Conversation at a parent meeting on the topic: “For parents - about road safety” Municipal budget
Equipment for classes in kindergarten: tape recorder, audio cassettes, children's musical instruments, conductor doll,
Who may not undergo certification Part 22 of Order No. 276 exempts a number of
Victoria Lysova Card index of didactic games using applications for preschool children Junior group “Vesely”
Walk through the forest plan - summary of a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic “Municipal budgetary preschool
Intellectual game “Nature Experts” Organizes work in teams and answering questions. 1 block
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Parts of the human body” Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Parts of the human body”
What conditions for communication does play provide for children? In preschool age, play is the main form
The main directions of interaction between family and preschool institution The family is the first educational institution