condition was noticeably alleviated when natural butter, cod liver oil or chicken egg yolk were added to the diet.

Role in the body:

- retinol has a beneficial effect on vision - it ensures physiologically normal activity of the visual analyzer, participates in the synthesis of visual pigment in the retina, and in the perception of light by the eye;

- is a powerful antioxidant (slows down the aging process) - participates in redox processes, regulation of cell membranes;

— in the baby’s body, vitamin A promotes the growth of bone, cartilage and muscle tissue, the formation of subcutaneous fatty tissue;

- necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system - increases the barrier function of mucous membranes, increases the phagocytic activity of leukocytes.

The unit of measurement for the amount of vitamin A is IU (international units). 1 IU = 0.3 mcg

Daily requirement: children under 1 year – 0.5 mg (1650 IU); children from 1 year to 6 years – 1 mg (3300 IU); children over 7 years of age and adults 1.5 mg (5000 IU).

Immune organs

After we have examined the concept of immunity and its main types, it is necessary to pay attention to the organs that provide it.

There are central and peripheral organs of the immune system.

The central ones include:

  • Red bone marrow. Found in bones. Serves as a source of formation of all blood cells, including cells of the immune system.
  • Thymus. It further matures some of the immune system cells coming from the red bone marrow.

Peripheral organs:

  • Lymph nodes.
  • Spleen.
  • Accumulations of lymphoid cells in the skin, respiratory organs, and intestines.

Vitamin B3 (vitamin PP) – niacin, nicotinamide.

Discovery history and interesting facts:

This is a family of vitamin PP, which includes two related compounds: nicotinic acid and its amide. Nicotinic acid has been known for a long time: back in 1866, it was obtained by oxidation of nicotine isolated from tobacco. However, until the 40s of the 20th century, no one suspected that it had vitamin activity. It was recognized as a vitamin after it was found that nicotinic acid perfectly cures pellagra, a serious disease from which thousands of people who ate mainly corn suffered. Hence the name “vitamin PP” - from the initial letters of two Latin words “preventive pellagra” - “preventing pellagra”.

Role in the body:

- together with vitamins B1 and B2, participates in energy metabolism processes - they contribute to the conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy;

- has a vasodilating effect, promotes wound healing;

- has hypolipidemic activity - causes a decrease in total cholesterol, atherogenic low-density lipoproteins and especially triglycerides;

- nicotinamide is involved in the synthesis of cortisone, thyroxine and insulin.

Daily requirement: children under 1 year – 5 mg; adults – from 15 to 20 mg.

Features of the formation of immunity in children

The formation of immunity in children has its own characteristics depending on age.

A feature of the formation of the immune system in children is the presence of so-called critical periods:

  • The first critical period after the birth of a baby is the neonatal period. At this time, the baby encounters a huge number of pathogens. The immune system during this period is subject to strong immunosuppressive effects. This period is characterized by low resistance to many infections. There is a tendency to develop common infections.
  • The second period occurs at the age of 3-6 months. It is characterized by a weakening of immune reactions due to the destruction of antibodies that were transmitted from the mother.
  • The third period develops in the second year of life. During this period, the baby's contact with the outside world increases significantly. At this age, many abnormalities of the immune system appear, as well as autoimmune (directed against one’s own body) diseases. Children are prone to repeated acute respiratory infections.
  • The fourth period occurs in the 4th-6th years of life. This period is characterized by a high prevalence of allergic and parasitic diseases. During this period, many chronic diseases develop.
  • The fifth period occurs during adolescence. For girls this corresponds to 12-13 years old, for boys - from 14-15 years old. A large growth spurt is accompanied by a decrease in the mass of lymphoid (immune) organs. An increase in the formation of male sex hormones leads to a decrease in the cellular component of immunity. In this regard, many allergic diseases are weakened. The influence of the external environment on the development of immunity is increasing. At this time, there is a new rise in the incidence of chronic inflammatory, autoimmune, and viral diseases.

The processes of formation of the immune system in children can slow down under the influence of various external factors:

  • Xenobiotics (chemicals).
  • Intrauterine infections
  • Frequent ARVI and digestive tract infections.
  • The influence of environmental environmental factors and many others.

Some external factors can slow down the development of the immune system in children.

These factors, which slow down the formation of the immune system in children, lead to functional immaturity of the immune system and, accordingly, predispose them to the development of immunodeficiency states (a state of reduced immunity).

Vitamin B2 – riboflavin.

Discovery history and interesting facts:

The riboflavin molecule was isolated in 1933; its characteristic feature was resistance to heat, unlike thiamine, which decomposed when heated. The name “riboflavin” can be literally translated as yellow alcohol (“ribitol” - alcohol, “vlavus” - yellow). Riboflavin has a bright yellow color. This property is widely used in the food industry - vitamin B2 is used as a food coloring and is encrypted on labels as additive E101.

Role in the body:

- riboflavin is called the energy vitamin - it is actively involved in the metabolic processes of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

- helps to absorb iron, which is so necessary for the creation of new red blood cells; participates in the synthesis of corticosteroids and glycogen;

- plays an important role in maintaining normal visual function - protects the retina from exposure to UV radiation, ensures adaptation to darkness, increases visual acuity;

- regulates the function of the thyroid gland.

Daily requirement: children under 1 year - 0.4 mg; adults – from 1.5 mg to 3 mg.

Vitamins and their role in immunity

Vitamins are substances necessary for normal life, the formation of which in the body is absent or very limited. Basically, the source of these substances in children is food and intestinal bacteria, which are also capable of forming them.

They have their own characteristics:

  • They are not included in the structure of the baby’s organs and tissues.
  • Not used by the body as a source of energy.

Depending on their ability to dissolve in water or fat, vitamins are divided into two large groups:

  1. Fat soluble . These include vitamins A, D, E, K, as well as vitamin-like substances - ubiquinone (vitamin Q), essential fatty acids (vitamin F).
  2. Water soluble . These include vitamins B, H, C, vitamin-like substances - choline, lipoic acid, carnitine, orotic acid and others.

Unfortunately, there are reasons that can lead to a decrease in the level of these substances in the body. This problem has a medical name - hypo- and avitaminosis.

Causes of hypo- and avitaminosis:

  • Impact of environmental factors.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Malabsorption.
  • High need (for example, in premature infants and during puberty).
  • Liver diseases.
  • Increased breakdown of vitamins.
  • Damage to intestinal microflora. You can find out more about this problem in our article.

The best vitamins for children: rating

The best vitamins are not just supplements, but drugs that will really help solve health problems and will not harm the child. This is why it is important to choose the best products from well-known manufacturers: they are more likely to be useful and safe (for example, they will not provoke an allergic reaction) than vitamins from unknown brands.

The table below shows the rating of vitamins for children of different ages:

Read more about the best vitamins for children (prices are indicative).

For babies under one year old:



This is an aqueous solution of vitamin D3, adapted specifically for children under one year old. Designed for the prevention of rickets. Due to the fact that the drug is dissolved in a water base, Aquadetrim is instantly absorbed into the baby’s intestines, which helps to avoid colic and other digestive problems.

Advantages of the drug:

  • strengthens the nervous and immune system;
  • replenishes vitamin D3 deficiency.


  • According to some parents, it is inconvenient to use the drug dispenser;
  • If used incorrectly, an overdose or side effects may occur (nausea, vomiting, constipation, colic, weakness and disturbances in appetite and sleep).

Price : 200 rubles.

Multi-Tabs Baby

The vitamins are suitable for children under one year of age: they have no side effects, and thanks to their neutral taste, children take the product without any whims. They contain vitamins A and C, and D in small quantities (if you live in a region where there is little sun, you will most likely have to take additional vitamin D).

Advantages of the drug:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of bones, teeth and skin;
  • small dosage and ease of administration (both during meals and before use);
  • excellent tolerability and minimum contraindications.


  • The bottle can only be stored in the refrigerator; after opening, the drug is good for only 2 months.

Price: 350 rubles.

Liquid Vitamin C ChildLife

American single-component vitamins with ascorbic acid are intended for children over 6 months. Vitamin C is necessary for children to strengthen the immune system and, according to parents, after taking dietary supplements, children actually get sick much less often.

Advantages of the drug:

  • pleasant orange taste;
  • natural composition;
  • economical consumption.


  • quite high price;
  • an allergic reaction is possible.

Price: 850 rubles.

For 1-3 years:

Solgar Kangavites

A vitamin and mineral complex from the USA with a well-thought-out composition: with this remedy there will definitely be no vitamin deficiency in children. One tablet of Solgar Kangavites contains the daily requirement of vitamins and microelements necessary for a child. The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets.

Advantages of the drug:

  • natural composition;
  • completely satisfies the body’s need for nutrients;
  • large volume - 120 tablets per package.


  • high price;
  • The child may not like the fact that the chewable tablet is chewed with little effort.

Price: 1000 rubles.

Alphabet Our Baby

One sachet of popular Russian vitamins contains up to 50% of the nutrients necessary for a child - a total of 11 vitamins and 5 minerals. The drug is one of the few of its kind - created on the principles of separate and joint intake of vitamins and minerals, due to which allergies are practically eliminated, and the beneficial substances themselves are absorbed better and faster.

Advantages of the drug:

  • good composition;
  • helps improve appetite;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and mental development of the baby;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • low calorie content;
  • does not require swallowing.


  • The contents of the sachet should be dissolved in water and taken three times a day.

Price: 500 rubles.

Syrup Pikovit

The syrup contains useful substances important for the child’s health: vitamin A, D3, C, B vitamins. It is especially suitable for nutritional disorders: poor appetite or an insufficiently varied diet.

Advantages of the drug:

  • According to reviews, Pikovit really helps a child improve appetite and cope with increased fatigue;
  • tastes good.


  • a pleasant taste is achieved due to the dyes and flavors in the composition.

Price: 500 rubles.

For preschoolers over 3 years old:

Supradin Kids

Dragees contain a full range of nutrients for a growing, active child. The composition includes vitamins responsible for good vision, strengthening the immune system, and normal functioning of the nervous system. The complex is supplemented with iodine and zinc - important elements for the proper physical development of a preschooler.

Advantages of the drug:

  • Children like the taste;
  • good composition;
  • quickly restores existing deficits;
  • eye protection and general strengthening of the immune system;
  • convenient regimen.


  • contains quite a lot of sugar.

Price: 550 rubles.

Alphabet Kindergarten

Multi-colored chewable tablets with, as the manufacturer himself indicates, a competent combination of components. Alphabet Kindergarten contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the physical and mental development of a preschooler: A, E, C, group B, magnesium, calcium, zinc.

The process of taking vitamins is also interesting for children - each tablet has its own taste and color. Take the drug three times a day: morning, lunch and evening with food.

Advantages of the drug:

  • promotes growth and physical development;
  • improves memory;
  • the tablets taste good;
  • does not contain artificial colors or preservatives.


  • You need to take the product three times a day, which is not always convenient.

Price: 300 rubles.

VitrumKids Plus

Designed to replenish the nutrients necessary for the child: they contain 12 vitamins and 10 minerals. The content of vitamins A and D in the preparation is especially high - they are enough to fully satisfy the child’s body’s need for these vitamins.

Chewable tablets come in the shape of funny teddy bears and, despite the not very pleasant taste, children willingly take the toy-like tablets.

Advantages of the drug:

  • variety of vitamins and minerals;
  • regular use has a good effect on the formation of teeth, strengthening the immune system, and the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • The tablets have an interesting shape for the child and are easy to chew;
  • especially relevant during periods of intensive growth;
  • does not need to be washed down with water or swallowed;
  • compensates for most of the necessary substances for the child’s body;
  • One pack is enough for one course.


  • not very pleasant to the taste, contain dyes and flavors. Low content of vitamin C. If the dosage is violated, an allergic reaction is possible.

Price: 500 rubles.

For younger students:

Alphabet Schoolboy

The complex, containing 11 vitamins and 7 minerals, is designed to make it easier for students to cope with mental and emotional stress.

The drug is taken three times a day - each tablet performs its own function: some tablets replenish iron deficiency, others contribute to the full development of the student, and others strengthen bones and teeth.

Advantages of the drug:

  • high efficiency due to separate administration of tablets;
  • good composition.


  • contains dyes and flavors;
  • One package is not enough for a full course.

Price: 350 rubles.

Univit Kids with Omega-3 and Choline

The high content of B vitamins makes the drug an excellent assistant in adapting to new conditions. Lozenges in the shape of dolphins can improve memory and increase a child’s performance.

Advantages of the drug:

  • has a good effect on the nervous system and mental development;
  • attractive shape for children;
  • reliable manufacturer (Germany);
  • strengthening the immune system.


  • not very pleasant taste;
  • tablets are harsh:
  • contraindicated in diabetes.

Price: 600 rubles.

Doppelhertz Kinder

Chewable lozenges with useful substances that schoolchildren need: 10 vitamins, zinc, choline and iodine. Designed for the full physical and intellectual development of the student.

Advantages of the drug:

  • good composition;
  • suitable for children with excess weight or diabetes due to the absence of artificial additives and low energy value;
  • high efficiency and quick results.


  • cannot always be found in pharmacies.

Price: 500 rubles.

For teenagers:

Complivit Active

Fruit-flavored dragees are created specifically to support health during increased mental and physical stress. It contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals that help improve vision, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, strengthen bone tissue, and cleanse the skin.

Advantages of the drug:

  • thoughtful composition;
  • compensates for the deficiency of nutrients due to an unbalanced diet;
  • simple form of administration and affordable price.


  • artificial colors in the composition.

Price: 200 rubles.

Pikovit Forte

The tablets contain B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D and E. They work comprehensively: they help a teenager get rid of fatigue, stimulate mental activity, support immunity and reduce anxiety typical of adolescence.

Advantages of the drug:

  • significantly improves the emotional and physical state of a senior student, even with active sports;
  • take only 1 time per day.


  • contains artificial flavors;
  • takes a long time to dissolve.

Price: 380 rubles.

Multi-Tabs Junior

Chewable tablets with a variety of fruity and sweet flavors contain the most essential substances for a rapidly growing body. They help eliminate the negative consequences of poor nutrition and successfully cope with a high academic load.

Advantages of the drug:

  • high efficiency;
  • pleasant taste.


  • artificial flavoring additives in the composition.

Price: 350 rubles.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

A lack of certain vitamins can lead to decreased immunity.

Hypovitaminosis, as a rule, has nonspecific symptoms. These include: increased fatigue, decreased body defenses, weakness, lethargy. Vitamin deficiencies have more specific (certain) symptoms. We will not dwell on each vitamin deficiency in more detail, but will only consider vitamins, the lack of which can lead to a decrease in immunity.

These include:

  • Vitamin A . Its deficiency is manifested by damage to the eyes, skin, and increased susceptibility to infections.
  • Vitamins of group B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal). A lack of these substances can lead to dermatitis, lymphopenia (decreased levels of immune cells), anemia, and convulsions.
  • Biotin . A deficiency of this substance can lead to seborrhea, hair loss, and deterioration of the immune system.
  • Vitamin C . A lack of vitamin C leads to increased fragility of blood vessels, fatigue, pain in the limbs, tooth loss, poor wound healing, and increased susceptibility to infections.
  • Vitamin D . A lack of vitamin D leads to the development of rickets in the baby, which is also accompanied by a decrease in immunity and an increase in the overall morbidity of the baby.


  • Children's vitamins: what are they and does your child need them?
  • Vitamins for children: features of choice
  • The best vitamins for children: rating For babies under one year old
  • For 1-3 years
  • For preschoolers over 3 years old
  • For younger students
  • For teenagers
  • Popular questions from parents about children's vitamins
      At what age should a child be given vitamins?
  • Does my child need to take vitamin and mineral complexes on a regular basis?
  • What vitamins are especially important for a child's development?
  • How to understand that a child lacks vitamins and which ones?
  • Vitamin D – calciferol.

    Discovery history and interesting facts:

    Vitamin D was discovered completely by accident. In 1914, American scientist Elmer McCollum discovered large amounts of retinol in fish oil. At the same time, British researcher Edward Mellenby discovered an interesting pattern - dogs that consumed fish oil did not suffer from rickets. Since this disease was a pressing problem at the time, the discovery was considered promising. To reliably verify his research, McCollum conducts additional experiments. Namely, it neutralizes vitamin A in fish oil and feeds it to dogs with rickets. Theoretically, such a composition should have been useless, but in practice it cured the disease. The scientist concluded that rickets is not treated by vitamin A, but by some other substance contained in fat. As a result of long experiments, he isolated the fourth vitamin, named with the Latin letter D. In 1923, a biochemist from the USA conducted a series of experiments that demonstrated that irradiating food with ultraviolet light increases the content of vitamin D in it. This made it possible to draw the most interesting conclusion that solar light is a source of vitamin D.

    Role in the body:

    - calciferol regulates mineral metabolism in the body - helps the absorption of calcium from the intestines; prevents bone diseases such as rickets;

    — during the period of active growth in children and adolescents, the musculoskeletal system also actively develops. At this time, vitamin D is necessary to improve coordination of movements;

    - Vitamin D ensures communication between nerve fibers. Calcium ensures the transmission of nerve impulses; and vitamin D, helping calcium and magnesium to be absorbed, helps normalize the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems;

    — calciferol affects the functioning of the area of ​​the bone marrow that is responsible for the immune response;

    - the sun vitamin stabilizes blood pressure and makes blood vessels more elastic.

    Daily requirement: children under 1 year – 300IU; adults – 2.5 mcg.

    Vitamin B9 – folic acid.

    Discovery history and interesting facts:

    In 1926, Dr. V. Efremov discovered that macrocytic anemia in pregnant women was well cured by eating animal liver. Then in 1931, researcher Lussie Willis determined that taking yeast extract by pregnant women helped treat their anemia. Therefore, the first name of vitamin B9 was antianemic factor. Then it turned out that this factor is also contained in green plants. Spinach leaves are especially rich in it. Therefore, it was given the name folic acid (from the Latin “folium” - leaves). A person receives folic acid from food, but the intestinal microflora is able to synthesize it independently.

    Role in the body:

    - vitamin B9 is necessary for the production of new cells - skin, hair, red blood cells, immune white blood cells;

    — ensures the nervous system’s resistance to irritants;

    - participates in the productive functioning of the brain;

    - improves liver function and gastrointestinal tract activity;

    - ensures normal growth and good appetite for children.

    Daily requirement: children under 1 year – 65 mcg; adults – 400 mcg.

    Progress of the conversation

    Educator: Guys, which of you wants to be healthy ?

    — How do you understand what it means to be healthy ? (Children's answers)

    - That’s right, it’s when you don’t get sick, you grow, when you’re in a good mood, when you can walk outside, you feel strong and can do a lot.

    Guys, do you know that every person can improve their own health ? There is a saying: “I take care of my health , I will help myself”

    So how can you improve your health ? How do you think? (Children's answers)
    - That's right, you need to harden yourself, do exercises, swim in the sea, eat right, walk in the fresh air.

    Drink all the tomato juice, (Walking in place)

    Eat carrots! (hands to shoulders, arms up.)

    All the guys will (hands on waist, bends to the side)

    Strong and dexterous (hands on waist, squats.)

    Flu, sore throat, scarlet fever - (hands on waist, jumping)

    Everyone will take their vitamins ! (walking in place)

    - What do you and I do in kindergarten in order to be healthy and not get sick ? (Children's answers)

    - Yes, we do exercises every morning,

    we walk in the fresh air, the cooks in the kitchen prepare us delicious healthy food and healthy teas with lemon and rosehip; when we leave the room, our nanny opens the windows and ventilates the room so that the air is clean.

    Guys, I’ll tell you a secret: to be healthy , strong, fight germs and not succumb to diseases, you need to eat vitamins .

    Vitamins A , B, C.

    Vitamins, like soldiers, protect our body from evil, harmful microbes and various diseases. Vitamins have names , they are called A, B, C, D, E.

    - Do you know where vitamins ? (Children's answers)

    Vitamins live in vegetables , fruits, berries and other foods.

    Vitamin A is very important for vision.

    (tomato, pumpkin, carrot, apple)

    Vitamin B – promotes good heart function.

    Eat oatmeal at breakfast

    Black bread is good for us, and not only in the morning!

    (peas, cheese, fish, nuts, potatoes)

    Vitamin C – strengthens the entire body.

    (lemon, tangerine, orange, currant)

    Let's consolidate the material covered:

    To ensure that you always have sharp, healthy eyes , you need to eat vitamin A. It lives in orange and red vegetables and fruits. Think and name the orange vegetables and fruits in which our vitamin A ? (Children's answers)

    - Yes, these are carrots, pumpkin, apple, bell pepper.

    -In order for your body to be like a fortress, to keep evil microbes away and not allow them to infect you with diseases, you really need vitamin C.

    It can be found in rice, raisins, nuts, bananas, and liver.

    — Guys, we now know which foods are healthy and which foods contain vitamins .

    Bottom line: we will remember forever, for health we need vitamin food !

    Next, the teacher invites the children to make vegetables and fruits.

    Conversation “Vitamins around us” Conversation on the topic: “I love vitamins, I want to be healthy” Goal: To reinforce in children the names of some vegetables, fruits, berries, food products;

    Conversation on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the senior group “Health lesson for Stobed” Conversation “Health lesson for Stobed” MKDOU Kurtamysh district “Kindergarten No. 4” Senior group Teacher: Kazachkova M.V. Topic: “Lesson.

    Conversation with children “Vitamins are our friends” Prepared by: teacher of the MDOU combined kindergarten No. 32 “Firefly” Parusova Nadezhda Nikolaevna Conversation “Our vitamins.

    Summary of the lesson on the surrounding world “Vitamins for health” The summary of the lesson on the surrounding world was compiled by Shabannikova M. V. “Vitamins for health” Goal: To make children want to take care of their own.

    Summary of the lesson on the surrounding world “Vitamins for health” The summary of the lesson on the surrounding world was compiled by Shabannikova M. V. “Vitamins for health” Goal: To make children want to take care of their own.

    Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world for children of the senior group “Vitamins for our health” Vitamins for our health” Goal: to make children want to take care of their health. Objectives: 1. Teach children to distinguish between vitamins.

    Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the senior group “Everyone needs vitamins - they are important for everyone’s health” “Everyone needs vitamins - they are important for everyone’s health” Goal: To form children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: - Consolidate knowledge.

    Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Vitamins and healthy foods. Vitamins and a healthy body" MBDOU "Sebezh kindergarten "Solnyshko"" Lesson notes in the 2nd preparatory group "Firefly" Vitamins and healthy foods.

    Consultation for parents "Vitamins for health" Consultation for parents - "Vitamins for health." The concept that vitamin deficiency is one of the important reasons for the deterioration of the condition.

    Lesson on social and everyday adaptation “Vitamins for health” Goal: To arouse in children a desire to take care of their health by introducing children to the basics of proper nutrition. Objectives: Teach children.


    Vitamin C – ascorbic acid.

    Discovery history and interesting facts:

    The history of the discovery of vitamin C is closely related to scurvy, which is caused by its deficiency. Beginning in the 18th century, sailors began to notice the appearance of malaise, which was manifested by general weakness, bleeding gums, loss of teeth and, in extreme cases, death. In 1753, English naval physician James Lind suggested lime and lemon as a cure for scurvy. He conducted an observation and found out that those sailors who included fruits and vegetables in their diet did not suffer from scurvy. Even if the disease had already developed, adjusting the diet in favor of vegetables and fruits made it possible to recover.

    The discoverer of vitamin C is the Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent Gyori. In 1927, he first isolated acid, which, in his opinion, was the very vitamin that saves from scurvy. Four years later, University of Pittsburgh professor Charles Glen King tests a powder extracted from cabbage and lemon juice on guinea pigs. The chemical formula turned out to be equivalent to the substance St. Gyori and on April 4, 1932, the composition of vitamin C was officially registered. A little later, the name ascorbic acid is assigned, which comes from the Latin “scorbutus” - scurvy and the negation of “a”.

    Role in the body:

    — vitamin C has a powerful antioxidant effect – it participates in redox reactions and protects cell membranes;

    – helps strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s protective functions;

    - improves the functioning of the circulatory system - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes LDL, significantly reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis;

    - helps absorb iron - prevents the development of anemia;

    - actively participates in the production of collagen, thereby helping wound healing;

    - participates in the regeneration of connective and bone tissues.

    Daily requirement: children under 1 year – 30 mg; adults – 60 mg.

    Vitamin B7 (vitamin H) – biotin.

    Discovery history and interesting facts:

    The history of the discovery of biotin stretched over decades. It was first discovered in 1901 by the scientist Wilders. Then in 1916, the research was continued by the biologist Betheman, who fed laboratory rats raw egg whites as the main source of proteins. But the animals got sick - their hair fell out, muscle functions were impaired. Then the researcher replaced fresh protein with boiled protein, which avoided the appearance of pathological symptoms. It turned out that raw eggs are rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins, but they contain a specific protein - avidin, which binds biotin and prevents its absorption in the intestines. If you eat boiled eggs, then there is no shortage of biotin, since as a result of denaturation during heat treatment, avidin loses its ability to bind biotin.

    Vitamin B7 was first isolated in crystalline form by F. Koegl in 1935 from egg yolk and called it “biotin.”

    Role in the body:

    — biotin is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates; necessary for the immune system, nervous system, skin - reduces the severity of dermatitis and eczema;

    — biotin contains sulfur, which is important for healthy skin, nails and hair, which is why it is called the “beauty vitamin”;

    - vitamin B7 has insulin-like activity - reduces blood sugar levels;

    - participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids.

    Daily requirement: children under 1 year – 10 mcg; adults – 50 mcg.

    Vitamin E – tocopherol.

    Discovery history and interesting facts:

    The year of discovery of vitamin E is considered to be 1922, when scientists Evans and Bishop published a report on their research into the causes of infertility in experimental animals. They concluded that such a disorder occurs in the body in the absence of a certain substance in the diet, which was called vitamin E.

    When this vitamin was deficient in the diet of laboratory rats, males experienced a decrease in testosterone production, and females were unable to bear fruit. When their diet was enriched with foods rich in this substance (oil, oats and wheat), these disorders disappeared and fertility was restored.

    In 1936, a substance was isolated that had the properties of vitamin E. Researchers named it “tocopherol” - from the Greek “tos” - childbirth, “phero” - to give birth and “ol” - the chemical designation of alcohol, which in terms of the chemical composition of vitamin E is.

    Role in the body:

    - first of all, tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant - it prevents the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, protects cells from damage by free radicals - inhibits cell aging, improves their trophism;

    — strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots;

    - has a beneficial effect on reproductive function;

    - considered the vitamin of youth and beauty - will improve the appearance of skin, hair and nails.

    Daily requirement: children under 1 year – 5IU; adults – 10 IU.

    ( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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