Lesson summary for the application “Rug of geometric shapes”

Volumetric, interesting and varied applications for children made from paper and other materials. A collection of simple ideas for creative activities.

The development of fine motor skills is of great importance for children. Applique is a great way to develop and train your fingers. Classes give an idea of ​​the structure of the material, color, develop spatial thinking, coordination, precision of movements, and imagination.

This collection includes different themes dedicated to holidays and seasons. All works are presented in a brief summary with links to master classes that are on the website.

Volumetric applications for children: TOP best ideas

Octopus applique

A three-dimensional applique with octopuses is an interesting creative work made from scrap materials. Step-by-step creation of octopuses from a sleeve and threads.

Read more: applique with octopuses

Volumetric boat

The “Boat” application shown in this master class can become the basis of a greeting card. For example, as a congratulation on February 23rd.

More details: applique with a boat

Application with a sailboat on the waves

This review presents the three-dimensional application “Sailboat”. When creating it, you can introduce children to sailboats that move using the power of the wind.

More details: applique with a sailboat

Palm tree and island made of circles

The island palm tree applique is a simple craft idea for kids using different sized paper circles.

Read more: applique with palm tree

Applications for children - girl in the meadow

The applique “Girl in the Meadow” is a voluminous paper creative work for children, bright and interesting for summer.

More details: applique “Girl in the meadow”

Roses in a vase

A simple applique with roses for children with step-by-step photos. Rose flowers are very simple, they are circles of different sizes.

More details: applique with roses

Flower in a vase

Bright volumetric applique “Flower in a vase”. The flower itself is made of paper strips, and the vase is paper folded into an accordion.

Read more: applique “Flower in a Vase”

Palm with flowers made from napkins

Original crafts can be made if you take as a basis a simple palm, outlined and cut out of paper. In our application it will become the basis for flowers made from napkins. You will find details on creating such a craft in the proposed master class.

More details: palm with flowers made from napkins

Flowers made from viscose napkins

Volumetric appliqués can be made not only from paper. This master class presents an applique with flowers made from viscose napkins.

More details: applique with flowers from viscose napkins

Chamomiles from openwork napkins

A postcard with daisies made from openwork napkins and pompons - a simple applique for children made from paper, napkins, and pompons.

More details: card with daisies made from openwork napkins and pom-poms

Ladybugs on the grass

A bright applique with ladybugs is an excellent option for children's creativity in spring and summer. The details are all simple, which children will love.

Read more: applique with ladybugs

Ladybug in the clearing

Another voluminous applique with a ladybug - very beautiful, bright and completely simple. The work is based on the long stripes that make up the popular insect. This technique is in demand, it is often used in children's creativity.

More details: applique “ladybug in a clearing”

Volumetric cactus

An excellent applique for children is a three-dimensional cactus. For a step-by-step overview of creating this prickly plant from colored paper, follow the link.

More details: applique with cactus


The voluminous applique “Dandelion” is made of colored paper and scrap materials. The use of different materials fuels interest and develops children's imagination and sense of composition.

Read more: applique with dandelion

Beautiful daffodils

An interesting three-dimensional applique with daffodils for children's creativity. A step-by-step overview of how to make spring flowers in 3D.

Read more: applique with daffodils

Summer applique for children with a kitten

The children's applique “Kitten” is very bright, reminiscent of a carefree summer, vacations, and entertainment. It’s extremely easy to make, especially since the review includes a template of a kitten and grass.

More details: applique with a kitten

simple sunflower

The sunflower applique is made of paper circles. The work itself is easy, especially if you have a figured hole punch.

Read more: sunflower applique

Application with rowan

An interesting job for children is a rowan applique using the origami technique. This could be a group activity for fall-themed activities. The work is simple, but it requires perseverance and time to make a certain number of rowan berries and leaves.

Read more: applique with rowan using origami technique

Applications for children made from hearts

Even the youngest children can make heart appliqué. Check out the most interesting and simple ideas on how to create animals, birds, insects, and plants from hearts.

Read more: heart applique

For Mom

The applique for mom consists of voluminous balloons in the shape of hearts and flags tied to them with the inscription “mom.” The work can be timed to coincide with Mother’s Day, March 8, or mother’s birthday.

Read more: applique for mom

Bouquet in the palm

Applications made from children's palms are very popular. You can make a lot of interesting things, characters, and crafts from them. The work represents a child's hand presenting a bouquet of flowers to its mother. The idea is not new, but still interesting and original. After all, every time in the paper likeness of a child’s hand there can be different flowers, varying in type and color.

Read more: palm applique

Chicks in a nest made of plastic plate

A very simple application “Chicks in the Nest” combines a variety of materials: cardboard, plastic dishes, toothpicks. Make it with your children; the work will not take much time, but will bring a lot of smiles and fun.

Read more: applique chicks in the nest

Volumetric fish in an aquarium

Bright and nimble waterfowl attract all children, so they will definitely love the voluminous applique “Fish in the Aquarium”. But the fish themselves in this work are quite complex. Therefore, if children are small, it is better to make simple multi-colored fish in a flat form. You also don’t need to make a very small aquarium, since making small fish using this technique is quite problematic, especially for children.

Read more: applique “fish in an aquarium”

Applications from cotton pads

A selection of simple ideas for an applique made from cotton pads created by children. List and links to master classes.

Read more: applications from cotton pads

Volumetric hearts

There are many ways you can do something nice for your loved one. The simplest of them is to say about it or give a card. This master class includes a card with hearts, bright and simple.

More details: applique with hearts

Cactus with hearts

This master class presents a voluminous card for February 14 with a cactus and hearts, which you can give to your loved ones in honor of Valentine's Day.

Read more: voluminous cactus

Lion made of maple leaves and paper

The lion leaf applique consists of several dried maple leaves, as well as a paper face, which is easy to draw and cut out of colored paper. This creative work can be done by children of senior preschool and school age. And for the little ones, you can prepare the lion’s head in advance. After that, all they have to do is arrange the leaves in a circle and glue the paper blank on top.

Read more: lion made of leaves

Birds made from maple leaves

Dry leaves can be an ideal material for creating all kinds of applications. Sometimes their shape already resembles a character, you just need to be able to see it and add a couple of touches. For example, these funny birds are either owls or jackdaws. Simple to create, but capable of bringing a smile to everyone who sees them.

Read more: bird applique from leaves


An excellent option for creative work with children at the end of winter and beginning of spring is the application of snowdrops. I offer you two easy ideas that are interesting and useful for developing children’s fine motor skills.

Read more: snowdrop applique

Snowdrop applique

Another option for snowdrops, which can be decorated in the form of a panel. The work consists of three-dimensional snowdrop flowers, paper leaves and cotton wool imitating snow.

Read more: paper snowdrops

Plasticine mosaic

This type of creativity is very popular in kindergartens and it will also require a template with a pattern that is interesting to the child. Individual elements of the template are filled with small pieces of plasticine, which helps to completely cover the area and create the effect of a multi-colored mosaic.

If you have a ready-made template, it is fashionable to combine different colors and shades of plasticine; applications can be created on cardboard or glass. This technique makes beautiful cards for any holiday, and for the New Year you can decorate the windows in your house with mosaics, creating uninteresting and thematic installations.

Winter applications for children

Bear on an ice floe

This master class presents a simple three-dimensional applique “Bear on an Ice Floe”, made of blue and white paper and cardboard.

Read more: applique “Bear on an Ice Floe”

Trees in winter

A simple winter applique made of cotton wool “Trees in the Snow” for children's creativity. A child-friendly plot, easy actions, and a combination of textured materials. How to interest a child in creative activities? This is a question many parents ask. Try offering your child to work not with colored paper or plasticine, but with cotton wool. Using this material, you will get an interesting winter-themed applique.

Read more: winter applique made of cotton wool “trees in the snow”

Applique with a voluminous bullfinch

You can start working on this craft with a riddle. Let the child try to guess the bird whose breast is brighter than the dawn. It is by their bright red breast that we recognize bullfinches. In today's master class we have the application “Bullfinch on a branch”.

More details: applique with a bullfinch on a branch

Winter bird feeder

Winter applique “Bird Feeder” is made of paper and cotton wool. This is a simple winter themed creative activity idea for kids.

Read more: winter applique with bird feeder

Summary of the lesson on the application “Rug for dolls” Completed by teacher: Petrukhina O.A.


- teach children to cut narrow strips along the folds of paper into pieces;

- fold the strip twice to get four squares or rectangles;

- symmetrically arrange the pattern elements at the corners and sides of the square;

- distinguish between two shades of the same color.

Materials and equipment:

  • flannelgraph and figures for laying out patterns;
  • large squares and circles, small squares and rectangles;
  • strips for demonstrating folding and cutting techniques;
  • character Parsley;
  • for children, sheets of paper 15x15 cm (for rectangles)
  • Some children have large figures and stripes of the same color, but in different shades (red and dark red, green and dark green, etc.).

    Progress of the lesson:

    A flannelgraph is placed in front of the children. Parsley appears: “Hello! What are you going to do?"

    Educator: I want to show the children how to make a pattern of large and small squares on this rug.

    Parsley: Can I try to make a pattern?

    Educator: Try it, Parsley.

    Parsley places the figures on the flannelgraph in disarray.

    Educator: Children! Is this a pattern? No, Petrushka (removes the figures from the flannelgraph). The pattern will be obtained when the figures are located in certain sheets. Look, I will place identical squares in each corner of the rug. These are the big ones. And on the sides there are two small ones.

    Parsley: Yes, it turned out beautifully! Can children make a pattern?

    Educator: Children, who wants to help me make a pattern from other figures! Calls the child who wants it, gives him the mugs and asks where they can be placed on the rug (in the corners).

    Parsley: Now I know where to place these little rectangles.

    Educator: Where?

    Parsley: On the sides of the rug. Here, here...

    The teacher and the child make a pattern on the flannelgraph. Parsley looks at the children’s visual material and says: “But children cannot make such patterns. They don’t have little squares and rectangles.”

    Educator: But they have stripes. They will fold them and cut them with scissors. Like this. First, fold the strip in half, then in half again, unfold it and cut it along the folds.

    Bottom line.

    We invite children to fold and cut the strips.
    He asks what kind of figures they got. Confirms that some children have small squares, while others have small rectangles. Then he offers to lay out a pattern of large and small figures on their sheets of paper. Those who did it correctly are allowed to stick on the pattern. Author: Olesya Petrukhina

New Year's applications for children

Christmas tree applications

The winter beauty of the Christmas tree can come in a variety of designs. In addition to crafts, children will also love the “Paper Christmas Tree” applique, especially since you can choose any desired option from the ten presented below. This is some kind of collection of all the works together, with links to detailed reviews with photos and instructions.

More details: paper Christmas tree applique

Funny deer

The New Year's applique "Deer" is suitable for children of all ages. It is very easy to make, and then show your creative talents and decorate it festively and brightly.

Read more: New Year applique with deer

Volumetric snowman

A postcard with a snowman is a wonderful three-dimensional applique that a child can make for his loved ones on the eve of the New Year holidays.

More details: applique with a snowman

Toy on a branch

A New Year's card with a three-dimensional branch and a toy is an excellent holiday applique, a gift to loved ones that a child can make with his own hands.

More details: applique with a toy on a branch

This is not all applications for children; the selection will be supplemented with new and interesting ideas, voluminous, using different materials and techniques.

To be continued…

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