Quiz “Gifts of Autumn” (senior preschool age)

Quiz for children of senior preschool age “Autumn gatherings”

Task No. 5: Relay race “Cook soup/compote according to recipe”

— Autumn brings its gifts to people - these are fruits and vegetables that ripen in gardens and vegetable gardens.

Harvesting fruits in autumn

Lots of joy for people after all their hard work!

Five children from each team stand in columns. In front of them on the table are flat images of a jar (for compote) and a pan (for soup). At a distance of 2 m from each team, there are hoops on the carpet in which flat images of vegetables (for the team preparing the soup) and fruits (for the team preparing the compote) are laid out, and next to it there is a “recipe” for soup / compote with images of the ingredients and their quantities. The first player receives a basket from the host. At the leader’s command, the player runs to his hoop, takes the required amount of vegetables/fruits according to the “recipe” and puts them in his basket. Then he returns to his team, puts vegetables/fruits in a pan/jar, passes the basket to the next team player and stands at the end of the column. After the teams have completed the task, they do a mutual check: they check the number of vegetables/fruits on the “recipe” and in the jar/pan (five potatoes, two tomatoes, three onions.../ two bananas, five plums, three apples...). The team that completes the task faster and with the fewest errors wins.

Task No. 6: “Guess the taste”

“I suggest we see how attentive you are, let’s play the game “Plum - Apple - Banana.”

- Now let’s try to guess the taste of vegetables and fruits. 5-7 people from each team participate. With his eyes closed, the child guesses the taste of a vegetable or fruit and calls it affectionately (carrot, cucumber, tomato, apple, pear, grape, cream). The team that guesses the names of all vegetables/fruits and correctly calls them affectionately gets a point.

— What can be prepared from fruits? (jam, jam, compote)

Task No. 7: presentation “Machine jam”

Masha has grown a lot of different fruits and berries, she wants to make jam for Mishka. Let's help her. An image of fruits or berries appears on the slide. The teams take turns saying what kind of jam Masha made. The team that completes the task with the fewest errors wins.

Task No. 8: “Name the migratory birds”

— With the onset of autumn, some birds fly away from us to the south, why? (discussion with children: insects, worms, seeds and fruits of plants, frogs, mice disappear in the fall = birds become hungry


Teams are asked to find pictures of migratory birds on the table and name them. Then the teams take turns calling migratory birds in the plural in the V.p. form:

Summary of educational activities for the formation of a holistic picture of the world on the theme “Autumn” in the middle group of preschool educational institutions.

Summary of GCD for the formation of a holistic picture of the world

on the topic “Autumn” in the middle group of a preschool educational institution.

"Autumn has come to us"


: developing children's knowledge about autumn
1. Continue to introduce children to the signs of autumn;
2. Learn to distinguish between vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, birds; 3.Develop speech and cognitive activity; 4. Cultivate love for the world around us. Material:
Pictures depicting autumn, dummies of vegetables and fruits, basket, vase, pictures of mushrooms, animals, birds, leaves (rowan, maple, oak, poplar, birch), baskets with images of trees

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, let's say hello to the nature around us.
Good morning sun, Good morning sky, Good morning earth, Good morning to all of us. Let's sit with you on the carpet in a circle and listen to a story - a riddle. Listen carefully, and then try to guess what time we are talking about. (The story is read to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the collection “The Seasons”). “The leaves rustled in the forest, and it seemed as if someone was walking under the maples and birches, and where they passed, the leaves turned red and golden. Now you won’t even recognize your native forest, your native clearing, your native lake. The flowers withered and withered, the grass turned yellow. Everyone was busy, everyone was preparing for the coming of winter. The birds took off from their places and flew in flocks to the warm blue seas.” (Excerpt from O. Ivanenko’s story “Good Night”) Educator:
What time of year was this passage talking about?
Let's look at pictures of autumn. - After what time of year does autumn come? Tell me about the signs of autumn. Educator:
Guys, name the autumn months.
(name, specify) - What happens in autumn in nature, in the life of animals and birds? (Children answer.) Educator: What do people do in gardens and vegetable gardens? (Children answer.) Game “Vegetables and Fruits”
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of vegetables and fruits.
(You need to collect vegetables in a basket and fruits in a vase.) Educator:
Well done with this task.
Physical exercise “Leaves”
(Children imitate the flight of autumn leaves)
Tell me, do all the birds stay with us for the winter?
What birds are called wintering? (bullfinch, sparrow, crow, woodpecker, siskin, pigeon) Educator
: let's look at what the bird looks like, what does it have?
(head, neck, tail, etc.). Educator:
Tell us what birds eat in winter?
Children: Tree seeds, larvae under the bark of trees. Educator:
And people feed the birds.
To do this, he makes feeders. Feed the birds in winter. Let flocks of people flock to your porch from all over, as if it were home. Their food is not rich. A handful of grain is needed, One handful - And winter will not be scary for them. It’s hard to count how many of them are dying. It’s hard to see. But in our heart there is also warmth for the birds. How can we forget: They could have flown away, But they stayed to spend the winter Together with the people. Teach the birds to your window in the cold, So that we don’t have to welcome spring without songs. Educator:
What animals make provisions for the winter?
What reserves do animals make for the winter? In autumn you can find a lot of mushrooms in the forest. What mushrooms do you know? Are all mushrooms edible? Didactic game: look at the leaves on our floor, the wind picked them up and brought them to our group. From which trees did the wind blow them? (rowan, maple, oak, poplar, birch). If an oak tree has oak leaves, then what kind does a maple tree have? (at rowan, at birch, at poplar, at willow, at aspen). Here are the baskets, you need to collect the leaves in a basket with a picture of a tree. (trees are depicted on the baskets) Educator
: what did we talk about today? what new did you learn?

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