Physical development of children: joint activities with parents

Don’t know how to develop endurance, coordination, discipline in a child and at the same time minimize the risks of scoliosis? A system of physical exercises will allow you to achieve the desired results even in the absence of special simulators.

Since modern children focus more on virtual games, the main task of parents is to interest their kids in an active pastime. Physical exercise is simply necessary for both adults and children, since one of the main causes of diseases in the 21st century is inactivity, that is, physical inactivity.

Introduction to sports

Intellectual, aesthetic, moral education is impossible without its physical component. During the exercises, it is necessary to suppress disobedience, absent-mindedness and chaotic movements.

Important! Parents should not force their child to strictly follow their recommendations, but should position physical activity as a fun game. In this case, he will play sports with pleasure, without even thinking that he is fulfilling the wishes of his elders. Disputes, conflicts and pressure from parents are taboo.

With regular activity, children get used to a healthy lifestyle, and this, in turn, contributes to the active development of such personal qualities as:

  • persistence;
  • perseverance;
  • stress resistance, etc.

It is worth selecting exercises taking into account the age of the children, as well as the stage of their physical development and individual characteristics. For example:

  • at 1–2 years old, parents should in every possible way support the desires of their child in the pursuit of active games, constant movement, and study of the things around him;
  • up to 3 years of age, children’s physical capabilities increase significantly. They need to be given the opportunity to run, jump, and walk as much as they want;
  • at 3–4 years old, it is important to focus special attention on correct posture and gait;
  • up to 5 years, children begin to adapt more easily to unusual situations and are able to repeat simple movements;
  • from 5 to 6 years old, they are already able to demonstrate all the skills mastered in previous years, both mental and physical. They are very important at this age, since academic performance and behavior at school and social adaptation depend on their level.

Since one of the problems of our time is the alienation of children, at a young age parents should contribute to their comprehensive development. In this case, it is easier for first-graders to adapt to new school rules, communicate with peers, find common hobbies, etc.

A cozy atmosphere, support from relatives, a sense of confidence and security contribute not only to the development of physical education, but also significantly improve relationships in the family.

Games with parents to strengthen parent-child relationships.

Games with parents to strengthen parent-child relationships.

Game "Tender Name".

Remember how affectionately they call you at home. We will throw the ball

each other. Whoever gets the ball says a few of their names. Parents call them what their parents called them in childhood.

Game "Name".

Each participant says his name and characterizes himself with the first letter. Zhenya is cheerful, Marina is a good girl.

Game "No Rules".

Goal: creating an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding, developing communication skills, active listening.

Parent and child sit next to each other. It is important that the parent and child, using the expression: “I
think that you don’t love..., and I think that you don’t love..”,
open up to each other “as it is” - with those feelings for which there is neither a reasonable explanation nor judgment - this is how I see, this is how I feel.

Game "No Rules".

Parent and child using the expression: “ I love it when you

..." It is important to give a positive aspect, rely on positive characteristics, touch on all areas of life (relationships, eating habits, hobbies, character traits)

Game "No Rules".

(I get angry and irritated when you...).

Game "Stubborn".

Goal: increasing self-esteem, developing a sense of freedom, autonomy, self-control, attention.

Parents and children in a circle. The most stubborn child is chosen. His mother is the presenter. The parent gives a command, everyone follows it, but the child does the opposite.

Game "Compliments".

Participants take turns saying kind, affectionate words to each other. At the end they say, “Thank you, I’m very pleased.”

Game "Sculptor and Clay".

Goal: development of tactile contact, mutual understanding, and the ability to express oneself.

The exercise is performed in pairs (parent - child). The child is “clay”, the parent is “sculptor”. The task of the “sculptor” is to make a beautiful statue out of clay. “The sculptor himself decides what this “statue” will look like, how it will hold its head, in what position it will stand. After the work is finished, everyone looks at the statues, trying to guess what the “sculptor” made. After the exercise, a discussion follows: how did you feel, did you like the shape that was given.

Technological game "Happy Child".

Parents and children were required to answer three questions:

1. A happy child is...

2. It prevents the child from being happy….

3. What can I do to make the child happy (the children answered - what can parents do for my happiness).

The leader plays this game with the children, and the parents make a team decision. Then there is a discussion of the answers, pronunciation and discussion. For children, the most important thing for happiness is to be with their parents.

Body-oriented game "Pie".

The children, lying on the floor, played the role of a pie (parents added flour, sugar, etc.). Having drawn the resulting cake and signed a wish on it, we began the mystery of creating magical paints...

and the creation of a painting called “The Country in which I am Happy”

Game "Draw joy - sadness."

Goal: Developing the ability to coordinate their actions between parent and child, by choosing the color and theme of the drawing, to track the attitude towards the work done.

Number of players:

married couple parent and child.

Game description:

Take a tablet, choose a place in the hall, sit down with your child and get ready to draw a joint drawing on any topic. It is necessary that your presence and the presence of the child be noticeable in your drawing. It is unacceptable for only one child or one adult to draw. You draw a general picture. Before you start working, together with your child, come up with a name for your tandem and write the name down on a piece of paper on which you will draw. You can draw a picture with different pencils; for this, one of you must go to the central table and take the desired pencil. You cannot borrow a pencil from other couples.

Let's get to work. You are given no more than 7-10 minutes for it.

Game “How I See You...!”

Goal: To provide an opportunity for parent and child to think about how they want each other to be.

Number of players:

married couple parent and child.

Game description:

invite the parents' team to sit separately and the children's team to sit separately.

Give each parent one chamomile petal and invite them to write on it the most important quality of the child that they would like to see in him.

A team of children discusses together with an adult what they would like their parents to be like. An adult behind the children writes down their thoughts on each of the petals.

Then each team reads the contents from the petals.

Energizer game “In the mirror store”

“There are a lot of mirrors in the store. A man walked in with a monkey sitting on his shoulder. She saw herself in the mirrors and thought that they were other monkeys, and began making faces at them. The monkeys answered her in kind. She shook her fist at them, and they also threatened her from the mirror, she stamped her foot, and all the monkeys stamped their feet. Whatever the monkey did, everyone else exactly repeated its movements.”

All participants need to play the role of a “monkey” and the role of a “mirror”.

Game “The Blind and the Guide”

“Parent – ​​child” participates. One of the participants is blindfolded if desired. He is “blind”. The second one will be his driver. Every player takes part.

As soon as the music starts, the “guide” will carefully lead the “blind”, letting him touch various things - large and small, smooth, rough, prickly, cold. You can also bring the “blind” to a place where objects emit odors. You just can’t say anything at the same time.

When the music turns off after a while, the players switch roles. And when they return to the circle, they talk about what they experienced during the walk.

Game “Conversation with one pencil”


: sheets of A3 paper, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Participants divide into pairs, preferably with someone they have not been with before, choose a pencil between them by mutual agreement, take a sheet of paper, sit separately and, at the leader’s sign, draw a general drawing, holding the pencil with their right hands. Then you need to sign this drawing, choosing a name together.

Game “Self-Respect”


. Can you tell me how you notice that someone thinks you are good? How does your mother, your father, your husband, your wife, your son, your daughter show this to you?

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe three times deeply... now go mentally to that place. Which one do you think is the most wonderful? Take a good look at it. What do you see there? What do you hear? What does it smell like there? What do you want to touch there? (15 seconds).

Soon you will see two people who value and respect you, who are happy when you are with them, who know how attentive you can be to people and how kind...

Look around and you will see these people approaching you to show that they think you are good... (15 seconds).

Listen to what they have to say...

Talk to the person who came to you. Ask him if he would talk about how he feels about you...(15 seconds).

Now say goodbye to the people who came to you and prepare to return here again cheerful and lively. Stretch and open your eyes...

Can you tell us about what you experienced? Who came to you? What did this man say? Have you been able to thank him for treating you this way?

Game “Circle of Communication”

Participants share the rhyme: “Mommies - babies” into two circles. The inner circle - “mothers” - close their eyes, stand facing the outer circle - “children”. “Children” move clockwise around “Mommies” and stop at the signal. The exercise is performed silently.



1. Communicate with each other with your hands:

- say hello; - dance; - fight; - make peace; - say goodbye.

2. In front of you is a small, crying child who is upset about something. Have pity on him.

3. You met a good friend whom you haven’t seen for a long time. Show him how glad you are to see him.



Acquaintance of group members, formation of positive motivation for communication, development of a positive attitude towards oneself and others.

Parents and children are divided into two circles. The inner circle is formed by adults, and the outer circle by children.

At the leader’s signal, the participants in the outer circle move one clockwise. This is how new couples arise. Participants need to meet in pairs and shake hands. The task is repeated in new pairs. And so on until each participant returns to his pair.

Game “Don't want”

“Most of us know how to be obedient and efficient people. Today we will learn a little how to be naughty, or rather, to say “no” with different parts of our body. We will do the exercise together, for the first time I will show you myself. Let's start with the head. To say “no” with your head means to intensively shake your head in different directions, gradually increasing speed, as if you want to say “no, no, no.” Now let’s try to repeat “no” to our hands, wave in front of us first with our right hand, then with our left hand, and then with both together, as if we want to refuse, push off. Next let's move on to the legs. Kick first with your right leg, then with your left leg, then alternately. Try to put strength into every movement. You can also add a voice. Try to shout “no” louder and louder for every movement.”

Child-parent games


(development of mutual assistance)

Each family receives “magic pictures” that constantly crumble and “break” (cut-out pictures, puzzles). Only a friendly family can collect them. At the signal, family teams begin to work. “Forfeits” are paid by a team where the leader observes a quarrel or unfair distribution of work (that is, when one of the players completes a small task). At the end of the game, “forfeits” are redeemed (songs, poems, etc.) are performed.


(development of visual attention)

“Flowers with seven petals grew in the clearing. (The number of flowers corresponds to the number of family teams.) A strong wind blew and the petals scattered in different directions. We need to find and collect the petals of each seven-flowered flower.” Petals are located on the floor, on cabinets, on tables, under chairs and in other places in the room. The team that finds petals of seven colors (red, yellow, blue, orange, brown, purple, pink) the fastest wins.


"(development of decentralization of attention, moral qualities of the individual)

Each family team receives a seven-flowered flower.

The participants in the game conceive seven wishes (the parent can help write the wishes of the preschooler): three wishes are conceived by the child for the parents, three by the adult for the child, one of the wishes will be joint (the wish of the child and the parent). Then the parent and child exchange petals and select wish petals that they really like. The winner is the family team that has the most desired petals, where the expected desires coincide with the real ones.


One of the parents blindfolds himself and feels each child playing. Children must stand silently, you can change clothes (jacket, bows, etc.). An adult, having found his child, calls his name and removes the blindfold. If the parent is mistaken, he pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game. It is necessary that all parents participate in guessing.


(unification, emancipation)

The game leader comes up with a word (the number of words is equal to the number of players) and writes it down on a piece of paper.

Game "Building numbers"

The goal is to liberate the group members.

Your children are students. You help them with their lessons, check them. Now you will have a math lesson. You move freely around the room. At my command, you line up in the number that I will name.

Exercise “My child is...”

The goal is to expand parents’ ideas about their child.

— Dear parents, draw an object that your child looks like. Operating time 10 minutes.


Reflection exercise.

1. Did you think about your drawing for a long time?

2. Why did you choose these colors?

3. How did you feel when you drew a “portrait” of your child?

4. After viewing all the drawings, would you like to add to yours?

Game "Gift"

— Our meeting has come to an end. Give each other a farewell gift. Start your statement like this: “I want to give you... because...”


- Thank you for the meeting. Goodbye!

Solving pedagogical situations

The goal is to optimize parent-child relationships.

1. Guests have come to you. Your child begins to insert himself into adult conversation. You reprimand him. The child moves away from you, but begins to sing songs loudly and jump on the sofa. Why did the child do this? What are your next steps?

2. You offer to clear the child's table after you. He refuses. You repeat your request. The child gets up and goes to his room. Why did the child do this? Your actions?

3. You go outside. Your child quickly runs out of the entrance and almost knocks down an elderly neighbor. To her remark he replies: “Old fool!” and rushes on. You apologize for your son. In the evening, while discussing your child’s actions, you hear from your husband: “What, Maria Ivanovna hasn’t died yet?” - to which the son loudly shouts: “Alive!” Why did the child do this? What are your next steps?

4. In daily conversations with your child about school, you hear: “Kolka is a fool. Masha is a crybaby. Maria Ivanovna constantly finds fault.” You reprimand him. In response you hear: “You’re still a bore!” Why did the child do this? Your actions?


1. Have you or someone you know ever had similar situations? How did you solve them?

2. In your opinion: who is to blame for the child’s bad actions?

3. What thoughts did you have while solving situations?

4. What conclusion did you draw for yourself?

Group rules:

1. The rule is here and now. During classes, you can only use the information that the participant provides about himself during group work. Past experience is not discussed and cannot be presented as an argument 2. Rule of emotional openness. If a participant thinks or feels something here and now, then he needs to say about it, express his feelings.\ 3. Stop rule. Everyone has the right to say: I have a feeling, but I don’t want to talk about it, it hurts. 4. Rule of sincerity. You should only talk about real feelings, and not about those that would reassure, justify or offend him. 5. Rule of I-statement. Everyone says any phrase only on their own behalf. 6. Confidentiality rule. Talking about what happened during the training, how this or that group member behaved, what problems he solved, is not acceptable from an ethical point of view. Moreover, group processes should be condemned within the group, not outside it. 7. Activity rule. Each parent-child pair works in a group from the beginning to the end of the training. It is necessary to be an active participant in all proposed games, exercises and tasks.

  1. Game "Molecules"

    Goal: relieving emotional stress, increasing a positive attitude and group cohesion. Let's imagine that we are atoms. The atoms look like this: bend your elbows and press your hands to your shoulders. Atoms are constantly moving and from time to time they combine into molecules. The number of atoms in a molecule can be different, it will be determined by the number that I name. We will all start moving around this room, and when I call a number, for example, three, the atoms combine into molecules of three atoms. The atoms are united facing each other, touching their forearms. Discussion. How are you feeling now? Did your feelings change throughout the game? What did you like: being an atom or a molecule?



Development of communication skills.

All participants move to the music in a free direction. As soon as the music ends, everyone stops and listens to the psychologist’s command, who says: “The snowflakes are united in groups of three.” All participants must execute this command. Then the music continues to play again, and as soon as it is interrupted, the participants will need to perform the next command, for example: “Snowflakes are united in groups of two, five, etc.”

5. Exercise “The very best”

Psychologist. For a closer acquaintance, I suggest playing the game “The most-most...” Each parent should use positive adjectives to describe themselves and their child: “I am the most..., my child is the most...”. The group responds to the participant: “We are happy for you!”

Game "I'm going to look"

Children form a circle, parents stand in the center of the circle with their eyes closed. Children walk in a circle to cheerful music, and mothers must find their child by touch. The resulting parent-child pairs are seated.

Art therapy. Drawing in pairs “mother-child” with one brush for two. "We are together".

Psychologist: Today we will draw a joint drawing of our feelings. Spontaneous free drawing is possible. Mom begins to draw first with paints and a brush, then, at a signal, the drawings with a brush are transferred to the other member of the “child-mother” pair. The other participant makes his contribution to the drawing received from the participant: he corrects something, completes the drawing. Then, again at a signal, the drawing and brush are handed over to the mother to continue creating the collective image of “family feelings.” Drawings are exchanged several times until each participant considers the drawing complete.

At the end of the work, the psychologist conducts a discussion and expresses his opinion. Presentation of drawings. Parents tell: - What is the name of the drawing, what feelings are depicted? — Who was the initiator of the idea? - Who drew what? — Was it convenient to draw together? - What feelings did you experience?

Exercise “Chips of wood float down the river”

Goal: removing muscle tension, establishing physical contact between parents and children, realizing a sense of security. Participants stand in two lines at arm's length from each other - they are banks. One member of the group is a sliver. He slowly swims between the banks. The shores help the sliver with soft touches: they stroke it, speak kind words to it, call it by name. The sliver itself chooses at what speed it should swim. The sliver's eyes can be closed.

Our lesson has come to an end. We thank you for your participation and would like to end our session with these words:

Take care of each other! Warm with kindness, Take care of each other! Don't let us offend! Take care of each other! Forget the vanity and in a moment of leisure, stay close together! /ABOUT. Vysotskaya/

Love, health, happiness, mutual understanding in your families!



Relying primarily on bodily and emotional memory, consolidate the participants’ idea of ​​the body diagram (right and left sides); reacting and working through the existing relationships in a given couple at the bodily level; parents' awareness of this experience.

In child-parent pairs, participants are asked to stand opposite each other and do what the leader asks. The psychologist consistently suggests:

  • “Greet” each other with your index fingers.
  • Use your little finger to stroke your partner's little finger.
  • Measure your strength (pull) using your middle fingers.
  • One of the partners should clasp the second participant’s thumb with his palm and try to hold it. The second one's task is to pull out your finger. Then switch roles.
  • Say goodbye to your partner using your ring fingers.

During the lesson, the exercise is performed only with the left hand. As homework, participants are asked to do the same with the opposite hand.



Formation of positive motivation for communication, development of basic trust, development of leadership qualities, training in conflict-free interaction skills.

The group is divided into pairs. The adult stands behind the child. A child is a car, an adult is a driver. Touching the child's head - gas, touching the right shoulder - turn right, touching the left shoulder - turn left, touching the back - reverse. The child chooses the speed of movement.

After about 2-3 minutes of the game, the presenter invites the children (cars) to close their eyes. Now the success of the movement depends on the attention of adults to the situation and the attention of children to the touches of adults.



Development of fine motor skills, productive communication skills between children and parents; group cohesion.

Family dyads are asked to choose, without words, a pencil of the color they like. If the preferences differ, silently agree among yourself, and then the two of you take the pencil lying on the table, supporting it at both ends. In this case, each participant can use only one finger. They are then asked to move around, being careful not to drop the pencil. After this, the task becomes more complicated: while holding the first “bridge”, the participants take the second pencil from the table with the fingers of their free hand. They can do the same thing in threes, fours... as a whole group.

The exercise is performed without words. At the end, feelings, ways of interaction, and difficulties encountered are discussed.



Developing skills for joint constructive interaction at a democratic level. Developing imagination, creating a situation of success.

Participants work in married couples, the space of the rooms should be organized so that no one disturbs anyone. Each couple chooses a piece of paper with blots. The following task for participants is to carefully examine the blots and discuss what they look like. Complete the blot so that the other participants can guess who is shown in the picture. The drawing is done together with one pencil.

There is an exhibition of blots. The whole group examines each blot and guesses what it is. You can invite participants to come up with short stories based on their drawings.



: Legalization of aggressive feelings and actions, lifting the ban on their manifestation; response to current, energetically and emotionally charged states of participants; establishing the equal right of parents and children to experience and present negative feelings.

Participants are offered a pillow, which they throw over each other while standing in a circle. These movements are accompanied by “abusive” words, names of vegetables, animals, fruits, etc. (by agreement). When the energy in the group increases and all participants are actively involved in the game, you can add a second pillow. (2-4 pillows)



: Formation of a friendly atmosphere within the dyad.

Participants work in married couples, the space of the rooms should be organized so that no one disturbs anyone. The child and the adult take turns naming each other’s positive qualities, beginning each sentence with the words: “You are my best (most)…”. At the end of the exercise, you can highlight one most important quality: “Lisa, and you’re also my best…”



: Providing emotional support and acceptance of each group member, strengthening the skills of equal, partnership relationships between parents and children.

Group members are asked in advance to think about the question: “Who can do what?” in order not just to tell, but also to clearly show (for example, dancing, embroidering a delicious pie, etc.), the group greets each demonstration with applause, expressions of positive emotions, and compliments.

The role of family sports

With the arrival of a newborn, parents strive to provide the most comfortable conditions for his life. At the same time, special attention is paid to promoting health. But proper nutrition and regular walks do not always give the desired results.

The main principles when organizing the day should be:

  • strict adherence to the daily routine;
  • morning work-out;
  • water procedures;
  • rational use of free time.

Parents and children exercising together should be the norm, not the exception. To do this, it is worth purchasing suitable equipment, for example, balls, jump ropes, etc.

Important! Playing sports together allows you to strengthen your family and allows parents to get to know their children better and unlock their potential. This has a positive effect on the educational process.

There are quite a few reasons why children cannot tear themselves away from the TV from early childhood, but the main one is the lack of interest in other activities. Various programs expand sports knowledge, but the effect of such viewing will only be if you regularly perform exercises, participate in competitions, games, relay races, etc.

The motor passivity of children can be compensated for by various physical education sessions, football matches between families, and jumping rope competitions. Joint sports activities between children and parents are one of the main aspects of the formation of comprehensively developed children.

Consultations for parents “Joint activities between parents and children”

Tatiana Aksenova

Consultations for parents “Joint activities between parents and children”

Families and children who find themselves in difficult life situations or socially dangerous situations are more often at risk than others. The problem of employment and organization of leisure time for children and adolescents and the prevention of social orphanhood remains acute. To carry out effective rehabilitation work with this category of children, to preserve the family, as part of the provision of social services, it is necessary to use methods and techniques aimed at harmonizing child-parent relations, to displace and replace the negative with the positive.

My work experience has shown that through joint activities with parents and children (consultations - workshops, master class, round table, homework), adults develop the ability to see their child’s abilities and their level of knowledge on education issues increases, and the child’s sense of self needed and loved.

The main result of my work is to see how, first, the facial expressions and emotional state of our students and their parents gradually change, and then new child-parent relationships are born.

Workshop for parents “Feel like a wizard”

Goal: To reveal the importance of non-traditional techniques of visual activity in working with children for the development of imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. To familiarize parents with the variety of non-standard drawing techniques. Harmonization of parent-child relationships.

Handouts: album sheets, paints, gouache, brushes, salt, felt-tip pens, pencils, PVA, template, napkins, cups of water.

Preliminary work: Preparing children's drawings for the exhibition.


Childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities because children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to explore the world around them. Children's creativity differs from adult creativity. The child acts subconsciously; he does not set goals for himself. The child is driven by the satisfaction of his needs in creativity. Therefore, it is necessary to create a basis for children's creativity. The more a child sees, hears, experiences, the more significant and productive the activity of his imagination will become.

In our work with children in visual arts, we use unconventional drawing techniques that help develop children's cognitive interest, imagination, curiosity and activate independent thinking. Through the application of the simplest types of non-traditional image techniques to more complex ones; application in drawing of one type of technique to the use of mixed techniques of image; from individual work to collective depiction of objects and subjects.

Dear parents, pay attention to the exhibition of children's works presented in various non-traditional drawing techniques: poking, blotography, nitkografiya, drawing with colored sand, monotypes, etc. These techniques do not tire children, they remain highly active and efficient throughout time allotted to complete the task. From the very beginning of introducing a child to drawing, it is necessary to teach him how to correctly use various visual materials and teach children drawing techniques. To teach, you need to master these techniques yourself.

Practical part:

And now I would like to invite you to be children for a little while and feel like wizards. I suggest you trace your palm with your fingers open. You have similar drawings, let's try to make them different. Add some details and turn an ordinary image of a palm into an unusual design. Turn them, move them. You will now become real wizards.

- Look! Imagine! Let your imagination run wild! Now fill in the missing details.

- Well, now you can color your drawing with paints. We got cheerful palms.

Wizards can do everything, and we will draw a beautiful butterfly using salt and gouache. Now I will tell you how to do this.

On a sheet of paper, using a simple pencil, draw an image of a butterfly (circle the template). Apply PVA glue to the surface of the drawing with a brush. Gently sprinkle salt on top. Remove excess salt using a dry brush. Give time for the salt to dry on the drawing. Using gouache we paint the wings of the butterfly in the brightest colors. When you paint the pattern, use thicker paint. We draw in black the body of the butterfly, multi-colored circles, stripes at your discretion. This is how our beauty turned out.

Result of the workshop:

Dear parents! I see wonderful work in unusual techniques. You can show them to your children, and I'm sure they will love your creativity! I dare to hope that now in conversations with children about drawing classes you will be able to show your considerable awareness!

I thank you for your active participation in the lives of your children.

Joint lesson of parents and children “Introduction to motor-speech miniatures and unusual drawing “Magic palms”


1. Creating conditions for parents to master non-traditional drawing techniques in joint activities with children.

2. Increase the pedagogical competence of parents in the artistic and creative development of children.

3. Create a favorable microclimate for the development of fantasy and imagination in children and parents.

4. Contribute to the establishment of favorable relationships between parents and children.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello, we are pleased to welcome you to our Creative Workshop, which is called “Crazy Hands”. The motto of our creative workshop is “Our hands are not for boredom!”

Today we will tell you about the importance of non-traditional drawing in the development of children's creative abilities. But the most important thing is that you yourself, together with your children, can take part in our work. And so let's begin our first lesson.

Take a pencil in both hands between your palms, pinch it and roll it. Bring it to your right ear (to your left ear).

- What do you hear?

-What sound does a pencil make? (He rustles)

- That's right, he rustles. Rub another pencil between your palms and listen.

Now put the pencil down and touch your palms. What have they become? Place them on your cheeks and forehead. What do you feel? (Palms became warm)

- Right! Now your hands and fingers are ready to draw.

— We all know that drawing is one of the greatest pleasures for a child. Drawing reveals his inner world. After all, when drawing, a child reflects not only what he sees around, but also shows his own imagination. And as adults, we shouldn’t forget that positive emotions are the foundation of children’s mental health and emotional well-being. And since drawing is a source of a child’s good mood, you and I need to support and develop the child’s interest in visual creativity.

Today I want to tell and show you how unusual the world in which he lives can become for a child.

A child should be introduced to the world of art as early as possible. Play, as the main and favorite activity of children, will help with this. Any material that falls into the hands of a child, becoming a toy, takes on a new life, a new meaning. These materials can be paint, paper, toothbrush, foam rubber, paraffin and much more.

In introducing children to art, we use various non-traditional drawing techniques. Among them there are many that provide the most unexpected, unpredictable options for artistic representation and a colossal impetus to children's imagination and fantasy.

After all, it is very important what results the child will achieve, how his imagination will develop, and how he will learn to work with color. The use of such techniques will satisfy his curiosity and help overcome such qualities as: “fear of seeming funny, inept, misunderstood.”

There are many techniques with which you can create original works and crafts for children, even without any artistic skills. Both you and your child will not only get pleasure from such activities. In these games he will get acquainted with color, the properties of paints, he will develop artistic taste and spatial imagination, imagination and hard work. And he will also gain respect for parents who know how to do such things! Here are games with paints that will attract interest in drawing and help in the development of the baby.

And funny poems will tell you what we will draw today.


Flowers bloomed in the garden

Unprecedented beauty.

Flowers reach for the sun,

Five magic petals.

Have you guessed what you and I will draw? That's right flowers. Today I offer you an unusual way of drawing. Want to try and learn? It's called "palm typing."

You have sheets of paper on your tables, multi-colored gouache, foam rubber, water, rags, wet wipes, brushes, felt-tip pens, and wax crayons on plates.

Children and adults slowly, carefully and independently prepare sheets of paper. Carefully take plastic disposable plates with gouache paint. Foam sponges. Along the way, there is an explanation that it is necessary to saturate the sponge well with paint, otherwise the drawing technique that we plan to use in today’s lesson will not work.

The technique of drawing with your hands is simple: place your palm on a sponge soaked in paint and make an imprint on the paper.

Roll up your sleeves, put on your aprons and let's get to work.

(Independent work of children and parents. Teachers prompt and help those who find it difficult).

— Flowers can be drawn without blooming; to do this, you need to press your fingers together, and open flowers by opening them.

Before using paint of a different color, wipe your hands with a damp cloth. After finishing work, also use a napkin.

Look what a flower meadow it turned out to be. But something is missing from it. And the next poem will tell us this.


Cabbage Butterfly

I flew over a flower,

She fluttered merrily

- Collected pollen.

- You guessed who we will draw now. That's right, it will be butterflies fluttering over the flowers. Drawing them is very simple. The drawing technique is the same. Butterflies can be colorful. To do this, use several colors. To draw the lower wings of a butterfly, you need to turn over a sheet of paper. When the wings are ready, you can paint on the missing details: the body, head, antennae with a brush, felt-tip pens or wax crayons. Also draw in the missing details of the flowers: stems and leaves. Do not forget to use wet wipes before changing paint and after finishing work.

(Independent work of children and parents. The teacher prompts and helps those who find it difficult).

Look at the interesting work we have done.

Children find it difficult to use a paint brush. There are very exciting activities that give the child new sensations, develop fine motor skills, and provide the opportunity to discover a new and magical world of artistic creativity - this is palm painting and other non-traditional drawing techniques.

By drawing with their palms, little artists develop their imagination and abstract thinking.

Palms can turn into cheerful octopuses, and into a leisurely elephant and giraffe, into a bird or funny people. And for the New Year you can “grow” a wonderful Christmas tree from them.

— I would like to wish you to draw the same way at home. You will become like-minded people, partners, and friends for your children. We hope that you spent your evening today with benefit for yourself and your child. And he will be just as interested in you at home as you were - here and now! I wish you success!

At home, try to come up with and draw other works with new subjects with your palms. Bring them to our exhibition.

(Parents and children clean their work areas. Wash their hands


Involvement in sports and rational organization of leisure time

All parents want their baby to grow up active, resilient and mobile. Therefore, it is important to pay a lot of attention to the physical development of children starting from infancy, directing their energy in the right direction. Thus, it will be easier for them to adapt to the fast pace of life, stressful situations, etc.

You need to start classes from the first days of the baby’s life. But it is important to arm yourself with the relevant knowledge, which can be gained from special courses. The main period is from 2 to 6 years. But this does not mean at all that at school age you need to give up recreational gymnastics. It is important to give your child the opportunity to attend various sports clubs, where, under the supervision of specialists, he will be taught how to correctly perform more complex exercises. You should choose the optimal time for classes, and also observe their systematicity.

Forms of physical exercise in the family are divided into:

  • rhythmic;
  • with elements of acrobatics;
  • on simple shells;
  • calming.

Regardless of the complexity of the exercises, they should be taught by parents in the form of a game, preferably on the street or in specially equipped rooms. Although you can have fun while walking and even at home, in the absence of physical training equipment. For example, arrange competitions between peers or family relay races at a picnic, etc.

How to make friends with an adopted child? 10 joint activities for children and parents

Joint projects help make a great team out of parents and children.
Photo - from the Stavrov-Skripnik family archive. For an adopted child, the first weeks at home are like flying into space. Everything is not the same as in the orphanage - different people, different house, different orders. Parents are also worried: how to establish contact with a new family member? How to become closer to him, how to overcome fear or mistrust?

Experienced adoptive parents and psychologist Ekaterina Demina talk about activities and activities that can bring you closer to your adopted child. The same techniques work with natural children.

Joint projects

Experienced foster parents are sure: common activities and joint projects help make parents and children an excellent team.

“This could be, for example, participation by the whole family in some competition, quest, training, off-site seminar, sports competition,” Natalya Gorodiskaya, a foster mother with many children, who is raising two natural, one adopted and seven adopted children, shares her experience. — For example, in 2013, our whole family participated in the All-Russian Assembly of Foster Families. We were one team - we came up with something together, rehearsed, prepared... It was very interesting, some kind of team spirit immediately appeared, we felt like a single whole, we truly became closer - both parents and children, and children with each other.


We also participated in the project of the Blagovest charity organization “Kitezhgrad” in the Penza region - it was something like a camp for orphans, where my husband and I were both counselors and foster parents at the same time. The children saw us in a completely different capacity - as leaders, and our authority in their eyes increased.” It is especially good if other adoptive families participate in such events.

“Every adopted child has doubts inside: am I loved in the same way as natural children? - says Natalya Gorodiskaya. “And when native and adopted children prepare for something together, rehearse, perform in teams, this difference is not noticeable at all, there the adopted children feel equal among equals. From the outside it is completely unclear who is where.”

According to Natalya, she and her husband, when they watched other families on stage, even quietly made bets on who was a blood child and who was an adopted child. And they were always wrong! At such events, the self-esteem of adopted children grows, and this is very good.

Why is this kind of family “team building” important? “In the daily bustle, finding common ground for all family members can be difficult,” says Natalya Gorodiskaya. “On weekday mornings, everyone got up, had breakfast and ran away; it’s not even possible to have dinner together every day, because the children have clubs in the evenings, extra classes, etc. In this mode, it’s difficult to find time for joint leisure.”


“We really love to travel somewhere together, we try to organize small one-day trips at least once a month,” says Yulia Stavrova-Skripnik, who together with her husband is raising two natural and five adopted children. — We traveled all over the Moscow region, in April the whole family visited Sochi, and in the summer - in the Krasnodar Territory. I even managed to inspire everyone to climb a high mountain near Gelendzhik... And recently we were in the Ethnomir ethnographic park - everyone was delighted!

Trips give a lot of unforgettable impressions.

The girls immediately became interested in the pottery workshop; Natasha, Fyodor and Matvey learned to play the drums. Everyone is having fun, everyone is doing something together. We walked, looked, had lunch in nature - children have a lot of pleasant memories from such trips. Of course, it brings us closer together.”


The kitchen, as you know, is the center of any apartment, even if its area is only 5 square meters. Many adoptive parents say that they enjoy cooking with their children - making dumplings, baking pies.

“We haven’t succeeded with dumplings yet, but the pizza turns out great,” says Yulia Stavrova-Skripnik. - The whole gang is gathering in the kitchen - eight people! One cuts tomatoes, another grates cheese, a third rolls out dough... We cook a lot together - we bake charlotte, cut salads, make spaghetti... The children like it: cooking is also creativity, and creativity is shared. Then we eat it all together and with pleasure.”

Reading at night

Quietly reading a bedtime story before bed is pleasant for both mother and child, and equally beneficial for both. “Reading, patting the back, giving a light massage, maybe even swaddling and rocking in your arms - all this is great for bringing mother and adopted child closer together,” says Yulia Stavrova-Skripnik. — Surprisingly, this works not only with kids.

My adopted daughter Angelina was already 10 years old when she asked me to read to her before bed, and then rock her like a little girl. She lacked affection and warmth, although there is never too much of this, even for natural children.”


Holidays are traditions, and they are known to give a feeling of stability and permanence. This is exactly what foster children lack, who have often experienced more than one move and change of “significant adult.” Decorate the Christmas tree, bake a special New Year's cake, turn on an old movie on TV - all these rituals, repeated year after year, seem to convince the child of the strength and stability of the family.

“Holidays unite us,” says foster mother Natalya Gorodiskaya. “Everyone gathers at our house for the New Year, the older children come. We cook together and put up the Christmas tree. The younger ones see how our elders need us, how we communicate warmly, and this raises our parental authority.”


A good way to find common ground with your daughter, natural or adopted, is to learn how to do something with your own hands together.

Adoptive mothers talk about joint scrapbooking, weaving mandalas, soap making, creating little dolls and dozens of other similar activities.

“At the age of 9-12 years, girls, as a rule, move away from their mothers, and this kind of activity, if everyone enjoys it, will help them stay together,” Yulia Stavrova-Skripnik is sure. “At the same time, you can tell us about the way of life in Ancient Rus' while you’re doing the little bit.”


Cartoons are not only about how to keep a small child occupied and free up the mother’s hands for a while. Many cartoons are wonderful examples of artistic expression that make children think.

“At the orphanage, my children saw, at best, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but at home we introduced them to Soviet cartoons,” says Yulia Stavrova-Skripnik. “It’s important not to be distracted by your own affairs, but to watch it with your children.”

For my 15-year-old son, during the period when he was “unwilling,” I turned on the cartoon of the same name. He didn’t watch it in the orphanage, but suddenly the simple plot made an impression on the already grown-up guy.” A good cartoon can give parents and children both something to talk about and a reason for general fun.


Team spirit both disciplines and unites adults and children.

Rollerblading in the summer, skating and skiing in the winter, swimming, volleyball, jiu-jitsu - choose what you like, and involve your child in it. Even if he does not grow up to be an Olympic champion, you are guaranteed a good mood! And there common interests will appear.

Board games

“We enjoy playing board games with the children, it’s fun! — Yulia Stavrova-Skripnik shares. — We have financial games like Monopoly, Activity, and Dixit... True, children are not very eager to play them with each other, without their parents. They are interested in being with mom and dad. All you have to do is throw out the cry: “People, who wants to go to Dixit?” - the company immediately gathers. It’s interesting for both children and adults.”


When autumn comes and walks in the parks become shorter, a wonderful time begins - theater season. “On short and dark days, somewhere from October to the end of winter, my children and I go to the theater. Three of my adopted children are hard of hearing, so we fell in love with the special theater “Nedoslov”, in which deaf actors play and everything is adapted for such children.

After the first such theatrical evening, my son Ivan, who had never called me mom before because he had been in the family for less than a week, suddenly after the performance said: “Mom, when will you buy me a scarf?” He was so impressed by all this,” says Yulia Stavrova-Skripnik.

Expert commentary

Katerina Demina, consulting psychologist, specialist in child psychology, works with adoptive families:

“Do things with your children that you personally enjoy”

“When planning what to do with your adopted child, choose what you like. In this sense, a foster family is not much different from an ordinary one. Remember what you love to do and do it with your child. (Of course, with the exception of sitting on social networks and computer games). Most families do this, choosing this path intuitively.

Walking with animals, sewing, handicrafts, cycling, cinema - almost any activity can unite you. Try to do everything you loved as a child together. Did you like to read? Look for good books, go to book fairs, libraries, etc.

Develop yourself and involve your child in your development. Children will gradually become accustomed to the same things that interest you. Attachment is formed where there is emotional contact. Therefore, it is very important to do something that makes you passionate.

There is no need to overstep yourself and do something through force. If you don't like playing with cars on the floor, don't play. If reading before bed brings you indescribable mental anguish, don't read, look for something else.

And vice versa, they told me: “I’m reading and suddenly I see that the child is already sleeping. But I can’t stop: the book is so interesting...” - this is completely normal.

It’s hard if you, for example, are an introvert, and the child is an extrovert, if you do not match the child in these characteristics. Then look for those who can help you attract him. Maybe there is an interesting club near your house or a charismatic teacher teaches vocals at a nearby school.

It can also be difficult when children are different, with different interests. Try to find a match between them, and if there is no match, look for compromises: today we do something for one child (we go to the Polytechnic Museum), tomorrow – for another (we visit the Tretyakov Gallery).”

Rhythmic exercises (to music)

All children love such activities with their parents. They contribute to the development of the motor system, smoothness, ease, coordination, concentration, and memory. After just a few lessons, even kids can reproduce all the exercises to specific musical accompaniment.

You should start and end your physical training session by walking and running. Next, you can rhythmically roll pins or a ball towards the child, clapping your hands at the same time. When the baby learns to repeat the exercise in time with the music, it is worth complicating the task by coordinating the movements of the arms and legs. Walking, running, simple tasks are the basic elements of rhythmic exercises. As musical accompaniment, it is advisable to choose children's songs that the baby will learn by heart over time.

Exercises with elements of acrobatics

Their main goal is to develop a sense of balance, dexterity, and overcoming fear when performing certain tasks. Joint exercises between parents and children when using acrobatic elements should be performed on a soft mat. In fact, adults are the “projectile” with which the baby needs to work. For example, when sitting on a mat, parents should spread their legs to the sides, and the child needs to overcome this obstacle. Although at first glance this exercise seems simple, some children need support. You can complicate the task by simply raising your legs or specifying that you do not need to step over them, but jump over them.

Exercises on simple sports equipment

They represent an obstacle course that the child needs to overcome. You can use a bench, mats, hula hoops, balls, and jump ropes as equipment. To complicate the task, you should explain to your child in advance what motor tasks need to be performed at each stage of the relay race.

To reinforce it, parents need to show how to do all the exercises by personal example, and then give the child the opportunity to repeat them, but with adult help.

Calming exercises

They are aimed at developing fine motor skills, slow movement, while maintaining even and calm breathing. Calming activities include the following games:

  • with speech accompaniment;
  • on attention and sensory perception;
  • didactic, etc.

Such physical exercises in the family do not require special aids; it is enough to have simple didactic materials. During classes, children are in close contact with adults, which allows them to feel more confident. Encouragements, praise and approval of actions bring joy to kids. Such interaction has a positive effect on both the physical development of the child and the formation of the personality as a whole.

Joint creative activities with children 3-4 years old

Joint creativity between children and parents brings undoubted benefits. In addition to the development of intelligence, attentiveness, abstract and spatial thinking, memory, fine motor skills, a sense of unity with the parent develops. The baby feels that his mother is next to him and supports all his endeavors. This has a positive effect on the baby’s mental development and provides additional incentive.

Children need to be taught creativity

How to attract children to creativity

It should be remembered that the child has not yet developed this type of joint leisure, so at first he may be a little distant.

For your information! You can’t put pressure on the baby, you need to gently guide him. It is better to demonstrate a desire to work with him in a soft, enticing manner, then he will certainly join his parents.

All actions must be spoken out, the baby must be praised and criticism must be excluded. The child should have his own supplies that he will not be afraid to get dirty; his own creative corner is desirable. It is forbidden to force a child if he is not in the mood.

Advice! Classes will go easier if the parent boasts about their joint achievements to their relatives. Then the baby will be filled with pride and will happily look forward to the next classes.

How to find an individual approach to your baby

An individual approach should be based on the child's abilities and needs. The baby should like what he does. After all, people are different, and children are no exception. One kid will be happy to draw, another will be happy to paint, and the third will prefer sewing. Choosing the wrong activity will take away all interest. An element of play should be introduced into classes. It is imperative to take into account that one child is nimble and careless, while the other is careful and slow. Creative activities with children should take into account their characteristics. Class times may also vary for different children.

Parents should help develop

How to Add Appeal to Creativity

Rules for parents:

  • Be cheerful and express emotions sincerely.
  • Conduct the lesson in a playful way.
  • An unusual lesson format will attract more attention.
  • Develop in the child the habit of participating in all the endeavors of the parents.
  • Practice according to simple rules.
  • Praise the baby.

The role of drawing in the development of a child

Drawing gives children invaluable opportunities. Using child's drawing:

  • expresses himself;
  • splashes out negativity;
  • calms down.

Drawing helps develop thinking

The baby comes up with an idea, the creation of which necessarily involves the areas of the brain responsible for memory, attention, and imaginative thinking. The baby becomes more attentive, learns to analyze and notice details. The child develops a creative style, his own fiction and fantasies appear.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group

For your information! The advantage is that in the process of drawing the hands are involved - this is how fine motor skills develop, and along with it memory, vision and logical thinking.

Speech skills improve and perseverance appears. The child develops talent and is also able to appreciate someone else’s work.

Creativity for children 3 and 4 years old must necessarily include classes in fine arts.

The benefits of modeling for mental development

Creativity with kids always includes modeling. Modeling is characterized by stress relief, it has a great effect on the baby’s brain. After modeling, most children feel calm and relaxed. Modeling has a positive effect on all types of thinking. The baby learns to observe, remember and repeat the actions of an adult. Improves attentiveness and patience. The young master gets the opportunity to express his feelings and emotions, so as a result, imagination and creativity develop. The baby analyzes better and becomes more receptive to mathematical measurements. Improved speech skills provide an additional incentive.

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